Short amplicons:
1st round of PCR (378 bp):
2nd round of PCR (343 bp):
Long amplicons:
1st round of PCR (1052 bp):
2nd round of PCR (971 bp):
Go to NCBI's taxonomic database:
Search for a given species or taxon (e.g. 'norwalk virus'):
Select the correct taxon from the search results and note the 'Taxonomic ID'
Search for sequences in NCBI's nucleotide database which are longer than 7,000bp, and which have been identified as a 'Norowalk Virus':
txid11983[Organism:exp] AND 7000:100000[slen]
txid11983[Organism:exp] AND 7000:100000[slen]
Download the results:
Click on 'Send to' in the top right hand corner of the web browser.
Under 'Choose Destination' click on 'File'.
Under 'Format' select 'FASTA'.
Go to the Downloads folder and rename the file 'Uncurated_NCBI_DB.fasta'.
Go to the following website:
Copy the table and paste it into a MS Excel document.
Reformat the table so that each row includes the accession number, the gene which was used for genotyping, the genotype and the name of the isolate.
Download all the associated sequence data from NCBI and rename each sequence based on the original isolate which was used as a reference, the gene which was used for genotyping and the assigned genotype.
Seperate out sequence data used for the VP1 and RdRP database.
Seperately align sequence data which corresponds with the VP1 and RdRP database using MAFFT.
View the alignments using the UGENE alignment viewer.
Check coordinates in the alignment against a reference to establish what proportion of the VP1 and RdRP genes is represented.
If necessary, trim regions which occur outside of the VP1 and RdRP genes.
Find the folder which contains the sequencing data:
$ cd ~/Documents/noro_11feb2021/no_sample/20210211_1624_MC-110340_0_FAO31769_1dc65ccf $ ls barcode_alignment_FAL41089_fce4b0dd.tsv drift_correction_FAO31769_fce4b0dd.csv duty_time_FAL41089_fce4b0dd.csv fast5_fail fast5_pass fastq_fail fastq_pass final_summary_FAO31769_fce4b0dd.txt mux_scan_data_FAO31769_fce4b0dd.csv report_FAL41089_20210211_1624_1dc65ccf.pdf sequencing_summary_FAO31769_fce4b0dd.txt throughput_FAL41089_fce4b0dd.csv
$ cd ~/Documents/noro_11feb2021/no_sample/20210211_1624_MC-110340_0_FAO31769_1dc65ccf
$ ls
Check the corresponding configuration file for a specific flowcell:
$ guppy_basecaller --print_workflows
$ guppy_basecaller --print_workflows
Check your barcoding kit is supported by guppy:
$ guppy_barcoder --print_kits
$ guppy_barcoder --print_kits
Use guppy to do high accuracy basecalling, adjusting the '-c' and '--barcode_kits' parameters, as appropriate:
$ guppy_basecaller \ > -r -i ./ \ > -s ./basecalled/ \ > -c dna_r9.4.1_450bps_hac.cfg -x "cuda:0" \ > --compress_fastq \ > --num_callers 4 --gpu_runners_per_device 2 --chunks_per_runner 1500 --chunk_size 4000 \ > --qscore_filtering \ > --min_qscore 7 \ > --trim_barcodes \ > --num_barcoding_buffers 16 \ > --barcode_kits SQK-LSK109
$ guppy_basecaller \
> -r -i ./ \
> -s ./basecalled/ \
> -c dna_r9.4.1_450bps_hac.cfg -x "cuda:0" \
> --compress_fastq \
> --num_callers 4 --gpu_runners_per_device 2 --chunks_per_runner 1500 --chunk_size 4000 \
> --qscore_filtering \
> --min_qscore 7 \
> --trim_barcodes \
> --num_barcoding_buffers 16 \
> --barcode_kits SQK-LSK109
Install NanoPlot:
$ conda create --name=nanoplot nanoplot=1.32.1
$ conda create --name=nanoplot nanoplot=1.32.1
Use NanoPlot to calculate various summary statistics for reads shorter than 1200bp:
$ cd basecalled $ NanoPlot -t 20 --summary sequencing_summary.txt --loglength -o summary-plots-log-transformed --barcoded --maxlength 1200
$ cd basecalled
$ NanoPlot -t 20 --summary sequencing_summary.txt --loglength -o summary-plots-log-transformed --barcoded --maxlength 1200
Copy graphs which plot the read length against average quality scores to a separate folder and view the results:
$ cd summary-plots-log-transformed $ mkdir LengthVsQualityScatterPlots $ cp *_LengthvsQualityScatterPlot_kde.png LengthVsQualityScatterPlots
$ cd summary-plots-log-transformed
$ mkdir LengthVsQualityScatterPlots
$ cp *_LengthvsQualityScatterPlot_kde.png LengthVsQualityScatterPlots
Find the folder which contains includes the fastq data output by the high accurary basecaller which had an average quality score of greater than seven:
$ cd ~/Documents/noro_11feb2021/no_sample/20210211_1624_MC-110340_0_FAO31769_1dc65ccf/basecalled/pass/
$ cd ~/Documents/noro_11feb2021/no_sample/20210211_1624_MC-110340_0_FAO31769_1dc65ccf/basecalled/pass/
Create a new file to store a list of barcodes to analyse:
$ nano shortAmpliconData.lst
$ nano shortAmpliconData.lst
Include any barcodes for sequences amplified using the short amplicon primer set:
./barcode13 ./barcode14 ./barcode15 ./barcode16 ./barcode17 ./barcode18
Create a new file to store a list of barcodes to analyse:
$ nano longAmpliconData.lst
$ nano longAmpliconData.lst
Include any barcodes for sequences amplified using the long amplicon primer set:
./barcode21 ./barcode22 ./barcode23 ./barcode24
Combine fastq data from every barcode into a seperate file:
folders=$(find ./ -maxdepth 1 -type d -name barcode\*) for folder in $folders do barcode=$(echo $folder | sed 's:./::g') echo $folder echo $barcode cat $folder/*fastq.gz > ${barcode}_merged.fastq.gz done
folders=$(find ./ -maxdepth 1 -type d -name barcode\*)
for folder in $folders
barcode=$(echo $folder | sed 's:./::g')
echo $folder
echo $barcode
cat $folder/*fastq.gz > ${barcode}_merged.fastq.gz
Install CutAdapt:
$ conda create --name=cutadapt cutadapt=3.2
$ conda create --name=cutadapt cutadapt=3.2
Create a folder to store trimmed data:
$ mkdir trim_seqs
$ mkdir trim_seqs
For every barcode amplified using the short primer set:
Trim reads which include the QNIF2D and GIISKR primers in the correct orientation, including the reverse complement.
