Introduction and data preparation

This markdown file contains code and figures shown in Figure 4. Code chunks can be expanded, and plots were generated interactively where applicable. This file also contains additional information (tables, interactive plots) supporting the analysis. We used the Allen mouse brain atlas dataset and human MitoCarta3.0 to study mitochondrial signatures in mouse brain tissue. The following datasets were used:

Allen mouse brain atlas (Harmonizome) dataset (gene expression from in situ hybridization)

Mouse and human Mitocarta 3.0 datasets:

The Allen dataset was annotated with human (not mouse) entrez IDs, and was thus mapped to the human MitoCarta dataset. In total, we found 946 mitochondrial genes in the Allen dataset. Among the un-identified genes were for instance 12 mitochondrial DNA-encoded genes (with the exception of ND3) and several electron transport chain complex subunits.

## Read the raw data
data_raw <- read.delim("Data/gene_attribute_matrix_cleaned.txt")
## Keep a dataframe with ID and Gene name
gene_symbol  <- data_raw[3:nrow(data_raw),1]
gene_ID  <- data_raw[3:nrow(data_raw),3]
ID_to_symbol <- data.frame(Allen_gene_symbol = gene_symbol, Allen_gene_ID = gene_ID)
## Create dataframe with Structures and Acronyms 
structures <- t(data_raw[1, 4:ncol(data_raw)]) %>% %>%
  rownames_to_column("Structure") %>%
  dplyr::rename(StructureAcronym = "1")
## New dataframe with raw data, structures, acronyms and gene IDs 
data_raw <- data_raw[3:nrow(data_raw),4:ncol(data_raw)] 
rownames(data_raw) <- gene_ID
data_raw  <- data_raw  %>%
  rownames_to_column("ID") %>%
  pivot_longer(cols = colnames(data_raw ), names_to = "Structure", values_to = "exprs") %>%
  mutate(exprs = as.numeric(exprs)) %>%
  full_join(structures, by = "Structure")
## Filter for brain Areas of interest 
Areas_to_keep <- read.csv("Data/Areas_to_keep.csv")
data_raw  <- data_raw  %>%
  filter(StructureAcronym %in% Areas_to_keep$Acronym)
## Filter for mitochondrial genes
gene_to_ID_mitocarta_hm <- readxl::read_xls(here::here("Data", "HumanMitoCarta3_0.xls"), sheet = 2) %>%
  dplyr::select(HumanGeneID,  Symbol) %>%
  unique() %>%
  mutate(HumanGeneID = as.character(HumanGeneID)) 
mitoIDs_hm <- unique(gene_to_ID_mitocarta_hm$HumanGeneID)
data_raw_mito <- data_raw %>%
  dplyr::filter(ID %in% mitoIDs_hm)%>%
  dplyr::mutate(exprs = as.numeric(exprs)) %>%
  pivot_wider(names_from = "ID", values_from = "exprs")

Mitochondrial genes identified in the Allen brain atlas dataset and included in this analysis:

Mitocarta_in_Allen <- ID_to_symbol %>%
  filter(Allen_gene_ID %in% c(mitoIDs_hm)) %>%
Mitocarta_in_Allen_table <- gene_to_ID_mitocarta_hm %>%
  filter(HumanGeneID %in% Mitocarta_in_Allen$Allen_gene_ID) %>%
knitr::kable(Mitocarta_in_Allen_table, caption = "Included") %>% 
  kableExtra::kable_styling(full_width = F) %>%
  kableExtra::scroll_box(width = "500px", height = "400px")
HumanGeneID Symbol
51166 AADAT
10157 AASS
10350 ABCA9
23456 ABCB10
10058 ABCB6
22 ABCB7
11194 ABCB8
215 ABCD1
225 ABCD2
5825 ABCD3
55347 ABHD10
83451 ABHD11
10449 ACAA2
80724 ACAD10
84129 ACAD11
27034 ACAD8
28976 ACAD9
38 ACAT1
84680 ACCS
50 ACO2
55856 ACOT13
10965 ACOT2
23597 ACOT9
51205 ACP6
197322 ACSF3
2180 ACSL1
23305 ACSL6
123876 ACSM2A
6296 ACSM3
341392 ACSM4
54988 ACSM5
84532 ACSS1
79611 ACSS3
57143 ADCK1
90956 ADCK2
203054 ADCK5
55811 ADCY10
137872 ADHFE1
246269 AFG1L
10939 AFG3L2
55750 AGK
79814 AGMAT
56895 AGPAT4
55326 AGPAT5
189 AGXT
64902 AGXT2
10768 AHCYL1
9131 AIFM1
84883 AIFM2
150209 AIFM3
204 AK2
50808 AK3
205 AK4
8165 AKAP1
11216 AKAP10
57016 AKR1B10
8574 AKR7A2
211 ALAS1
212 ALAS2
5832 ALDH18A1
219 ALDH1B1
10840 ALDH1L1
160428 ALDH1L2
217 ALDH2
224 ALDH3A2
8659 ALDH4A1
7915 ALDH5A1
4329 ALDH6A1
501 ALDH7A1
223 ALDH9A1
8846 ALKBH1
23600 AMACR
275 AMT
90806 ANGEL2
65990 ANTKMT
328 APEX1
79135 APOO
139322 APOOL
381 ARF5
384 ARG2
402 ARL2
83787 ARMC10
51309 ARMCX1
9823 ARMCX2
51566 ARMCX3
54470 ARMCX6
84896 ATAD1
55210 ATAD3A
91419 ATP23
498 ATP5F1A
509 ATP5F1C
513 ATP5F1D
93974 ATP5IF1
516 ATP5MC1
518 ATP5MC3
84833 ATP5MD
9551 ATP5MF
100526740 ATP5MF-PTCD1
10632 ATP5MG
9556 ATP5MPL
515 ATP5PB
10476 ATP5PD
522 ATP5PF
539 ATP5PO
91647 ATPAF2
549 AUH
54998 AURKAIP1
578 BAK1
581 BAX
27113 BBC3
587 BCAT2
10295 BCKDK
596 BCL2
597 BCL2A1
598 BCL2L1
10017 BCL2L10
10018 BCL2L11
23786 BCL2L13
599 BCL2L2
617 BCS1L
637 BID
638 BIK
2647 BLOC1S1
664 BNIP3
665 BNIP3L
666 BOK
51027 BOLA1
388962 BOLA3
670 BPHL
91574 C12orf65
84419 C15orf48
145853 C15orf61
283951 C16orf91
708 C1QBP
205327 C2orf69
285315 C3orf33
401207 C5orf63
221545 C6orf136
414919 C8orf82
763 CA5A
11238 CA5B
836 CASP3
841 CASP8
842 CASP9
847 CAT
874 CBR3
84869 CBR4
133957 CCDC127
79714 CCDC51
131076 CCDC58
60492 CCDC90B
51654 CDK5RAP1
84902 CEP89
118487 CHCHD1
400916 CHCHD10
51142 CHCHD2
54927 CHCHD3
131474 CHCHD4
84269 CHCHD5
84303 CHCHD6
79145 CHCHD7
55349 CHDH
56994 CHPT1
55847 CISD1
284106 CISD3
1160 CKMT2
81570 CLPB
8192 CLPP
10845 CLPX
171425 CLYBL
152100 CMC1
56942 CMC2
129607 CMPK2
28958 COA3
51287 COA4
493753 COA5
84334 COA8
80347 COASY
1312 COMT
118881 COMTD1
93058 COQ10A
80219 COQ10B
51805 COQ3
51117 COQ4
84274 COQ5
51004 COQ6
10229 COQ7
56997 COQ8A
79934 COQ8B
57017 COQ9
1352 COX10
1353 COX11
84987 COX14
1355 COX15
51241 COX16
10063 COX17
285521 COX18
90639 COX19
116228 COX20
1327 COX4I1
84701 COX4I2
9377 COX5A
1337 COX6A1
1340 COX6B1
125965 COX6B2
1346 COX7A1
1347 COX7A2
9167 COX7A2L
1349 COX7B
1371 CPOX
1373 CPS1
1374 CPT1A
1375 CPT1B
126129 CPT1C
1384 CRAT
54675 CRLS1
54677 CROT
1407 CRY1
1429 CRYZ
1431 CS
80777 CYB5B
1537 CYC1
54205 CYCS
1583 CYP11A1
1591 CYP24A1
1593 CYP27A1
1594 CYP27B1
728294 D2HGDH
7818 DAP3
55157 DARS2
1622 DBI
1629 DBT
79877 DCAKD
51181 DCXR
55794 DDX28
1666 DECR1
9812 DELE1
80017 DGLUCY
1716 DGUOK
115817 DHRS1
10901 DHRS4
25979 DHRS7B
55526 DHTKD1
22907 DHX30
56616 DIABLO
1737 DLAT
1743 DLST
90871 DMAC1
55101 DMAC2
27109 DMAC2L
29958 DMGDH
1763 DNA2
9093 DNAJA3
55735 DNAJC11
29103 DNAJC15
131118 DNAJC19
54943 DNAJC28
3338 DNAJC4
728489 DNLZ
10059 DNM1L
1841 DTYMK
54920 DUS2
1854 DUT
124454 EARS2
1891 ECH1
55862 ECHDC1
55268 ECHDC2
1892 ECHS1
1632 ECI1
10455 ECI2
51295 ECSIT
80303 EFHD1
60528 ELAC2
2021 ENDOG
2053 EPHX2
26284 ERAL1
2108 ETFA
2109 ETFB
254013 ETFBKMT
2110 ETFDH
144363 ETFRF1
23474 ETHE1
55218 EXD2
9941 EXOG
2168 FABP1
81889 FAHD1
84908 FAM136A
26355 FAM162A
222234 FAM185A
125228 FAM210A
116151 FAM210B
10667 FARS2
2194 FASN
10922 FASTK
79675 FASTKD1
22868 FASTKD2
79072 FASTKD3
60493 FASTKD5
26235 FBXL4
2224 FDPS
2230 FDX1
2232 FDXR
2235 FECH
2271 FH
2272 FHIT
51024 FIS1
60681 FKBP10
23770 FKBP8
80308 FLAD1
154791 FMC1
2356 FPGS
2495 FTH1
94033 FTMT
139341 FUNDC1
65991 FUNDC2
2395 FXN
90480 GADD45GIP1
2617 GARS1
5188 GATB
283459 GATC
2628 GATM
23464 GCAT
2639 GCDH
2671 GFER
84340 GFM2
27069 GHITM
2731 GLDC
51031 GLOD4
51022 GLRX2
2744 GLS
27165 GLS2
2746 GLUD1
10249 GLYAT
132158 GLYCTK
64083 GOLPH3
2806 GOT2
57678 GPAM
150763 GPAT2
2820 GPD2
84706 GPT2
2876 GPX1
2879 GPX4
9380 GRHPR
134266 GRPEL2
2926 GRSF1
2936 GSR
373156 GSTK1
2954 GSTZ1
85865 GTPBP10
84705 GTPBP3
60558 GUF1
2987 GUK1
3033 HADH
3030 HADHA
3032 HADHB
3029 HAGH
51179 HAO2
23438 HARS2
3052 HCCS
81932 HDHD3
50865 HEBP1
51409 HEMK1
26275 HIBCH
25994 HIGD1A
192286 HIGD2A
84681 HINT2
135114 HINT3
3155 HMGCL
3158 HMGCS2
112817 HOGA1
84842 HPDL
150274 HSCB
3028 HSD17B10
3295 HSD17B4
83693 HSDL1
3313 HSPA9
3329 HSPD1
3336 HSPE1
10553 HTATIP2
27429 HTRA2
55699 IARS2
200205 IBA57
3416 IDE
3418 IDH2
3419 IDH3A
3420 IDH3B
3421 IDH3G
3422 IDI1
83943 IMMP2L
81689 ISCA1
122961 ISCA2
23479 ISCU
3712 IVD
3735 KARS1
8564 KMO
56267 KYAT3
79944 L2HGDH
114294 LACTB
51110 LACTB2
51056 LAP3
23395 LARS2
197257 LDHD
3954 LETM1
137994 LETM2
25875 LETMD1
11019 LIAS
3980 LIG3
51601 LIPT1
387787 LIPT2
9361 LONP1
10128 LRPPRC
10434 LYPLA1
127018 LYPLAL1
57149 LYRM1
57226 LYRM2
57128 LYRM4
201229 LYRM9
28992 MACROD1
79568 MAIP1
115416 MALSU1
4128 MAOA
4129 MAOB
54708 MARCHF5
92935 MARS2
57506 MAVS
27349 MCAT
56922 MCCC1
64087 MCCC2
84693 MCEE
4170 MCL1
84331 MCRIP2
90550 MCU
55013 MCUB
63933 MCUR1
4200 ME2
10873 ME3
51102 MECR
254042 METAP1D
196074 METTL15
64863 METTL4
29081 METTL5
79828 METTL8
9927 MFN2
84709 MGARP
92667 MGME1
4259 MGST3
440574 MICOS10
125988 MICOS13
10367 MICU1
221154 MICU2
286097 MICU3
54471 MIEF1
125170 MIEF2
374986 MIGA1
23417 MLYCD
166785 MMAA
27249 MMADHC
4594 MMUT
51660 MPC1
25874 MPC2
4357 MPST
4358 MPV17
255027 MPV17L
84769 MPV17L2
79922 MRM1
29960 MRM2
55178 MRM3
65008 MRPL1
124995 MRPL10
65003 MRPL11
6182 MRPL12
28998 MRPL13
54948 MRPL16
63875 MRPL17
29074 MRPL18
9801 MRPL19
55052 MRPL20
219927 MRPL21
29093 MRPL22
79590 MRPL24
51264 MRPL27
11222 MRPL3
51263 MRPL30
64983 MRPL32
9553 MRPL33
64981 MRPL34
51318 MRPL35
64979 MRPL36
51253 MRPL37
64978 MRPL38
54148 MRPL39
51073 MRPL4
64976 MRPL40
64975 MRPL41
84545 MRPL43
65080 MRPL44
84311 MRPL45
26589 MRPL46
57129 MRPL47
51642 MRPL48
740 MRPL49
54534 MRPL50
51258 MRPL51
122704 MRPL52
116540 MRPL53
116541 MRPL54
128308 MRPL55
78988 MRPL57
3396 MRPL58
65005 MRPL9
55173 MRPS10
64963 MRPS11
6183 MRPS12
64960 MRPS15
51021 MRPS16
51373 MRPS17
55168 MRPS18A
28973 MRPS18B
51023 MRPS18C
51116 MRPS2
54460 MRPS21
56945 MRPS22
51649 MRPS23
64951 MRPS24
64432 MRPS25
28957 MRPS28
10240 MRPS31
51650 MRPS33
65993 MRPS34
60488 MRPS35
92259 MRPS36
64969 MRPS5
64968 MRPS6
51081 MRPS7
64965 MRPS9
92399 MRRF
57380 MRS2
22921 MSRB2
253827 MSRB3
4537 MT-ND3
64757 MTARC1
54996 MTARC2
23787 MTCH1
23788 MTCH2
7978 MTERF1
80298 MTERF2
51001 MTERF3
130916 MTERF4
51537 MTFP1
56181 MTFR1L
26164 MTG2
25902 MTHFD1L
10797 MTHFD2
441024 MTHFD2L
10588 MTHFS
4528 MTIF2
219402 MTIF3
25821 MTO1
55149 MTPAP
51250 MTRES1
54516 MTRF1L
4580 MTX1
10651 MTX2
79594 MUL1
4595 MUTYH
60314 MYG1
133686 NADK2
162417 NAGS
79731 NARS2
339983 NAT8L
128240 NAXE
4077 NBR1
4694 NDUFA1
4705 NDUFA10
55967 NDUFA12
4695 NDUFA2
4696 NDUFA3
4697 NDUFA4
4698 NDUFA5
4700 NDUFA6
4701 NDUFA7
4702 NDUFA8
4704 NDUFA9
4706 NDUFAB1
51103 NDUFAF1
91942 NDUFAF2
25915 NDUFAF3
29078 NDUFAF4
79133 NDUFAF5
55471 NDUFAF7
284184 NDUFAF8
4716 NDUFB10
4708 NDUFB2
4709 NDUFB3
4710 NDUFB4
4711 NDUFB5
4712 NDUFB6
4713 NDUFB7
4714 NDUFB8
4715 NDUFB9
4717 NDUFC1
4718 NDUFC2
4719 NDUFS1
4722 NDUFS3
4724 NDUFS4
4726 NDUFS6
4728 NDUFS8
4723 NDUFV1
4729 NDUFV2
4731 NDUFV3
129807 NEU4
9054 NFS1
27247 NFU1
51335 NGRN
60491 NIF3L1
4817 NIT1
56954 NIT2
57486 NLN
79671 NLRX1
4832 NME3
4833 NME4
10201 NME6
25819 NOCT
54888 NSUN2
63899 NSUN3
387338 NSUN4
64943 NT5DC2
51559 NT5DC3
56953 NT5M
80224 NUBPL
25961 NUDT13
390916 NUDT19
318 NUDT2
11164 NUDT5
53343 NUDT9
4942 OAT
54940 OCIAD1
132299 OCIAD2
4967 OGDH
55753 OGDHL
4968 OGG1
115209 OMA1
4976 OPA1
80207 OPA3
114876 OSBPL1A
64172 OSGEPL1
5009 OTC
5018 OXA1L
5019 OXCT1
339229 OXLD1
92106 OXNAD1
55074 OXR1
54995 OXSM
140886 PABPC5
10606 PAICS
51025 PAM16
5091 PC
84105 PCBD2
5095 PCCA
5096 PCCB
5106 PCK2
201626 PDE12
5160 PDHA1
5162 PDHB
8050 PDHX
5163 PDK1
5165 PDK3
5166 PDK4
54704 PDP1
57546 PDP2
23590 PDSS1
57107 PDSS2
8799 PEX11B
192111 PGAM5
9489 PGS1
5245 PHB
11331 PHB2
5264 PHYH
9463 PICK1
80119 PIF1
23761 PISD
10531 PITRM1
55848 PLGRKT
11212 PLPBP
57048 PLSCR3
23203 PMPCA
25953 PNKD
55163 PNPO
87178 PNPT1
5423 POLB
26073 POLDIP2
5428 POLG
11232 POLG2
10721 POLQ
27068 PPA2
10105 PPIF
152926 PPM1K
5498 PPOX
160760 PPTC7
7001 PRDX2
10549 PRDX4
25824 PRDX5
9588 PRDX6
27166 PRELID1
153768 PRELID2
10650 PRELID3A
51012 PRELID3B
9581 PREPL
201973 PRIMPOL
5071 PRKN
58510 PRODH2
9692 PRORP
167681 PRSS35
84293 PRXL2A
79810 PTCD2
55037 PTCD3
114971 PTPMT1
138428 PTRH1
51651 PTRH2
126789 PUSL1
5827 PXMP2
11264 PXMP4
5831 PYCR1
29920 PYCR2
5860 QDPR
55278 QRSL1
81890 QTRT1
53917 RAB24
55969 RAB5IF
57038 RARS2
79863 RBFA
81554 RCC1L
57665 RDH14
9401 RECQL4
25996 REXO2
55312 RFK
55288 RHOT1
89941 RHOT2
10247 RIDA
51115 RMDN1
55177 RMDN3
55005 RMND1
246243 RNASEH1
140823 ROMO1
84881 RPUSD4
55316 RSAD1
84816 RTN4IP1
25813 SAMM50
1757 SARDH
54938 SARS2
6341 SCO1
6342 SCP2
6389 SDHA
54949 SDHAF2
57001 SDHAF3
6390 SDHB
6391 SDHC
6392 SDHD
56948 SDR39U1
113675 SDSL
5414 SEPTIN4
84947 SERAC1
94081 SFXN1
118980 SFXN2
81855 SFXN3
119559 SFXN4
94097 SFXN5
6472 SHMT2
23410 SIRT3
23409 SIRT4
23408 SIRT5
1468 SLC25A10
8402 SLC25A11
8604 SLC25A12
10165 SLC25A13
9016 SLC25A14
8034 SLC25A16
83733 SLC25A18
60386 SLC25A19
788 SLC25A20
89874 SLC25A21
79751 SLC25A22
79085 SLC25A23
29957 SLC25A24
114789 SLC25A25
115286 SLC25A26
9481 SLC25A27
123096 SLC25A29
5250 SLC25A3
253512 SLC25A30
83447 SLC25A31
81034 SLC25A32
84275 SLC25A33
284723 SLC25A34
399512 SLC25A35
55186 SLC25A36
51312 SLC25A37
54977 SLC25A38
51629 SLC25A39
55972 SLC25A40
284427 SLC25A41
284439 SLC25A42
203427 SLC25A43
9673 SLC25A44
283130 SLC25A45
91137 SLC25A46
292 SLC25A5
92014 SLC25A51
401612 SLC25A53
10463 SLC30A9
80024 SLC8B1
81892 SLIRP
389203 SMIM20
57150 SMIM8
9342 SNAP29
27044 SND1
6647 SOD1
219938 SPATA19
64847 SPATA20
6687 SPG7
56848 SPHK2
80309 SPHKAP
56907 SPIRE1
6697 SPR
283377 SPRYD4
9517 SPTLC2
58472 SQOR
6742 SSBP1
6770 STAR
56910 STARD7
2040 STOM
30968 STOML2
55014 STX17
51657 STYXL1
8803 SUCLA2
8802 SUCLG1
8801 SUCLG2
79783 SUGCT
6821 SUOX
6832 SUPV3L1
6834 SURF1
55333 SYNJ2BP
132001 TAMM41
80222 TARS2
6901 TAZ
9238 TBRG4
285343 TCAIM
79736 TEFM
7019 TFAM
51106 TFB1M
117145 THEM4
284486 THEM5
54974 THG1L
79896 THNSL1
26519 TIMM10
26515 TIMM10B
26517 TIMM13
10440 TIMM17A
10245 TIMM17B
29090 TIMM21
29928 TIMM22
100287932 TIMM23
90580 TIMM29
10469 TIMM44
92609 TIMM50
1678 TIMM8A
26521 TIMM8B
26520 TIMM9
51300 TIMMDC1
8834 TMEM11
84233 TMEM126A
55863 TMEM126B
55260 TMEM143
51522 TMEM14C
80775 TMEM177
25880 TMEM186
374882 TMEM205
157378 TMEM65
55217 TMLHE
9804 TOMM20
56993 TOMM22
10953 TOMM34
10452 TOMM40
84134 TOMM40L
100188893 TOMM6
9868 TOMM70
116447 TOP1MT
7156 TOP3A
10131 TRAP1
51499 TRIAP1
54802 TRIT1
55621 TRMT1
54931 TRMT10C
79979 TRMT2B
57570 TRMT5
55687 TRMU
51095 TRNT1
26995 TRUB2
10102 TSFM
706 TSPO
7263 TST
100131187 TSTD1
54902 TTC19
7284 TUFM
56652 TWNK
25828 TXN2
7296 TXNRD1
10587 TXNRD2
7350 UCP1
7351 UCP2
7352 UCP3
7374 UNG
84300 UQCC2
29796 UQCR10
10975 UQCR11
7384 UQCRC1
7385 UQCRC2
7386 UQCRFS1
27089 UQCRQ
84749 USP30
57176 VARS2
7416 VDAC1
7419 VDAC3
23078 VWA8
10352 WARS2
51067 YARS2
54059 YBEY
10730 YME1L1
79693 YRDC

