Animalia Squamata Gekkonidae GrismerL. LeeRujirawanAttapolChomdejSiriwadeeSuwannapoomChatmongkonYodthongSiripornAksornneamAkrachaiAowpholAnchaleeA new species of the Cyrtodactylusbrevipalmatus group (Squamata, Gekkonidae) from the uplands of western ThailandZookeys1901202311419311810.3897/zookeys.1141.97624 30D8F2B0-C45B-5C2E-8459-B4B93AE4106B Cyrtodactylus thongphaphumensis sp. nov.Suggested Common Name: Thong Pha Phum Bent-toed Gecko Figs 4, 5 Cyrtodactylus sp. 9 Chomdej et al. 2021: 2; Grismer et al. 2022b: 248; Grismer et al. 2022c: 115.Type material.

Holotype. Adult male ZMKU R 00953 from Thong Pha Phum National Park, Pilok Subdistrict, Thong Pha Phum District, Kanchanaburi Province, Thailand (14.69339°N, 98.40534°E, 914 m a.s.l.), collected by Korkhwan Termprayoon, Akrachai Aksornneam, Natee Ampai, and Siriporn Yodthong on 8 April 2019.

Paratypes. Adult males ZMKU R 00951, ZMKU R 00954 and ZMKU R 00956 and adult females ZMKU R 00950, ZMKU R 00952, ZMKU R 00955, and ZMKU R 00957 bear the same collection data as the holotype.


Cyrtodactylusthongphaphumensis sp. nov. can be separated from all other species of the brevipalmatus group by the combination of having 12–14 supralabials, 8–10 infralabials, 30–36 paravertebral tubercles, 19–21 rows of longitudinally arranged tubercles, 30–34 longitudinal rows of ventrals, 150–173 transverse rows of ventrals, 8–10 expanded subdigital lamellae on the fourth toe, 11–14 unexpanded subdigital lamellae on the fourth toe, 20–24 total subdigital lamellae on the fourth toe; seven or eight expanded subdigital lamellae on the fourth finger, 10–12 unexpanded subdigital lamellae on the fourth finger, 18–20 total subdigital lamellae on the fourth finger; 12–16 total number of enlarged femoral scales, 12–16 total number of femoral pores in males; 15 precloacal pores in males; 15–17 enlarged precloacals; enlarged femorals and enlarged precloacals not continuous; proximal femorals smaller than distal femorals; small tubercles on forelimbs and flanks; large dorsolateral caudal tubercles and wide ventrolateral caudal fringe; ventrolateral caudal fringe composed scales of different size; tail square in cross-section; maximum SVL 76.6 mm; 3–5 dark transverse body bands (Table 5).

Sex and raw meristic, categorical, and morphometric data used in the analyses from specimens in the Cyrtodactylusbrevipalmatus group. Abbreviations: R/L = right/left; / = data unavailable.

