1. Choose the most appropriate measures for the context-of-use (i.e., should be relevant, reliable, and valid for its intended use). If possible, choose shorter measures, with translations that reflect the populations, with multiple forms to reflect different age groups and proxy/self-report |
2. Measures should provide value-added information for clinicians |
3. Scores should be available to clinicians and patients and represented in easy to interpret ways when possible |
4. Automate PROMs and PREMs workflows using electronic PROMs systems |
5. Build in flexibility in administration of measures to enhance inclusiveness and quality of data |
6. Have a clear plan to use the data |
7. Ensure adequate processes and resources are in place to follow up on PROM and/or PREMs findings |
8. Build trust between administrators and clinical staff |
9. Cultivate a culture of quality improvement within the team |
10. Demonstrate institutional commitment |
11. Have a comprehensive educational strategy that addresses all individuals needs (i.e., clinicians, managers, support staff, analysts, patients and families etc.) |
12. Engage patients and families and staff in PROMs and PREMs implementation planning |
13. Capitalize on potential incentives for PROMs/PREMs use |