Biophysical Property,Description Phob1,Hydrophobicity Scale Charge,Charge [ec] Phob2,Octanol-Interface Hydrophobicity Scale Bulk,Side-Chain Bulkiness Flex,Side-Chain Flexibility KD1,Helix/Bend Preference KD2,Side-Chain Size KD3,Extended Structure KD4,Hydrophobicity Preference KD5,Double-bend Preference KD6,Flat Extended Preference KD7,Partial Specific Volume KD8,Occurrence in alpha-region KD9,pK-C KD10,Surrounding Hydrophobicity HS1,Normalized Positional Residue HS2,Normalized Positional Residue Freq at Helix C-term HS3,Spin-Spin Coupling Constants Freq at Helix C4-term HS4,Random Parameter HS5,pK-N HS6,Alpha-Helix Indices for Beta-Proteins HS7,Linker Propensity from 2-Linker Dataset HS8,Linker Propensity from Long Dataset HS9,Normalized Relative Freq of Helix End HS10,Normalized Relative Freq Double Bend HS11,pK-COOH HS12,Relative Mutability HS13,Kerr-Constant Increments HS14,Net Charge HS15,Norm Freq Zeta-R HS16,Hydropathy Scale HS17,Ratio of Average Computed Composition HS18,Intercept in Regression Analysis HS19,Correlation Coefficient in Regression Analysis HS20,Weights for Alpha-Helix at window pos 3 HS21,Weights for Beta-sheet at window pos -3 HS22,Weights for Beta-sheet at window pos 3 HS23,Weights for coil at win pos -5 HS24,Weights for coil at win pos -4 HS25,Weights for coil at win pos 6 HS26,Avg Rel Frac occur in AL HS27,Avg Rel Frac occur in EL HS28,Avg Rel Frac occur in A0 HS29,Rel Pref at N HS30,Rel Pref at N1 HS31,Rel Pref at N2 HS32,Rel Pref at C1 HS33,Rel Pref at C HS34,Information measure for extended without H-bond HS35,Information measure for C-term turn HS36,Loss of SC hydropathy by helix formation HS37,Principal Component 4 (Sneath 1966) HS38,Zimm-Bragg Parameter HS39,Normalized Freq of ZetaR HS40,Rel Pop Conformational State A HS41,Rel Pop Conformational State C HS42,Electron-Ion Interaction Potential HS43,Free energy change of epsI to epsEX HS44,Free energy change of alphaRI to alphaRH HS45,Hydrophobicity coeff HS46,Principal Property Value z3 Wold et al. 1987