Percent samples limit per population: 0.8 Locus Population limit: 1 Log liklihood filtering: off; threshold: 0 Minor allele frequency cutoff: 0.01 Maximum observed heterozygosity cutoff: 0.5 Applying Fst correction: none. Pi/Fis kernel smoothing: off Fstats kernel smoothing: off Bootstrap resampling: on, exact; 100 reptitions Removed 543068 loci that did not pass sample/population constraints from 606367 loci. Kept 63299 loci, composed of 20048521 sites; 158336 of those sites were filtered, 30910 variant sites remained. 17221566 genomic sites, of which 2762356 were covered by multiple loci (16.0%). Mean genotyped sites per locus: 296.48bp (stderr 0.21).