Trim reads which include the GIISKF and GIISKR primers in the correct orientation, including the reverse complement.
If reads were not trimmed, output sequence data to a seperate file.
When identifying primers tolerate an error rate of 20 percent.
Save a summary of the results to a log file, for future reference.
while read folderName; do barcode=$(echo $folderName | sed 's:./::g') echo $barcode eval "$(conda shell.bash hook)" conda activate cutadapt cutadapt -j20 \ -e 0.20 --revcomp \ -g ATGTTCAGRTGGATGAGRTTCTCWGA...ATGTAYAAYGGDYATGCNGGYGG \ -g CNTGGGAGGGCGATCGCAA...ATGTAYAAYGGDYATGCNGGYGG \ -o trim_seqs/${barcode}_trimmed.fastq.gz --untrimmed-output trim_seqs/${barcode}_untrimmed.fastq.gz ${barcode}_merged.fastq.gz > trim_seqs/${barcode}_trim.log 2>&1 done<shortAmpliconData.lst
while read folderName;
barcode=$(echo $folderName | sed 's:./::g')
echo $barcode
eval "$(conda shell.bash hook)"
conda activate cutadapt
cutadapt -j20 \
-e 0.20 --revcomp \
-o trim_seqs/${barcode}_trimmed.fastq.gz --untrimmed-output trim_seqs/${barcode}_untrimmed.fastq.gz ${barcode}_merged.fastq.gz > trim_seqs/${barcode}_trim.log 2>&1
Check results from trimming barcodes amplified using the short primer set:
$ head -n 20 trim_seqs/barcode13_trim.log This is cutadapt 3.2 with Python 3.8.6 Command line parameters: -j20 -e 0.20 --revcomp -g ATGTTCAGRTGGATGAGRTTCTCWGA...ATGTAYAAYGGDYATGCNGGYGG -g CNTGGGAGGGCGATCGCAA...ATGTAYAAYGGDYATGCNGGYGG -o barcode13_trimmed.fastq.gz --untrimmed-output barcode13_untrimmed.fastq.gz barcode13_merged.fastq.gz Processing reads on 20 cores in single-end mode ... Finished in 3.26 s (11 µs/read; 5.28 M reads/minute). === Summary === Total reads processed: 286,755 Reads with adapters: 239,123 (83.4%) Reverse-complemented: 115,178 (40.2%) Reads written (passing filters): 286,755 (100.0%) Total basepairs processed: 115,604,767 bp Total written (filtered): 89,473,360 bp (77.4%) === Adapter 3 === Sequence: ATGTTCAGRTGGATGAGRTTCTCWGA...ATGTAYAAYGGDYATGCNGGYGG; Type: linked; Length: 26+23; 5' trimmed: 1747 times; 3' trimmed: 1747 times ; Reverse-complemented: 1206 times
$ head -n 20 trim_seqs/barcode13_trim.log
This is cutadapt 3.2 with Python 3.8.6
Command line parameters: -j20 -e 0.20 --revcomp -g ATGTTCAGRTGGATGAGRTTCTCWGA...ATGTAYAAYGGDYATGCNGGYGG -g CNTGGGAGGGCGATCGCAA...ATGTAYAAYGGDYATGCNGGYGG -o barcode13_trimmed.fastq.gz --untrimmed-output barcode13_untrimmed.fastq.gz barcode13_merged.fastq.gz
Processing reads on 20 cores in single-end mode ...
Finished in 3.26 s (11 µs/read; 5.28 M reads/minute).
=== Summary ===
Total reads processed: 286,755
Reads with adapters: 239,123 (83.4%)
Reverse-complemented: 115,178 (40.2%)
Reads written (passing filters): 286,755 (100.0%)
Total basepairs processed: 115,604,767 bp
Total written (filtered): 89,473,360 bp (77.4%)
=== Adapter 3 ===
Sequence: ATGTTCAGRTGGATGAGRTTCTCWGA...ATGTAYAAYGGDYATGCNGGYGG; Type: linked; Length: 26+23; 5' trimmed: 1747 times; 3' trimmed: 1747 times
; Reverse-complemented: 1206 times
For every barcode amplified using the long primer set:
Trim reads which include the NV4611F and GIISKR primers in the correct orientation, including any reverse complement sequences.
Trim reads which include the NV4692F and GIISKR primers in the correct orientation, including any reverse complement sequences.
If reads were not trimmed, output sequence data to a seperate file.
If the reads are shorter than 700bp, output to a seperate file.
When identifying primers tolerate an error rate of 20 percent.
Save a summary of the results to a log file, for future reference.