Mitochondrial genes not identified in the Allen brain atlas dataset and not included in this analysis:

Mitocarta_not_in_Allen <- gene_to_ID_mitocarta_hm %>%
  filter(!HumanGeneID %in% Mitocarta_in_Allen$Allen_gene_ID) %>%
knitr::kable(Mitocarta_not_in_Allen, caption = "Not included") %>% 
  kableExtra::kable_styling(full_width = F) %>%
  kableExtra::scroll_box(width = "500px", height = "400px")
Not included
HumanGeneID Symbol
57505 AARS2
30 ACAA1
730249 ACOD1
26027 ACOT11
11332 ACOT7
80221 ACSF2
116285 ACSM1
348158 ACSM2B
84266 ALKBH7
83858 ATAD3B
506 ATP5F1B
514 ATP5F1E
517 ATP5MC2
521 ATP5ME
64756 ATPAF1
572 BAD
83875 BCO2
622 BDH1
79587 CARS2
548596 CKMT1A
1159 CKMT1B
100272147 CMC4
55744 COA1
388753 COA6
65260 COA7
27235 COQ2
1329 COX5B
1339 COX6A2
1345 COX6C
170712 COX7B2
1350 COX7C
1351 COX8A
341947 COX8C
1376 CPT2
751071 CSKMT
1727 CYB5R3
1584 CYP11B1
1585 CYP11B2
1723 DHODH
10202 DHRS2
1738 DLD
1760 DMPK
84277 DNAJC30
79746 ECHDC3
51011 FAHD2A
112812 FDX2
55572 FOXRED1
8209 GATD3A
2653 GCSH
54332 GDAP1
85476 GFM1
51218 GLRX5
2747 GLUD2
80273 GRPEL1
8225 GTPBP6
27440 HDHD5
11112 HIBADH
3094 HINT1
7923 HSD17B8
84263 HSDL2
109703458 HTD2
3429 IFI27
196294 IMMP1L
10989 IMMT
79763 ISOC2
92483 LDHAL6B
3945 LDHB
90624 LYRM7
401250 MCCD1
4191 MDH2
64745 METTL17
56947 MFF
55669 MFN1
4257 MGST1
84895 MIGA2
4285 MIPEP
326625 MMAB
4337 MOCS1
347411 MPC1L
64928 MRPL14
29088 MRPL15
51069 MRPL2
6150 MRPL23
10573 MRPL28
28977 MRPL42
63931 MRPS14
64949 MRPS26
23107 MRPS27
10884 MRPS30
4482 MSRA
4508 MT-ATP6
4509 MT-ATP8
4512 MT-CO1
4513 MT-CO2
4514 MT-CO3
4519 MT-CYB
4535 MT-ND1
4536 MT-ND2
4538 MT-ND4
4539 MT-ND4L
4540 MT-ND5
4541 MT-ND6
123263 MTFMT
9650 MTFR1
113115 MTFR2
92170 MTG1
9617 MTRF1
345778 MTX3
80179 MYO19
55739 NAXD
126328 NDUFA11
51079 NDUFA13
137682 NDUFAF6
4707 NDUFB1
54539 NDUFB11
4720 NDUFS2
4725 NDUFS5
374291 NDUFS7
349565 NMNAT3
23530 NNT
84273 NOA1
4898 NRDC
4913 NTHL1
11162 NUDT6
254552 NUDT8
64064 OXCT2
80025 PANK2
11315 PARK7
55486 PARL
25973 PARS2
5138 PDE2A
64146 PDF
5161 PDHA2
5164 PDK2
55066 PDPR
100131801 PET100
100303755 PET117
101928527 PIGBOS1
65018 PINK1
201164 PLD6
5366 PMAIP1
9512 PMPCB
50640 PNPLA8
10935 PRDX3
5625 PRODH
26024 PTCD1
80142 PTGES2
80324 PUS1
100996939 PYURF
112724 RDH13
NA RP11_469A15.2
22934 RPIA
285367 RPUSD3
79680 RTL10
9997 SCO2
644096 SDHAF1
135154 SDHAF4
253190 SERHL2
133383 SETD9
6576 SLC25A1
10166 SLC25A15
81894 SLC25A28
291 SLC25A4
283600 SLC25A47
153328 SLC25A48
147407 SLC25A52
293 SLC25A6
91689 SMDT1
6648 SOD2
51204 TACO1
11022 TDRKH
64216 TFB2M
7084 TK2
54968 TMEM70
387990 TOMM20L
401505 TOMM5
54543 TOMM7
55006 TRMT61B
100130890 TSTD3
55245 UQCC1
790955 UQCC3
7381 UQCRB
7388 UQCRH
7417 VDAC2
55187 VPS13D
63929 XPNPEP3
284273 ZADH2
rm(list = setdiff(ls(), c("mitoIDs_hm", "data_raw", "data_mito_raw", "color_groups")))

