Please select your age bracket (in years).,"Have you been diagnosed with a condition that causes scarring in the lung? This is also known as lung fibrosis, pulmonary fibrosis or interstitial lung disease (ILD).",The following are types of lung scarring or interstitial lung disease (ILD). Do any of these apply to your diagnosis?,,How long have you had a diagnosis of ILD?,Please select your gender at birth:,How fluent in English do you consider yourself to be?,Are you currently taking medication specifically for your ILD?,Do you have contact every 3-6 months with a specialist ILD doctor or nurse (this can also include telephone or video consults) for medication monitoring?,,Where do you access the internet?,,,,,,"Do you have access to regularly use a smart phone (This is any a portable device combining telephone and computing functions Eg iphone, or android phone)?",Do you have access to a tablet computer? (This is a mobile computer device that typically has touch screen display an example would be an ipad),"Do you have access to a laptop, PC or computer?","Do you use any devices in your own home that monitor your vital signs (e.g. oxygen saturations, blood pressure measurements or heart rate monitors)?",Please select from the following devices any that you use to monitor your vital signs from your own home (we will cover more specialised devices in later questions).,,,,Have you had any advice on how to use devices that monitor your vital signs such as an oxygen saturation monitor? Please select any of the following that you feel apply to you.,,,,,,,,Thinking about how often you use your oxygen saturation monitor please select any that apply to you. You are able to select more than one answer.,,,,,,,How well do you feel your oxygen saturation results are matched to your symptoms? Please select any that apply to you or if you feel none apply please let us know about your experiences through the ‘other’ option.,,,,,Do you use a home spirometer device? This is a home device that measures your lung function.,Which aspect of lung function do you monitor or record with your home spirometer. Please select any that apply:,,,,,Have you found any difficulty with getting reproducible readings with your home spirometer?,,How confident do you feel with your technique when using a spirometer at home?,Thinking specifically about your home spirometry device. Have you had any advice on how to interpret your readings?,If you have received advice on how to use a home spirometer where did you receive this advice? Please select any that apply or comment in the free text box.,,,,Have you had any advice about your home monitoring of your symptoms and spirometry in line with any of the following? (please choose any that apply),,,,How confident are you in interpreting your spirometry results such as FVC and FEV1?,If you use home monitoring devices are your devices quality marked? (CE),"Do you use a smart watch, fitness watch or activity tracker (for example fitbit or garmin, step counter)?",What are the brands or make of your smart watch or fitness devices or devices?,If you do use home monitoring devices please tell us about your experiences using them?,,The following might be reasons people may not use home monitoring devices. Do you feel any of the following apply to you?,,,,,,,,,,,Were any of your devices supplied by you GP or specialist team?,,If you purchased your own devices what influenced your decision in what you bought? Please select any that apply to you.,,,,,,,,,Do you use a smart phone or tablet associated app or apps for monitoring your health?,Do you uses any apps that are specific for supporting people with lung fibrosis?,If you use health monitoring apps please list the names of any apps that you use.,Please tell us more about your experiences of using apps and how they have affected how you manage your condition.,"Considering reasons you may use both apps and home monitoring devices, select from the following any that apply.",,,,,,,,,,For each device you own let us know how often you use it. Select from the following option for each device.,,,,,,,,,,What are you most often doing when you take measurements with home monitoring devices? Tick all that apply,,,,,,,,,How helpful overall do you find home monitoring to managing your condition? Please select the option that most applies to your experiences.,How stable do you find your results are when you are monitoring at home?,If you would like to tell us more about how your results make you feel please do so here. This section is optional please do not feel you have to write anything here if you do not want to.,"If you are concerned by your home readings whom, if any one, do you talk to about it? Please select any that apply",,,,,,,,Which if any of the following changes would trigger you to contact your GP or ILD team?,,,,,,,,,Have you been diagnosed with any of the following medical conditions in addition to your ILD? Please select any that apply:,,,,,,,,,,,,"We are interested in how breathless you have felt over the last two weeks, please select the option that best applies to you:",Do you have any other comments or insights into your experiences using home monitoring devices that we have not covered in the rest of this survey? Please share your thoughts below: Response,Response,Response,Other (please specify),Response,Response,Response,Response,Response,"No, if not please specify how often you have contact with a member of an ILD specialist team.",My own home,Community (e.g. library),Another person's home (e.g. friend or family),Work,I do not use the internet,Friend or family access on my behalf,Response,Response,Response,Response,Finger probe saturation monitor,Heart rate monitor,Combined finger probe saturation and heart rate monitor,Blood pressure monitor,I was given advice by my GP,I was given advice by my local support group,The pharmacy explained to me,I read information online and/or watched an online video,I was given advice by the ILD nurse specialist,I have had no advice/education and would welcome some,I have not felt the need for any advice/education,Other (please specify),I regularly measure my oxygen saturations regardless of how I feel,I measure my oxygen saturations if my symptoms are bad,I measure my saturations when I am exerting myself (e.g. going up stairs or exercising),I measure my readings after exertion whilst I am recovering,I measure my saturations when I am at rest,I wear a device throughout the day that is constantly measuring my saturations,Other (please specify),When I am feeling more breathless or unwell my saturations are often low,My saturations are low but my symptoms are stable,My saturations are low when I am exerting myself,When I feel breathless and/or unwell my saturations can be within normal range.,Other (please specify),Response,Forced vital capacity (FVC),Forced expiratory volume in the first second (FEV1),Flow volume loop,FEV1 /FVC ratio,Other (please specify),Response,Yes... If so please tell us about your experiences,Response,Response,Doctor/Clinical Nurse Specialist/other healthcare professional,Online Webinar/Video presentation,Specific presentation at my