while read folderName; do barcode=$(echo $folderName | sed 's:./::g') echo $barcode eval "$(conda shell.bash hook)" conda activate cutadapt cutadapt -j20 \ -e 0.20 --revcomp --minimum-length 700 \ -g CWGCAGCMCTDGAAATCATGG...ATGTAYAAYGGDYATGCNGGYGG \ -g GTGTGRTKGATGTGGGTGACTT...ATGTAYAAYGGDYATGCNGGYGG \ -o trim_seqs/${barcode}_trimmed.fastq.gz --too-short-output trim_seqs/${barcode}_tooShort.fastq.gz --untrimmed-output trim_seqs/${barcode}_untrimmed.fastq.gz ${barcode}_merged.fastq.gz > trim_seqs/${barcode}_trim.log 2>&1 done<longAmpliconData.lst
while read folderName;
barcode=$(echo $folderName | sed 's:./::g')
echo $barcode
eval "$(conda shell.bash hook)"
conda activate cutadapt
cutadapt -j20 \
-e 0.20 --revcomp --minimum-length 700 \
-o trim_seqs/${barcode}_trimmed.fastq.gz --too-short-output trim_seqs/${barcode}_tooShort.fastq.gz --untrimmed-output trim_seqs/${barcode}_untrimmed.fastq.gz ${barcode}_merged.fastq.gz > trim_seqs/${barcode}_trim.log 2>&1
Check results from trimming barcodes amplified using the long primer set:
$ head -n 20 trim_seqs/barcode21_trim.log This is cutadapt 3.2 with Python 3.8.6 Command line parameters: -j20 -e 0.20 --revcomp --minimum-length 700 -g CWGCAGCMCTDGAAATCATGG...ATGTAYAAYGGDYATGCNGGYGG -g GTGTGRTKGATGTGGGTGACTT...ATGTAYAAYGGDYATGCNGGYGG -o barcode21_trimmed.fastq.gz --too-short-output barcode21_tooShort.fastq.gz --untrimmed-output barcode21_untrimmed.fastq.gz barcode21_merged.fastq.gz Processing reads on 20 cores in single-end mode ... Finished in 8.48 s (16 µs/read; 3.74 M reads/minute). === Summary === Total reads processed: 527,985 Reads with adapters: 470,290 (89.1%) Reverse-complemented: 234,126 (44.3%) Reads that were too short: 313,951 (59.5%) Reads written (passing filters): 527,985 (100.0%) Total basepairs processed: 302,299,297 bp Total written (filtered): 277,207,480 bp (91.7%) === Adapter 3 === Sequence: CWGCAGCMCTDGAAATCATGG...ATGTAYAAYGGDYATGCNGGYGG; Type: linked; Length: 21+23; 5' trimmed: 120079 times; 3' trimmed: 120079 times ; Reverse-complemented: 68877 times
$ head -n 20 trim_seqs/barcode21_trim.log
This is cutadapt 3.2 with Python 3.8.6
Command line parameters: -j20 -e 0.20 --revcomp --minimum-length 700 -g CWGCAGCMCTDGAAATCATGG...ATGTAYAAYGGDYATGCNGGYGG -g GTGTGRTKGATGTGGGTGACTT...ATGTAYAAYGGDYATGCNGGYGG -o barcode21_trimmed.fastq.gz --too-short-output barcode21_tooShort.fastq.gz --untrimmed-output barcode21_untrimmed.fastq.gz barcode21_merged.fastq.gz
Processing reads on 20 cores in single-end mode ...
Finished in 8.48 s (16 µs/read; 3.74 M reads/minute).
=== Summary ===
Total reads processed: 527,985
Reads with adapters: 470,290 (89.1%)
Reverse-complemented: 234,126 (44.3%)
Reads that were too short: 313,951 (59.5%)
Reads written (passing filters): 527,985 (100.0%)
Total basepairs processed: 302,299,297 bp
Total written (filtered): 277,207,480 bp (91.7%)
=== Adapter 3 ===
Sequence: CWGCAGCMCTDGAAATCATGG...ATGTAYAAYGGDYATGCNGGYGG; Type: linked; Length: 21+23; 5' trimmed: 120079 times; 3' trimmed: 120079 times
; Reverse-complemented: 68877 times
Install Minimap2 and Samtools:
$ conda create --name=minimap2 minimap2=2.17 samtools=1.11
$ conda create --name=minimap2 minimap2=2.17 samtools=1.11
Create a folder to store alignments:
$ mkdir Minimap_Vs_All_Ref_Seqs/
$ mkdir Minimap_Vs_All_Ref_Seqs/
For every barcode:
Align sequence data against full genome sequences from NCBI.
Summarise information on coverage, the average quality of the alignment and the proportion of sequences which aligned against a reference.
folders=$(find ./ -maxdepth 1 -type d -name barcode\*) for folder in $folders do barcode=$(echo $folder | sed 's:./::g') echo $folder echo $barcode eval "$(conda shell.bash hook)" conda activate minimap2 minimap2 --secondary=no -t18 -ax map-ont /mnt/Storage1/db/Norovirus_Uncurated_NCBI_DB.fasta trim_seqs/${barcode}_trimmed.fastq.gz |\ samtools sort -@18 -o Minimap_Vs_All_Ref_Seqs/alignment_${barcode}.bam samtools index -@ 18 Minimap_Vs_All_Ref_Seqs/alignment_${barcode}.bam samtools flagstat Minimap_Vs_All_Ref_Seqs/alignment_${barcode}.bam > Minimap_Vs_All_Ref_Seqs/alignment_${barcode} samtools coverage Minimap_Vs_All_Ref_Seqs/alignment_${barcode}.bam | awk '$4 >0' | sort -rnk4 > Minimap_Vs_All_Ref_Seqs/alignment_${barcode} done
folders=$(find ./ -maxdepth 1 -type d -name barcode\*)
for folder in $folders
barcode=$(echo $folder | sed 's:./::g')
echo $folder
echo $barcode
eval "$(conda shell.bash hook)"
conda activate minimap2
minimap2 --secondary=no -t18 -ax map-ont /mnt/Storage1/db/Norovirus_Uncurated_NCBI_DB.fasta trim_seqs/${barcode}_trimmed.fastq.gz |\
samtools sort -@18 -o Minimap_Vs_All_Ref_Seqs/alignment_${barcode}.bam
samtools index -@ 18 Minimap_Vs_All_Ref_Seqs/alignment_${barcode}.bam
samtools flagstat Minimap_Vs_All_Ref_Seqs/alignment_${barcode}.bam > Minimap_Vs_All_Ref_Seqs/alignment_${barcode}
samtools coverage Minimap_Vs_All_Ref_Seqs/alignment_${barcode}.bam | awk '$4 >0' | sort -rnk4 > Minimap_Vs_All_Ref_Seqs/alignment_${barcode}
Around 80 - 90 percent of the sequencing data should align against one of the norovirus genomes published on NCBI.
If not, think carefully about the experimental details, and check the length of amplicons using NanoPlot.
A similar proportion of reads should align against the curated database in the next step of the analysis.
If not, your curated database may be incomplete.
Create a folder to store alignments:
$ mkdir Minimap_Vs_VP1_Curated_Seqs
$ mkdir Minimap_Vs_VP1_Curated_Seqs
For every barcode:
Align sequence data against a curate database of genotypes associated with the VP1 gene.
Summarise information on coverage, the average quality of the alignment and the proportion of sequences which aligned against a reference.