Species Cyrtodactylusthongphaphumensis sp. nov. C.brevipalmatus (C. sp. 14) C.brevipalmatus
Institutional catalog number ZMKU R 00950 paratype ZMKU R 00951 paratype ZMKU R 00952 paratype ZMKU R 00953 holotype ZMKU R 00954 paratype ZMKU R 00955 pratype ZMKU R 00956 pratype ZMKU R 00957 pratype LSUHC 1899 LSUHC 15076 LSUHC 11788 THNHM 10670 THNHM 14112
Meristic data
Supralabials (SL)12131314131313131112101412
Infralabials (IL)88101091010981091111
Paravertebral tubercles (PVT)32333434363630303937383737
Longitudinal rows of tubercles (LRT)21192020212119191516171614
Ventral scales (VS)34333334303332333838383639
Ventral scales along middle of the body (VSM)173158156166159159150169176170182154160
Expanded subdigital lamellae on 4th toe (TL4E)910981089978988
Unmodified subdigital lamellae on 4th toe (TL4U)12141312131211131311111112
Total subdigital lamellae 4th toe (TL4T)21242220232020222019201920
Expanded subdigital lamellae on 4th finger (FL4E)8778888888878
Unmodified subdigital lamellae on 4th finger (FL4U)1012121112121112911101010
Total subdigital lamellae 4th finger (FL4T)18191919202019201719181718
Enlarged femoral scales (R/L)5R/7L8R/8L8R/8L7R/8L8R/8L7R/8L7R/6L8R/8L0008R/8L7R/7L
Total enlarged femoral scales (FS)12161615161513161610111614
Total femoral pores in males (FP)/16/1415/12/7////
Enlarged precloacal scales (PCS)171515151515151577787
Precloacal pores in males (PP)/15/1515/15/7////
Postcloacal tubercles (PCT)22R/3L332R/3L2R/3L3233233
Body bands (BB)3434354446355
Species Cyrtodactylusthongphaphumensis sp. nov. C.brevipalmatus (C. sp. 14) C.brevipalmatus
Institutional catalog number ZMKU R 00950 paratype ZMKU R 00951 paratype ZMKU R 00952 paratype ZMKU R 00953 holotype ZMKU R 00954 paratype ZMKU R 00955 pratype ZMKU R 00956 pratype ZMKU R 00957 pratype LSUHC 1899 LSUHC 15076 LSUHC 11788 THNHM 10670 THNHM 14112
Categorical data
Small tubercles on flank (FKT)presentpresentpresentpresentpresentpresentpresentpresentpresentpresentpresentpresentpresent
Dorsolateral caudal tubercles (DCT)largelargelargelargelargelarge/largesmallsmallsmall/small
Ventrolateral caudal fringe narrow or wide (VLF1)widewidewidewidewidewide/widenarrownarrownarrow/narrow
Ventrolateral caudal fringe scales generally homogenous (VLF2)nononononono/nononono/no
Tail cross-section (TLcross)squaresquaresquaresquaresquaresquare/squarecircularcircularcircular/circular
Slightly enlarged medial subcaudals (SC1)presentpresentpresentpresentpresentpresent/presentpresentpresentpresent/absent
Single enlarged medial subcaudal (SC2)absentabsentabsentabsentabsentabsent/absentabsentabsentabsent/absent
Enlarged medial subcaudals intermittent, medially furrowed, posteriorly emarginate (SC3)nonononoyesno/nononono/no
Morphometric data
SVL 73.173.573.773.264.476.676.674.268.870.864.166.063.8
AG 34.833.935.433.628.537.
FemL 12.811.612.312.510.913.710.812.512.012.611.511.79.8
TibL 10.510.110.610.69.911.110.011.411.612.
HL 19.920.920.120.017.620.419.320.019.319.319.017.918.2
HW 14.514.315.713.912.814.714.414.113.213.812.312.312.0
Species C.elok C.fluvicavus C.interdigitalis
Institutional catalog number LSUHC 8238 LSUHC 12180 LSUHC 12181 ZMMU R-16144 ZMKU R 00959 ZMKU R 00958 ZMKU R 00960 ZMKU R 00961 ZMKU R 00962 ZMKU R 00963 ZMKU R 00964 THNHM 20226 paratype THNHM 20228 paratype
Meristic data
Supralabials (SL)11813912R/12L13R/12L13R/12L11R/12L12R/12L13R/12L12R/11L1412
Infralabials (IL)11811910R/10L10R/10L9R/10L10R/10L10R/10L10R/10L10R/10L98
Paravertebral tubercles (PVT)0000302827272826283233
Longitudinal rows of tubercles (LRT)6744171714161718161920
Ventral scales (VS)45454736343733303637394240
Ventral scales along middle of the body (VSM)190225234192155154155172164175170187170
Expanded subdigital lamellae on 4th toe (TL4E)109999R/9L10R/10L9R/9L9R/9L10R/11L9R/10L9R/9L1210
Unmodified subdigital lamellae on 4th toe (TL4U)111011911R/11L12R/11L10R/10L12R/12L11R/11L10R/10L12R/13L1413
Total subdigital lamellae 4th toe (TL4T)2119201820R/20L22R/21L19R/19L21R/21L21R/22L19R/20L22R/22L2623
Expanded subdigital lamellae on 4th finger (FL4E)89998R/8L8R/8L8R/8L8R/8L7R/7L8R/9L7R/7L98
Unmodified subdigital lamellae on 4th finger (FL4U)12139810R/10L10R/10L10R/9L11R/11L10R/10L9R/9L10R/10L1211
Total subdigital lamellae 4th finger (FL4T)2022181718R/18L18R/18L18R/17L19R/19L17R/17L17R/18L17R/17L2121
Enlarged femoral scales (R/L)00005R/6L4R/5L5R/6L6R/6L5R/6L5R/6L6R/6L11R/8L10R/9L
