Animalia Hymenoptera Eulophidae WanWei-JieDuSu-JieHanssonChristerLiuWan-XueA new species of Diglyphus Walker (Hymenoptera, Eulophidae) from China, with morphological characterizations and molecular analysisZookeys150220231148657810.3897/zookeys.1148.98853 0DC03C5B-460A-5818-9FC7-E908C5F6539B Diglyphus difasciatus Liu, Hansson & Wansp. nov.Figs 1–2, 3–7Material.

Holotype female: China, Hebei; 41°09'11"N, 114°03'40"E; 25 August 2022; Miao-Miao Mao leg.; reared from Chromatomyiahorticola on leaves of Lactucasativa and Brassicarapavar.glabra, deposited in IPP. Paratypes: 1♀ 2♂ with same label data as holotype, deposited in National Animal Collection Resource Center, Institute of Zoology, Chinese Academy of Sciences. 1♀ China, Beijing; 39°52'32"N, 116°11'21"E; 11 May 2019; Qiang Wu leg.; reared from C.horticola on leaves of Sonchusoleraceus and Ixerispolycephala, deposited in National Animal Collection Resource Center, Institute of Zoology, Chinese Academy of Sciences. 2♀ China, Beijing; 39°36'18"N, 116°18'57"E; 20 May 2019; Jing He and Meng Guo leg.; reared from C.horticola on leaves of Hemisteptialyrata, deposited in IPP. 1♀ 2♂ China, Shanxi; 39°11'23"N, 113°15'14"E; 6 June 2017; Zhu-Sheng Zheng leg.; reared from C.horticola on leaves of Lepidiumapetalum, deposited in IPP. 1♀ 2♂ China, Shanxi; 36°11'8"N, 113°04'22"E; 17 May 2018; Jing He and Su-Jie Du leg.; reared from C.horticola on leaves of Cirsiumjaponicum, deposited in IPP. 3♀ 5♂ China, Shanxi; 35°29'33"N, 112°54'16"E; 9 May 2019; Jing He and Su-Jie Du leg.; reared from C.horticola on leaves of Crepidiastrumsonchifolium, deposited in IPP. 2♀ 1♂ China, Hebei; 38°16'48"N, 114°41'59"E; 14 May 2017; Rong-Jun Zhen and Gui-Fen Zhang leg.; reared from C.horticola on leaves of an unidentified Asteraceae, deposited in IPP.


Scape white with apical 1/3–1/2 dark brown (Figs 15). The yellow markings on the vertex and face, and those on the male are wider than those on the female. Fore wing with complete vertical infuscate bands below base of marginal and stigmal veins respectively, the two bands are interconnected medially (Figs 13, 7); speculum bare, without dense setae and postmarginal vein almost equal in length to stigmal vein (Figs 13, 7). Mid and hind femora black with apical 1/4 yellowish-white (Figs 13). Fore and mid tibia yellowish-white with a dark ring basally (Figs 13). Hind tibia black with apical 1/5 yellowish-white (Figs 13). Pretarsus on all legs black (Figs 13).


Diglyphusdifasciatus sp. nov. 1 female holotype, habitus, dorsal view 2 male paratype, habitus, dorsal view.

Female (Fig. 1). Body length 1.6mm, Fore wing length 0.8mm. Scape white with apical 1/3–1/2 dark brown. Pedicel and flagellum dark brown. Head dark brown. Eyes red and ocelli brown. Mandibles brownish. Yellow markings on the vertex and face. Pronotum, mesoscutum, scutellum, dorsellum, and propodeum metallic blue-green. Fore wing with two complete vertical infuscate bands below base of marginal and stigmal veins respectively, the two bands are interconnected medially (Fig. 7). Mid and hind femora black with apical 1/4 yellowish-white. Fore and mid tibia yellowish-white with a dark ring basally. Hind tibia black with apical 1/5 yellowish-white. Gaster dark brown.