The Allen dataset contains >2000 brain (sub-)areas. To match the Allen dataset with our mouse dataset, we calculated an average expression value for each greater area. For instance, the substantia nigra expression value was averaged across the pars compacta and pars reticulata. We applied this for all 16 main areas (mOFC, VTA, SN, DG, PAG, Cereb, VN, mPFC, CPu, NAc, M1, Hypoth, Thal, Amyg, CA3, and V1). Compared to our dataset with 17 main areas, the Allen dataset did not divide the dentate gyrus into ventral and dorsal, hence the resulting 16 areas.

The following code describes how the main areas were averaged, and the table shows the 16 main-areas and the anatomical sub-areas they are composed of.

mainAreas <- data_raw %>%
  dplyr::mutate(Brain_Area = case_when(
    StructureAcronym %in% c("ORBm6a","ORBm2","ORBm1","ORBm2/3","ORBm","ORBm5", "ORB") 
    ~ "mOFC",
    StructureAcronym %in% c("VTA") 
    ~ "VTA",
    StructureAcronym %in% c("SNr", "SNc") 
    ~ "SN",
    StructureAcronym %in% c("DG-mo","DG","DGMol","DG-sg","DGGran","DG-po","DGs","DGi","DGHil") 
    ~ "DG",
    StructureAcronym %in% c("PcPL-PAG", "JcPL-PAG", "PcPV-PAG", "JcPV-PAG", "CoPV-PAG", "m1AD-PAG", 
                            "PIsD-PAG", "p1Lim-PAG", "TGDL-PAG", "TGL-PAG", "SCL-PAG", "SCDL-PAG", 
                            "m1Lim-PAG","ICDL-PAG", "PIsDL-PAG", "PB-PAG", "PIsL-PAG", "isLim-PAG",
                            "m1B-PAG", "p1B-PAG", "Ist-PAG", "PAG") 
    ~ "PAG",
    StructureAcronym %in% c("ANcr1", "ANcr1gr", "ANcr1mo", "CB") 
    ~ "Cereb",
    StructureAcronym %in% c("MV", "LAV", "SPIV", "SUV", "VNC") 
    ~ "VN",
    StructureAcronym %in% c("ILA6b", "ILA", "ILA2/3", "ILA5", "ILA2", "ILA1", 
                            "ILA6a", "PL6b", "PL6a", 
                            "PL1", "PL2/3", "PL", "PL2", "PL5", "ACAd5", "ACAd2/3", 
                            "ACAd","ACA", "ACAd1", "ACAv2/3", "ACAv", "ACAv1", "ACAv5", 
                            "ACAv6a", "ILA",
                            "ACAd6a", "ACAv6b", "ACAd6b", "CCx") 
    ~ "mPFC",
    StructureAcronym %in% c("STRd", "Cau","CP") 
    ~ "CPu",
    StructureAcronym %in% c("AcbSh", "AcbCo", "VStr") 
    ~ "NAc",
    StructureAcronym %in% c("MOp1", "MOp2/3", "MOp5", "MOp6b", "MOp6a", "MOp") 
    ~ "M1",
    StructureAcronym %in% c("PVHIp", "PVHd", "PVHpm", "PVHpml", "PVHm", "PVHmm", "PVHmpd", "PVHmdp", 
                            "PVHp", "PVHap", "PVH", "PVHlp") 
    ~ "Hypoth",
    StructureAcronym %in% c("CL", "CM", "MDc", "MD", "MED", "MDI", "ILM", "MDm", "PVT", "TH", "MDl")
    ~ "Thal",
    StructureAcronym %in% c("BLA", "BLAa", "BLP", "BLAp", "BLA") 
    ~ "Amyg",
    StructureAcronym %in% c("BMAp", "BMP", "BLAv", "BMAa", "BMA")
    ~ "Amyg",
    StructureAcronym %in% c("CA3sp", "CA3sr", "CA3slu", "CA3so", "CA3slm", "CA3")
    ~ "CA3",
    StructureAcronym %in% c("VISp4", "VISp1", "VISp2/3", "VISp6a", "VISp6b", "VISp") 
    ~ "V1"
  )) %>%
  dplyr::mutate(Group = case_when(
    Brain_Area == "mOFC" ~ "Cortico-striatal",
    Brain_Area == "VTA" ~ "Salience/Spatial navigation",
    Brain_Area == "DG" ~ "Salience/Spatial navigation",
    Brain_Area == "PAG" ~ "Threat response",
    Brain_Area == "Cereb" ~ "Salience/Spatial navigation",
    Brain_Area == "SN" ~ "Threat response",
    Brain_Area == "VN" ~ "Salience/Spatial navigation",
    Brain_Area == "mPFC" ~ "Cortico-striatal",
    Brain_Area == "CPu" ~ "Cortico-striatal",
    Brain_Area == "NAc" ~ "Cortico-striatal",
    Brain_Area == "M1" ~ "Cortico-striatal",
    Brain_Area == "Hypoth" ~ "Threat response",
    Brain_Area == "Thal" ~ "Salience/Spatial navigation",
    Brain_Area == "Amyg" ~ "Threat response",
    Brain_Area == "Amyg" ~ "Threat response",
    Brain_Area == "CA3" ~ "Salience/Spatial navigation",
    Brain_Area == "V1" ~ "Cortico-striatal"),.after = StructureAcronym) %>%
    filter(Brain_Area %in% c("Thal", "PAG", "VN", "Cereb", "Hypoth", "DG", 
                                "CA3", "Amyg", "CPu", "NAc", "mPFC", "mOFC",    
                                "M1","V1", "SN", "VTA"))
## Table with Brain-areas, sub-areas and network
knitr::kable(mainAreas %>% dplyr::select(Brain_Area, StructureAcronym, Group) %>%
               unique() %>% rename(`Main-Area` = Brain_Area, 
                                   `Sub-Area` = StructureAcronym, 
                                   Network = Group) %>%
             caption = "Allen brain atlas main- and sub-areas") %>% 
  kableExtra::kable_styling(full_width = F) %>%
  kableExtra::scroll_box(width = "500px", height = "400px")
Allen brain atlas main- and sub-areas
Main-Area Sub-Area Network
Amyg BLP Threat response
Amyg BLAp Threat response
Amyg BLA Threat response
Amyg BLAa Threat response
Amyg BMA Threat response
Amyg BMAp Threat response
Amyg BMP Threat response
Amyg BLAv Threat response
Amyg BMAa Threat response
CA3 CA3slm Salience/Spatial navigation
CA3 CA3 Salience/Spatial navigation
CA3 CA3sp Salience/Spatial navigation
CA3 CA3sr Salience/Spatial navigation
CA3 CA3slu Salience/Spatial navigation
CA3 CA3so Salience/Spatial navigation
CPu STRd Cortico-striatal
CPu CP Cortico-striatal
CPu Cau Cortico-striatal
Cereb ANcr1 Salience/Spatial navigation
Cereb ANcr1mo Salience/Spatial navigation
Cereb ANcr1gr Salience/Spatial navigation
Cereb CB Salience/Spatial navigation
DG DG-mo Salience/Spatial navigation
DG DG Salience/Spatial navigation
DG DG-sg Salience/Spatial navigation
DG DGs Salience/Spatial navigation
DG DGMol Salience/Spatial navigation
DG DGGran Salience/Spatial navigation
DG DG-po Salience/Spatial navigation
DG DGi Salience/Spatial navigation
DG DGHil Salience/Spatial navigation
Hypoth PVHpm Threat response
Hypoth PVHpml Threat response
Hypoth PVHm Threat response
Hypoth PVHmm Threat response
Hypoth PVHmpd Threat response
Hypoth PVH Threat response
Hypoth PVHp Threat response
Hypoth PVHap Threat response
Hypoth PVHlp Threat response
Hypoth PVHd Threat response
M1 MOp6a Cortico-striatal
M1 MOp6b Cortico-striatal
M1 MOp5 Cortico-striatal
M1 MOp Cortico-striatal
M1 MOp1 Cortico-striatal
M1 MOp2/3 Cortico-striatal
NAc VStr Cortico-striatal
NAc AcbSh Cortico-striatal
NAc AcbCo Cortico-striatal
PAG p1Lim-PAG Threat response
PAG TGDL-PAG Threat response
PAG TGL-PAG Threat response
PAG SCL-PAG Threat response
PAG SCDL-PAG Threat response
PAG ICDL-PAG Threat response
PAG PIsDL-PAG Threat response
PAG PIsL-PAG Threat response
PAG PB-PAG Threat response
PAG isLim-PAG Threat response
PAG PAG Threat response
PAG m1Lim-PAG Threat response
PAG Ist-PAG Threat response
PAG m1B-PAG Threat response
PAG p1B-PAG Threat response
PAG PcPL-PAG Threat response
PAG JcPL-PAG Threat response
PAG PcPV-PAG Threat response
PAG JcPV-PAG Threat response
PAG CoPV-PAG Threat response
PAG m1AD-PAG Threat response
PAG PIsD-PAG Threat response
SN SNr Threat response
SN SNc Threat response
Thal CL Salience/Spatial navigation
Thal CM Salience/Spatial navigation
Thal PVT Salience/Spatial navigation
Thal MD Salience/Spatial navigation
Thal MDc Salience/Spatial navigation
Thal MDl Salience/Spatial navigation
Thal MED Salience/Spatial navigation
Thal MDm Salience/Spatial navigation
Thal ILM Salience/Spatial navigation
V1 VISp Cortico-striatal
V1 VISp4 Cortico-striatal
V1 VISp1 Cortico-striatal
V1 VISp2/3 Cortico-striatal
V1 VISp6b Cortico-striatal
V1 VISp6a Cortico-striatal
VN MV Salience/Spatial navigation
VN SUV Salience/Spatial navigation
VN SPIV Salience/Spatial navigation
VN VNC Salience/Spatial navigation
VN LAV Salience/Spatial navigation
VTA VTA Salience/Spatial navigation
mOFC ORBm6a Cortico-striatal
mOFC ORBm2 Cortico-striatal
mOFC ORBm1 Cortico-striatal
mOFC ORBm2/3 Cortico-striatal
mOFC ORBm Cortico-striatal
mOFC ORBm5 Cortico-striatal
mOFC ORB Cortico-striatal
mPFC ACAd5 Cortico-striatal
mPFC ACAd2/3 Cortico-striatal
mPFC ACAd Cortico-striatal
mPFC ACA Cortico-striatal
mPFC ACAd1 Cortico-striatal
mPFC ACAv2/3 Cortico-striatal
mPFC ACAv Cortico-striatal
mPFC ACAv5 Cortico-striatal
mPFC ACAv1 Cortico-striatal
mPFC PL1 Cortico-striatal
mPFC PL2 Cortico-striatal
mPFC PL2/3 Cortico-striatal
mPFC PL Cortico-striatal
mPFC PL5 Cortico-striatal
mPFC ACAd6a Cortico-striatal
mPFC ACAv6a Cortico-striatal
mPFC ACAv6b Cortico-striatal
mPFC ACAd6b Cortico-striatal
mPFC CCx Cortico-striatal
mPFC ILA6a Cortico-striatal
mPFC PL6a Cortico-striatal
mPFC ILA6b Cortico-striatal
mPFC PL6b Cortico-striatal
mPFC ILA1 Cortico-striatal
mPFC ILA Cortico-striatal
mPFC ILA2/3 Cortico-striatal
mPFC ILA5 Cortico-striatal
mPFC ILA2 Cortico-striatal
## Average gene expression per brain area
mainAreas <- mainAreas %>%
    dplyr::rename(HumanGeneID = ID) %>%
    dplyr::mutate(exprs = as.numeric(exprs)) %>%
    group_by(Brain_Area, HumanGeneID) %>%
    mutate(mainsub_exprs = mean(exprs, na.omit = T)) %>% 
    dplyr::select(-c('exprs', 'Structure', 'StructureAcronym')) %>%
    rename(exprs = mainsub_exprs) %>%
    unique() %>%
    pivot_wider(names_from = "HumanGeneID", values_from = "exprs") 

