Norovirus Amplicon Data

Norovirus Amplicon Data

Primer sequences

Download Norovirus Genome Sequences from NCBI

Download a Curated Database of Norovirus Sequence Types

Carry out high accuracy basecalling

Check the output using NanoPlot

Setup Computer for Analysing Data

Trim Primer Sequences from Short Amplicons

Align Trimmed Reads Against an Uncurated Database

Align Trimmed Reads Against a Curated Database of genotypes associated with the VP1 gene

Align Trimmed Reads Against a Curated Database of genotypes associated with the RdRP gene

Creating a Set of Consensus Sequences for each Genotype

Pick Consensus Sequences from Error Corrected Reads Output by Canu

Check Alignment of Consensus Sequences for each Barcode

Align Sequence Data against Consensus Sequences

Use Medaka to Polish the Consensus Sequences

Use Medaka to Call Variants