Fig. 1. Reconstructing vertebrate ancestral genomes.
a, Species phylogeny of vertebrates encompassing genomes stored in Ensembl v.92 with indications of the eight ancestral genomes detailed in b and the evolutionary path that they mark out. b,c, High-resolution ideograms of ancestral genome reconstructions (b) starting from the Amniota genome (5) and the descendant Boreoeutheria genome (4), where a region on the third chromosome is expanded to highlight the evolution of gene organization with respect to the Amniota genome (c). In the primate lineage (3a, 2a, 1a) only the evolution of the three Amniota chromosomes indicated by an arrow are depicted in colour, while in the Rodentia lineage (3b, 2b, 1b), the evolution of all Amniota chromosomes is shown.