Figure 4.
Transmission electron microscopic (TEM) and corresponding light-microscopic images of hamster pulmonary blood vessels 6 days after inoculation (dpi) with SARS-CoV-2. A–D: TEM images. E and F: Hematoxylin and eosin (H&E)–stained light microscopic images corresponding with TEM images. A: Activated endothelial cells (ECs) lining a small pulmonary arteriole and bulging into the vascular lumen with a subintimal lymphocyte (L; red circle). B: Activated venular endothelial cell with frond-like filopodia (arrows). C and D: Damaged, degenerating endothelial cells with marked cytoplasmic vacuolation (asterisks; C and D), resulting in partial detachment from the underlying, thickened basal lamina (C). E: Small pulmonary arteriole exhibiting endothelial bulging into the lumen with subintimal infiltration of mononuclear cells (black circles; corresponds with A). F: Endothelial cell cytoplasmic vacuolation (black arrowheads; corresponding with C and D). F: Inset: Higher-magnification view of endothelial cytoplasmic vacuolation (from black boxed area). Scale bars: 5 μm (A); 2 μm (B, C, and F, inset); 1 μm (D); 20 μm (E and F, main image). N, neutrophil; RBC, red blood cell.