Total enlarged femoral scales (FS)000011911121111121419
Total femoral pores in males (FP)/00/11810//////
Enlarged precloacal scales (PCS)8887151414151415151415
Precloacal pores in males (PP)/88/151414//////
Postcloacal tubercles (PCT)32333R/2L3R/2L3R/3L1R/1L3R/2L3R/3L2R/2L32
Body bands (BB)5533333333355
Categorical data
Small tubercles on flank (FKT)absentabsentabsentabsentpresentpresentpresentpresentpresentpresentpresentpresentpresent
Dorsolateral caudal tubercles (DCT)largelargelargelargesmallsmallsmallsmallsmallsmallsmallsmall/
Ventrolateral caudal fringe narrow or wide (VLF1)widewidewidewidenarrownarrownarrownarrownarrownarrownarrownarrow/
Ventrolateral caudal fringe scales generally homogenous (VLF2)nononononononononononoyesyes
Tail cross-section (TLcross)squaresquaresquaresquarecircularcircularcircularcircularcircularcircularcircularcircular/
Slightly enlarged medial subcaudals (SC1)absentabsentabsentabsentpresentpresentpresentpresentpresentpresentpresentabsent/
Species C.elok C.fluvicavus C.interdigitalis
Institutional catalog number LSUHC 8238 LSUHC 12180 LSUHC 12181 ZMMU R-16144 ZMKU R 00959 ZMKU R 00958 ZMKU R 00960 ZMKU R 00961 ZMKU R 00962 ZMKU R 00963 ZMKU R 00964 THNHM 20226 paratype THNHM 20228 paratype
Single enlarged medial subcaudal (SC2)absentabsentabsentabsentabsentabsentabsentabsentabsentabsentabsentabsent/
Enlarged medial subcaudals intermittent, medially furrowed, posteriorly emarginate (SC3)nononononononononononoyes/
Morphometric data
AG 39.737.841.536.233.433.632.030.435.630.638.134.533.7
ForL 11.511.711.810.210.510.310.510.111.18.810.810.610.5
FemL 12.914.214.613.113.112.512.513.514.111.513.914.713.2
TibL 13.514.013.812.311.310.610.29.911.29.412.313.111.9
HL 21.821.621.921.720.120.519.720.121.218.621.320.819.9
HW 15.616.115.915.114.013.412.913.014.913.015.414.013.4
HD 9.69.810.
Species C.kochangensis C.ngati C.ngati3 C.ngati4 C.rivularis
Institutional catalog number ZMKU R 00945 THNHM 01667 HNUE-R00111 IEBR 4829 VNUF R.2020.12 HNUE-R00112 FMNH 255454 FMNH 270493 FMNH 270492 FMNH 265806 NCSM 79472 ZMMU R-14917 NCSM 80100 ZMKU R 00947 ZMKU R 00946
Meristic data
Supralabials (SL)12R/13L1210101010131313101491213R/12L13R/12L
Infralabials (IL)9R/9L10999910911811101211R/10L10R/9L
Paravertebral tubercles (PVT)342939403840282726272832293433
Longitudinal rows of tubercles (LRT)141918181722191817191824192018
Ventral scales (VS)353438363532373636333336353437
Ventral scales along middle of the body (VSM)172159168164178158159166156158164166165160166
Species C.kochangensis C.ngati C.ngati3 C.ngati4 C.rivularis
Institutional catalog number ZMKU R 00945 THNHM 01667 HNUE-R00111 IEBR 4829 VNUF R.2020.12 HNUE-R00112 FMNH 255454 FMNH 270493 FMNH 270492 FMNH 265806 NCSM 79472 ZMMU R-14917 NCSM 80100 ZMKU R 00947 ZMKU R 00946
Expanded subdigital lamellae on 4th toe (TL4E)9R/8L881099101081098109R/9L9R/9L
Unmodified subdigital lamellae on 4th toe (TL4U)12R/11L13111011101111111112101013R/13L12R/13L
Total subdigital lamellae 4th toe (TL4T)21R/19L21131617162121192121182022R/22L21R/22L
Expanded subdigital lamellae on 4th finger (FL4E)8R/8L8667688889798R/8L8R/8L
Unmodified subdigital lamellae on 4th finger (FL4U)10R/10L12999910101010891011R/10L12R/12L
Total subdigital lamellae 4th finger (FL4T)18R/18L20151518151818181817161919R/18L20R/20L
Enlarged femoral scales (R/L)6R/6L7R/7L10R/10L9R/8L10R/9L8R/9L9R/7L8R/9L9R/9L8R/8L9R/8L7R/8L7R/8L8R/8L6R/8L
Total enlarged femoral scales (FS)121420171917161718161715151614
Total femoral pores in males (FP)/1414////141513/////
Enlarged precloacal scales (PCS)121613131313151313131213131515
Precloacal pores in males (PP)/16////13131313/////
Postcloacal tubercles (PCT)1R/1L3321200002342R/2L3R/3L
Body bands (BB)556666343333334
Categorical data
Small tubercles on flank (FKT)presentpresentpresentpresentpresentpresentpresentpresentpresentpresentpresentpresentpresentpresentpresent
Dorsolateral caudal tubercles (DCT)largelargesmallsmallsmallsmallsmallsmallsmallsmallsmallsmallsmalllargelarge
Ventrolateral caudal fringe narrow or wide (VLF1)widewidenarrownarrownarrownarrownarrownarrownarrownarrownarrownarrownarrowwidewide
Ventrolateral caudal fringe scales generally homogenous (VLF2)nonononononoyesyesyesyesyesyesyesyesyes
Tail cross-section (TLcross)square/circularcircularcircularcircularcircularcircularcircularcircularcircularcircularcircularsquaresquare
