Animalia Phyllodocida Nereididae WilsonRobin S.GlasbyChristopher J.BakkenTorkildThe Nereididae (Annelida) – diagnoses, descriptions, and a key to the generaZookeys1110202311823513410.3897/zookeys.1182.104258 E43244D1-78BA-54D0-B351-D007CAE1C1A5 Olganereis Hartmann-Schröder, 1977Type species.

Ceratocephalaedmondsi Hartman, 1954.



Hartmann-Schröder (1977).


Maxillary ring of pharynx with papillae present; dorsal notopodial ligule markedly reduced on posterior chaetigers; ventral neuropodial ligule of anterior chaetigers present (minimal diagnosis). Ventral neuropodial ligule of anterior chaetigers short, up to half length of acicular neuropodial ligule; oral ring papillae present; prostomium anterior margin entire; Area V papillae absent (secondary diagnosis).


Palpophore barrel-shaped, approximately equal width from base to palpostyle (not overly large compared with palpostyle). Tentacular belt greater than length of chaetiger 1.

Jaws with dentate cutting edge.

Maxillary ring of pharynx with papillae present; solitary. Maxillary ring paragnaths absent. Oral ring papillae present. Oral ring papillae arrangement solitary. Area V papillae absent; VI papillae present; VII-VIII papillae present. Oral ring paragnaths absent.

Dorsal notopodial ligule present; commences chaetiger 3; not markedly elongate on posterior chaetigers; not markedly broader on posterior chaetigers; markedly reduced on posterior chaetigers.

Neuropodial prechaetal lobe present. Ventral neuropodial ligule of anterior chaetigers present. Ventral neuropodial ligule of anterior chaetigers short, up to half length of acicular neuropodial ligule. Ventral neuropodial ligule on posterior chaetigers present. Ventral neuropodial ligule on posterior chaetigers similar to length of acicular neuropodial ligule.

Notochaetae: homogomph spinigers present. Neurochaetae dorsal fascicle: heterogomph spinigers absent; homogomph spinigers present; heterogomph falcigers in anterior chaetigers present; on posterior chaetigers present; blades serrated; blades with teeth only slightly longer proximally than distally. Neurochaetae ventral fascicle: heterogomph spinigers present; spinigers in anterior chaetigers with blades evenly serrated throughout; on posterior chaetigers with blades finely serrated proximally; homogomph spinigers absent; heterogomph falcigers present; falcigers blade bowed, with convex margin; heterogomph falcigers blade with recurved terminal tooth and distinct tendon.

Anal cirri form cirriform or conical.


Ceratocephalaedmondsi Hartman, 1954 (misspelling for Ceratocephale) was separated into the new genus Olganereis by Hartmann-Schröder (1977) because of the lack of accessory ventral cirri and presence of papillae on both oral and maxillary rings of the pharynx (characters present in Ceratocephale species).

Olganereis is monotypic and the sole species O.edmondsi (Hartman, 1954) occurs in estuaries in southern Australia. The only other Australian nereidid with papillae on both rings of the pharynx is Dendronereidesheteropoda Southern, 1921 from tropical estuaries and in which the dorsal notopodial ligule is divided into 'branchial' filaments.

Hartmann-SchröderG (1977) The genera Ceratocephale Malmgren, Olganereis n. gen., and Profundilycastis n. gen. (Nereidae, Polychaeta) with a key to the nereid genera without chitinous paragnaths. In: ReishDJFauchaldK (Eds) Essays on Polychaetous Annelids in Memory of Dr.Olga Hartman. Allan Hancock Press, Los Angeles, 141155.