Table 6.
Impact of three types of CSR activities on stakeholder attention.
Dependent variable= Cdindex |
Community |
Customer |
Employee |
Regression (1) |
Regression (2) |
Regression (3) |
Regression (4) |
Regression (5) |
Regression (6) |
Variable | Coefficient | t-value value | Coefficient | t-value | Coefficient | t-value | Coefficient | t-value | Coefficient | t-value | Coefficient | t-value |
Treat_CSR | 11.343*** | 2.70 | 37.106*** | 9.26 | 48.941*** | 10.66 | 71.948*** | 16.91 | 38.380*** | 7.17 | 70.051*** | 14.33 |
Post_CSR | 65.121*** | 15.64 | 15.589*** | 2.96 | 63.398*** | 13.17 | 22.760*** | 4.44 | 45.659*** | 7.18 | −10.098 | −1.61 |
Growth | 157.984*** | 12.58 | 157.206*** | 14.00 | 65.877*** | 5.57 | 66.535*** | 6.60 | 107.782*** | 9.20 | 106.670*** | 10.73 |
Roa | −2.039 | −0.07 | 2.039 | .09 | 9.193 | .36 | 8.511 | .43 | 52.558** | 2.07 | 46.512** | 2.37 |
Loss | 74.078*** | 7.80 | 74.658*** | 9.30 | 105.786*** | 11.25 | 106.012*** | 13.59 | 86.967*** | 9.22 | 84.369*** | 10.89 |
Size | 14.019*** | 9.08 | 14.059*** | 10.62 | 13.052*** | 8.81 | 13.444*** | 10.81 | 13.784*** | 9.01 | 13.916*** | 10.78 |
Lev | −69.376*** | −6.88 | −66.444*** | −7.91 | −70.871*** | −7.93 | −70.862*** | −9.66 | −29.769*** | −3.22 | −30.077*** | −3.97 |
Stkhd | 9.692*** | 2.84 | 10.004*** | 3.19 | 4.366 | 1.32 | 3.659 | 1.22 | 21.653*** | 6.71 | 22.127*** | 7.77 |
Board | −12.934*** | −13.56 | −13.142*** | −15.75 | −13.420*** | −13.03 | −13.613*** | −14.89 | −14.709*** | −15.74 | −14.651*** | −18.34 |
INTERCEPT | −81.006** | −2.41 | −182.554*** | −5.52 | −23.401 | −0.71 | −119.001*** | −3.76 | −199.038*** | −5.99 | −310.715*** | −9.81 |
Date FE | No | Yes | No | Yes | No | Yes | ||||||
Adjusted R2 | .140 | .351 | .190 | .405 | .141 | .369 | ||||||
Observation | 6080 | 6080 | 6080 | 6080 | 6080 | 6080 |
Note: ***, ** and * represent the 1%, 5% and 10 % levels of significance, respectively.