Slightly enlarged medial subcaudals (SC1)presentpresentpresentpresentpresentpresent/presentpresentpresentpresentpresentpresentabsentabsent
Single enlarged medial subcaudal (SC2)absentabsentabsentabsentabsentabsent/absentabsentabsentabsentabsentabsentpresentpresent
Enlarged medial subcaudals intermittent, medially furrowed, posteriorly emarginate (SC3)nononononono/nononononononono
Morphometric data
Species C.kochangensis C.ngati C.ngati3 C.ngati4 C.rivularis
Institutional catalog number ZMKU R 00945 THNHM 01667 HNUE-R00111 IEBR 4829 VNUF R.2020.12 HNUE-R00112 FMNH 255454 FMNH 270493 FMNH 270492 FMNH 265806 NCSM 79472 ZMMU R-14917 NCSM 80100 ZMKU R 00947 ZMKU R 00946
AG 29.031.528.829.830.219.741.335.437.031.338.241.936.834.833.2
HumL 6.510.
FemL 10.412.111.511.511.57.613.712.713.
TibL 8.411.810.811.111.87.812.511.811.211.112.812.612.711.210.3
HL 17.318.320.120.420.716.121.720.620.320.721.222.121.420.319.3
HW 11.612.112.612.011.88.813.812.513.012.312.714.813.514.913.7
Species C.rukhadeva C. sp. 11 C. sp. 13 C. sp. 13 C.uthaiensis
Institutional catalog number ZMMU R-16851 ZMMU R-16852 ZMKU R 00948 THNHM 24622 THNHM 24838 THNHM 03251 THNHM 03252 THNHM 03253 THNHM 03254 THNHM 01807 ZMMU R-16492 THNHM 00104 THNHM 27821 ZMKU R 00949
Meristic data
Supralabials (SL)119141113131112131211121513R/15L
Infralabials (IL)10119101010101011109101110R/11L
Paravertebral tubercles (PVT)2730302628272730302630332933
Longitudinal rows of tubercles (LRT)1920191819181819191918182017
Ventral scales (VS)3443383836373739343534373636
Ventral scales along middle of the body (VSM)154152165162158157159168160161160159165159
Expanded subdigital lamellae on 4th toe (TL4E)99989910910109978R/(broken)L
Unmodified subdigital lamellae on 4th toe (TL4U)1111121113121215131310121212R/(broken)L
Total subdigital lamellae 4th toe (TL4T)2018211922212214232319211920
Expanded subdigital lamellae on 4th finger (FL4E)988788888810887R/7L
Species C.rukhadeva C. sp. 11 C. sp. 13 C. sp. 13 C.uthaiensis
Institutional catalog number ZMMU R-16851 ZMMU R-16852 ZMKU R 00948 THNHM 24622 THNHM 24838 THNHM 03251 THNHM 03252 THNHM 03253 THNHM 03254 THNHM 01807 ZMMU R-16492 THNHM 00104 THNHM 27821 ZMKU R 00949
Unmodified subdigital lamellae on 4th finger (FL4U)10911101110101212129111011R/11L
Total subdigital lamellae 4th finger (FL4T)1917191717181820202019191818R/18L
Enlarged femoral scales (R/L)9R/8L8R/8L9R/8L9R/L9R/9L9R/7L7R/7L6R/7L5R/8L7R/7L9R/8L9R/9L7R/10L8R/8L
Total enlarged femoral scales (FS)1716171818161413131417181716
Total femoral pores in males (FP)17//14/1213/111317//12
Enlarged precloacal scales (PCS)1713151515141315151413141614
Precloacal pores in males (PP)17//15/1413/151413//14
Postcloacal tubercles (PCT)322R/3L32322323333R/3L
Body bands (BB)3333344//533/6
Categorical data
Small tubercles on flank (FKT)presentpresentpresentpresentpresentpresentpresentpresentpresentpresentpresentpresentpresentpresent
Dorsolateral caudal tubercles (DCT)smallsmallsmallsmallsmallsmallsmallsmallsmall/largesmallsmalllarge
Ventrolateral caudal fringe narrow or wide (VLF1)narrownarrownarrownarrownarrownarrownarrownarrownarrow/widenarrownarrowwide
Ventrolateral caudal fringe scales generally homogenous (VLF2)yesyesyesyesyesyesyesyesyes/yesyesyesno
Tail cross-section (TLcross)squaresquaresquaresquaresquaresquaresquaresquaresquare/squarecircularcircularcircular
Slightly enlarged medial subcaudals (SC1)absentabsentabsentabsentabsentabsentabsentabsentabsent/presentpresentpresentpresent
Single enlarged medial subcaudal (SC2)presentpresentpresentpresentpresentpresentpresentpresentpresent/absentabsentabsentabsent
Enlarged medial subcaudals intermittent, medially furrowed, posteriorly emarginate (SC3)nononononononononononononoyes
Morphometric data
SVL 74.971.771.668.371.873.675.374.773.261.568.163.772.958.1
AG 34.632.633.927.329.930.931.332.230.326.234.625.830.626.6
HumL 10.710.
FemL 12.611.810.510.810.911.510.211.912.19.512.610.712.810.0
TibL 10.19.311.29.710.710.911.711.311.19.111.410.110.28.4
HW 14.613.414.013.113.914.915.
Species C.rukhadeva C. sp. 11 C. sp. 13 C. sp. 13 C.uthaiensis
Institutional catalog number ZMMU R-16851 ZMMU R-16852 ZMKU R 00948 THNHM 24622 THNHM 24838 THNHM 03251 THNHM 03252 THNHM 03253 THNHM 03254 THNHM 01807 ZMMU R-16492 THNHM 00104 THNHM 27821 ZMKU R 00949
Description of holotype