Note, this is the same as the last script, with a different reference database and output folder.
folders=$(find ./ -maxdepth 1 -type d -name barcode\*) for folder in $folders do barcode=$(echo $folder | sed 's:./::g') echo $folder echo $barcode eval "$(conda shell.bash hook)" conda activate minimap2 minimap2 --secondary=no -t18 -ax map-ont /mnt/Storage1/db/VP1_Sequences_V4_Subalignment.fasta trim_seqs/${barcode}_trimmed.fastq.gz |\ samtools sort -@18 -o Minimap_Vs_VP1_Curated_Seqs/alignment_${barcode}.bam samtools index -@ 18 Minimap_Vs_VP1_Curated_Seqs/alignment_${barcode}.bam samtools flagstat Minimap_Vs_VP1_Curated_Seqs/alignment_${barcode}.bam > Minimap_Vs_VP1_Curated_Seqs/alignment_${barcode} samtools coverage Minimap_Vs_VP1_Curated_Seqs/alignment_${barcode}.bam | awk '$4 >0' | sort -rnk4 > Minimap_Vs_VP1_Curated_Seqs/alignment_${barcode} done
folders=$(find ./ -maxdepth 1 -type d -name barcode\*)
for folder in $folders
barcode=$(echo $folder | sed 's:./::g')
echo $folder
echo $barcode
eval "$(conda shell.bash hook)"
conda activate minimap2
minimap2 --secondary=no -t18 -ax map-ont /mnt/Storage1/db/VP1_Sequences_V4_Subalignment.fasta trim_seqs/${barcode}_trimmed.fastq.gz |\
samtools sort -@18 -o Minimap_Vs_VP1_Curated_Seqs/alignment_${barcode}.bam
samtools index -@ 18 Minimap_Vs_VP1_Curated_Seqs/alignment_${barcode}.bam
samtools flagstat Minimap_Vs_VP1_Curated_Seqs/alignment_${barcode}.bam > Minimap_Vs_VP1_Curated_Seqs/alignment_${barcode}
samtools coverage Minimap_Vs_VP1_Curated_Seqs/alignment_${barcode}.bam | awk '$4 >0' | sort -rnk4 > Minimap_Vs_VP1_Curated_Seqs/alignment_${barcode}
I also wrote a script using R which reads files with the suffix and plots the results. There are a few parts of the script which are specifically tailered to this particular database, but if you are familar with R, it might help.
Create a folder to store alignments:
$ mkdir Minimap_Vs_RdRP_Curated_Seqs
$ mkdir Minimap_Vs_RdRP_Curated_Seqs
For every barcode:
Align sequence data against a curate database of genotypes associated with the RdRP gene.
Summarise information on coverage, the average quality of the alignment and the proportion of sequences which aligned against a reference.
Note, this is the same as the last two scripts, with a different reference database and output folder.
folders=$(find ./ -maxdepth 1 -type d -name barcode\*) for folder in $folders do barcode=$(echo $folder | sed 's:./::g') echo $folder echo $barcode eval "$(conda shell.bash hook)" conda activate minimap2 minimap2 --secondary=no -t18 -ax map-ont /mnt/Storage1/db/RdRP_Sequences_V4_Subalignment.fasta trim_seqs/${barcode}_trimmed.fastq.gz |\ samtools sort -@18 -o Minimap_Vs_RdRP_Curated_Seqs/alignment_${barcode}.bam samtools index -@ 18 Minimap_Vs_RdRP_Curated_Seqs/alignment_${barcode}.bam samtools flagstat Minimap_Vs_RdRP_Curated_Seqs/alignment_${barcode}.bam > Minimap_Vs_RdRP_Curated_Seqs/alignment_${barcode} samtools coverage Minimap_Vs_RdRP_Curated_Seqs/alignment_${barcode}.bam | awk '$4 >0' | sort -rnk4 > Minimap_Vs_RdRP_Curated_Seqs/alignment_${barcode} done
folders=$(find ./ -maxdepth 1 -type d -name barcode\*)
for folder in $folders
barcode=$(echo $folder | sed 's:./::g')
echo $folder
echo $barcode
eval "$(conda shell.bash hook)"
conda activate minimap2
minimap2 --secondary=no -t18 -ax map-ont /mnt/Storage1/db/RdRP_Sequences_V4_Subalignment.fasta trim_seqs/${barcode}_trimmed.fastq.gz |\
samtools sort -@18 -o Minimap_Vs_RdRP_Curated_Seqs/alignment_${barcode}.bam
samtools index -@ 18 Minimap_Vs_RdRP_Curated_Seqs/alignment_${barcode}.bam
samtools flagstat Minimap_Vs_RdRP_Curated_Seqs/alignment_${barcode}.bam > Minimap_Vs_RdRP_Curated_Seqs/alignment_${barcode}
samtools coverage Minimap_Vs_RdRP_Curated_Seqs/alignment_${barcode}.bam | awk '$4 >0' | sort -rnk4 > Minimap_Vs_RdRP_Curated_Seqs/alignment_${barcode}
I also wrote a script using R which reads files with the suffix and plots the results. There are a few parts of the script which are specifically tailered to this particular database, but if you are familar with R, it might help.
Create folders to store the initial results after grouping reads into specific genotypes and then assembling each group of reads:
$ mkdir assemble_long_amplicons $ mkdir assemble_long_amplicons/intermediate_files/ $ mkdir assemble_short_amplicons $ mkdir assemble_short_amplicons/intermediate_files/
$ mkdir assemble_long_amplicons
$ mkdir assemble_long_amplicons/intermediate_files/
$ mkdir assemble_short_amplicons
$ mkdir assemble_short_amplicons/intermediate_files/
Install canu:
$ conda create --name=canu canu=2.1.1
$ conda create --name=canu canu=2.1.1
For every barcode amplified using the short primer set:
Extract any reads which aligned against the reference, and save them in a seperate fastq file.
Use canu to carry out error correction of the reads.
