Study ID,Author,Reference,Taxa,NewTaxa,TaxaH,Species,NewSpecies,MethodMR,MethodGC,Treatment MR,TreatType,Metabolic variable,HRMR,ssM,Cohen DM,CI1M,CI2M,CIM,seM,GC variable,ssGC,Cohen DGC,CI1GC,CI2GC,CIGC,seGC,Weight ,Beforeafter,Withinin 1,Cohen et al. 2008,"Cohen, A., Hau, M., & Wikelski, M. (2008). Stress, metabolism, and antioxidants in two wild passerine bird species. Physiological and Biochemical Zoology, 81(4), 463-472.",Bird,1,1,Gray catbird,1,Means and sd,Means and sd,Cold,1,O2 consumption,1,5,3.95,1.92,5.99,2.04,1.038265306,Corticosterone,5,0.55,-0.66,1.76,1.21,0.617346939,2.236067977,0,0 1,Cohen et al. 2008,"Cohen, A., Hau, M., & Wikelski, M. (2008). Stress, metabolism, and antioxidants in two wild passerine bird species. Physiological and Biochemical Zoology, 81(4), 463-472.",Bird,1,1,House sparrow,2,Means and sd,Means and sd,Cold,1,O2 consumption,1,9,1.61,0.6,2.6,0.99,0.510204082,Corticosterone,9,0.55,-0.66,1.76,1.21,0.617346939,3,0,0 2,Booth-McLean et al. 2007,"Booth-Mclean, M. E., Schwartzkopf-Genswein, K. S., Brown, F. A., Holmes, C. L., Schaefer, A. L., McAllister, T. A., & Mears, G. J. (2007). Physiological and behavioural responses to short-haul transport by stock trailer in finished steers. Canadian journal of animal science, 87(3), 291-297.",Mammal,2,2,Steer,3,Means and sd,Means and sd,Transport,2,HR,2,13,1.004,0.19,1.82,0.816,0.415816327,Cortisol,16,1.098,0.36,1.84,0.742,0.37755102,4,1,1 3,Celi et al. 2010,"Celi, F. S., Brychta, R. J., Linderman, J. D., Butler, P. W., Alberobello, A. T., Smith, S., ... & Chen, K. Y. (2010). Minimal changes in environmental temperature result in a significant increase in energy expenditure and changes in the hormonal homeostasis in healthy adults. European journal of endocrinology/European Federation of Endocrine Societies, 163(6), 863.",Mammal,2,3,Human,4,Means and sd,Means and sd,Cold,1,O2 consumption,1,21,0.48,-0.13,1.1,0.62,0.31377551,Cortisol AUC,21,0.27,-0.34,0.88,0.61,0.31122449,4.582575695,0,1 4,Cyr et al. 2008,"Cyr, N. E., Wikelski, M., & Romero, L. M. (2008). Increased energy expenditure but decreased stress responsiveness during molt. Physiological and Biochemical Zoology, 81(4), 452-462.",Bird,1,1,European starling,5,Means and sd,Means and sd,1 intruder,2,HR,2,8,0.05,-0.93,1.03,0.98,0.5,Corticosterone,8,-0.41,-1.4,0.58,0.99,0.505102041,2.828427125,0,1 4,Cyr et al. 2008,"Cyr, N. E., Wikelski, M., & Romero, L. M. (2008). Increased energy expenditure but decreased stress responsiveness during molt. Physiological and Biochemical Zoology, 81(4), 452-462.",Bird,1,1,European starling,5,Means and sd,Means and sd,5 intruder,2,HR,2,8,0.57,-0.43,1.57,1,0.510204082,Corticosterone,8,0.24,-0.74,1.23,0.99,0.50255102,2.828427125,0,1 4,Cyr et al. 2008,"Cyr, N. E., Wikelski, M., & Romero, L. M. (2008). Increased energy expenditure but decreased stress responsiveness during molt. Physiological and Biochemical Zoology, 81(4), 452-462.",Bird,1,1,European starling,5,Means and sd,Means and sd,Restraint,2,HR,2,8,1.33,0.25,2.41,1.08,0.551020408,Corticosterone,8,0.99,-0.05,2.03,1.04,0.530612245,2.828427125,0,1 5,Frank et al. 1997,"Frank, S. M., Higgins, M. S., Fleisher, L. A., Sitzmann, J. V., Raff, H., & Breslow, M. J. (1997). Adrenergic, respiratory, and cardiovascular effects of core cooling in humans. American Journal of Physiology-Regulatory, Integrative and Comparative Physiology, 272(2), R557-R562.",Mammal,2,3,Human,4,Means and sd,Means and sd,Warm