Plantae Lamiales Scrophulariaceae KhamarHamidOualidiJalal ElTouhamiAmina OuazzaniCiveyrelLaureNomenclature and typification in Verbascum (Scrophulariaceae) from North AfricaPhytoKeys2704202322511515210.3897/phytokeys.225.99356 63AD3121-B332-528C-BB3F-3351FCD5CA6A Verbascum pseudocreticum Benedí & J.M. Monts., in Collect. Bot. (Barcelona) 16: 106. 1985. = Celsiasinuata Colla, in Hortus Ripul. App. 2: 344. 1825., non Cav. 1801. = Celsiacavanillesii Kunze in Flora 29: 698. 1846, nom. illegit., Type: [Spain]: In isthmo Gaditano, III-1846, M. Willkomm, s.n. (lectotype, designated by Benedí and Montserrat 1985, pg. 107: COI [COI00042221]!). ≡ Celsiacreticavar.cavanillesii Kunze ex Willk. in Willk. & Lange, Prodr. Fl. Hispan. 2: 545. 1870. Illegitimate name. = Celsiasinuata sensu Willk., in III. Fl. Hisp. 2(14): 58. 1888, non Celsiasinuata Cav., in Anal. Cieñe. Nat. Madrid 111: 68. 1801. = Celsialyrata sensu Murb., in Lund. Univ. Arssk., n. f. 2, 22(1): 199. 1925, non Celsialyrata (Lam.) G.Don, in Gen. Hist. 4: 499 1837. Type.

[Spain]. Hab. in regione calida maritima Baeticae: occidentali in arena mobili isthmi Gaditani Inter hortos prope ecclesiam Sancthi Josephi copiose, martii 1845, M. Willkomm, 536 (lectotype, designated by Benedí and Montserrat 1985, pg. 107: COI [COI00042222]!).


Original material is conserved at the Herbarium Mediterraneum Pyrenaicum et Canariense of Moritz Willkomm, which is kept at the Herbarium of the Department of Life Sciences of the University of Coimbra (COI). An image of the lectotype is available at

BenedíCMontserratJM (1985) Taxonomic and nomenclatural notes on the genus Verbascum L. (Celsia L.) in the Iberian Peninsula and the Balearic Islands.Collectanea Botanica16(1): 101112.