Plantae Lamiales Scrophulariaceae KhamarHamidOualidiJalal ElTouhamiAmina OuazzaniCiveyrelLaureNomenclature and typification in Verbascum (Scrophulariaceae) from North AfricaPhytoKeys2704202322511515210.3897/phytokeys.225.99356 34E72831-41BA-5633-98E7-304180014C15 Verbascum letourneuxii Asch. ex Asch. & Schweinf., Ill. Fl. Egypt 2: 189 & 114. 1887. = Verbascumspinosum Delile, Fl. AEg. Illustr.: 55. 1813; non L. Cent. II. plant.: 10. 1756. & Amoen. Acad. IV: 307. 1759. = Verbascummarniaricum Letournex ap. Barbey Herboris, au Levant: 148. 1882, nom. nud. = Verbascumtourneuxii Aschers., ap. Barbey 1. C: 182, nom. nud.. Aschers., ap. Aschers. & Schweinf. Illustr. l’I. d. Egypt. in Mém. Instit. Egypt., II: 114. 1887. Type.

[Egypt]. In apricis calcareo-argillosis prope Oum Rakoumi et Matrouka in Marmorica ad limites Cyrenaicae, April 1879, A. Letourneux, s.n. (lectotype, designated here: G [G00015113]!; isolectotype: W [W1889-0043225]!, G [G00015111, G00015112, G00015114]!, S [S10-27120]!, K [K000975868]!, P [P03417358, P03417357, P03417360, P03417361]!). [image of lectotype available at].


Ascherson (in Ascherson and Schweinfurth 1887) described Verbascumletourneuxii on the basis of specimens separately collected by Ehrenberg and A. Letourneux from the Alexandria region in the north of Egypt. Within the protologue Ascherson and Schweinfurth (1887) confess that the specimen brought by Ehrenberg only constitutes a skeleton of a plant in fruit, while specimens collected by Letourneux, from a few kilometers from the collection locality of Ehrenberg, are well-developed specimens. However, the authors did not indicate the name of the herbarium housing the type specimen. According to Stafleu and Cowan (1976–1988), the original material of Ehrenberg, Letourneux, Ascherson and Schweinfurth were kept at Herbs B, C, G, K, L, LE, P, S, and W. Nevertheless, the Berlin (B) herbarium was bombed during World War II on the night of 1–2 March 1943 (Hiepko 1987); hence, a good part of the authors’ collection has been lost (Stafleu and Cowan 1976–1988).

Based on the type specification given in the protologue (locality, collector, and collection date), eleven sheets were traced in different herbaria belonging to the Letourneux collections: W (W1889-0043225), G (G00015111, G00015112, G00015113, G00015114), S (S10-27120), K (K000975868), and P (P03417358, P03417357, P03417360, P03417361). Since the type has not been specified, all of the specimens are to be recognized as syntypes according to Art. 9.6 of the ICN (Turland et al. 2018). The sheet G00015113 preserved at Herb. G is here designated as lectotype for the name V.letourneuxii, since it is the specimen that shows the best quality of preservation of the important diagnostic features.

AschersonPSchweinfurthG (1887) Illustration de la Flore d’Egypte. Mémoires de l’Institut Égyptien [preprint] 2(1): 189, 114.StafleuFACowanRS (1976–1988) Taxonomic literature: A selective guide to botanical publications and collections with dates, commentaries and types, edition. 2 (Vol. 1–7). Bohn, Scheltema & Holkema, Utrecht. (1987) The collections of the Botanical Museum Berlin-Dahlem (B) and their history.Englera7: 219252.TurlandNJWiersemaJHBarrieFRGreuterWHawksworthDLHerendeenPSKnappSKusberWHLiDZMarholdKMayTWMcNeillJMonroAMPradoJPriceMJSmithGF [Eds] (2018) International Code of Nomenclature for algae, fungi, and plants (Shenzhen Code) adopted by the Nineteenth International Botanical Congress Shenzhen, China, July 2017. Regnum Vegetabile 159. Koeltz Botanical Books, Glashütten.