(Fig. 4). Adult male SVL 73.2 mm; head moderate in length (HL/SVL 0.27), width (HW/HL 0.70), depth (HD/HL 0.39), distinct from neck, triangular in dorsal profile; lores concave slightly anteriorly, weakly inflated posteriorly; prefrontal region concave; canthus rostralis rounded; snout elongate (ES/HL 0.40), rounded in dorsal profile; eye large (ED/HL 0.25); ear opening horizontally elliptical, small; eye to ear distance greater than diameter of eye; rostral rectangular, divided by a dorsal furrow, bordered posteriorly by large left and right supranasals and one small azygous internasal, bordered laterally by first supralabials; external nares bordered anteriorly by rostral, dorsally by large supranasal, posteriorly by two unequally sized smaller postnasals, bordered ventrally by first supralabial; 14R/14L rectangular supralabials, second through eighth supralabials nearly same size as first, then tapering below eye; 10R/10L infralabials tapering smoothly to just below and slightly past posterior margin of eye; scales of rostrum and lores flat to slightly domed, larger than granular scales on top of head and occiput; scales of occiput intermixed with distinct, small tubercles; superciliaries subrectangular, largest anterodorsally; mental triangular, bordered laterally by first infralabials and posteriorly by large left and right trapezoidal postmentals contacting medially for 45% of their length posterior to mental; one row of enlarged, square to rectangular sublabials extending posteriorly to sixth(L) and fifth(R) infralabial; gular and throat scales small, granular, grading posteriorly into slightly larger, flatter, smooth, imbricate, pectoral and ventral scales.


