Figure 1,"Can be created with the columns logit_HER2, Estrogen_Receptors_(ER),_metastatic, _CNV_1A columns, _AMP/DEL columns, _ONC, and mutation (no suffix) columns" Figure 2,"Can be created with the columns logit_HER2, Estrogen_Receptors_(ER),_metastatic, Stage, Histology, TMB, _AMP/DEL columns, _ONC columns. For exact mutation, check GENIE" Figure 3,"Can be created with the columns logit_HER2, Estrogen_Receptors_(ER),_metastatic, TMB, HM, cnv_all,cnv_split,logit_MET, _AMP/DEL columns, _ONC, and mutation (no suffix) columns" Figure 4,"Can be created with logit_HER2, Estrogen_Receptors_(ER),_metastatic, Metastatic_HER2_IHC, Primary_HER2_IHC, and estimated_erbb2_count" Figure S1,Can be created with HM and TMB Figure S2,"The data represented in the REMARK diagram describes how we generated the final analytic cohort and therefore, was not part of the primary analysis presented in this manuscript. Ê" Figure S3,"Can be created with the columns logit_HER2, Estrogen_Receptors_(ER),_metastatic, logit_MET, _CNV_1A columns, _AMP/DEL columns, _ONC, and mutation (no suffix) columns" Figure S4,"Can be created with the columns logit_HER2, Estrogen_Receptors_(ER),_metastatic, TMB, HM, cnv_all,cnv_split,logit_MET, _AMP/DEL columns, _ONC, and mutation (no suffix) columns" Figure S5,"Can be created with logit_HER2, Estrogen_Receptors_(ER),_metastatic, logit_MET, Metastatic_HER2_IHC, Primary_HER2_IHC, and estimated_erbb2_count" Figure S6,"Can be created with the columns logit_HER2, Estrogen_Receptors_(ER),_metastatic, Metastatic_HER2_IHC, Primary_HER2_IHC, _CNV_1A columns, _AMP/DEL columns, _ONC, and mutation (no suffix) columns" Figure S7,"Can be created with the columns logit_HER2, Estrogen_Receptors_(ER),_metastatic, TMB, HM, cnv_all,cnv_split,logit_MET, Metastatic_HER2_IHC, Primary_HER2_IHC, _AMP/DEL columns, _ONC, and mutation (no suffix) columns"