Animalia Phyllodocida Nereididae WilsonRobin S.GlasbyChristopher J.BakkenTorkildThe Nereididae (Annelida) – diagnoses, descriptions, and a key to the generaZookeys1110202311823513410.3897/zookeys.1182.104258 D2A469FC-05F5-5D2A-A397-E5D6C969B09D Tylonereis Fauvel, 1911Type species.

Tylonereisbogoyawlenskyi Fauvel, 1911.



Fauvel (1911).


Dorsal notopodial ligule markedly broader on posterior chaetigers; prostomium anterior margin indented (minimal diagnosis). Maxillary ring of pharynx with papillae present; dorsal notopodial ligule markedly elongate on posterior chaetigers (secondary diagnosis).


Palpophore barrel-shaped, approximately equal width from base to palpostyle (not overly large compared with palpostyle). Prostomium anterior margin indented.

Jaws with smooth or slightly crenulate cutting edge.

Maxillary ring of pharynx with papillae present; in tufts. Maxillary ring paragnaths absent. Oral ring papillae present. Oral ring papillae arrangement solitary. Area V papillae absent; VI one papillae present; VII-VIII papillae present (in a single row). Oral ring paragnaths absent. Maxillary ring papillae absent on Areas I and II, with double rows on Areas III and IV.

Dorsal notopodial ligule present; commences chaetiger 3; markedly elongate on posterior chaetigers; markedly broader on posterior chaetigers; not markedly reduced on posterior chaetigers. Dorsal cirrus not sub-terminally attached to dorsal notopodial ligule on posterior chaetigers; not terminally attached to dorsal notopodial ligule on posterior chaetigers; not terminally attached throughout all chaetigers.

Ventral neuropodial ligule of anterior chaetigers present. Ventral neuropodial ligule of anterior chaetigers approx. as long as acicular neuropodial ligule. Ventral neuropodial ligule on posterior chaetigers present. Ventral neuropodial ligule on posterior chaetigers similar to length of acicular neuropodial ligule. The neuropodial acicular ligule has three or four distinct lobes; homology of these is unclear, therefore these structures are not scored in this description.

Notoaciculae on chaetigers 1 and 2 absent. Notochaetae: homogomph spinigers present. Neurochaetae dorsal fascicle: heterogomph spinigers absent; homogomph spinigers present; heterogomph falcigers in anterior chaetigers absent; on posterior chaetigers absent. Neurochaetae ventral fascicle: heterogomph spinigers absent; homogomph spinigers present; heterogomph falcigers absent.


Tylonereis is one of several genera of Nereididae from tropical estuaries which have papillae on both maxillary and oral rings of the pharynx. The genus contains three species, all known from coastal lagoons and lakes of the tropical Indo-Pacific. Tan and Chou (1994) provide a key to species.

FauvelP (1911) Annèlides polychètes du golfe Persique recueillies par M.N. Bogoyawlensky. Archives de zoologie experimentale et generale sèrie 5, 6: 353–439. [pls19–21.]TanLTChouLM (1994) A new species of polychaete worm, Tylonereisheterochaeta (Polychaeta, Nereididae) from Singapore.The Raffles Bulletin of Zoology42: 663668.