Finally, the dataset was filtered for the 946 identified mitochondrial genes:

## Read mitocarta
gene_to_ID_mitocarta_hm <- readxl::read_xls(here::here("Data", "HumanMitoCarta3_0.xls"), sheet = 2) %>%
  dplyr::select(HumanGeneID,  Symbol) %>%
  unique() %>%
  mutate(HumanGeneID = as.character(HumanGeneID)) 
## Get gene IDs and symbols
mitoIDs_hm <- unique(gene_to_ID_mitocarta_hm$HumanGeneID)
mitoGenes_hm <- unique(gene_to_ID_mitocarta_hm$Symbol)
## Filter for mito gene IDs in the allen dataset
mainAreas_mito <- mainAreas %>%
  pivot_longer(cols = -c( "Brain_Area", "Group")) %>%
  dplyr::filter(name %in% mitoIDs_hm) %>%
  dplyr::mutate(value = as.numeric(value)) %>%
  pivot_wider(names_from = "name", values_from = "value")

Figure 4b - Principal component analysis

The mitochondrial gene expression values for each of the 16 main-areas were projected on a 2D and 3D principal component analysis (PCA), and the gene contributions to PC1, PC2, and PC3 are displayed from strongest (left) to weakest (right).


## Create a new dataframe with gene symbols instead of IDs (for the pc contributions)
mainAreas_mito_pca <- mainAreas_mito %>%
  pivot_longer(cols = -c(Group, Brain_Area), names_to = "HumanGeneID") %>%
  full_join(gene_to_ID_mitocarta_hm, by= "HumanGeneID") %>%
  na.omit() %>%
  dplyr::select(-HumanGeneID) %>%
  pivot_wider(names_from = "Symbol", values_from = "value")
pca <- prcomp(mainAreas_mito_pca[,-c(1:2)], scale. = T)
top <- pca$rotation
summary_pca <- summary(pca)
p <- autoplot(pca, data = mainAreas_mito_pca,colour = 'Brain_Area', 
              size = 3)+
  # Network color code:
  scale_color_manual(values = c("mOFC" = "#EB539F", 
                                "VTA" = "#B260EA",
                                "DG"= "#B260EA",
                                "PAG"= "#2032F5",
                                "Cereb"= "#B260EA",
                                "SN" = "#2032F5",
                                "VN"= "#B260EA",
                                "mPFC"= "#EB539F",
                                "CPu"= "#EB539F",
                                "NAc"= "#EB539F",
                                "M1"= "#EB539F",
                                "Hypoth"= "#2032F5",
                                "Thal"= "#B260EA",
                                "Amyg"= "#2032F5",
                                "CA3"= "#B260EA",
                                "V1"= "#EB539F")) +
  theme(axis.text = element_text(size = 14),
        axis.title = element_text(size = 14, face = "bold"),
        legend.text = element_text(size = 14),
        legend.title = element_blank(),
        legend.position = "right")
p <- autoplot(pca, data = mainAreas_mito_pca,colour = 'Brain_Area', x=2, y=3,
              size = 3)+
  scale_color_manual(values = c("mOFC" = "#EB539F",
                                "VTA" = "#B260EA",
                                "DG"= "#B260EA",
                                "PAG"= "#2032F5",
                                "Cereb"= "#B260EA",
                                "SN" = "#2032F5",
                                "VN"= "#B260EA",
                                "mPFC"= "#EB539F",
                                "CPu"= "#EB539F",
                                "NAc"= "#EB539F",
                                "M1"= "#EB539F",
                                "Hypoth"= "#2032F5",
                                "Thal"= "#B260EA",
                                "Amyg"= "#2032F5",
                                "CA3"= "#B260EA",
                                "V1"= "#EB539F")) +
  theme(axis.text = element_text(size = 14),
        axis.title = element_text(size = 14, face = "bold"),
        legend.text = element_text(size = 14),
        legend.title = element_blank(),
        legend.position = "right")

3D PCA (figure 4b):

  var_1 <- round(summary_pca$importance[2,1]*100,2)
  var_2 <- round(summary_pca$importance[2,2]*100,2)
  var_3 <- round(summary_pca$importance[2,3]*100,2)
  group_color_df <- data.frame(Color = c("mOFC" = "#EB539F",
                                "VTA" = "#B260EA",
                                "DG"= "#B260EA",
                                "PAG"= "#2032F5",
                                "Cereb"= "#B260EA",
                                "SN" = "#2032F5",
                                "VN"= "#B260EA",
                                "mPFC"= "#EB539F",
                                "CPu"= "#EB539F",
                                "NAc"= "#EB539F",
                                "M1"= "#EB539F",
                                "Hypoth"= "#2032F5",
                                "Thal"= "#B260EA",
                                "Amyg"= "#2032F5",
                                "CA3"= "#B260EA",
                                "V1"= "#EB539F")) %>%
  df <- pca$x
  df <- data.frame(PC1=df[,1], PC2=df[,2], PC3=df[,3], 
                   Group = as.factor(mainAreas_mito_pca$Brain_Area)) %>%
    full_join(group_color_df, by = "Group") %>%
  with(df, rgl::plot3d(PC1,PC2,PC3, col= Color, alpha = 0.6, size = 8, type = "p",
                       xlab = paste0("PC1 (",var_1, "%)"),
                       ylab = paste0("PC2 (",var_2, "%)"),
                       zlab = paste0("PC3 (",var_3, "%)")))