support group by a healthcare professional,Other (please specify),None of the above,To inform your clinical team of a change in symptoms (cough/breathlessness/fatigue/low mood),"To inform your clinical team following 2-3 successive declines of >/= 10% in Spirometry (specifically FVC, FEV1)",Other (please specify),Response,Response,Response,Open-Ended Response,Positive effects:,Negative effects:,Devices are too expensive,I do not feel confident in interpreting the readings,I do not have access to the internet,I do not have access to a smart phone,I did not know devices were available,I would find it worrying to use devices at home,I think the results would not be accurate,I only want readings if I visit the doctors or hospital,I do not feel confident in using the home devices without teaching,It negatively effects the way I think about the illness,Other (please specify),Response,Yes... If so please specify who supplied them,Recommended by a pharmacy,Online reviews,Advice from ILD forum/support groups,"Recommended by a medical professional, GP, specialist nurse or specialist doctor.",It was the lowest price I could find,I saw it advertised online,I cannot remember,Not applicable - the devices were given to me by my GP or specialist team,Other (please specify),Response,Response,Open-Ended Response,Open-Ended Response,My Doctor/Clinical Nurse Specialist/Other healthcare professional recommended it,It makes me feel more in control of my illness,It helps me to quantify when I feel unwell,It helps me monitor the progression of my disease,I feel it picks up changes earlier that can be acted on,It gives me reassurance,It helps me know when to call for help,It helps me know when to use my home oxygen,Not applicable - I do not use any apps or home monitoring devices,Other (please specify),Finger probe saturations monitor,BP monitor,HR monitor,Step counter,Fitbit/garmin,Smart watch that measures oxygen saturation,Apps,Home spirometer,"Exercise machine (e.g. treadmill, cycle)",Fitness measures (e.g. power meter),Sitting or resting,Walking inside,Walking outside,Cycling,Running,Swimming,Exercise / rowing machine,Gardening,Other (please specify),Response,Response,Open-Ended Response,No one,Family/friends,ILD specialist nurses,Support groups,GP,Specialist consultant,I never feel concerned about my readings,Other (please specify),None of the above,Increased breathlessness,Change in sputum,Increased cough,Concerns about medication side effects,Low saturations on a home monitor with worsening symptoms,Low saturations on a home monitor with no change to symptoms,Decline in home spirometry results,Other (please specify),None of the above,Heart disease,Diabetes,Neuropathy,High blood pressure,Vision problems,Hearing problems,Arthritis or joint problems,Raynaud’s syndrome,Sleep apnoea,Other long term lung conditions,Prefer not to say,Response,Open-Ended Response 61to70,Yes,Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis (IPF),,3-5 years,Female,Fluent in English,Yes,Yes,,My own home,,,,,,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Finger probe saturation monitor,,,,,,,I read information online and/or watched an online video,,,,,I regularly measure my oxygen saturations regardless of how I feel,,,,I measure my saturations when I am at rest,,Currently taking part in research project so monitor daily ,,,,When I feel breathless and/or unwell my saturations can be within normal range.,,Yes,Forced vital capacity (FVC),Forced expiratory volume in the first second (FEV1),,,,No,,Somewhat confident,Yes,,Online Webinar/Video presentation,,,,,,Data recorded daily on smartphone app and accessed by research team,Somewhat unconfident,Yes,Yes,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Supplied by research team,Yes,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 71 -80,Yes,Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis (IPF),,1-2 years,Female,Fluent in English,Yes,Yes,,My own home,,Another person's home (e.g. friend or family),,,Friend or family access on my behalf,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Finger probe saturation monitor,,,Blood pressure monitor,,,,I read information online and/or watched an online video,,,,,,I measure my oxygen saturations if my symptoms are bad,,I measure my readings after exertion whilst I am recovering,,,,,,My saturations are low when I am exerting myself,,,No,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,I'm unsure,No,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,No,,,,Advice from ILD forum/support groups,,,,,,,No,,,,,,,,,,,It helps me know when to use my home oxygen,,,2-3 times a week,2-3 times a month,,,,,,,,,Sitting or resting,Walking inside,,,,,,,,Somewhat helpful,Stable,,,Family/friends,,,,,,,,Increased breathlessness,,,Concerns about medication side effects,,,,,,,Diabetes,,,,,Arthritis or joint problems,,Sleep apnoea,,,Short of breath when hurrying on a level or when walking up a slight hill, 71 -80,Yes,Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis (IPF),,3-5 years,Male,Fluent in English,Yes,Yes,,My own home,,,,,,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,,,Combined finger probe saturation and heart rate monitor,Blood pressure monitor,,I was given advice by my local support group,,,I was given advice by the ILD nurse specialist,,,,I regularly measure my oxygen saturations regardless of how I feel,,,,,,I'm on 90 day trial,When I am feeling more breathless or unwell my saturations are often low,,My saturations are low when I am exerting myself,,,Yes,Forced vital capacity (FVC),Forced expiratory volume in the first second (FEV1),,FEV1 /FVC ratio,,No,,Somewhat confident,Yes,Doctor/Clinical Nurse Specialist/other healthcare professional,,Specific presentation at my support group by a healthcare professional,,None of the above,,,,Very confident,Yes,Yes,Wearfit,Easy to use,,,,,,,,,,,,Nil,Yes... If so please specify who supplied them,ILD Research Study Nottingham,,,,,,,,Not applicable - the devices were given to me by my GP or specialist team,,Yes,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 41-50,Yes,Connective tissue ILD (including Rheumatoid arthritis ILD),,2-3 years,Female,Fluent in English,No,"No, if not please specify how often you have contact with a member of an ILD specialist team.",Whenever they can be bothered. Have been left on my own. Feel abandoned ,My own home,,,,,,Yes,No,No,Yes,,,Combined finger probe saturation and heart rate monitor,,,,,,,I have had no advice/education and would welcome some,,,,,I measure my saturations when I am exerting myself (e.g. going up stairs or exercising),,,,,When I am feeling more breathless or unwell my saturations are often low,,,,,No,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Yes,No,,,,Devices are too expensive,,,,,,,,,,,No,,,,Advice from ILD forum/support groups,,,,,,,No,,,,,It makes me feel more in control of my illness,,,,,,,Not applicable - I do not use any apps or home monitoring devices,,2-3 times a week,Never,2-3 times a week,Never,Never,Never,Never,Never,Never,Never,Sitting or resting,Walking inside,Walking outside,,,,,,,Somewhat helpful,Declining,,No one,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,I