Adult male holotype of Cyrtodactylusthongphaphumensis sp. nov. ZMKU R 00953 (field no. AA 06933) from Thong Pha Phum National Park, Pilok Subdistrict, Thong Pha Phum District, Kanchanaburi Province, Thailand. A dorsal view B ventral view C dorsal view of head and ventral view of pelvic region D dorsal view of tail and E ventral view of tail in preservative F holotype in life.

Body relatively short (AG/SVL 0.46) with well-defined ventrolateral folds; dorsal scales small, granular interspersed with larger, conical, semi-regularly arranged, weakly keeled tubercles; tubercles extend from occipital region onto base of tail and slightly beyond as paravertebral rows; smaller tubercles extend anteriorly onto nape and occiput, diminishing in size anteriorly; approximately 20 longitudinal rows of tubercles at midbody; approximately 34 paravertebral tubercles; tubercles on flanks; 34 longitudinal rows of flat, imbricate, ventral scales much larger than dorsal scales; 166 transverse rows of ventral scales; 15 large, pore-bearing, precloacal scales; no deep precloacal groove or depression; and two rows of enlarged post-precloacal scales on midline.

Forelimbs moderate in stature, relatively short (ForL/SVL 0.13); granular scales of forearm larger than those on body, interspersed with large flat tubercles; palmar scales rounded, slightly raised; digits well-developed, relatively short, inflected at basal interphalangeal joints; digits narrower distal to inflections; subdigital lamellae wide, transversely expanded proximal to joint inflections, narrower transverse lamellae distal to joint inflections; claws well-developed, claw base sheathed by a dorsal and ventral scale; 8R/8L expanded and 11R/11L unexpanded lamellae beneath the fourth finger; hind limbs larger and thicker than forelimbs, moderate in length (TibL/SVL 0.14), covered dorsally by granular scales interspersed with moderately sized, conical tubercles dorsally and posteriorly and anteriorly by flat, slightly larger, subimbricate scales; ventral scales of thigh flat, imbricate, larger than dorsals; subtibial scales flat, imbricate; one row of 6R/8L enlarged pore-bearing femoral scales not continuous with enlarged pore-bearing precloacal scales, terminating distally at knee; 7R/8L enlarged femoral scales; proximal femoral scales smaller than distal femorals, the former forming an abrupt union with much smaller, rounded, ventral scales of posteroventral margin of thigh; plantar scales flat, subimbricate; digits relatively long, well-developed, inflected at basal interphalangeal joints; 8R/8L wide, transversely expanded subdigital lamellae on fourth toe proximal to joint inflection extending onto sole, and 12R/12L unexpanded lamellae beneath the fourth toe distal to joint inflection; and claws well-developed, claw base sheathed by a dorsal and ventral scale.

Tail original, 94.6 mm long (TL/SVL 1.29), 5.0 mm in width at base, tapering to a point; nearly square in cross-section; dorsal scales flat, intermixed with tubercles forming paravertebral rows anteriorly and larger tubercles forming dorsolateral longitudinal rows; large, posteriorly directed, semi-spinose tubercles forming wide ventrolateral caudal fringe; larger scales of ventrolateral fringe occur at regular intervals; medial subcaudals enlarged but not paired, an enlarged single medial subcaudal longitudinal row absent; subcaudals, larger than dorsal caudals; base of tail bearing hemipenal swellings; 3R/3L conical postcloacal tubercles at base of hemipenal swellings; and postcloacal scales flat, imbricate.

Coloration in life

(Fig. 4). Ground color of the head body, limbs, and tail dull yellow; diffuse darker mottling on the top of the head; wider, pale-brown pre- and postorbital stripe extends from external nares to angle of jaw; whitish canthal and postorbital stripe dorsal to pale-brown pre- and postorbital stripe; faint, pale brown, nuchal band bearing two posteriorly directed projections; paired dark-brown paravertebral blotches on nape; four wide, irregularly shaped and broken transverse body bands edged in slightly pale brown between limb insertions; band interspaces bearing irregularly shaped scattered pale-brown markings; very faint pale-brown speckling on limbs and digits; seven wide pale-brown caudal bands separated by seven paler colored bands; posterior five pale-brown caudal bands encircle tail; ventral surfaces of body and limbs beige, generally immaculate, subcaudal region generally darker; iris orange-gold in color bearing black vermiculations.


