1. MTB home page ( )

2. MTB query forms

a. List of available forms (

b. Tumor Type Query Form (mtb2b.jpg)

3. Tumor information summary table (mtb3.jpg)

4. Pathology images

a. The Jackson Laboratory Pathology Group (

b. Pathology resource example (mtb4.jpg)

5. Examples of MTB data summaries

a. List of tumors observed in FVB mice (mtb5a.jpg)

b. List of tumors reported in the reference, Angel et al., 1989. J. Natl. Cancer Inst. 81:1652–5 (mtb5b.jpg)

c. List of genes that have been analyzed for Harderian gland tumors in B63CF1 hybrid mice (mtb5c.jpg)

d. List of tumors associated with the Kras2 gene (mtb5d.jpg)

e. List of strains of mice with adrenal gland tumors that occur at a frequency of greater than 80% (mtb5e.jpg)

f. MTB indexes (

g. Cancer genetics resources (

6. Tumor Frequency Grid (

7. Web resources to which MTB maintains links

a. Mouse Genome Database and Gene Expression Database (

b. Biology of the Mammary Gland Web Site (

c. JAX Mice Database (