don't contact anyone as they're not interested ,,,,,,Vision problems,,Arthritis or joint problems,,Sleep apnoea,Other long term lung conditions,,"Too breathless to leave the house, or breathless when dressing/undressing.", 51to60,Yes,Other (please specify),Desquimative interstitial pneumonitus ,>5 years,Female,Fluent in English,Yes,Yes,,My own home,,,,,,Yes,Yes,No,Yes,Finger probe saturation monitor,,,Blood pressure monitor,,,,I read information online and/or watched an online video,,,,,,,,I measure my readings after exertion whilst I am recovering,,,,,,My saturations are low when I am exerting myself,,,No,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Yes,Yes,Apple ,Oximetre is good ,But can become ocd,,,,,,,I think the results would not be accurate,,,,,No,,,,,,,,I can’t remember,,,Yes,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 61to70,Yes,Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis (IPF),,>5 years,Female,Fluent in English,No,"No, if not please specify how often you have contact with a member of an ILD specialist team.",Yearly,My own home,,,,,,Yes,No,No,Yes,Finger probe saturation monitor,,,Blood pressure monitor,,,,,,,I have not felt the need for any advice/education,,,I measure my oxygen saturations if my symptoms are bad,,,I measure my saturations when I am at rest,,,,,,When I feel breathless and/or unwell my saturations can be within normal range.,,No,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Yes,No,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Yes... If so please specify who supplied them,Consultant at support group,,,,,,,,Not applicable - the devices were given to me by my GP or specialist team,,No,,,,,,,,,,,,Not applicable - I do not use any apps or home monitoring devices,,2-3 times a week,Once a week,Never,Never,Never,Never,Never,Never,Never,Never,,Walking inside,,,,,,,,Somewhat helpful,Variable,,No one,,,,,,,,,,Change in sputum,,,,,,,,,Diabetes,Neuropathy,High blood pressure,,,Arthritis or joint problems,Raynaud’s syndrome,,,,Short of breath when hurrying on a level or when walking up a slight hill, 61to70,Yes,Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis (IPF),,>5 years,Female,Fluent in English,No,"No, if not please specify how often you have contact with a member of an ILD specialist team.",Yearly but because covid it will be 15th months,My own home,,,,,,No,Yes,No,No,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,No,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,No,No,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 61to70,Yes,Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis (IPF),,1-2 years,Female,Fluent in English,Yes,Yes,,My own home,,,,,,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Finger probe saturation monitor,,,,,I was given advice by my local support group,,,,,,,,I measure my oxygen saturations if my symptoms are bad,,,,,,,,My saturations are low when I am exerting myself,,,No,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,I'm unsure,Yes,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 51to60,Yes,Connective tissue ILD (including Rheumatoid arthritis ILD),,1-2 years,Female,Fluent in English,Yes,"No, if not please specify how often you have contact with a member of an ILD specialist team.",Have not had a lot of input because of covid 19.,My own home,,,,,,Yes,No,Yes,No,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,No,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,No,No,,I have occasionally used an oximeter.,,,I don’t feel confident in interpreting the readings,,,,I would find it worrying to use devices at home,,,,,,No,,,,,,,,,,Saw them spoken about on the news.,No,,,,,,,,,,,,Not applicable - I do not use any apps or home monitoring devices,,Never,Never,Never,Never,Never,Never,Never,Never,Never,Never,Sitting or resting,,,,,,,,,Somewhat unhelpful,Variable,,No one,,,,,,,,,Increased breathlessness,Change in sputum,,,,,,,None of the above,,,,,,,,,,,,Not troubled by breathlessness except on strenuous exercise,No 61to70,Yes,Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis (IPF),,1-2 years,Male,Fluent in English,Yes,Yes,,My own home,,,,,,Yes,No,Yes,Yes,,,Combined finger probe saturation and heart rate monitor,,,,,,I was given advice by the ILD nurse specialist,,,Nurses in the hospital ,,I measure my oxygen saturations if my symptoms are bad,,,I measure my saturations when I am at rest,,,When I am feeling more breathless or unwell my saturations are often low,,,,,No,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,I'm unsure,No,,It lets me know if I need medical attention ,I have calluses on my fingers so sometimes takes a while to get a reading ,,,,,,,,,,,None apply to me,No,,,,,"Recommended by a medical professional, GP, specialist nurse or specialist doctor.",,,,,,No,,,,My Doctor/Clinical Nurse Specialist/Other healthcare professional recommended it,It makes me feel more in control of my illness,It helps me to quantify when I feel unwell,,,It gives me reassurance,It helps me know when to call for help,,,,2-3 times a week,Never,Never,Never,Never,Never,Never,Never,Never,Never,Sitting or resting,,,,,,,,,Very helpful,Variable,,,,ILD specialist nurses,Support groups,,,,,,Increased breathlessness,Change in sputum,Increased cough,,Low saturations on a home monitor with worsening symptoms,,,,,,Diabetes,,High blood pressure,,,Arthritis or joint problems,,,Other long term lung conditions,,Short of breath when hurrying on a level or when walking up a slight hill, 61to70,Yes,Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis (IPF),,>5 years,Female,Fluent in English,Yes,Yes,,My own home,,,,,,Yes,No,Yes,Yes,,,Combined finger probe saturation and heart rate monitor,Blood pressure monitor,,,,,,,I have not felt the need for any advice/education,,,I measure my oxygen saturations if my symptoms are bad,,,,,,When I am feeling more breathless or unwell my saturations are often low,,,,,No,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,I'm unsure,No,,,,Devices are too expensive,,,,,,,,,,They are too complicated to set up,No,,,,,,,,,,Searched in line for them,No,,,,,It makes me feel more in control of my illness,It helps me to quantify when I feel unwell,It helps me monitor the progression of my disease,,It gives me reassurance,It helps me know when to call for help,It helps me know when to use my home oxygen,,,More than once a day,Once a day,More than once a day,Almost constantly,Never,Never,Never,Never,Never,Never,Sitting or resting,,,,,,,,,Somewhat helpful,Declining,,,,,,,,,I have no one to talk to save when see respiratory nurse ,,Increased breathlessness,Change in sputum,Increased cough,Concerns about medication side effects,Low saturations on a home monitor with worsening symptoms,Low saturations on a home monitor with no change to symptoms,,,,Heart disease,Diabetes,,High blood pressure,,,,,,,,"Stop for breath after walking 100 yards, or after a few minutes on the level ground",My concern is that they are not accurate 71 -80,Yes,Autoimmune associated fibrosis,,<1 year,Female,Fluent in English,,"No, if not please specify how often you have contact with a member of an ILD specialist team.