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. 2023 Mar 10;21(3):e07883. doi: 10.2903/j.efsa.2023.7883

Table 1.

Existing/new temporary MRLs for nicotine

Code (a) Commodity Existing tMRL (b) new tMRL (c) Part of the product to which MRLs apply
Residue definition for enforcement: Nicotine
0154050 Rose hips 0.3 (f) 0.2 (d) Whole product after removal of caps, crown and stems (description for the group of berries and small fruits)
0610000 Teas 0.6 (f) 0.5 (e) Dried leaves, stalk and flowers, whether fermented or otherwise treated
0850020 Capers 4 (f) 0.07 (d) Dried product whole, crushed or ground (description for spices)

MRL: maximum residue level.


Commodity code number according to Annex I of Regulation (EC) No 396/2005.


tMRL: temporary MRL established by Regulation (EU) 2022/1290.


New tMRLs voted in Standing Committee on Plants, Animals, Food and Feed (PAFF), Section Phytopharmaceuticals – Pesticide Residues (document SANTE/10090/2022), hold on 26–27 September 2022; new MRLs not yet applicable.


Footnote to the new tMRL established in the Regulation voted in September 2022: Scientific evidence is not conclusive to demonstrate that nicotine occurs naturally in the concerned crop and to elucidate its mechanism of formation. When re‐viewing the MRL, the Commission will take into account the information, if it is submitted by 27/9/2029, or, if that information is not submitted by that date, the lack of it.


Footnote to the new tMRL established in the Regulation voted in September 2022: Scientific evidence is not conclusive to demonstrate that nicotine occurs naturally in the concerned crop and to elucidate its mechanism of formation. Temporary MRL valid until 27/09/2025. After this date, the MRL will be 0,4 mg/kg unless further modified by a Regulation in light of new information provided by 30 June 2025 at the latest.


Footnote to the existing tMRL established in Regulation (EU) 2022/1290: Scientific evidence is not conclusive to demonstrate that nicotine occurs naturally in the concerned crop and to elucidate its mechanism of formation. When re‐viewing the MRL, the Commission will take into account the information, if it is submitted by 19 October 2021, or, if that information is not submitted by that date, the lack of it.