Head (Fig. 1). Head length 0.6× width in dorsal view, and length 0.9× width in frontal view. POL 1.8× OOL. Malar space 0.7× height of eye, and malar sulcus present. Frons and vertex with distinct reticulation. Eyes with sparse and short setae. Toruli situated below the level of lower margin of eyes. Maxillary palpus with two segments and labial palpus with one segment. Antennal flagellum with two funiculars and three clavomeres; scape 4.0× as long as broad and 2.8× as long as pedicel; pedicel 1.3× as long as broad; F1 1.4× and F2 0.9× as long as broad, F1 1.5× as long as F2; clava 2.4× as long as broad, 1.3× as long as scape, and 3.6× as long as F2.

Mesosoma (Fig. 1). Pronotum without transverse carina, reticulate, shorter than mesoscutum. Mesoscutum 1.2× as long as scutellum; mid lobe with two pairs of long setae; notauli incomplete and diverging posteriorly to meet anterior part of axillae. Setae on pronotum and mesoscutum pale. Scutellum as long as broad with straight sublateral grooves and two pairs of setae. Dorsellum with superficial reticulation with isodiametric meshes, posterior margin round. Propodeum shorter than scutellum and without median carina; callus with five setae. Fore wing with 5–7 setae on dorsal surface of submarginal vein; speculum mainly bare, with few scattered setae; costal cell with two rows of setae, including 15 setae at the base of costal cell and an incomplete row with eight setae in apical part; postmarginal vein almost equal in length to stigmal vein; Fore wing length 1.7× fore wing width. Petiole short and inconspicuous. Gaster subrotund, 1.9× as long as wide in dorsal view; apex acute. Tip of ovipositor sheaths visible in dorsal view.

Male (Fig. 2). Similar to the female. Body length 1.4mm, Fore wing length 0.8mm. Head length 0.5× width in dorsal view, and length 0.8× width in frontal view. POL 1.1× OOL. Scape 4.7× as long as broad, 2.2× as long as pedicel. Pedicel 1.6× as long as broad. Antennal flagellum with two funiculars and three clavomeres, F1 0.8× and F2 0.7× as long as broad, F1 1.2× as long as F2. Clava 3.1× as long as broad, 1.1× as long as scape and 4.6× as long as F2. Mesoscutum 1.2× as long as scutellum. Scutellum as long as broad. Fore wing length 1.7× as long as fore wing width. Gaster 1.8× as long as wide in dorsal view.


Females are slightly larger than males (1.6 mm and 1.4 mm, respectively).

Hosts and biology.

Diglyphusdifasciatus is a larval ectoparasitoid, primarily on Chromatomyiahorticola, and occasionally on Liriomyzabryoniae (Kaltenbach), L.sativae, and L.trifolii (Burgess). The hosts are usually mining in leaves of Asteraceae, Brassicaceae and Fabaceae, especially on Ixerispolycephala Cass. ex DC. and Pisumsativum (Table 1). Diglyphusdifasciatus occurs and reaches its highest occurrence period in May, and then disappears in October. Female Diglyphus exhibit three types of host-killing behavior (Zhu et al. 2000; Liu et al. 2013; Hansson and Navone 2017; Ye et al. 2018). The host-killing behavior of D.difasciatus is not known and requires further studies.


China (Beijing, Gansu, Hebei, Inner Mongolia, Ningxia, Qinghai, Shaanxi, Shandong, and Shanxi).


The name is derived from a combination of the Latin di (double) and fascia (band) by referring to the two vertical infuscate bands in the fore wings.


Diglyphusdifasciatus is very similar to D.bimaculatus (Figs 810), but has two complete vertical infuscate bands that are interconnected medially in the fore wing, whereas D.bimaculatus has two infuscate spots in the fore wing. In addition, the scape of D.difasciatus is white with apical 1/3–1/2 dark brown (Figs 15), which is less than the scape of D.bimaculatus with white upper surface (Fig. 9). Besides, molecular data support the separation of these two morphologically similar species as distinct species.


Diglyphus spp. 3–7D.difasciatus sp. nov. 3 female paratype, habitus, lateral view 4 female paratype, antenna, lateral view 5 male paratype, head, lateral view 6 male paratype, mesosoma, dorsal view 7 female holotype, left fore and hind wings, dorsal view 8D.bimaculatus Zhu, LaSalle & Huang, female, left fore and hind wings, dorsal view.