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 61to70,Yes,Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis (IPF),,1-2 years,Male,Fluent in English,No,Yes,,My own home,,,,,,Yes,Yes,Yes,No,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,No,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,No,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Respiratory nurse said it might cause me to worry more,,,,,,,,,,,,No,,,,,,,,,,,,Not applicable - I do not use any apps or home monitoring devices,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Increased breathlessness,,,,,,,,,Heart disease,,,High blood pressure,,,,,,,,Short of breath when hurrying on a level or when walking up a slight hill, 71 -80,Yes,Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis (IPF),,<1 year,Female,Fluent in English,No,"No, if not please specify how often you have contact with a member of an ILD specialist team.",Apr-21,My own home,,,,,,Yes,No,Yes,Yes,Finger probe saturation monitor,,,Blood pressure monitor,,,,,,,I have not felt the need for any advice/education,,I regularly measure my oxygen saturations regardless of how I feel,,,,,,,,,,,,No,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Yes,Yes,Galaxy ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,No,,,Online reviews,,,,,,,,Yes,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 61to70,Yes,Familial Pulmonary Fibrosis,,,Male,Fluent in English,,"No, if not please specify how often you have contact with a member of an ILD specialist team.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 61to70,Yes,Other (please specify),Pulmonary fibrosis ,>5 years,Female,Fluent in English,No,"No, if not please specify how often you have contact with a member of an ILD specialist team.",If I’m lucky once a year but often 18 months,My own home,,,,,,Yes,Yes,No,Yes,,,Combined finger probe saturation and heart rate monitor,,,,,I read information online and/or watched an online video,,,,,,I measure my oxygen saturations if my symptoms are bad,,,,I wear a device throughout the day that is constantly measuring my saturations,,When I am feeling more breathless or unwell my saturations are often low,,My saturations are low when I am exerting myself,,,No,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,I'm unsure,Yes,Apple,It’s with you when you need it,Won’t work if levels are too low,,,,,,,I think the results would not be accurate,,,,"What is the point, telling care team any problems I pick up are ignored",No,,,,,,,,,,My children bought the for me as a gift,Yes,No,Apple health,Handy for heart rate but for oxygen levels gives error message which I assume is because it’s low and thinks it is an error,,,It helps me to quantify when I feel unwell,,,,,,,,2-3 times a week,Never,2-3 times a week,Never,Never,More than once a day,2-3 times a month,Never,Never,Never,,Walking inside,,,,,,,"Dressing, ",Somewhat helpful,Unsure,I feel I can take the panic away with o2 monitor because I can sit and breathe and see my oxygen levels rise,No one,,,,,,,,None of the above,,,,,,,,,,,,,High blood pressure,,,Arthritis or joint problems,,,,,"Stop for breath after walking 100 yards, or after a few minutes on the level ground", 61to70,Yes,Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis (IPF),,>5 years,Female,Fluent in English,Yes,"No, if not please specify how often you have contact with a member of an ILD specialist team.",Yearly,My own home,,,,,,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Finger probe saturation monitor,,,,,,,I read information online and/or watched an online video,,,,,,,,I measure my readings after exertion whilst I am recovering,,,,,,My saturations are low when I am exerting myself,,,No,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Some are but not all of them,No,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,No,,,,Advice from ILD forum/support groups,,,,,,,No,,,,,,,,,,,,,,More than once a day,,,,,,,,,,Sitting or resting,Walking inside,Walking outside,,,,,,,Somewhat helpful,Declining,,,,,,GP,,,,,Increased breathlessness,Change in sputum,,,Low saturations on a home monitor with worsening symptoms,,,,,,,,,,,Arthritis or joint problems,,,Other long term lung conditions,,"Stop for breath after walking 100 yards, or after a few minutes on the level ground", 80to85,Yes,Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis (IPF),,3-5 years,Female,Fluent in English,No,Yes,,My own home,,,,,,Yes,Yes,No,Yes,,,Combined finger probe saturation and heart rate monitor,Blood pressure monitor,,,,I read information online and/or watched an online video,,,,,,I measure my oxygen saturations if my symptoms are bad,I measure my saturations when I am exerting myself (e.g. going up stairs or exercising),I measure my readings after exertion whilst I am recovering,I measure my saturations when I am at rest,,,,My saturations are low but my symptoms are stable,My saturations are low when I am exerting myself,,,No,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Yes,Yes,Withings,A rough guide,,,,,,,,,,,,,No,,,Online reviews,,,,,,,,Yes,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 61to70,Yes,Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis (IPF),,>5 years,Male,Fluent in English,Yes,"No, if not please specify how often you have contact with a member of an ILD specialist team.",Yearly,My own home,,,,,,Yes,No,No,Yes,Finger probe saturation monitor,,,Blood pressure monitor,,,,,,,I have not felt the need for any advice/education,,,I measure my oxygen saturations if my symptoms are bad,,,,,,,,My saturations are low when I am exerting myself,When I feel breathless and/or unwell my saturations can be within normal range.,,No,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,No,No,,Pulse oximeter gives an indication of SATS,Not sure of accuracy of pulse oximeter,,,,,,,,,,,None apply,No,,,,,,,I saw it advertised online,,,,No,,,,,,It helps me to quantify when I feel unwell,It helps me monitor the progression of my disease,,,It helps me know when to call for help,It helps me know when to use my home oxygen,,,2-3 times a week,Never,Never,Never,Never,Never,Never,Never,Never,Never,Sitting or resting,Walking inside,,,,,,,,Somewhat helpful,Variable,,,,ILD specialist nurses,,,Specialist consultant,,,,Increased breathlessness,Change in sputum,Increased cough,,Low saturations on a home monitor with worsening symptoms,,,,,,Diabetes,,,Vision problems,Hearing problems,,,,Other long term lung conditions,,"Too breathless to leave the house, or breathless when dressing/undressing.", 71 -80,Yes,Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis (IPF),,>5 years,Male,Fluent in English,Yes,Yes,,My own home,,,,,,No,Yes,No,Yes,Finger probe saturation monitor,,,Blood pressure monitor,I was given advice by my GP,,,,,,,,I regularly measure my oxygen saturations regardless of how I feel,,,,,,,When I am feeling more breathless or unwell my saturations are often low,,,,,No,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Yes,No,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,No,,,,,,,,,,,No,,,,My Doctor/Clinical Nurse Specialist/Other healthcare professional recommended it,,,,,,,,,,More than once a