Specify the expected genome size as 1kbp (using the 'genomeSize=1k' parameter)
Make sure any read is error corrected, regardless of length (using the 'corOutCoverage=1000000' parameter)
Don't use the job submission system on POD (using the 'useGrid=false' parameter)
Use a minimum read length of 300bp (using the 'minReadLength=300' parameter)
The minimum overlap between any two reads in a pairwise alignment should be 150bp (using the 'minOverlapLength=150' parameter)
When error correcting the reads a minimum coverage of 30x should be used (using the 'corMinCoverage=30' parameter)
Use parameters recommened for flowcells incorporating the R9.4 sequencing chemistry (the line beginning with 'corMhapOptions').
while read folderName; do barcode=$(echo $folderName | sed 's:./::g') echo $barcode references=$(awk '$4>1000' Minimap_Vs_VP1_Curated_Seqs/alignment_${barcode} | cut -f1 | grep -v "\#") for reference in $references do eval "$(conda shell.bash hook)" conda activate minimap2 samtools view Minimap_Vs_VP1_Curated_Seqs/alignment_${barcode}.bam $reference | awk '{ print "@" $1 "\n" $10 "\n+\n" $11 }' > assemble_short_amplicons/intermediate_files/${barcode}_${reference}.fastq eval "$(conda shell.bash hook)" conda activate canu canu -p ${barcode}_${reference}_assembly -d assemble_short_amplicons/intermediate_files/${barcode}_${reference}_assembly -correct \ -nanopore assemble_short_amplicons/intermediate_files/${barcode}_${reference}.fastq \ genomeSize=1k \ corOutCoverage=1000000 \ useGrid=false \ maxThreads=20 maxMemory=100 \ minReadLength=300 minOverlapLength=150 corMinCoverage=30 \ corMhapOptions="--threshold 0.8 --ordered-sketch-size 1000 --ordered-kmer-size 14" correctedErrorRate=0.105 > assemble_short_amplicons/intermediate_files/${barcode}_${reference}_assembly.log 2>&1 done done<shortAmpliconData.lst
while read folderName;
barcode=$(echo $folderName | sed 's:./::g')
echo $barcode
references=$(awk '$4>1000' Minimap_Vs_VP1_Curated_Seqs/alignment_${barcode} | cut -f1 | grep -v "\#")
for reference in $references
eval "$(conda shell.bash hook)"
conda activate minimap2
samtools view Minimap_Vs_VP1_Curated_Seqs/alignment_${barcode}.bam $reference | awk '{ print "@" $1 "\n" $10 "\n+\n" $11 }' > assemble_short_amplicons/intermediate_files/${barcode}_${reference}.fastq
eval "$(conda shell.bash hook)"
conda activate canu
canu -p ${barcode}_${reference}_assembly -d assemble_short_amplicons/intermediate_files/${barcode}_${reference}_assembly -correct \
-nanopore assemble_short_amplicons/intermediate_files/${barcode}_${reference}.fastq \
genomeSize=1k \
corOutCoverage=1000000 \
useGrid=false \
maxThreads=20 maxMemory=100 \
minReadLength=300 minOverlapLength=150 corMinCoverage=30 \
corMhapOptions="--threshold 0.8 --ordered-sketch-size 1000 --ordered-kmer-size 14" correctedErrorRate=0.105 > assemble_short_amplicons/intermediate_files/${barcode}_${reference}_assembly.log 2>&1
For every barcode amplified using the long primer set:
Do the same as above, except using a minimum read length of 900bp and a minimum overlap of 400bp (using the 'minReadLength=900 minOverlapLength=400' parameters)
while read folderName; do barcode=$(echo $folderName | sed 's:./::g') echo $barcode references=$(awk '$4>1000' Minimap_Vs_VP1_Curated_Seqs/alignment_${barcode} | cut -f1 | grep -v "\#") for reference in $references do eval "$(conda shell.bash hook)" conda activate minimap2 samtools view Minimap_Vs_VP1_Curated_Seqs/alignment_${barcode}.bam $reference | awk '{ print "@" $1 "\n" $10 "\n+\n" $11 }' > assemble_long_amplicons/intermediate_files/${barcode}_${reference}.fastq eval "$(conda shell.bash hook)" conda activate canu canu -p ${barcode}_${reference}_assembly -d assemble_long_amplicons/intermediate_files/${barcode}_${reference}_assembly -correct \ -nanopore assemble_long_amplicons/intermediate_files/${barcode}_${reference}.fastq \ genomeSize=1k \ corOutCoverage=1000000 \ useGrid=false \ maxThreads=20 maxMemory=100 \ minReadLength=900 minOverlapLength=400 corMinCoverage=30 \ corMhapOptions="--threshold 0.8 --ordered-sketch-size 1000 --ordered-kmer-size 14" correctedErrorRate=0.105 > assemble_long_amplicons/intermediate_files/${barcode}_${reference}_assembly.log 2>&1 done done<shortAmpliconData.lst
while read folderName;
barcode=$(echo $folderName | sed 's:./::g')
echo $barcode
references=$(awk '$4>1000' Minimap_Vs_VP1_Curated_Seqs/alignment_${barcode} | cut -f1 | grep -v "\#")
for reference in $references
eval "$(conda shell.bash hook)"
conda activate minimap2
samtools view Minimap_Vs_VP1_Curated_Seqs/alignment_${barcode}.bam $reference | awk '{ print "@" $1 "\n" $10 "\n+\n" $11 }' > assemble_long_amplicons/intermediate_files/${barcode}_${reference}.fastq
eval "$(conda shell.bash hook)"
conda activate canu
canu -p ${barcode}_${reference}_assembly -d assemble_long_amplicons/intermediate_files/${barcode}_${reference}_assembly -correct \
-nanopore assemble_long_amplicons/intermediate_files/${barcode}_${reference}.fastq \
genomeSize=1k \
corOutCoverage=1000000 \
useGrid=false \
maxThreads=20 maxMemory=100 \
minReadLength=900 minOverlapLength=400 corMinCoverage=30 \
corMhapOptions="--threshold 0.8 --ordered-sketch-size 1000 --ordered-kmer-size 14" correctedErrorRate=0.105 > assemble_long_amplicons/intermediate_files/${barcode}_${reference}_assembly.log 2>&1
Create a folder to store the consensus sequences:
$ mkdir assemble_short_amplicons/contigs/ $ mkdir assemble_long_amplicons/contigs/
$ mkdir assemble_short_amplicons/contigs/
$ mkdir assemble_long_amplicons/contigs/
Install seqtk and mafft:
$ conda create --name=seqtk seqtk=1.3 $ conda create --name=mafft mafft=7.475
$ conda create --name=seqtk seqtk=1.3
$ conda create --name=mafft mafft=7.475
For every barcode amplified using the short primer set:
Randomly pick the first error corrected sequence longer than 288bp.
