Plantae Lamiales Scrophulariaceae KhamarHamidOualidiJalal ElTouhamiAmina OuazzaniCiveyrelLaureNomenclature and typification in Verbascum (Scrophulariaceae) from North AfricaPhytoKeys2704202322511515210.3897/phytokeys.225.99356 BA3A6360-F4B9-50A8-8170-6E833F35AB70 Verbascum rotundifolium subsp. haenseleri (Boiss.) Murb., Bull. Soc. Hist. Nat. Afrique N. 18: 83. 1927. Verbascumhaenseleri Boiss., in Voy. Bot. Espagne 2: 442. 1841. Type: [Spain]. Sierra d’Estepona, 1837, [Boissier] s.n. (lectotype, designated by Burdet et al. 1990, pg. 624: G [G00025472]!). [Spain]. San Anton [Boissier] s.n. (residual syntype: G [G00025473]!). (1) = Verbascumaurantiacum Coincy, in J. Bot. (Morot) 9: 332. 1895. Type: [Spain]. Espagne, Baza, 6 June 1895, A. Coincy s.n. (Lectotype designated here: P [P03808542]!). [image of lectotype available at] (2) = Verbascumlatesulcatifolium Sennen & Mauricio, in Cat. Fl. Rif Orient.: 84. 1933, nom. nud. = Verbascumrotundifoliumsubsp.castellanum Murb., in Lunds Univ. Arsskrift, 2n.f. 29 (2): 402. 1933. Type: [Spain]. Ávila; Navalmoral, cerros audossus, 2 June 1863, E. Bourgeau, s.n. (Lectotype designated here: MA [MA108794]!), [Spain]. San Agustín de los Reyes, June 1912, C. Vicioso s.n. (residual syntype: MA [MA108789]!), [Spain]. Escorial, 15 Juin 1852, J. Lange, s.n. (residual syntype: MA [MA108791]!), [Spain]. Prov. Albacete, in pascuis prope Alcaraz, sol. calcareo, 700–800 m, 21 June 1891, P. Porta and G. Rigo, 337 (residual syntype: JE [JE00007506]!). [image of lectotype available at](3)Notes.

(1) When, Burdet et al. (1990) selected the lectotype of the name Verbascumhaenseleri, they selected the sheet G00025472 as lectotype and sheet G00025473 as a syntype. An image of the lectotype is available at:

(2)Coincy (1895) in the protologue of Verbascumaurantiacum mentioned the collection locality as “Les pentes de la Sierra de Aquila près Baza (prov. de Grenade) le 8 juin 1895, à une hauteur que j’évalue à 1,200 m. environ [The slopes of the Sierra de Aquila near Baza, in the province of Granada, on June 8, 1895, at an altitude that I estimate roughly 1200 m]”. However, no specific herbarium specimen was identified as a holotype, nor was where the original material was housed indicated. According to Stafleu and Cowan (1976–1988), the plants collected by Coincy are preserved at Herb. P, and further material can be found at Herbs B and LY. After conducting exhaustive research in the three different Herbrs (P, B and LY), we located one sheet at Herb. P (P03808542) that is a perfect match with the protologue. Hence, we designate this specimen (P03808542) as the lectotype for the name Verbascumaurantiacum.

(3) When he described Verbascumrotundifoliumsubsp.castellanum, Murbeck (1933) included in the protologue 14 gatherings that were collected in Spain by diverse botanists, but he did not indicate any herbarium specimen as a holotype. Only four specimens related to the gatherings mentioned in the protologue have been traced. Three of these specimens were found at Herb. MA (MA108791, MA108794, MA108789), and the other specimen was found at Herb. JE (MA108792). (JE00007506). The specimen MA108794 preserved Herb. MA is here designated as lectotype for the name V.rotundifoliumsubsp.castellanum because it is complete and matches the information in the protologue.

BurdetHMCharpinAJacquemoudF (1990) Types nomenclaturaux des taxa ibériques décrits par Boissier ou Reuter. XII. Scrophulariacées.Candollea45(2): 609625.CoincyA (1895) Plantes nouvelles de la flore d’Espagne.Le Journal de Botanique9: 332333.StafleuFACowanRS (1976–1988) Taxonomic literature: A selective guide to botanical publications and collections with dates, commentaries and types, edition. 2 (Vol. 1–7). Bohn, Scheltema & Holkema, Utrecht. (1933) Monographie der Gattung Verbascum.Acta Universitatis Lundensis29: 1630.