Gene contributions to PC1, PC2, and PC3:

pc1 <- factoextra::fviz_contrib(pca,
                 choice = "var",
                 axes = 1,
                 color = 'grey', barfill  = 'blue4',fill ='blue4',size = 0.2,
                 title = "Contributions PC1") +
  theme_minimal() +
  theme(axis.text.x = element_blank(),
        axis.title.x = element_blank(),
        axis.ticks.length.x = element_blank(),
        panel.grid.major = element_blank(), 
        panel.grid.minor = element_blank())
pc2 <- factoextra::fviz_contrib(pca,
                 choice = "var",
                 axes = 2,
                 color = 'grey', barfill  = 'blue4',fill ='blue4',size = 0.2,
                 title = "Contributions PC2") +
  theme_minimal() +
  theme(axis.text.x = element_blank(),
        axis.title.x = element_blank(),
        axis.ticks.length.x = element_blank(),
        panel.grid.major = element_blank(), 
        panel.grid.minor = element_blank())
pc3 <- factoextra::fviz_contrib(pca,
                 choice = "var",
                 axes = 3,
                 color = 'grey', barfill  = 'blue4',fill ='blue4',size = 0.2,
                 title = "Contributions PC3") +
  theme_minimal() +
  theme(axis.text.x = element_blank(),
        axis.title.x = element_blank(),
        axis.ticks.length.x = element_blank(),
        panel.grid.major = element_blank(), 
        panel.grid.minor = element_blank())
rm(p, pca, summary_pca, df, group_color_df, var_1, var_2, var_3, top)

We performed a test of robustness and sensitivity by repeating these analyses using all microscopic sub-areas individually, color-coded by the 16 main-areas they belong to:

sub_Areas  <- data_raw  %>%
  #create new dataframe with column sub-area and the main-area it belongs to:
  mutate(Area = case_when(
    StructureAcronym == "ORB" ~ "Main",
    StructureAcronym == "VTA" ~ "Main",
    StructureAcronym == "DG" ~ "Main",
    StructureAcronym == "PAG" ~ "Main",
    StructureAcronym == "CB" ~ "Main",
    StructureAcronym == "SNr" ~ "Main",
    StructureAcronym == "SNc" ~ "Main",
    StructureAcronym == "VNC" ~ "Main",
    StructureAcronym == "ILA" ~ "Main",
    StructureAcronym == "CP" ~ "Main",
    StructureAcronym == "ACB" ~ "Main",
    StructureAcronym == "MOp" ~ "Main",
    StructureAcronym == "PVH" ~ "Main",
    StructureAcronym == "Th" ~ "Main",
    StructureAcronym == "TH" ~ "Main",
    StructureAcronym == "BLA" ~ "Main",
    StructureAcronym == "BMA" ~ "Main",
    StructureAcronym == "CA3" ~ "Main",
    StructureAcronym == "VISp" ~ "Main",
    TRUE ~ "Sub")) %>%
  mutate(tokeep = case_when(
    (Area == "Sub" | StructureAcronym %in% c("VTA", "SNr", "SNc")) ~TRUE,
  )) %>%
  ## Assign main-area to sub-area
  dplyr::filter(tokeep == TRUE) %>%
  dplyr::select(-tokeep) %>%
  dplyr::mutate(Main_Area = case_when(
    StructureAcronym %in% c("ORBm6a","ORBm2","ORBm1","ORBm2/3","ORBm","ORBm5", "ORB") 
    ~ "ORB",
    StructureAcronym %in% c("VTA")
    ~ "VTA",
    StructureAcronym %in% c("DG-mo","DG","DGMol","DG-sg","DGGran","DG-po","DGs","DGi",
                            "DGHil", "DG") 
    ~ "DG",
    StructureAcronym %in% c("PcPL-PAG", "JcPL-PAG", "PcPV-PAG", "JcPV-PAG", "CoPV-PAG", 
                            "m1AD-PAG", "PIsD-PAG", "p1Lim-PAG", "TGDL-PAG", 
                            "TGL-PAG", "SCL-PAG", "SCDL-PAG", "m1Lim-PAG","ICDL-PAG", 
                            "PIsDL-PAG", "PB-PAG", "PIsL-PAG", "isLim-PAG","m1B-PAG", 
                            "p1B-PAG", "Ist-PAG", "PAG") 
    ~ "PAG",
    StructureAcronym %in% c("ANcr1", "ANcr1gr", "ANcr1mo", "CB") 
    ~ "CB",
    StructureAcronym %in% c("MV", "LAV", "SPIV", "SUV", "VNC") ~ "VNC",
    StructureAcronym %in% c("ILA6b", "ILA", "ILA2/3", "ILA5", "ILA2", "ILA1", "ILA6a", 
                            "PL6b", "PL6a", "PL1", "PL2/3", "PL", "PL2", "PL5", "ACAd5", 
                            "ACAd2/3",  "ACAd","ACA", "ACAd1", "ACAv2/3", "ACAv", "ACAv1", 
                            "ACAv5", "ACAv6a", "ILA","ACAd6a", "ACAv6b", "ACAd6b", "CCx") 
    ~ "ILA",
    StructureAcronym %in% c("STRd", "Cau","CP") 
    ~ "CP",
    StructureAcronym %in% c("AcbSh", "AcbCo", "VStr") 
    ~ "ACB",
    StructureAcronym %in% c("MOp1", "MOp2/3", "MOp5", "MOp6b", "MOp6a", "MOp") 
    ~ "MOp",
    StructureAcronym %in% c("PVHIp", "PVHd", "PVHpm", "PVHpml", "PVHm", "PVHmm", "PVHmpd", 
                            "PVHmdp", "PVHp", "PVHap", "PVH", "PVHlp") ~ "PVH",
    StructureAcronym %in% c("CL", "CM", "MDc", "MD", "MED", "MDI", "ILM", "MDm", "PVT", 
                            "TH", "MDl") 
    ~ "TH",
    StructureAcronym %in% c("BLA", "BLAa", "BLP", "BLAp", "BLA")
    ~ "BLA",
    StructureAcronym %in% c("BMAp", "BMP", "BLAv", "BMAa", "BMA") 
    ~ "BMA",
    StructureAcronym %in% c("CA3sp", "CA3sr", "CA3slu", "CA3so", "CA3slm", "CA3")
    ~ "CA3",
    StructureAcronym %in% c("VISp4", "VISp1", "VISp2/3", "VISp6a", "VISp6b", "VISp")
    ~ "VISp",
    TRUE ~StructureAcronym
  ## Match acronyms to mouse dataset
  dplyr::mutate(AcronymMain = case_when(
    Main_Area == "ORB" ~ "mOFC",
    Main_Area == "VTA" ~ "VTA",
    Main_Area == "DG" ~ "DG",
    Main_Area == "PAG" ~ "PAG",
    Main_Area == "CB" ~ "Cereb",
    Main_Area == "SNr" ~ "SN",
    Main_Area == "SNc" ~ "SN",
    Main_Area == "VNC" ~ "VN",
    Main_Area == "ILA" ~ "mPFC",
    Main_Area == "CP" ~ "Cpu",
    Main_Area == "ACB" ~ "Nac",
    Main_Area == "MOp" ~ "M1",
    Main_Area == "PVH" ~ "Hypoth",
    Main_Area == "Th" ~ "Thal",
    Main_Area == "TH" ~ "Thal",
    Main_Area == "BLA" ~ "Amyg",
    Main_Area == "BMA" ~ "Amyg",
    Main_Area == "CA3" ~ "CA3",
    Main_Area == "VISp" ~ "V1",
  )) %>%
  dplyr::mutate(StructureAcronym = case_when(
    Structure == "Dentate.gyrus" ~ "DG",
    Structure == "dentate.gyrus" ~ "dg",
    Structure == "basolateral.amygdaloid.nucleus..anterior.part" ~ "BLA_ant",
    Structure == "Basolateral.amygdalar.nucleus" ~ "BLA",
    Structure == "basomedial.amygdaloid.nucleus..anterior.part" ~ "BMA_ant",
    Structure == "Basomedial.amygdalar.nucleus" ~ "BMA",
    Structure == "Field.CA3" ~ "CA3",
    Structure == "Field.CA3.1" ~ "CA3.1",
    Structure == "Field.CA3..stratum.lacunosum.moleculare.1" ~ "CA3slm.1",
    Structure == "Field.CA3..stratum.oriens.1" ~ "CA3so.1",
    Structure == "Field.CA3..pyramidal.layer" ~ "CA3sp_l",
    Structure == "Field.CA3..stratum.radiatum.1" ~ "CA3sr.1",
    Structure == "Central.lateral.nucleus.of.the.thalamus" ~ "CL_thal",
    Structure == "Central.medial.nucleus.of.the.thalamus" ~ "CM_thal",
    Structure == "Mediodorsal.nucleus.of.thalamus" ~ "MD_thal",
    TRUE ~ StructureAcronym
  )) %>%
  ## Main-area to network
  dplyr::mutate(Group = case_when(
    AcronymMain == "mOFC" ~ "Cortico-striatal",
    AcronymMain == "VTA" ~ "Salience/Spatial navigation",
    AcronymMain == "DG" ~ "Salience/Spatial navigation",
    AcronymMain == "PAG" ~ "Threat response",
    AcronymMain == "Cereb" ~ "Salience/Spatial navigation",
    AcronymMain == "SN" ~ "Threat response",
    AcronymMain == "VN" ~ "Salience/Spatial navigation",
    AcronymMain == "mPFC" ~ "Cortico-striatal",
    AcronymMain == "Cpu" ~ "Cortico-striatal",
    AcronymMain == "Nac" ~ "Cortico-striatal",
    AcronymMain == "M1" ~ "Cortico-striatal",
    AcronymMain == "Hypoth" ~ "Threat response",
    AcronymMain == "Thal" ~ "Salience/Spatial navigation",
    AcronymMain == "Thal" ~ "Salience/Spatial navigation",
    AcronymMain == "Amyg" ~ "Threat response",
    AcronymMain == "Amyg" ~ "Threat response",
    AcronymMain == "CA3" ~ "Salience/Spatial navigation",
    AcronymMain == "V1" ~ "Cortico-striatal"),.after = AcronymMain) %>%
  dplyr::rename(HumanGeneID = ID) %>%
  dplyr::mutate(exprs = as.numeric(exprs)) %>%
  pivot_wider(names_from = "HumanGeneID", values_from = "exprs") %>%
## Filter for mitochondrial genes
subAreas_mito <- sub_Areas %>%
  pivot_longer(cols = -c("Structure"  , "StructureAcronym" ,"Main_Area","AcronymMain", "Group")) %>%
  dplyr::filter(name %in% mitoIDs_hm)%>%
  dplyr::mutate(value = as.numeric(value)) %>%
  pivot_wider(names_from = "name", values_from = "value")
## Compute the PCA
pca <- prcomp(subAreas_mito[,-c(1:5)], scale. = T)
top <- pca$rotation
summary_pca <- summary(pca)
## 3D PCA
  var_1 <- round(summary_pca$importance[2,1]*100,2)
  var_2 <- round(summary_pca$importance[2,2]*100,2)
  var_3 <- round(summary_pca$importance[2,3]*100,2)
  group_color_df <- data.frame(Color = c("mOFC" = "#EB539F",
                                         "VTA" = "#B260EA",
                                         "DG"= "#B260EA",
                                         "PAG"= "#2032F5",
                                         "Cereb"= "#B260EA",
                                         "SN" = "#2032F5",
                                         "VN"= "#B260EA",
                                         "mPFC"= "#EB539F",
                                         "Cpu"= "#EB539F",
                                         "Nac"= "#EB539F",
                                         "M1"= "#EB539F",
                                         "Hypoth"= "#2032F5",
                                         "Thal"= "#B260EA",
                                         "Amyg"= "#2032F5",
                                         "CA3"= "#B260EA",
                                         "V1"= "#EB539F")) %>%
  df <- pca$x
  df <- data.frame(PC1=df[,1], PC2=df[,2], PC3=df[,3], Group = as.factor(subAreas_mito$AcronymMain)) %>%
    full_join(group_color_df, by = "Group") %>%
  with(df, rgl::plot3d(PC1,PC2,PC3, col= Color, alpha = 0.6, size = 8, type = "p",
                       xlab = paste0("PC1 (",var_1, "%)"),
                       ylab = paste0("PC2 (",var_2, "%)"),
                       zlab = paste0("PC3 (",var_3, "%)")))