Rename the consensus sequence based on the barcode and name of the reference which was used as a template.
Save all the consensus sequences for a given barcode into a single file.
Align all the consensus sequences from a given barcode using MAFFT.
cd assemble_short_amplicons while read folderName; do barcode=$(echo $folderName | sed 's:./::g') echo $barcode references=$(awk '$4>1000' ../Minimap_Vs_VP1_Curated_Seqs/alignment_${barcode} | cut -f1 | grep -v "\#") rm contigs/${barcode}_seqs.fasta for reference in $references do eval "$(conda shell.bash hook)" conda activate seqtk seqtk seq -L 288 intermediate_files/${barcode}_${reference}_assembly/${barcode}_${reference}_assembly.correctedReads.fasta.gz | head -n2 > contigs/${barcode}_${reference}_contigs.fasta contigName=$(head -n1 contigs/${barcode}_${reference}_contigs.fasta | sed 's/>//g') sed -i "s/${contigName}/${barcode}_${reference}/g" contigs/${barcode}_${reference}_contigs.fasta cat contigs/${barcode}_${reference}_contigs.fasta >> contigs/${barcode}_seqs.fasta done eval "$(conda shell.bash hook)" conda activate mafft mafft --adjustdirection --reorder contigs/${barcode}_seqs.fasta > contigs/${barcode}_aligned.fasta done<../shortAmpliconData.lst
cd assemble_short_amplicons
while read folderName;
barcode=$(echo $folderName | sed 's:./::g')
echo $barcode
references=$(awk '$4>1000' ../Minimap_Vs_VP1_Curated_Seqs/alignment_${barcode} | cut -f1 | grep -v "\#")
rm contigs/${barcode}_seqs.fasta
for reference in $references
eval "$(conda shell.bash hook)"
conda activate seqtk
seqtk seq -L 288 intermediate_files/${barcode}_${reference}_assembly/${barcode}_${reference}_assembly.correctedReads.fasta.gz | head -n2 > contigs/${barcode}_${reference}_contigs.fasta
contigName=$(head -n1 contigs/${barcode}_${reference}_contigs.fasta | sed 's/>//g')
sed -i "s/${contigName}/${barcode}_${reference}/g" contigs/${barcode}_${reference}_contigs.fasta
cat contigs/${barcode}_${reference}_contigs.fasta >> contigs/${barcode}_seqs.fasta
eval "$(conda shell.bash hook)"
conda activate mafft
mafft --adjustdirection --reorder contigs/${barcode}_seqs.fasta > contigs/${barcode}_aligned.fasta
For every barcode amplified using the long primer set:
Randomly pick the first error corrected sequence longer than 910bp.
Rename the consensus sequence based on the barcode and name of the reference which was used as a template.
Save all the consensus sequences for a given barcode into a single file.
Align all the consensus sequences from a given barcode using MAFFT.
cd assemble_long_amplicons while read folderName; do barcode=$(echo $folderName | sed 's:./::g') echo $barcode references=$(awk '$4>1000' ../Minimap_Vs_VP1_Curated_Seqs/alignment_${barcode} | cut -f1 | grep -v "\#") rm contigs/${barcode}_seqs.fasta for reference in $references do eval "$(conda shell.bash hook)" conda activate seqtk seqtk seq -L 910 intermediate_files/${barcode}_${reference}_assembly/${barcode}_${reference}_assembly.correctedReads.fasta.gz | head -n2 > contigs/${barcode}_${reference}_contigs.fasta contigName=$(head -n1 contigs/${barcode}_${reference}_contigs.fasta | sed 's/>//g') sed -i "s/${contigName}/${barcode}_${reference}/g" contigs/${barcode}_${reference}_contigs.fasta cat contigs/${barcode}_${reference}_contigs.fasta >> contigs/${barcode}_seqs.fasta done eval "$(conda shell.bash hook)" conda activate mafft mafft --adjustdirection --reorder contigs/${barcode}_seqs.fasta > contigs/${barcode}_aligned.fasta done<../longAmpliconData.lst
cd assemble_long_amplicons
while read folderName;
barcode=$(echo $folderName | sed 's:./::g')
echo $barcode
references=$(awk '$4>1000' ../Minimap_Vs_VP1_Curated_Seqs/alignment_${barcode} | cut -f1 | grep -v "\#")
rm contigs/${barcode}_seqs.fasta
for reference in $references
eval "$(conda shell.bash hook)"
conda activate seqtk
seqtk seq -L 910 intermediate_files/${barcode}_${reference}_assembly/${barcode}_${reference}_assembly.correctedReads.fasta.gz | head -n2 > contigs/${barcode}_${reference}_contigs.fasta
contigName=$(head -n1 contigs/${barcode}_${reference}_contigs.fasta | sed 's/>//g')
sed -i "s/${contigName}/${barcode}_${reference}/g" contigs/${barcode}_${reference}_contigs.fasta
cat contigs/${barcode}_${reference}_contigs.fasta >> contigs/${barcode}_seqs.fasta
eval "$(conda shell.bash hook)"
conda activate mafft
mafft --adjustdirection --reorder contigs/${barcode}_seqs.fasta > contigs/${barcode}_aligned.fasta
Download files with the 'aligned.fasta' suffix from the 'contigs' folder to your laptop.
Open the alignment for each set of consensus sequences using the UGENE software on your laptop.
Where necessary, when opening the alignment, select the 'Join sequences into alignment and open in multiple alignment viewer' option.
Under the context menu go to:
Actions -> Statistics -> Generate Distance Matrix
Select the 'Hamming dissimilarity' distance algorithm.
Make sure the profile mode is set to 'Count' and 'Exclude gaps' is ticked.
Click on the 'Generate' button.
Use the distance matrix to identify duplicates, defined for our purposes as sequences from the same sample or barcode which are seperated by a distance of less than 10.
Make sure the final set of consensus sequences are unique, and there are no duplicates.