day,Once a day,Never,Never,Never,Never,Never,Never,Never,Never,Sitting or resting,,,,,,,,,Very helpful,Declining,,,Family/friends,,,,,,,None of the above,,,,,,,,,,Heart disease,,,,,,Arthritis or joint problems,,,,,"Too breathless to leave the house, or breathless when dressing/undressing.", 51to60,Yes,Connective tissue ILD (including Rheumatoid arthritis ILD),,1-2 years,Male,Fluent in English,Yes,Yes,,My own home,,,,,,Yes,Yes,No,No,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,No,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,I'm unsure,No,,N a,,,,,,,,,I only want readings if I visit the doctors or hospital,,,,No,,,,,,,,,,Not got any ,No,,,,,,,,,,,,Not applicable - I do not use any apps or home monitoring devices,,Never,Never,Never,Never,Never,Never,Never,Never,Never,Never,,,,,,,,,N a,,,,,,,,,,,,,Increased breathlessness,Change in sputum,Increased cough,,,,,,,,,,,,,Arthritis or joint problems,,,,,Short of breath when hurrying on a level or when walking up a slight hill, 61to70,Yes,Chronic Hypersensitivity Pneumonitis,,3-5 years,Female,Fluent in English,Yes,Yes,,My own home,,,,,,Yes,Yes,No,Yes,,,Combined finger probe saturation and heart rate monitor,,,,,I read information online and/or watched an online video,,,,,,I measure my oxygen saturations if my symptoms are bad,I measure my saturations when I am exerting myself (e.g. going up stairs or exercising),,,,,When I am feeling more breathless or unwell my saturations are often low,,My saturations are low when I am exerting myself,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Yes,No,,Makes me feel better when my saps dip and I can see them improving with my oximeter,,,,,,,,,,,,,No,,,,,,,I saw it advertised online,,,,No,,,,,,It helps me to quantify when I feel unwell,It helps me monitor the progression of my disease,,,,,,,More than once a day,,,,,,,,Once a day,,Sitting or resting,Walking inside,,,,,,,,Somewhat helpful,Variable,,,Family/friends,,,,Specialist consultant,,,,,Change in sputum,,Concerns about medication side effects,Low saturations on a home monitor with worsening symptoms,,,,,,,,,Vision problems,,,,,,,"Too breathless to leave the house, or breathless when dressing/undressing.", 61to70,Yes,Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis (IPF),,2-3 years,Male,Fluent in English,Yes,Yes,,My own home,,,,,,Yes,Yes,No,Yes,Finger probe saturation monitor,,Combined finger probe saturation and heart rate monitor,,,,,,,,I have not felt the need for any advice/education,,,I measure my oxygen saturations if my symptoms are bad,,I measure my readings after exertion whilst I am recovering,,,,When I am feeling more breathless or unwell my saturations are often low,,My saturations are low when I am exerting myself,When I feel breathless and/or unwell my saturations can be within normal range.,,No,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Yes,No,,Helps me stay calm when I can see it rising after exertion,,,,,,,,,,,,,No,,,,Advice from ILD forum/support groups,,,,,,,No,,,,,,,,,,,,,,More than once a day,Less than twice a month,,,,,,,,,Sitting or resting,Walking inside,,,,,,Gardening,,Very helpful,Variable,,,,,Support groups,,,,Palliative nurse ,,Increased breathlessness,Change in sputum,Increased cough,,Low saturations on a home monitor with worsening symptoms,,,,None of the above,,,,,,,,,,,,"Too breathless to leave the house, or breathless when dressing/undressing.", 51to60,Yes,Other (please specify),Post Covid ARDS ,<1 year,Female,Fluent in English,No,"No, if not please specify how often you have contact with a member of an ILD specialist team.",Not under a team ,My own home,,,Work,,,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,,,Combined finger probe saturation and heart rate monitor,,,,,,,,,I am a trained nurse,,I measure my oxygen saturations if my symptoms are bad,I measure my saturations when I am exerting myself (e.g. going up stairs or exercising),,,,,When I am feeling more breathless or unwell my saturations are often low,,My saturations are low when I am exerting myself,,,No,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Yes,No,,Gives me an idea of how my symptoms tally with observation,Worry what to do if it reads low,,,,,,,,,,,,No,,,Online reviews,,,,,,,,Yes,No,Samsung health,Keeps track of exercise and weight gain or loss,,It makes me feel more in control of my illness,It helps me to quantify when I feel unwell,,,It gives me reassurance,,It helps me know when to use my home oxygen,,,2-3 times a week,Never,2-3 times a week,Once a day,Never,Never,Once a day,Never,Never,Never,,,Walking outside,,,,,,,Somewhat helpful,Variable,,,,,,GP,,,,,Increased breathlessness,Change in sputum,Increased cough,Concerns about medication side effects,Low saturations on a home monitor with worsening symptoms,,,,,,,Neuropathy,,,,Arthritis or joint problems,,,,,"Walk slower than most people on a level, stop after a mile or so, or stop after 15 minutes walking at your own pace",I took mine into hospital and guaged it against hospital monitor. It read 2-3% 71 -80,Yes,Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis (IPF),,3-5 years,Female,Fluent in English,Yes,Yes,,My own home,,,,,,Yes,Yes,No,Yes,,,Combined finger probe saturation and heart rate monitor,,,,,,I was given advice by the ILD nurse specialist,,,,,,I measure my saturations when I am exerting myself (e.g. going up stairs or exercising),,,,,,,My saturations are low when I am exerting myself,,,No,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,I'm unsure,No,,Makes me feel I control of this illness ,None,,,,,,,,,,,,No,,,Online reviews,,,,,,,,No,,,,,It makes me feel more in control of my illness,,,,,,,,,More than once a day,Never,Never,Never,Never,Never,Never,Never,Never,Never,,Walking inside,Walking outside,,,,,Gardening,,Somewhat helpful,Variable,,,,ILD specialist nurses,,,,,,,Increased breathlessness,Change in sputum,Increased cough,Concerns about medication side effects,Low saturations on a home monitor with worsening symptoms,,,,,,,,,,Hearing problems,Arthritis or joint problems,,,,,"Stop for breath after walking 100 yards, or after a few minutes on the level ground", 71 -80,Yes,Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis (IPF),,<1 year,Female,Fluent in English,Yes,Yes,,My own home,,,,,,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Finger probe saturation monitor,Heart rate monitor,,Blood pressure monitor,,,,,I was given advice by the ILD nurse specialist,I have had no advice/education and would welcome some,,,I regularly measure my oxygen saturations regardless of how I feel,,,,,,,,,,When I feel breathless and/or unwell my saturations can be within normal range.,,No,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,I'm unsure,Yes,Apple,Have no problems ,,,,,,,,,,,It negatively effects the way I think about the illness,,No,,,Online reviews,,,,,,,,Yes,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 18 to 40,Notoif so thank you for you time but this survey is not designed for you,,,,,,,"No, if not please specify how often you have contact with a member of an ILD specialist team.