Figure 4c - Hierarchical clustering

To compare mitochondrial gene and pathway signatures between the 16 main brain areas, each mitochondrial gene was assigned to a mitochondrial pathway (n=149) using MitoCarta3.0 annotations. The data was z-score transformed with a mean of 100 and a standard deviation of 10 to allow for direct gene expression comparisons between brain areas.

mainAreas_mito_z_score <- mainAreas %>%
   pivot_longer(cols = -c("Brain_Area", "Group"), 
                names_to = "HumanGeneID", values_to= "exprs") %>%
  group_by(Brain_Area) %>%
  mutate(exprs = (exprs - mean(exprs, na.omit = T))/sd(exprs, na.rm = T)) %>%
  mutate(exprs = (exprs * 10) + 100) %>%
  filter(HumanGeneID %in% mitoIDs_hm) %>%
  pivot_wider(names_from = "HumanGeneID", values_from = "exprs") 

Raw data distribution (vertical line = average gene expression in each brain area)

p <- mainAreas %>%
  pivot_longer(cols = -c("Brain_Area", "Group"), 
                names_to = "HumanGeneID", values_to= "exprs") %>%
  mutate(mean_all= mean(exprs, na.omit = T)) %>%
  group_by(Brain_Area) %>%
  mutate(mean_structure = mean(exprs, na.omit = T)) %>%
  ggplot(aes(x= exprs, color = Brain_Area)) +
  geom_vline(aes(xintercept =mean_structure, color = Brain_Area), alpha = 0.2) +
  geom_line(stat = "density") +
  xlab("Gene expression") +
  theme_bw() +
  scale_y_continuous(limits = c(0, 0.14), expand = expansion(mult = c(0, .1))) 


Data distribution after z-score transform with mean of 100 (vertical line) and standard deviation of 10

p <- mainAreas %>%
  pivot_longer(cols = -c("Brain_Area", "Group"), 
                names_to = "HumanGeneID", values_to= "exprs") %>%
  group_by(Brain_Area) %>%
  mutate(exprs = (exprs - mean(exprs, na.omit = T))/sd(exprs, na.rm = T)) %>%
  mutate(exprs = (exprs * 10) + 100) %>%
  mutate(mean_all= mean(exprs, na.omit = T)) %>%
  group_by(Brain_Area) %>%
  mutate(mean_structure = mean(exprs, na.omit = T)) %>%
  ggplot(aes(x= exprs, color = Brain_Area)) +
  geom_line(stat = "density") +
  geom_vline(aes(xintercept =mean_structure, color = Brain_Area), alpha = 0.2) +
  xlab("Gene expression")+
  scale_y_continuous(limits = c(0, 0.04), expand = expansion(mult = c(0, .1))) 


From the transformed data, the expression of genes in a given pathway (as annotated in MitoCarta3.0) were averaged, yielding 149 mitochondrial pathway scores for each brain area.

Hierarchical clustering (Figure 4c) of the resulting matrix (16 brain areas x 149 pathways) was performed using the Euclidean distance calculated from relative pathway scores and the ward.D2 method.

pathway_score <- mainAreas_mito_z_score %>%
               names_to = "ID", values_to = "exprs") %>%
  full_join(pathway_gene_ID, by = "ID") %>%
  group_by(Pathway, Brain_Area) %>%
  mutate(Average_exprs = mean(exprs)) %>%
  ungroup() %>%
  dplyr::select( Group, Average_exprs, Pathway, Brain_Area) %>%
  unique() %>%
  na.omit() %>%
  pivot_wider(names_from = "Pathway", values_from = "Average_exprs") %>%
  column_to_rownames("Brain_Area") %>%
  mutate(Group = case_when(
    Group == "Cortico-striatal"~"Cortico-striatal",
     Group ==         "Salience/Spatial navigation"~"Salience/Spat.Nav.",
     Group ==          "Threat response" ~ "Threat response"))

exprs <-t(scale(pathway_score[,2:ncol(pathway_score)])) # scale columnwise to compare brain areas relative to each other
col_fun = colorRamp2(c(range(exprs)[1], 0, range(exprs)[2]),c("blue", "white", "red")) 
### Clustering Rows
row_dist    = dist(as.matrix(exprs), method="euclidean")
rowdend     = hclust(row_dist, method="ward.D2")
column_dist    = dist(as.matrix(t(exprs)), method="euclidean",)
columndend     = hclust(column_dist, method="ward.D2")
## Row annotation
column_anno_df <- pathway_score %>% %>%
## Column annotation
column_anno = columnAnnotation(
  `Tissue group`=column_anno_df$Group,
  col=list(`Tissue group`  = color_groups),
  show_annotation_name = F,
  show_legend =  T,
  simple_anno_size = unit(0.2, "cm"),
  annotation_legend_param = list(nrow=3,
  labels_gp = gpar(fontsize = 8),
              title_gp = gpar(fontsize = 8)))
## Build the heatmap
HM <- Heatmap(exprs, 
              name = "Rel. pathway score", 
              row_dend_side = "right",
              row_names_side = "left",
              row_dend_width = unit(0.2, "cm"),
              cluster_rows =rowdend,
              cluster_columns = columndend,
              row_names_gp = grid::gpar(fontsize = 3),
              column_title_gp = grid::gpar(fontsize = 10),
              column_names_gp = grid::gpar(fontsize = 8),
              width = unit(70, "mm"),
              heatmap_legend_param = list(
                title = "Rel. pathway score",
              labels_gp = gpar(fontsize = 8),
              title_gp = gpar(fontsize = 8))