vs. cold infusion,1,O2 consumption,1,9,2.46,1.23,3.68,1.22,0.625,Cortisol,9,1.19,0.19,2.19,1,0.510204082,3,0,1 6,Jimeno et al. 2018,"Jimeno, B., Hau, M., & Verhulst, S. (2017). Strong association between corticosterone levels and temperature-dependent metabolic rate in individual zebra finches. Journal of Experimental Biology, 220(23), 4426-4431.",Bird,1,1,Zebra finch,6,"t test, equal ss","t test, equal ss",Cold,1,O2 consumption,1,34,1.98,1.16,2.8,0.82,0.418367347,Corticosterone,34,0.93,0.22,1.63,0.7,0.359693878,5.830951895,0,1 6,Jimeno et al. 2018,"Jimeno, B., Hau, M., & Verhulst, S. (2018). Corticosterone levels reflect variation in metabolic rate, independent of ‘stress’. Scientific reports, 8(1), 1-8.",Bird,1,1,Zebra finch,6,"t test, equal ss","t test, equal ss",Noise,2,O2 consumption,1,36,2,1.2,2.8,0.8,0.408163265,Corticosterone,36,0.75,0.07,1.43,0.68,0.346938776,6,0,1 7,Kaciuba-Uscilko et al. 1992,"Kaciuba-Uscilko, H., Kruk, B., Szczypaczewska, M., Opaszowski, B., Stupnicka, E., Bicz, B., & Nazar, K. (1992). Metabolic, body temperature and hormonal responses to repeated periods of prolonged cycle-ergometer exercise in men. European journal of applied physiology and occupational physiology, 64(1), 26-31.",Mammal,2,3,Human,4,Means and sd,Means and sd,Exercise,3,O2 consumption,1,10,9.7,6.6,12.8,3.1,1.581632653,Cortisol,10,1.03,0.1,2,0.97,0.484693878,3.16227766,1,1 8,Kaselman et al. 2017,"Keselman, B., Vergara, M., Nyberg, S., & Nystrom, F. H. (2017). A randomized cross-over study of the acute effects of running 5 km on glucose, insulin, metabolic rate, cortisol and Troponin T. PloS one, 12(6), e0179401.",Mammal,2,3,Human,4,Means and sd,Means and sd,Exercise,3,Kcal consumption,1,17,0.75,0.06,1.45,0.7,0.354591837,Cortisol,17,1.33,0.59,2.07,0.74,0.37755102,4.123105626,0,1 9,Kleist et al. 2017,"Kleist, B., Wahrburg, U., Stehle, P., Schomaker, R., Greiwing, A., Stoffel-Wagner, B., & Egert, S. (2017). Moderate walking enhances the effects of an energy-restricted diet on fat mass loss and serum insulin in overweight and obese adults in a 12-week randomized controlled trial. The Journal of nutrition, 147(10), 1875-1884.",Mammal,2,3,Human,4,Means and sd,Means and sd,Exercise,3,O2 consumption / body mass (diet),1,38,0.25,-0.19,0.68,0.43,0.221938776,Cortisol,38,0.095,-0.34,0.53,0.435,0.221938776,6.164414003,0,0 10,Nephew & Romero 2003,"Nephew, B. C., & Romero, L. M. (2003). Behavioral, physiological, and endocrine responses of starlings to acute increases in density. Hormones and Behavior, 44(3), 222-232.",Bird,1,1,European starling,5,Means and sd,Means and sd,Intruder,2,HR,2,8,0.67,-0.34,1.67,1,0.512755102,Corticosterone,8,2.23,0.98,3.47,1.24,0.635204082,2.828427125,0,1 10,Nephew & Romero 2003,"Nephew, B. C., & Romero, L. M. (2003). Behavioral, physiological, and endocrine responses of starlings to acute increases in density. Hormones and Behavior, 44(3), 222-232.",Bird,1,1,European starling,5,Means and sd,Means and sd,Intruder,2,HR,2,8,0.15,-0.83,1.13,0.98,0.5,Corticosterone,8,0.35,-0.63,1.34,0.99,0.50255102,2.828427125,0,1 11,Peake et al. 2014,"Peake, J. M., Tan, S. J., Markworth, J. F., Broadbent, J. A., Skinner, T. L., & Cameron-Smith, D. (2014). Metabolic and hormonal responses to isoenergetic high-intensity interval exercise and continuous moderate-intensity exercise. American Journal of Physiology-Endocrinology and Metabolism, 307(7), E539-E552.",Mammal,2,3,Human,4,Means and sd,Means and