(Fig. 5, Table 5). Individuals of the type series are very similar in overall coloration and pattern. TL and TW of complete original tails (ZMKU R 00951–00952, ZMKU R 00954, ZMKU R 00957) are 80.1–94.7 mm (mean 89.1 ± 6.5 mm; N = 4) and 4.2–4.9 mm (mean 4.7 ± 0.3; N = 4), respectively. ZMKU R 00956 has a short, partially regenerated tail which lacks banding (TL 27.7 mm, TW 5.1 mm). Similarly, the posterior sections of the tails in ZMKU R 00950 (TL 75.5 mm, TW 5.0 mm) and ZMKU R 00955 (TL 73.3 mm, TW 4.7 mm) are regenerated. Specimens ZMKU R 00950, ZMKU R 00952, and ZMKU R 00954 have three as opposed to four body bands in the holotype and ZMKU R 00955 has five body bands. Raw morphometric and meristic differences within and among all species of the brevipalmatus group are listed in Table 5.


Paratypes of Cyrtodactylusthongphaphumensis sp. nov. in preservative from Thong Pha Phum National Park, Pilok Subdistrict, Thong Pha Phum District, Kanchanaburi Province, Thailand.

Cyrtodactylusthongphaphumensis sp. nov. is currently known only from the type locality at Thong Pha Phum National Park, Pilok Subdistrict, Thong Pha Phum District, Kanchanaburi Province, Thailand (Fig. 1).


The specific epithet thongphaphumensis is in reference to the type locality of Thong Pha Phum National Park.


Cyrtodactylusthongphaphumensis sp. nov. is the sister species to a clade composed of eight lineages in the phylogenetic sequence of C.uthaiensis, sp. 11, C.interdigitalis,,, C.ngati3, and the sister lineages C.ngati4 and C.ngati (Fig. 2). Cyrtodactylusthongphaphumensis sp. nov. differs from those lineages by an uncorrected pairwise sequence divergence of 7.6–9.7% and from all members of the brevipalmatus group by 7.6–22.3% (Table 2). It differs discretely from C.elok by having as opposed to lacking paravertebral tubercles, femoral and precloacal pores, and by having 19–21 as opposed to 4–7 longitudinal rows of tubercles. It differs from C.brevipalmatus, C.fluvicavus, C.interdigitalis, C.ngati, C.ngati3, and C.rukhadeva in having statistically significant different mean values of combinations of the morphometric characters of AG, HumL, ForL, TibL, HL, HW, HD, EE, ES, EN, EL, and IN (Table 3). It differs further from those same species in having statistically significant different mean values of combinations of the meristic characters SL, PVT, LRT, VS, VSM, TL4T, FL4E, FL4U, FL4T, FS, PCS, and BB (Table 3). Discrete differences between Cyrtodactylusthongphaphumensis sp. nov. and other putative species and populations are presented in Table 5.

Natural history.

All individuals were found in hill evergreen forest at 914 m elevation (Fig. 6). Specimens (N = 8) were collected at night (1900–2100 h) during the dry season (April) on tree trunks (62.5%; N = 5), on a building (12.5%; N = 1), and the ground (25.0%; N = 2) with a temperature of 27.0 °C and relative humidity of 71.1%. The holotype (ZMKU R 00953) and four paratypes (ZMKU R 00950, ZMKU R 00954, ZMKU R 00956–00957) were found on tree trunks ≤ 160 cm above ground level. One specimen (ZMKU R 00951) was found on a building. Two specimens (ZMKU R 00952, ZMKU R 00955) were found on ground. At night, the new species was found to co-occur with other gekkonid lizards, Cyrtodactylusoldhami (Theobald, 1876), Gekkokaengkrachanense (Sumontha, Pauwels, Kunya, Limlikhitaksorn, Ruksue, Taokratok, Ansermet & Chanhome, 2012), and Hemidactylusgarnotii Duméril & Bibron, 1836.


Habitat of the type locality at Thong Pha Phum National Park, Pilok Subdistrict, Thong Pha Phum District, Kanchanaburi Province, Thailand.

Distribution of nominal species and unnamed populations of the Cyrtodactylusbrevipalmatus group. Stars denote type localities. White circles are literature localities from which specimens were not examined and remain unidentified. Locality data for all material examined is in Grismer et al. (2022c: table 1).

Maximum clade credibility BEAST phylogeny of the Cyrtodactylusbrevipalmatus group highlighting the new species described herein. Bayesian posterior probabilities (BPP) are listed at the nodes.

Mean (minimum–maximum) percentages of uncorrected pairwise sequence divergence (p-distances) among the putative species of the Cyrtodactylusbrevipalmatus group based on 1,386 base pairs of mitochondrial NADH dehydrogenase subunit 2 gene (ND2) and adjacent tRNAs. Intraspecific p-distance are in bold font. n/a = data not applicable.