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, >85,Yes,Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis (IPF),,>5 years,Female,Fluent in English,No,"No, if not please specify how often you have contact with a member of an ILD specialist team.",Unfortunately I have not had contact with respiratory dept since December 1920 and that was by telephone ,My own home,,,,,,Yes,Yes,Yes,No,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,No,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Some are but not all of them,No,,,,,,,,,,,I only want readings if I visit the doctors or hospital,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,No,,,,,,,,,,,,Not applicable - I do not use any apps or home monitoring devices,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Vision problems,Hearing problems,Arthritis or joint problems,,,,,"Too breathless to leave the house, or breathless when dressing/undressing.", 41-50,Yes,Other (please specify),Pulmonary alveolar microlithiasis,>5 years,Female,Fluent in English,Yes,Yes,,My own home,,,,,,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,,,Combined finger probe saturation and heart rate monitor,,I was given advice by my GP,,,I read information online and/or watched an online video,,,,"Advice by consultant and pulmonary rehab phyiso, palliative care nurse",I regularly measure my oxygen saturations regardless of how I feel,,,,,,,When I am feeling more breathless or unwell my saturations are often low,,My saturations are low when I am exerting myself,,,No,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,I'm unsure,No,,"Can check how I am doing and change oxygen use accordingly (titrate) to manage at home. Good to share with 111, GP to or 999 to decide acute action. Reassuring when positive and when I can see stats improve with exercise..",Feel like my illness defines me as a person some times. Concerning when oxygen stats are low.,,,,,,,,,,,,No,,,Online reviews,,"Recommended by a medical professional, GP, specialist nurse or specialist doctor.",,,,,,Yes,No,"Apple health to record O2 stats, heart rate and review walking.",Useful to keep track of numbers and helpful to see any improvement after exercise. But can be sad to see deterioration.,,It makes me feel more in control of my illness,It helps me to quantify when I feel unwell,It helps me monitor the progression of my disease,I feel it picks up changes earlier that can be acted on,It gives me reassurance,It helps me know when to call for help,It helps me know when to use my home oxygen,,,More than once a day,Less than twice a month,More than once a day,,,,Once a week,,Once a day,,Sitting or resting,,Walking outside,Cycling,,,Exercise / rowing machine,,,Very helpful,Variable,"Concerning to see disease progress. Because it is slow, I have feel I have spent many years thinking about the end of my life and what I need to do to increase it.",,Family/friends,,,GP,Specialist consultant,,,,Increased breathlessness,Change in sputum,Increased cough,,Low saturations on a home monitor with worsening symptoms,Low saturations on a home monitor with no change to symptoms,,,,Heart disease,,,,Vision problems,,,Raynaud’s syndrome,,,,"Too breathless to leave the house, or breathless when dressing/undressing.","Some health care workers seem reluctant for me to monitor at home - like it is their job. They have mocked me for doing it. But others have encouraged me to do so. I am a scientist, so I know value in data and went ahead to manage myself." 80to85,Yes,Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis (IPF),,3-5 years,Male,Fluent in English,Yes,Yes,,My own home,,,,,,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,,,,,,,,,,I have had no advice/education and would welcome some,,,I regularly measure my oxygen saturations regardless of how I feel,I measure my oxygen saturations if my symptoms are bad,,,,,I use an electronic watch with SpO2 measurement ,When I am feeling more breathless or unwell my saturations are often low,,,,,No,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Yes,Huawei,"Regular use gives trends, useful and relevant ",Measurements of oxygen saturation are difficult ,,,,,,,,,,,,No,,,,,,It was the lowest price I could find,,,,,No,,,,,,It helps me to quantify when I feel unwell,It helps me monitor the progression of my disease,,It gives me reassurance,It helps me know when to call for help,It helps me know when to use my home oxygen,,,,,,,More than once a day,More than once a day,Once a day,,,,Sitting or resting,,,,,,,,,Very helpful,Variable,,,Family/friends,ILD specialist nurses,,GP,,,,,Increased breathlessness,,,,Low saturations on a home monitor with worsening symptoms,,,,,Heart disease,,,,,,,,,,,"Stop for breath after walking 100 yards, or after a few minutes on the level ground", 51to60,Yes,Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis (IPF),,3-5 years,Male,Fluent in English,Yes,Yes,,My own home,,Another person's home (e.g. friend or family),,,,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,,,Combined finger probe saturation and heart rate monitor,,,,,,,,I have not felt the need for any advice/education,,,I measure my oxygen saturations if my symptoms are bad,,,I measure my saturations when I am at rest,,,When I am feeling more breathless or unwell my saturations are often low,,My saturations are low when I am exerting myself,,,No,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Yes,Yes,Apple Iwatch,tells me I am low and need oxygen,it seems 2 points lower than the one I use at hospital,,,,,,,,,,,Ill use what I can with teaching,No,,,,,"Recommended by a medical professional, GP, specialist nurse or specialist doctor.",,,,,,No,,,,My Doctor/Clinical Nurse Specialist/Other healthcare professional recommended it,,,,I feel it picks up changes earlier that can be acted on,It gives me reassurance,It helps me know when to call for help,,,,2-3 times a month,Never,Never,Never,Never,Never,Never,Never,Never,Never,Sitting or resting,,,,,,,,,Somewhat helpful,Variable,,,,ILD specialist nurses,,,,,,,Increased breathlessness,,Increased cough,Concerns about medication side effects,Low saturations on a home monitor with worsening symptoms,,,,None of the above,,,,,,,,,,,,"Walk slower than most people on a level, stop after a mile or so, or stop after 15 minutes walking at your own pace", 80to85,Yes,Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis (IPF),,>5 years,Male,Fluent in English,No,"No, if not please specify how often you have contact with a member of an ILD specialist team.",Once a year,My own home,,,,,,Yes,Yes,Yes,No,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,No,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,No,No,,N a,N a,,,,,,,,,,It negatively effects the way I think about the illness,,No,,,,,,,,,,Don't use them,No,,,,,,,,,,,,Not applicable - I do not use any apps or home monitoring devices,,Never,Never,Never,Never,Never,Never,Never,Never,Never,Never,,,,,,,,,N a,Very unhelpful,Unsure,,,,,,,,,N a,,Increased breathlessness,,Increased cough,,,,,,,Heart disease,,,,,Hearing problems,,,,,,"Stop for breath after walking 100 yards, or after a few minutes on the level ground", 71 -80,Yes,Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis (IPF),,2-3 years,Male,Fluent in