If you decide to delete any duplicates, make sure they are removed from files with the 'seqs.fasta' suffix in the contigs folder:
$ cd assemble_long_amplicons $ nano contigs/barcode21_seqs.fasta
$ cd assemble_long_amplicons
$ nano contigs/barcode21_seqs.fasta
In addition, whilst editing files with the 'seqs.fasta' suffix assign each consensus sequence a unique number (i.e. change the name of the sequence to start with seq1, seq2, seq3, etc)
Create a folder to store the new set of alignments:
$ mkdir assemble_short_amplicons/align_against_consensus_seqs $ mkdir assemble_long_amplicons/align_against_consensus_seqs
$ mkdir assemble_short_amplicons/align_against_consensus_seqs
$ mkdir assemble_long_amplicons/align_against_consensus_seqs
For every barcode amplified using the short primer set:
cd assemble_short_amplicons while read folder; do barcode=$(echo $folder | sed 's:./::g') echo $folder echo $barcode eval "$(conda shell.bash hook)" conda activate minimap2 minimap2 --secondary=no -t18 -ax map-ont ./contigs/${barcode}_seqs.fasta ../${barcode}_merged.fastq.gz |\ samtools sort -@18 -o align_against_consensus_seqs/alignment_${barcode}.bam samtools index -@ 18 align_against_consensus_seqs/alignment_${barcode}.bam samtools flagstat align_against_consensus_seqs/alignment_${barcode}.bam > align_against_consensus_seqs/alignment_${barcode} samtools coverage align_against_consensus_seqs/alignment_${barcode}.bam | awk '$4 >0' | sort -rnk4 > align_against_consensus_seqs/alignment_${barcode} done<../shortAmpliconData.lst
cd assemble_short_amplicons
while read folder;
barcode=$(echo $folder | sed 's:./::g')
echo $folder
echo $barcode
eval "$(conda shell.bash hook)"
conda activate minimap2
minimap2 --secondary=no -t18 -ax map-ont ./contigs/${barcode}_seqs.fasta ../${barcode}_merged.fastq.gz |\
samtools sort -@18 -o align_against_consensus_seqs/alignment_${barcode}.bam
samtools index -@ 18 align_against_consensus_seqs/alignment_${barcode}.bam
samtools flagstat align_against_consensus_seqs/alignment_${barcode}.bam > align_against_consensus_seqs/alignment_${barcode}
samtools coverage align_against_consensus_seqs/alignment_${barcode}.bam | awk '$4 >0' | sort -rnk4 > align_against_consensus_seqs/alignment_${barcode}
For every barcode amplified using the long primer set:
cd assemble_long_amplicons while read folder; do barcode=$(echo $folder | sed 's:./::g') echo $folder echo $barcode eval "$(conda shell.bash hook)" conda activate minimap2 minimap2 --secondary=no -t18 -ax map-ont ./contigs/${barcode}_seqs.fasta ../${barcode}_trimmed.fastq.gz |\ samtools sort -@18 -o align_against_consensus_seqs/alignment_${barcode}.bam samtools index -@ 18 align_against_consensus_seqs/alignment_${barcode}.bam samtools flagstat align_against_consensus_seqs/alignment_${barcode}.bam > align_against_consensus_seqs/alignment_${barcode} samtools coverage align_against_consensus_seqs/alignment_${barcode}.bam | awk '$4 >0' | sort -rnk4 > align_against_consensus_seqs/alignment_${barcode} done<../longAmpliconData.lst
cd assemble_long_amplicons
while read folder;
barcode=$(echo $folder | sed 's:./::g')
echo $folder
echo $barcode
eval "$(conda shell.bash hook)"
conda activate minimap2
minimap2 --secondary=no -t18 -ax map-ont ./contigs/${barcode}_seqs.fasta ../${barcode}_trimmed.fastq.gz |\
samtools sort -@18 -o align_against_consensus_seqs/alignment_${barcode}.bam
samtools index -@ 18 align_against_consensus_seqs/alignment_${barcode}.bam
samtools flagstat align_against_consensus_seqs/alignment_${barcode}.bam > align_against_consensus_seqs/alignment_${barcode}
samtools coverage align_against_consensus_seqs/alignment_${barcode}.bam | awk '$4 >0' | sort -rnk4 > align_against_consensus_seqs/alignment_${barcode}
Check alignment results and compare results to those that were initially produced via alignment against the reference database.
Create a folder to store results from medaka:
$ mkdir assemble_short_amplicons/medaka_consensus/ $ mkdir assemble_short_amplicons/medaka_contigs/ $ mkdir assemble_long_amplicons/medaka_consensus/ $ mkdir assemble_long_amplicons/medaka_contigs/
$ mkdir assemble_short_amplicons/medaka_consensus/
$ mkdir assemble_short_amplicons/medaka_contigs/
$ mkdir assemble_long_amplicons/medaka_consensus/
$ mkdir assemble_long_amplicons/medaka_contigs/
Install the CPU version of medaka:
conda create --name=medaka_cpu medaka=1.2.3 tensorflow=2.2.0=mkl_py36h5a57954_0
conda create --name=medaka_cpu medaka=1.2.3 tensorflow=2.2.0=mkl_py36h5a57954_0
For every barcode amplified using the short primer set:
cd assemble_short_amplicons while read folder; do barcode=$(echo $folder | sed 's:./::g') echo $folder echo $barcode eval "$(conda shell.bash hook)" conda activate medaka_cpu medaka_consensus -i ../${barcode}_trimmed.fastq.gz -d contigs/${barcode}_seqs.fasta -o medaka_consensus/${barcode}_consensus -t 20 -m r941_min_high_g360 cp medaka_consensus/${barcode}_consensus/consensus.fasta medaka_contigs/${barcode}_polished_seqs.fasta done<../shortAmpliconData.lst
cd assemble_short_amplicons
while read folder;
barcode=$(echo $folder | sed 's:./::g')
echo $folder
echo $barcode
eval "$(conda shell.bash hook)"
conda activate medaka_cpu
medaka_consensus -i ../${barcode}_trimmed.fastq.gz -d contigs/${barcode}_seqs.fasta -o medaka_consensus/${barcode}_consensus -t 20 -m r941_min_high_g360
cp medaka_consensus/${barcode}_consensus/consensus.fasta medaka_contigs/${barcode}_polished_seqs.fasta
For every barcode amplified using the long primer set:
cd assemble_long_amplicons while read folder; do barcode=$(echo $folder | sed 's:./::g') echo $folder echo $barcode eval "$(conda shell.bash hook)" conda activate medaka_cpu medaka_consensus -i ../${barcode}_trimmed.fastq.gz -d contigs/${barcode}_seqs.fasta -o medaka_consensus/${barcode}_consensus -t 20 -m r941_min_high_g360 cp medaka_consensus/${barcode}_consensus/consensus.fasta medaka_contigs/${barcode}_polished_seqs.fasta done<../longAmpliconData.lst
cd assemble_long_amplicons
while read folder;
barcode=$(echo $folder | sed 's:./::g')
echo $folder
echo $barcode
eval "$(conda shell.bash hook)"
conda activate medaka_cpu
medaka_consensus -i ../${barcode}_trimmed.fastq.gz -d contigs/${barcode}_seqs.fasta -o medaka_consensus/${barcode}_consensus -t 20 -m r941_min_high_g360
cp medaka_consensus/${barcode}_consensus/consensus.fasta medaka_contigs/${barcode}_polished_seqs.fasta
Create a folder to store results from medaka:
$ mkdir assemble_short_amplicons/medaka_variant_calling/ $ mkdir assemble_long_amplicons/medaka_variant_calling/
$ mkdir assemble_short_amplicons/medaka_variant_calling/
$ mkdir assemble_long_amplicons/medaka_variant_calling/
For each set of consensus sequences amplified using the short primer set:
Align sequencing data against the polished consensus sequences.