Diglyphusbimaculatus9 female habitus, lateral view 10 male habitus, dorsal view.

Collecting information of Diglyphusdifasciatus sp. nov. specimens.

SpecimensSampling localityGPS coordinatesHost plantsHostSampling date
5♀, 2♂ (4♀)Longnan, Gansu 33°23'58"N, 104°49'39"E Sonchusoleraceus C.horticola 2019.05
1♀Baiyin, Gansu 36°32'4"N, 104°10'21"E Phaseolusvulgaris L.sativae 2018.09
7♀, 1♂Chifeng, Inner Mongolia 42°02'50"N, 120°23'25"E Phaseolusvulgaris Unknown2018.08
1♂Guyuan, Ningxia 36°01'31"N, 106°12'41"E Raphanussativus C.horticola and L.huidobrensis2018.09
1♂Guyuan, Ningxia 36°01'31"N, 106°12'41"E Sonchusoleraceus C.horticola 2018.09
1♀ (1♀)Gonghe, Qinghai 36°16'35"N, 100°34'13"E Sonchusoleraceus C.horticola 2018.07
1♀ (1♀)Baoji, Shaanxi 34°19'41"N, 107°13'56"E Chrysanthemummorifolium Unknown2019.05
1♂Baoji, Shaanxi 34°19'41"N, 107°13'56"E Glebioniscoronaria Unknown2019.05
1♀, 1♂Yantai, Shandong 37°17'26"N, 121°33'46"E Sonchusoleraceus Unknown2017.05
1♀Rizhao, Shandong 35°17'29"N, 119°11'37"E Phaseolusvulgaris L.sativae 2018.10
1♂ (1♂)Linyi, Shandong 35°50'11"N, 118°28'56"E Brassicanapus C.horticola 2019.05
2♀, 4♂ (1♂)Xinzhou, Shanxi 39°11'23"N, 113°15'14"E Lepidiumapetalum C.horticola 2017.06
1♀Xinzhou, Shanxi 39°11'23"N, 113°15'14"E Alcearosea C.horticola 2017.06
1♀, 3♂Xinzhou, Shanxi 39°11'23"N, 113°15'14"E Brassicaceae sp.C.horticola and L.bryoniae2017.06
3♂ (2♂)Linfen, Shanxi 36°04'30"N, 111°30'5"E Pisumsativum C.horticola and L.trifolii2017.06
1♀, 2♂Xinzhou, Shanxi 39°11'23"N, 113°15'14"E Lepidiumapetalum C.horticola 2017.06
3♂Xinzhou, Shanxi 39°11'36"N, 113°16'27"E Sonchusoleraceus C.horticola 2017.07
1♀Xinzhou, Shanxi 39°11'36"N, 113°16'27"E Cirsiumarvensevar.integrifolium C.horticola and L.bryoniae2017.07
1♂Xinzhou, Shanxi 39°11'36"N, 113°16'27"E Sonchusoleraceus Unknown2017.07
6♀, 3♂ (3♀)Xinzhou, Shanxi 39°11'36"N, 113°16'27"E Asteraceae sp.Unknown2017.07
2♀, 2♂Xinzhou, Shanxi 39°11'12"N, 113°14'30"E Lepidiumapetalum C.horticola 2018.05
2♀, 2♂ (1♀, 1♂)Changzhi, Shanxi 36°11'8"N, 113°04'22"E Cirsiumjaponicum C.horticola 2018.05
1♀Changzhi, Shanxi 36°11'8"N, 113°04'22"E Taraxacummongolicum C.horticola 2018.05
2♀, 2♂ (1♀, 1♂)Yangquan, Shanxi 38°05'37"N, 113°22'45"E Alcearosea C.horticola 2018.05
3♂Xinzhou, Shanxi 39°10'33"N, 113°17'35"E Asteraceae sp. C.horticola 2018.05
3♀ (2♀)Xinzhou, Shanxi 39°10'33"N, 113°17'35"E Asteraceae sp.C.horticola and L.sativae2018.09
3♀, 5♂ (2♀, 1♂)Jincheng, Shanxi 35°29'33"N, 112°54'16"E Lepidiumapetalum C.horticola 2019.05