English,Yes,Yes,,My own home,,,,,,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,,,Combined finger probe saturation and heart rate monitor,Blood pressure monitor,,,,,,,,Local community respiratory nurse,,,,I measure my readings after exertion whilst I am recovering,,,,When I am feeling more breathless or unwell my saturations are often low,,My saturations are low when I am exerting myself,,,No,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,I'm unsure,Yes,"Google fit, Huawei",Checking sats when low,Getting fixated on checking sats,,,,,,,I think the results would not be accurate,,,,,No,,,,,,It was the lowest price I could find,,,,,Yes,No,Google fit,Helps monitor my walking,,It makes me feel more in control of my illness,It helps me to quantify when I feel unwell,It helps me monitor the progression of my disease,I feel it picks up changes earlier that can be acted on,It gives me reassurance,It helps me know when to call for help,,,,2-3 times a week,2-3 times a month,2-3 times a week,Once a day,Never,Never,Once a day,Never,Never,Never,Sitting or resting,,Walking outside,,,,,,,Somewhat helpful,Declining,I feel my IPF is progressing but can be improved with excersise,,Family/friends,ILD specialist nurses,Support groups,GP,,,,,Increased breathlessness,Change in sputum,Increased cough,,Low saturations on a home monitor with worsening symptoms,,,,,Heart disease,Diabetes,,High blood pressure,,,Arthritis or joint problems,,,,,Short of breath when hurrying on a level or when walking up a slight hill,Have been recommended for home spirometry by ILD consultant 61to70,Yes,Chronic Hypersensitivity Pneumonitis,,<1 year,Female,Fluent in English,No,Yes,,My own home,,,,,,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 51to60,Yes,Connective tissue ILD (including Rheumatoid arthritis ILD),,3-5 years,Female,Fluent in English,Yes,Yes,,My own home,,,,,,Yes,Yes,No,Yes,Finger probe saturation monitor,,,Blood pressure monitor,,,,I read information online and/or watched an online video,,,,,,,I measure my saturations when I am exerting myself (e.g. going up stairs or exercising),,,,,,,My saturations are low when I am exerting myself,,,No,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Yes,No,,Peace of mind ,Hope I am reading it all k,,I don’t feel confident in interpreting the readings,,,,,,,,,,No,,,,,"Recommended by a medical professional, GP, specialist nurse or specialist doctor.",,,,,,No,,,,,It makes me feel more in control of my illness,,,,It gives me reassurance,,,,,2-3 times a week,2-3 times a week,Never,Never,Never,Never,Never,Never,Never,Never,,,Walking outside,,,,,Gardening,,Somewhat helpful,Variable,Sometimes I feel out of breath but my says are ok ,,,ILD specialist nurses,,,,,,,Increased breathlessness,Change in sputum,Increased cough,Concerns about medication side effects,,Low saturations on a home monitor with no change to symptoms,,,,,,,High blood pressure,,,Arthritis or joint problems,,,,,"Stop for breath after walking 100 yards, or after a few minutes on the level ground",Not sure how to interpret reading 18 to 40,Yes,Unsure,,<1 year,Male,Fluent in English,Yes,Yes,,My own home,,,,,,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,,Heart rate monitor,,,I was given advice by my GP,,,,,,,,I regularly measure my oxygen saturations regardless of how I feel,,,,,,,When I am feeling more breathless or unwell my saturations are often low,,,,,Yes,Forced vital capacity (FVC),,,,,No,,Very unconfident,Yes,Doctor/Clinical Nurse Specialist/other healthcare professional,,,,,To inform your clinical team of a change in symptoms (cough/breathlessness/fatigue/low mood),,,Very confident,Yes,Yes,,,,Devices are too expensive,,,,,,,,,,,No,,Recommended by a pharmacy,,,,,,,,,Yes,Yes,,,,,,It helps me monitor the progression of my disease,,,,,,,Almost constantly,Almost constantly,Almost constantly,Almost constantly,Almost constantly,Almost constantly,Almost constantly,Almost constantly,Almost constantly,Almost constantly,Sitting or resting,,,,,,,,,Very helpful,Stable,,,,,,GP,Specialist consultant,,,,Increased breathlessness,,,,,,,,,,,,,Vision problems,,,,,,,, 61to70,Yes,Autoimmune associated fibrosis,,3-5 years,Female,Fluent in English,Yes,Yes,,My own home,,,,,,Yes,Yes,No,Yes,,,Combined finger probe saturation and heart rate monitor,,,,,,,,I have not felt the need for any advice/education,,,I measure my oxygen saturations if my symptoms are bad,,,,,,When I am feeling more breathless or unwell my saturations are often low,,,,,No,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,I'm unsure,No,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,No,,,,,,,,I can’t remember,,,No,,,,,,,,,It gives me reassurance,,,,,Once a week,,,,,,,,,,Sitting or resting,,,,,,,,,Somewhat unhelpful,Declining,,No one,,,,,,,,,,Change in sputum,,,,,,,,,,Neuropathy,,,,,,,,,"Stop for breath after walking 100 yards, or after a few minutes on the level ground", 71 -80,Yes,Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis (IPF),,>5 years,Female,Fluent in English,No,Yes,,My own home,,,,,,Yes,Yes,Yes,No,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Yes,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 71 -80,Yes,Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis (IPF),,>5 years,Female,Fluent in English,No,"No, if not please specify how often you have contact with a member of an ILD specialist team.",6 months ,My own home,,,,,,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 61to70,Yes,Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis (IPF),,1-2 years,Male,Fluent in English,Yes,Yes,,My own home,,,,,,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,,,Combined finger probe saturation and heart rate monitor,Blood pressure monitor,,,,,,,I have not felt the need for any advice/education,,I regularly measure my oxygen saturations regardless of how I feel,,,,,I wear a device throughout the day that is constantly measuring my saturations,,,,My saturations are low when I am exerting myself,,,No,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,I'm unsure,Yes,Apple ,"Excellent, monitors 24/7",None,,,,,,,,,,,None,No,,,,,,,,,,I thought it would be helpful ,Yes,No,"Oxygen level monitor, heart rate",Just really for information and to help create a baseline,,It makes me feel more in control of my illness,,It helps me monitor the progression of my disease,,It gives me reassurance,,,,,Never,Less than twice a month,Almost constantly,Almost constantly,,Almost constantly,Almost constantly,Never,Never,Never,,,,,,,,,"All of the above, it is a smart watch ",Somewhat helpful,Stable,,,,,,,,I never feel concerned about my readings,,,Increased breathlessness,,,,Low saturations on a home monitor with worsening symptoms,,,,None of the above,,,,,,,,,,,,Short of breath when hurrying on a level or when walking up a slight hill,Love the apple smart watch 80to85,Yes,Connective tissue ILD (including Rheumatoid arthritis ILD),,1-2 years,Male,Fluent in English,Yes,Yes,,My own home,,,,,,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Finger probe saturation monitor,,,,,,,,,,,Respiratory team,,I measure my oxygen saturations if my symptoms are bad,I measure my saturations when