Figure 4d - Ranked pathway scores

To quantify mitotype differences between network1 and network2/3, we calculated pathway scores for each network group respectively using the average expression of all genes annotated to each pathway.

pathway_score <- mainAreas_mito_z_score %>%
  pivot_longer(-c("Group", "Brain_Area"), 
               names_to = "ID", values_to = "exprs") %>%
  full_join(pathway_gene_ID, by = "ID") %>%
  mutate(Network = case_when(
    Group =="Cortico-striatal" ~ "Network1",
    (Group ==  "Salience/Spatial navigation" | 
       Group == "Threat response" ) ~ "Network2_3",
  )) %>%
  mutate(Group = case_when(
    Group == "Cortico-striatal"~"Cortico-striatal",
     Group ==         "Salience/Spatial navigation"~"Salience/Spat.Nav.",
     Group ==          "Threat response" ~ "Threat response")) %>%

  group_by(Pathway,Network) %>%
  mutate(Average_exprs = mean(exprs)) %>%
   ungroup() %>%
    na.omit() %>%
  dplyr::select(Network, Average_exprs, Pathway) %>%
  unique() %>%
  pivot_wider(names_from = "Network", values_from = "Average_exprs") 

Next, we calculated the log2 fold change (log2(network1 / network2.3)), and ranked the fold changes from lowest (higher in network 2/3) to highest (higher in network1):

pathway_score <- pathway_score %>%
  column_to_rownames("Pathway") %>%
  dplyr::mutate(log2FC = log2(Network1/Network2_3)) %>%
  arrange(log2FC) %>% #arrange data ascending
  rownames_to_column("Pathway_Level3") %>% 
  dplyr::mutate(xaxis = seq(1:149)) %>% #add x-axis to sort ascending from left to right
  dplyr::select(Pathway_Level3,log2FC, xaxis)

p <- pathway_score %>% 
  ggplot(aes(x =xaxis, y = log2FC, label = Pathway_Level3)) +
  geom_point(alpha = 0.7, size = 2.5, shape = 21, color = "darkgray", fill = "gray") +
 geom_hline(yintercept = 0, linetype = "dotted", color = "gray", linewidth = 0.5) +
  labs(y = "Log2 fold change Network1 to Network2_3", x = "Ranked Mitopathway scores") +
  theme_bw() +
  geom_vline(aes(xintercept =119), linetype = "dotted", color = "gray", linewidth = 0.5) +
  theme(axis.text.x = element_blank(),
        axis.title.x = element_text(size=10),
        legend.position = "none",
        axis.text.y = element_text(size = 8),
        axis.title.y = element_text(size=10),
        panel.grid.major = element_blank(), 
        panel.grid.minor = element_blank())


Figure 4e - Bivariate plot of Vitamin B2 metabolism & G3P shuttle

From the ranked mitopathway scores we picked the top (G3P shuttle) and bottom (Vit B2 metabolism) mitopathway and calculated the pathway score for each brain area (as shown in figure 4c)

pathway_score <- mainAreas_mito_z_score %>%
  pivot_longer(-c("Group",  "Brain_Area"), 
               names_to = "ID", values_to = "exprs") %>%
  full_join(pathway_gene_ID, by = "ID") %>%
   mutate(Group = case_when(
    Group == "Cortico-striatal"~"Cortico-striatal",
     Group ==         "Salience/Spatial navigation"~"Salience/Spat.Nav.",
     Group ==          "Threat response" ~ "Threat response")) %>%

  group_by(Pathway,Brain_Area) %>%
  mutate(Average_exprs = mean(exprs)) %>%
   ungroup() %>%
    na.omit() %>%
  dplyr::select(-c(ID, exprs, Gene) )%>%
  unique() %>%
  pivot_wider(names_from = "Pathway", values_from = "Average_exprs")

Next, we plotted both pathways against one another, color-coded by network:

color_structure <- c(
    "mOFC" = "#EB539F",
    "VTA" = "#B260EA",
    "DG" = "#B260EA",
    "PAG" = "#2032F5",
    "Cereb" = "#B260EA",
    "SN" = "#2032F5",
    "VN" = "#B260EA",
    "mPFC" = "#EB539F",
    "CPu" = "#EB539F",
    "NAc" = "#EB539F",
    "M1" = "#EB539F",
    "Hypoth" = "#2032F5",
    "Thal" = "#B260EA",
    "Amyg" = "#2032F5",
    "CA3" = "#B260EA",
    "V1" = "#EB539F")

p <- pathway_score %>%
   ggplot(aes(x = `Glycerol phosphate shuttle`, y = `Vitamin B2 metabolism`, color = Brain_Area)) +
  geom_point(alpha = 0.6, size = 4) +
  scale_color_manual(values = color_structure) +
  theme_bw() +
    axis.title = element_text(size = 10), 
    axis.text = element_text(size =8)

Figure 4f - Ratio G3P/Vit. B2

We calculated the ratio of both pathways (G3P shuttle/Vitamine B2 metabolism) for each brain area individually, and plotted the ratios from highest to lowest. We futher calculated the percent difference between the brain area with the highest ratio and the one with the lowest ratio:

ratio <- pathway_score %>%
  mutate(ratio = `Glycerol phosphate shuttle`/`Vitamin B2 metabolism`) %>%
  dplyr::select(Brain_Area, ratio, 
                `Vitamin B2 metabolism`,`Glycerol phosphate shuttle` ) %>%
    unique() %>%

ratio$Brain_Area  <- factor(ratio$Brain_Area, levels = ratio$Brain_Area)
  p <- ratio %>% 
  ggplot(aes(x= Brain_Area, color = Brain_Area)) +
                   y=1, yend=ratio), size=4, alpha =0.6, show.legend = F) +
  scale_color_manual(values = color_structure) +
  scale_y_continuous(limits = c(1,1.18), expand = expansion(mult = c(0, .1))) +
  labs(y= "G3P shuttle / Vit. B2 metabolism") +
  theme_classic() +
  theme( axis.title.x = element_blank(),
      axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 45, hjust = 1),
        axis.text.y = element_text(size = 8),
        axis.title.y = element_text(size = 10),
        axis.ticks.x = element_blank(),
        panel.grid.major = element_blank(), 
        panel.grid.minor = element_blank(),
        legend.position = "none") 
plotly::ggplotly(p, tooltip="ratio")
change <- ratio %>% 
  mutate(min = min(ratio), max= max(ratio)) %>%
  filter(min == ratio | max == ratio) %>%
    column_to_rownames("Brain_Area") %>%
  dplyr::select(ratio) %>%
paste("Percent difference highest to lowest:", ((change[,1] - change[,2]) / change[1] ) *100)
## [1] "Percent difference highest to lowest: 13.46755774427"

Figure 4g - Bivariate plot of Calcium homeostasis & Metabolism

p <- pathway_score %>%
   ggplot(aes(x = `Metabolism`, y = `Calcium homeostasis`, color = Brain_Area)) +
  geom_point(alpha = 0.6, size = 4) +
  scale_color_manual(values = color_structure) +
  theme_bw() +
    axis.title = element_text(size = 10), 
    axis.text = element_text(size =8)
change <- ratio %>% 
  mutate(min = min(ratio), max= max(ratio)) %>%
  filter(min == ratio | max == ratio) %>%
    column_to_rownames("Brain_Area") %>%
  dplyr::select(ratio) %>%

Figure 4h - Ratio Calcium homeostasis/Metabolism

ratio <- pathway_score %>%
  mutate(ratio = `Calcium homeostasis`/`Metabolism`) %>%
  dplyr::select(Brain_Area, ratio, 
                `Metabolism`,`Calcium homeostasis` ) %>%
    unique() %>%

ratio$Brain_Area  <- factor(ratio$Brain_Area, levels = ratio$Brain_Area)
  p <- ratio %>% 
  ggplot(aes(x= Brain_Area, color = Brain_Area)) +
                   y=1, yend=ratio), size=4, alpha =0.6, show.legend = F) +
  scale_color_manual(values = color_structure) +
  scale_y_continuous(limits = c(1,1.04), expand = expansion(mult = c(0, .1))) +
  labs(y= "Calcium homeostasis / Metabolism") +
  theme_classic() +
  theme(axis.title.x = element_blank(),
        axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 45, hjust = 1),
        axis.text.y = element_text(size = 8),
        axis.title.y = element_text(size = 10),
        axis.ticks.x = element_blank(),
        panel.grid.major = element_blank(), 
        panel.grid.minor = element_blank(),
        legend.position = "none") 
plotly::ggplotly(p, tooltip="ratio")
change <- ratio %>% 
  mutate(min = min(ratio), max= max(ratio)) %>%
  filter(min == ratio | max == ratio) %>%
    column_to_rownames("Brain_Area") %>%
  dplyr::select(ratio) %>%
paste("Percent difference highest to lowest:", ((change[,1] - change[,2]) / change[1] ) *100)
## [1] "Percent difference highest to lowest: 1.80428841082514"