6♀, 12♂ (2♀, 3♂)Jincheng, Shanxi 35°29'33"N, 112°54'16"E Crepidiastrumsonchifolium C.horticola 2019.05
5♀, 3♂ (2♀, 1♂)Jincheng, Shanxi 35°29'33"N, 112°54'16"E Ixerispolycephala C.horticola 2019.05
2♀, 2♂ (1♂)Beijing 40°01'22"N, 116°17'9"E Glebioniscoronaria C.horticola 2016.05
4♀, 23♂ (1♀,1♂)Beijing 40°39'35"N, 117°13'55"E Raphanussativus C.horticola, L.bryoniae and L.sativae2016.06
5♀, 3♂ (2♀, 1♂)Beijing 40°39'35"N, 117°13'55"E Pisumsativum C.horticola 2016.06
2♀Beijing 40°08'41"N, 116°45'36"E Glebioniscoronaria C.horticola 2017.05
1♂ (1♂)Beijing 40°08'41"N, 116°45'36"E Glebioniscoronaria C.horticola 2017.05
2♂Beijing 39°36'18"N, 116°18'57"E Ixerispolycephala C.horticola and L.bryoniae2017.05
1♂Beijing 40°01'17"N, 116°17'15"E Phaseolusvulgaris C.horticola 2017.08
5♀, 6♂Beijing 40°01'34"N, 116°16'51"E Crepidiastrumsonchifolium C.horticola 2018.05
1♂ (1♂)Beijing 40°16'21"N, 116°13'30"E Lactucasativavar.asparagina C.horticola 2018.05
4♀ (2♀)Beijing 39°52'32"N, 116°11'21"E Ixerispolycephala C.horticola 2019.05
5♀ (3♀)Beijing 39°36'18"N, 116°18'57"E Hemisteptialyrata C.horticola and L.sativae2019.05
8♀, 14♂ (3♀, 3♂)Beijing 40°01'23"N, 116°17'9"E Crepidiastrumsonchifolium C.horticola 2019.05
4♀, 2♂ (2♀, 1♂)Beijing 40°01'23"N, 116°17'9"E Ixerispolycephala C.horticola and L.bryoniae2019.05
1♂Beijing 40°11'28"N, 116°28'0"E Luffaaegyptiaca Unknown2019.08
2♀ (1♀)Shijiazhuang, Hebei 37°51'27"N, 114°32'12"E Ixerispolycephala C.horticola 2017.05
3♀, 1♂ (2♀)Shijiazhuang, Hebei 38°16'48"N, 114°41'59"E Asteraceae sp. C.horticola 2017.05
1♀ (1♀)Shijiazhuang, Hebei 40°45'38"N, 114°51'32"E Lepidiumapetalum Unknown2018.06
3♀, 5♂Shijiazhuang, Hebei 41°09'11"N, 114°03'40"E Sonchusoleraceus C.horticola 2018.07
8♀, 10♂Shijiazhuang, Hebei 41°09'11"N, 114°03'40"E Pisumsativum C.horticola 2018.07
1♀ (1♀)Shijiazhuang, Hebei 41°09'11"N, 114°03'40"E Lactucasativavar.asparagina C.horticola 2018.07
6♀, 7♂Shijiazhuang, Hebei 41°14'30"N, 114°09'25"E Lactucasativa C.horticola and L.bryoniae2018.08
5♀, 14♂ (3♀, 4♂)Zhangjiakou, Hebei 41°14'30"N, 114°09'25"E Lactucasativa C.horticola 2018.08
1♀ (1♀)Zhangjiakou, Hebei 41°24'30"N, 114°09'8"E Taraxacummongolicum C.horticola 2019.07
2♂ (2♂)Zhangjiakou, Hebei 41°24'30"N, 114°09'8"E Pisumsativum C.horticola 2019.07
1♀Zhangjiakou, Hebei 41°24'30"N, 114°09'8"E Asteraceae sp. C.horticola 2019.08
2♀, 2♂Zhangjiakou, Hebei 41°09'11"N, 114°03'40"E Lactucasativa and Brassicarapavar.glabra C.horticola 2022.08

Note: The number and sex of molecular identification specimens were in brackets.

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