WangXiaohanWangZengxueTongYanfengBianDongjuYangZizhongThree new species of Camptoscaphiella Caporiacco, 1934 (Araneae, Oonopidae) from Yunnan Province, ChinaBiodivers Data J080920231110.3897/BDJ.11.e109679 D12BA89A-10FE-5B76-B780-9F6E5B5A8CA2 Camptoscaphiella yinglefeng 2A3BF2A2-26BD-4DFE-BC05-D0D6B3D15FB0 Tong & Yangsp. nov.Materials

Type status: Holotype. Occurrence: recordedBy: Zizhong Yang; individualID: SYNU-693; individualCount: 1; sex: male; lifeStage: adult; preparations: whole animal; occurrenceID: 50F43FDD-9358-5A58-8E23-57DE4C5CDD76; Taxon: order: Araneae; family: Oonopidae; genus: Camptoscaphiella; specificEpithet: yinglefeng; scientificNameAuthorship: Tong & Yang; Location: country: China; stateProvince: Yunnan; county: Dali City; locality: Cangshan Mountain,Yinglefeng Hill; verbatimCoordinates: 25°41′28″N, 100°5′48″E; Identification: identifiedBy: Yanfeng Tong; Event: eventDate: 8 Febuary 2010

Type status: Paratype. Occurrence: recordedBy: Zizhong Yang; individualID: SYNU-694-699; individualCount: 6; sex: 4 females, 2 males; lifeStage: adult; preparations: whole animal; occurrenceID: E391CDDC-0CF8-53DF-AB21-77E80C58519A; Taxon: order: Araneae; family: Oonopidae; genus: Camptoscaphiella; specificEpithet: yinglefeng; scientificNameAuthorship: Tong & Yang; Location: country: China; stateProvince: Yunnan; county: Dali City; locality: Cangshan Mountain, Yinglefeng Hill; verbatimCoordinates: 25°41′28″N, 100°5′48″E; Identification: identifiedBy: Yanfeng Tong; Event: eventDate: 8 Febuary 2010

Type status: Paratype. Occurrence: recordedBy: Jianchun Zhang & Guanxu Ma; individualID: SYNU-682-692; individualCount: 11; sex: 8 females 3 males; lifeStage: adult; preparations: whole animal; occurrenceID: 9B44CA6F-EE7A-5193-8C15-6E5B32288F54; Taxon: order: Araneae; family: Oonopidae; genus: Camptoscaphiella; specificEpithet: yinglefeng; scientificNameAuthorship: Tong & Yang; Location: country: China; stateProvince: Yunnan; county: Dali City; locality: Cangshan Mountain,Yujufeng Hill; verbatimCoordinates: 25°41′45″N, 100°6′32″E; Identification: identifiedBy: Yanfeng Tong; Event: eventDate: 9 August 2011

Type status: Paratype. Occurrence: recordedBy: Jianchun Zhang & Guanxu Ma; individualID: SYNU-680-681; individualCount: 2; sex: 2 females; lifeStage: adult; preparations: whole animal; occurrenceID: 6C050DF5-A0FB-5ABC-A759-E30B9A9F2B63; Taxon: order: Araneae; family: Oonopidae; genus: Camptoscaphiella; specificEpithet: yinglefeng; scientificNameAuthorship: Tong & Yang; Location: country: China; stateProvince: Yunnan; county: Dali City; locality: Cangshan Mountain, Dapojing; verbatimCoordinates: 225°34′28″N, 100°8′49″E; Identification: identifiedBy: Yanfeng Tong; Event: eventDate: 29 November 2008

Type status: Paratype. Occurrence: recordedBy: Ping Feng; individualID: SYNU-679; individualCount: 1; sex: female; lifeStage: adult; preparations: whole animal; occurrenceID: 66DDC4C2-5108-5C03-B751-4E311058D9D7; Taxon: order: Araneae; family: Oonopidae; genus: Camptoscaphiella; specificEpithet: yinglefeng; scientificNameAuthorship: Tong & Yang; Location: country: China; stateProvince: Yunnan; county: Dali City; locality: Cangshan Mountain, post-fire forest in 2008; verbatimCoordinates: 25°38′52″N, 100°07′15″E; Identification: identifiedBy: Yanfeng Tong; Event: eventDate: 20 August 2008

Type status: Paratype. Occurrence: recordedBy: Zhenxing Yang & Youliang Zhang; individualID: SYNU-678; individualCount: 1; sex: male; lifeStage: adult; preparations: whole animal; occurrenceID: 09F7A51F-356E-5180-8338-094B8B44C485; Taxon: order: Araneae; family: Oonopidae; genus: Camptoscaphiella; specificEpithet: yinglefeng; scientificNameAuthorship: Tong & Yang; Location: country: China; stateProvince: Yunnan; county: Dali City; locality: Cangshan Mountain, post-fire forest in 2008; verbatimCoordinates: 25°38′52″N, 100°07′15″E; Identification: identifiedBy: Yanfeng Tong; Event: eventDate: 12 October 2008