sd,Exercise,3,KJ/min,1,10,2.39,1.2,3.5,1.11,0.586734694,Cortisol,10,1.26,0.3,2.2,0.94,0.484693878,3.16227766,0,1 12,Sramek et al. 2000,"Šrámek, P., Šime?ková, M., Janský, L., Šavlíková, J., & Vybíral, S. (2000). Human physiological responses to immersion into water of different temperatures. European journal of applied physiology, 81(5), 436-442.",Mammal,2,3,Human,4,Means and sd,Means and sd,Cold,1,O2 consumption,1,10,4.9,3.16,6.7,1.8,0.903061224,Cortisol,10,0.28,-0.6,1.16,0.88,0.448979592,3.16227766,0,1 12,Sramek et al. 2000,"Šrámek, P., Šime?ková, M., Janský, L., Šavlíková, J., & Vybíral, S. (2000). Human physiological responses to immersion into water of different temperatures. European journal of applied physiology, 81(5), 436-442.",Mammal,2,3,Human,4,Means and sd,Means and sd,Cold,1,O2 consumption,1,10,3.74,2.29,5.19,1.45,0.739795918,Cortisol,10,2.5,1.34,3.68,1.18,0.596938776,3.16227766,0,1 13,Wikelski et al. 1999,"Wikelski, M., Lynn, S., Breuner, J. C., Wingfield, J. C., & Kenagy, G. J. (1999). Energy metabolism, testosterone and corticosterone in white-crowned sparrows. Journal of Comparative Physiology A, 185(5), 463-470.",Bird,1,1,White crowned sparrow,7,Means and sd,Means and sd,Photoperiod,3,O2 consumption,1,24,0.46,-0.11,1.03,0.57,0.290816327,Corticosterone,24,-0.11,-0.68,0.45,0.56,0.288265306,4.898979486,1,1 14,Xu et al. 2018,"Xu, X. M., Chi, Q. S., Cao, J., & Zhao, Z. J. (2018). 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Behavioral and physiological responses of wild-caught European starlings (Sturnus vulgaris) to a minor, rapid change in ambient temperature. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology Part A: Molecular & Integrative Physiology, 160(2), 260-266.",Bird,1,1,European starling,5,Means and sd,Means and sd,Noise,2,HR,2,9,0.56,-0.38,1.5,0.94,0.479591837,Corticosterone,9,1.2,0.2,2.2,1,0.510204082,3,0,1 16,deBruijn & Romero 2011,"de Bruijn, R., & Romero, L. M. (2011). Behavioral and physiological responses of wild-caught European starlings (Sturnus vulgaris) to a minor, rapid change in ambient temperature. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology Part A: Molecular & Integrative Physiology, 160(2), 260-266.",Bird,1,1,European starling,5,Means and sd,Means and sd,Air,1,HR,2,9,1.04,0.06,2.02,0.98,0.5,Corticosterone,9,1.33,0.31,2.35,1.02,0.520408163,3,0,1 16,deBruijn & Romero 2011,"de Bruijn, R., & Romero, L. M. (2011). Behavioral and physiological responses of wild-caught European starlings (Sturnus vulgaris) to a minor, rapid change in ambient temperature. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology Part A: Molecular & Integrative Physiology, 160(2), 260-266.",Bird,1,1,European starling,5,Means and sd,Means and sd,Cold,1,HR,2,9,1.83,0.73,2.93,1.1,0.56122449,Corticosterone,9,1.57,0.5,2.62,1.05,0.540816327,3,0,1 17,deBruijn & Romero 2013,"de Bruijn, R., & Romero, L. M. (2013). Artificial rain and cold wind act as stressors to captive molting and non-molting European starlings (Sturnus vulgaris). Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology Part A: Molecular & Integrative Physiology, 164(3), 512-519.",Bird,1,1,European starling,5,Means and sd,Means and sd,Rain,1,HR,2,12,0.13,-0.7,0.91,0.78,0.410714286,Corticosterone,12,0.15,-0.73,1.02,0.87,0.446428571,3.464101615,0,1 17,deBruijn & Romero 2013,"de Bruijn, R., & Romero, L. M. (2013). Artificial rain and cold wind act as stressors to captive molting and non-molting European starlings (Sturnus vulgaris). Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology Part A: Molecular & Integrative Physiology, 164(3), 512-519.",Bird,1,1,European starling,5,Means and sd,Means and sd,Cold wind,1,HR,2,12,0.36,-0.44,1.17,0.81,0.410714286,Corticosterone,12,0.64,-0.26,1.54,0.9,0.459183673,3.464101615,0,1 17,deBruijn & Romero 2013,"de Bruijn, R., & Romero, L. M. (2013). Artificial rain and cold wind act as stressors to captive molting and non-molting European starlings (Sturnus vulgaris). Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology Part A: Molecular & Integrative Physiology, 164(3), 512-519.",Bird,1,1,European starling,5,Means and sd,Means and sd,Rain + cold wind,1,HR,2,12,0.51,-0.3,1.33,0.82,0.415816327,Corticosterone,12,0.58,-0.31,1.48,0.9,0.456632653,3.464101615,0,1 18,Hipolide et al. 2006,"Hipolide, D. C., Suchecki, D., de Carvalho Pinto, A. P., Chiconelli Faria, E., Tufik, S., & Luz, J. (2006). 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Heart rate and behavior are regulated independently of corticosterone following diverse acute stressors. General and comparative endocrinology, 133(2), 173-180.",Bird,1,1,European starling,5,Means and sd,Means and sd,Antagonist,2,HR,2,18,1.63,0.87,2.38,0.75,0.385204082,Corticosterone,15,0.72,-0.02,1.46,0.74,0.37755102,3.872983346,0,1 19,Nephew et al. 2003,"Nephew, B. C., Kahn, S. A., & Romero, L. M. (2003). Heart rate and behavior are regulated independently of corticosterone following diverse acute stressors. General and comparative endocrinology, 133(2), 173-180.",Bird,1,1,European starling,5,Means and sd,Means and sd,Novel human,2,HR,2,18,1.89,1.1,2.67,0.78,0.400510204,Corticosterone,15,0.38,-0.35,1.1,0.72,0.369897959,3.872983346,0,1 19,Nephew et al. 2003,"Nephew, B. C., Kahn, S. A., & Romero, L. M. (2003). Heart rate and behavior are regulated independently of corticosterone following diverse acute stressors. General and comparative endocrinology, 133(2), 173-180.",Bird,1,1,European starling,5,Means and sd,Means and sd,Caretaker,2,HR,2,18,1.94,1.15,2.74,0.8,0.405612245,Corticosterone,15,0.17,-0.55,0.89,0.72,0.367346939,3.872983346,0,1 20,Buwalda et al. 2012,"Buwalda, B., Scholte, J., de Boer, S. F., Coppens, C. M., & Koolhaas, J. M. (2012). The acute glucocorticoid stress response does not differentiate between rewarding and aversive social stimuli in rats. Hormones and behavior, 61(2), 218-226.",Mammal,2,2,Rat,9,Means and sd,Means and sd,Sex (vs defeat),3,HR,2,6,0.83,-0.31,1.96,1.13,0.579081633,Corticosterone,9,0.33,-0.58,1.24,0.91,0.464285714,3,0,1 21,Harlow et al. 1987,"Harlow, H. J., Thorne, E. T., Williams, E. S., Belden, E. L., & Gern, W. A. (1987). Adrenal responsiveness in domestic sheep (Ovis aries) to acute and chronic stressors as predicted by remote monitoring of cardiac frequency. Canadian journal of zoology, 65(8), 2021-2027.",Mammal,2,2,Sheep,10,Means and sd,Means and sd,Mild stress,2,HR,2,4,1.38,-0.08,2.84,1.46,0.744897959,Cortisol,4,-0.68,-2.03,0.67,1.35,0.68877551,2,0,1 21,Harlow et al. 1987,"Harlow, H. J., Thorne, E. T., Williams, E. S., Belden, E. L., & Gern, W. A. (1987). Adrenal responsiveness in domestic sheep (Ovis aries) to acute and chronic stressors as predicted by remote monitoring of cardiac frequency. Canadian journal of zoology, 65(8), 2021-2027.",Mammal,2,2,Sheep,10,Means and sd,Means and sd,Heavy stress,2,HR,2,4,4.14,1.68,6.6,2.46,1.255102041,Cortisol,4,3.39,1.23,5.56,2.17,1.104591837,2,0,1