Species1. C.brevipalmatus2. C.elok5. C.fluvicavus6. C.interdigitalis7. C.kochangensis8. C.ngati, C.ngati3 and C.ngati49. C.rivularis10. C.rukhadeva11. C.thongphaphumensis sp. nov12. C. sp. 1013. C. sp. 1114. C. sp. 1415. C.uthaiensis
N 111171172291111
1. n/a
2.21.03 n/a
3.21.684.39 n/a
4.20.7722.5821.42 n/a
5.18.86 (18.84–18.97)10.64 (10.58–10.84)11.02 (10.97–11.23)20.15 (20.13–20.26) 0.10 (0.00–0.26)
6.20.776.979.1622.8412.02 (12.00–12.13) n/a
7.19.3514.5814.7120.9012.31 (12.26–12.31)15.23 n/a
8.20.70 (20.65–20.90)3.30 (2.84–4.00)3.71 (3.35–4.26)21.11 (20.90–21.42)11.34 (11.10–11.87)8.13 (7.74–8.65)14.58 (14.45–14.84) 0.84 (0.00–1.55)
9.20.00 (19.74–20.26)15.87 (15.61–16.13)15.03 (14.84–15.23)21.61 (21.42–21.81)12.57 (12.26–13.03)15.48 (15.23–15.74)12.26 (12.00–12.52)15.03 (14.71–15.48) 0.52
10.20.65 (20.13–21.16)15.42 14.84–16.00)15.48 (14.84–16.13)21.61 (21.16–22.06)12.25 (11.61–13.03)16.00 (15.35–16.65)13.10 (12.52–13.68)15.23 (14.19–16.23)4.65 (3.61–5.68) 1.55
11.20.34 (20.13–20.65)7.93 (7.74–8.00)9.51 (9.42–9.55)22.02 (21.81–22.32)9.75 (9.55–9.94)8.96 (8.77–9.03)13.22 (13.03–13.29)8.81 (8.13–9.68)13.12 (12.77–13.42)13.25 (12.52–13.94) 0.22 (0.00–0.52)
12.19.879.2910.8421.9410.12 (10.06–10.32)10.1913.6810.21 (10.06–10.45)13.94 (13.68–14.19)14.32 (13.68–14.97)8.06 (7.87–8.13) n/a
13.20.397.238.9022.1911.12 (11.10–11.23)3.8714.588.28 (8.00–8.65)15.35 (15.10–15.61)15.61 (14.97–16.26)8.96 (8.77–9.03)10.45 n/a
14.6.4520.9020.6520.0018.34 (18.32–18.45)20.1319.1020.52 (20.26–20.65)19.74 (19.48–20.00)20.00 (19.48–20.52)19.60 (19.48–19.87)18.8419.61 n/a
15.19.745.818.1321.1610.12 (10.06–10.32)7.113.946.97 (6.58–7.61)13.94 (13.68–14.19)13.94 (13.29–14.58)7.80 (7.61–7.87)8.396.5819.48 n/a

Significant p-values from the results of the ANOVA and Welch’s F (*) analyses comparing the normalized morphometric and meristic characters of Cyrtodactylusthongphaphumensis sp. nov. to other species of the Cyrtodactylusbrevipalmatus group. Only species with and N > 2 are included. No significant differences were recovered for SVL. Abbreviations are in the Materials and methods.

Morphometric charactersAG*HumL* ForL FemL TibL HL HW HD*ED*EE* ES EN* IO EL IN
C.brevipalmatus 0.01< 0.001< 0.0010.03
C.fluvicavus 0.00.0070.0130.0230.007
C.interdigitalis 0.000.007
C.ngati < 0.001< 0.0010.0420.007< 0.001< 0.0010.000
C.rukhadeva 0.020.0040.020.033
Meristic characters SL IL*PVT* LRT VS VSM TL4E TL4T FL4E FL4U*FL4T* FS PCS*BB*
C.brevipalmatus < 0.0010.0030.022< 0.0010.05
C.fluvicavus < 0.001< 0.0010.0010.0040.020
C.interdigitalis 0.003< 0.0010.0050.0430.01< 0.001
C.ngati 0.0030.0160.0110.000< 0.001< 0.001< 0.001< 0.001
C.ngati30.0010.042< 0.0010.001
C.rukhadeva 0.029< 0.0010.0020.001
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