Male (Holotype). Body: yellow, abdomen ventrally and laterally paler, whitish; habitus as in Fig. 2A, C and E; length 1.65. Carapace (Fig. 2B and F): 0.76 long, 0.63 wide; pars cephalica slightly elevated in lateral view, surface of elevated portion and sides of pars cephalica finely reticulate. Eyes (Fig. 2B,H): ALE 0.078; PME 0.064; PLE 0.062; posterior eye row procurved from both above and front; ALE separated by less than radius. Clypeus (Fig. 2B, H): margin unmodified, straight in front view, sloping forward in lateral view. Mouthparts (Fig. 2D, G and H, Fig. 3A and B): chelicerae unmodified; labium with a cluster of black, strong setae; endites with characteristic brush-like long hairs. Sternum (Fig. 2D and Fig. 3A): as long as wide, with pointed anterolateral bumps, with small inter-coxal, triangular extensions for coxae III and IV. Abdomen (Fig. 2A, C and E): 0.89 long, 0.75 wide; oval; dorsal scutum covering about 5⁄6 of abdomen length, 2⁄3 of abdomen width, anteriorly fused to epigastric scutum; postepigastric scutum small, just near epigastric furrow. Legs: yellowish-white. Palp (Fig. 3C–M): reddish-brown; patella extremely long club-shaped, length/width = 3.04, ca. 5 times the femur length and 2.4 times the bulb length; cymbium narrow in dorsal view; bulb ventrally with short and sharp spine-shaped process (vp), sub-distally with long, bifid appendices (va) and apically with retrolateral fold (rlf).

Female (SYNU-694). Body: habitus as in Fig. 4A–C; length 1.76. Carapace: 0.72 long, 0.66 wide. Eyes: ALE 0.061; PME 0.053; PLE 0.046. Abdomen: 1.04 long, 0.70 wide. Epigastric area (Fig. 4D, H): with rounded anterior sclerite (as) and triangular median plate (tmp). Endogyne (Fig. 4I): copulatory duct (cd) long, narrow, straight with tip reaching far beyond posterior groove; apodemes (ap) slender.


This new species is similar to Camptoscaphiellatuberans Tong & Li, 2007, but can be distinguished by the cluster of black, strong setae on the labium (Fig. 2G) vs. absent (Tong and Li (2007): fig. 23), the ventral process (vp) on subdistal part of bulb (Fig. 3I, J) vs. absent (Tong and Li (2007): fig. 25), by lacking the semicircular, prolateral rim on bulb distal part (Fig. 3I, J) vs. present (Tong and Li (2007): fig. 25) and the triangular median plate of epigastric region (Fig. 4D) vs. absent (Tong and Li (2007): fig. 22).


The specific epithet is derived from the type locality; noun in apposition.


Known only from the type locality.


Camptoscaphiellayinglefeng sp. nov., male (SYNU-693). A habitus, dorsal view; B prosoma, dorsal view; C habitus, ventral view; D prosoma, ventral view; E habitus, lateral view; F prosoma, lateral view; G labium and endites, ventral view, arrow shows the cluster of strong setae; H prosoma, anterior view. Scales: A–F, H = 0.4 mm; G = 0.2 mm .

Camptoscaphiellayinglefeng sp. nov., male (SYNU-699), A–H (SEM) microphotographs and I–M (light). A prosoma, ventral view, arrow shows the anterolateral bumps; B labium and endites, ventral view; C distal part of bulb, dorsal view; D left bulb, prolateral view; E left bulb, retrolateral view; F distal part of bulb, prolateral view; G distal part of bulb, retrolateral view; H left bulb, dorsal view; I left bulb, prolateral view; J left bulb, retrolateral view; K left bulb, dorsal view; L left palp, prolateral view; M left palp, retrolateral view. Abbreviations: rlf = retrolateral fold, va = ventral appendices, vp = ventral process. Scales: A, L, M = 0.2 mm; B, D, E, H–K = 0.1 mm; C, F, G = 0.05 mm.

Camptoscaphiellayinglefeng sp. nov., female (SYNU-694). A habitus, dorsal view; B habitus, ventral view; C habitus, lateral view; D epigastric region, ventral view; E prosoma, dorsal view; F prosoma, ventral view; G prosoma, anterior view; H epigastric region, ventral view; I endogyne, dorsal view. Abbreviations: ap = apodemes, as = anterior sclerite, cd = copulatory duct, tmp = triangular median plate. Scales: A–C, E–G = 0.4 mm; D = 0.2 mm; H–I = 0.1 mm.
TongY.LiS.2007One new genus and four new species of oonopid spiders from southwest China (Araneae: Oonopidae)Annales Zoologici (Warsaw)57331340