Summarise information on coverage, the average quality of the alignment and the proportion of sequences which aligned against a reference.
Use the medaka_variant tool to identify any variants present in the alignment.
cd assemble_short_amplicons while read folder; do barcode=$(echo $folder | sed 's:./::g') echo $folder echo $barcode eval "$(conda shell.bash hook)" conda activate minimap2 minimap2 --secondary=no -t18 -ax map-ont ./medaka_contigs/${barcode}_polished_seqs.fasta ../${barcode}_trimmed.fastq.gz |\ samtools sort -@18 -o medaka_variant_calling/alignment_${barcode}.bam samtools index -@ 18 medaka_variant_calling/alignment_${barcode}.bam samtools flagstat medaka_variant_calling/alignment_${barcode}.bam > medaka_variant_calling/alignment_${barcode} samtools coverage medaka_variant_calling/alignment_${barcode}.bam | awk '$4 >0' | sort -rnk4 > medaka_variant_calling/alignment_${barcode} eval "$(conda shell.bash hook)" conda activate medaka_cpu medaka_variant -i medaka_variant_calling/alignment_${barcode}.bam -m r941_min_high_g360 -s r941_min_high_g360 -f medaka_contigs/${barcode}_polished_seqs.fasta -o medaka_variant_calling/${barcode}_variants done<../shortAmpliconData.lst
cd assemble_short_amplicons
while read folder;
barcode=$(echo $folder | sed 's:./::g')
echo $folder
echo $barcode
eval "$(conda shell.bash hook)"
conda activate minimap2
minimap2 --secondary=no -t18 -ax map-ont ./medaka_contigs/${barcode}_polished_seqs.fasta ../${barcode}_trimmed.fastq.gz |\
samtools sort -@18 -o medaka_variant_calling/alignment_${barcode}.bam
samtools index -@ 18 medaka_variant_calling/alignment_${barcode}.bam
samtools flagstat medaka_variant_calling/alignment_${barcode}.bam > medaka_variant_calling/alignment_${barcode}
samtools coverage medaka_variant_calling/alignment_${barcode}.bam | awk '$4 >0' | sort -rnk4 > medaka_variant_calling/alignment_${barcode}
eval "$(conda shell.bash hook)"
conda activate medaka_cpu
medaka_variant -i medaka_variant_calling/alignment_${barcode}.bam -m r941_min_high_g360 -s r941_min_high_g360 -f medaka_contigs/${barcode}_polished_seqs.fasta -o medaka_variant_calling/${barcode}_variants
For each set of consensus sequences amplified using the long primer set:
Align sequencing data against the polished consensus sequences.
Summarise information on coverage, the average quality of the alignment and the proportion of sequences which aligned against a reference.
Use the medaka_variant tool to identify any variants present in the alignment.
This is exactly the same as before, with different samples.
cd assemble_long_amplicons while read folder; do barcode=$(echo $folder | sed 's:./::g') echo $folder echo $barcode eval "$(conda shell.bash hook)" conda activate minimap2 minimap2 --secondary=no -t18 -ax map-ont ./medaka_contigs/${barcode}_polished_seqs.fasta ../${barcode}_trimmed.fastq.gz |\ samtools sort -@18 -o medaka_variant_calling/alignment_${barcode}.bam samtools index -@ 18 medaka_variant_calling/alignment_${barcode}.bam samtools flagstat medaka_variant_calling/alignment_${barcode}.bam > medaka_variant_calling/alignment_${barcode} samtools coverage medaka_variant_calling/alignment_${barcode}.bam | awk '$4 >0' | sort -rnk4 > medaka_variant_calling/alignment_${barcode} eval "$(conda shell.bash hook)" conda activate medaka_cpu medaka_variant -i medaka_variant_calling/alignment_${barcode}.bam -m r941_min_high_g360 -s r941_min_high_g360 -f medaka_contigs/${barcode}_polished_seqs.fasta -o medaka_variant_calling/${barcode}_variants done<../longAmpliconData.lst
cd assemble_long_amplicons
while read folder;
barcode=$(echo $folder | sed 's:./::g')
echo $folder
echo $barcode
eval "$(conda shell.bash hook)"
conda activate minimap2
minimap2 --secondary=no -t18 -ax map-ont ./medaka_contigs/${barcode}_polished_seqs.fasta ../${barcode}_trimmed.fastq.gz |\
samtools sort -@18 -o medaka_variant_calling/alignment_${barcode}.bam
samtools index -@ 18 medaka_variant_calling/alignment_${barcode}.bam
samtools flagstat medaka_variant_calling/alignment_${barcode}.bam > medaka_variant_calling/alignment_${barcode}
samtools coverage medaka_variant_calling/alignment_${barcode}.bam | awk '$4 >0' | sort -rnk4 > medaka_variant_calling/alignment_${barcode}
eval "$(conda shell.bash hook)"
conda activate medaka_cpu
medaka_variant -i medaka_variant_calling/alignment_${barcode}.bam -m r941_min_high_g360 -s r941_min_high_g360 -f medaka_contigs/${barcode}_polished_seqs.fasta -o medaka_variant_calling/${barcode}_variants