I am exerting myself (e.g. going up stairs or exercising),I measure my readings after exertion whilst I am recovering,,,,When I am feeling more breathless or unwell my saturations are often low,,,,,No,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,No,,,,,,,,,I would find it worrying to use devices at home,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,No,,,,My Doctor/Clinical Nurse Specialist/Other healthcare professional recommended it,,,,,,,,,,More than once a day,,,,,,,,,,Sitting or resting,,,,,,,,,Very helpful,Stable,,,,ILD specialist nurses,,,,,,,Increased breathlessness,Change in sputum,Increased cough,,Low saturations on a home monitor with worsening symptoms,,,,,,,,,Vision problems,,Arthritis or joint problems,,,,,"Too breathless to leave the house, or breathless when dressing/undressing.", 18 to 40,Yes,Autoimmune associated fibrosis,,3-5 years,Female,Not fluent but enough to complete this survey,No,"No, if not please specify how often you have contact with a member of an ILD specialist team.",Not often,My own home,,,,,,Yes,No,Yes,No,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,No,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,I'm unsure,No,,,,Devices are too expensive,,,,,,I think the results would not be accurate,,,,,No,,,,,,,,,,,No,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 61to70,Yes,Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis (IPF),,>5 years,Male,Fluent in English,Yes,Yes,,My own home,,,,,,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,,,Combined finger probe saturation and heart rate monitor,Blood pressure monitor,,,,I read information online and/or watched an online video,,,,,I regularly measure my oxygen saturations regardless of how I feel,,,I measure my readings after exertion whilst I am recovering,,,,When I am feeling more breathless or unwell my saturations are often low,,My saturations are low when I am exerting myself,,,No,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Yes,Yes,iPhone ,They help you know when you need intervention ,Make you worry if your vitals are not where they should be ,,,,,,,,,,,No,No,,Recommended by a pharmacy,,,,,,,,,No,,,,,It makes me feel more in control of my illness,It helps me to quantify when I feel unwell,It helps me monitor the progression of my disease,I feel it picks up changes earlier that can be acted on,It gives me reassurance,It helps me know when to call for help,It helps me know when to use my home oxygen,,,More than once a day,Once a week,Never,2-3 times a week,Never,Never,Never,Never,Never,Never,Sitting or resting,Walking inside,Walking outside,,,,,,,Very helpful,Variable,It’s worrying when O2 drops to low70 s but comforting watching it rally back up,,,ILD specialist nurses,,,Specialist consultant,,,,Increased breathlessness,Change in sputum,,Concerns about medication side effects,Low saturations on a home monitor with worsening symptoms,,,,,,,,High blood pressure,,,,,,,,"Too breathless to leave the house, or breathless when dressing/undressing.",None 51to60,Yes,,,>5 years,Female,Fluent in English,Yes,"No, if not please specify how often you have contact with a member of an ILD specialist team.",,My own home,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 18 to 40,Notoif so thank you for you time but this survey is not designed for you,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 41-50,Yes,Autoimmune associated fibrosis,,3-5 years,Male,Fluent in English,Yes,Yes,,My own home,,,Work,,,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,,,Combined finger probe saturation and heart rate monitor,Blood pressure monitor,,,,I read information online and/or watched an online video,,,,,I regularly measure my oxygen saturations regardless of how I feel,I measure my oxygen saturations if my symptoms are bad,,,,,,When I am feeling more breathless or unwell my saturations are often low,,My saturations are low when I am exerting myself,,,No,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,I'm unsure,No,,We can know if things are going bad and we need to go to a hospital ,Tend to unnecessarily get stressed on fluctuating readings,Devices are too expensive,,,,,,,,,It negatively effects the way I think about the illness,,No,,,Online reviews,Advice from ILD forum/support groups,,,,,,,Yes,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 51to60,Yes,Unsure,,<1 year,Female,Not fluent but enough to complete this survey,No,"No, if not please specify how often you have contact with a member of an ILD specialist team.",Not yet,My own home,,,,,,Yes,No,Yes,Yes,,,Combined finger probe saturation and heart rate monitor,Blood pressure monitor,,I was given advice by my local support group,,,,,,,,I measure my oxygen saturations if my symptoms are bad,,,,,,,,,When I feel breathless and/or unwell my saturations can be within normal range.,,No,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,I don’t feel confident in interpreting the readings,,,,,,,,,,No,,,,,,,,,,,No,,,,,,,,,,,,,,2-3 times a month,2-3 times a week,,,,,,,,,,Walking inside,,,,,,,,Somewhat helpful,Variable,,,Family/friends,,,,,,,,Increased breathlessness,,Increased cough,Concerns about medication side effects,,,,,,Heart disease,,,,,,,Raynaud’s syndrome,,,,"Too breathless to leave the house, or breathless when dressing/undressing.", 61to70,Yes,Autoimmune associated fibrosis,,3-5 years,Female,Fluent in English,Yes,"No, if not please specify how often you have contact with a member of an ILD specialist team.",Should be 6 months but usually 12 months,My own home,,,,,,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Finger probe saturation monitor,,,Blood pressure monitor,,,,,,,,Worked in a hospital setting,,I measure my oxygen saturations if my symptoms are bad,,I measure my readings after exertion whilst I am recovering,,,,,,My saturations are low when I am exerting myself,,,No,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Yes,No,,Reassuring to be able to monitor yourself,Can become obsessive ,,,,,,,,,,,N/A,No,,,,,,,,I can’t remember,,,No,,,,,It makes me feel more in control of my illness,,It helps me monitor the progression of my disease,I feel it picks up changes earlier that can be acted on,It gives me reassurance,It helps me know when to call for help,,,,Once a week,Less than twice a month,Never,Never,Never,Never,Never,Never,Less than twice a month,Never,Sitting or resting,,,,,,,,After exercise,Somewhat helpful,Variable,I like to monitor my recovery after any form of exercise ,,Family/friends,,Support groups,,,,,,Increased breathlessness,Change in sputum,Increased cough,Concerns about medication side effects,Low saturations on a home monitor with worsening symptoms,Low saturations on a home monitor with no change to symptoms,,,,Heart disease,,,,,,Arthritis or joint problems,Raynaud’s syndrome,,,,Short of breath when hurrying on a level or when walking up a slight hill, 18 to 40,Yes,Connective tissue ILD (including Rheumatoid arthritis ILD),,>5 years,Female,"Not fluent and I need help to complete this survey, if so and you would like to continue please contact us for assistance.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 41-50,Yes,Autoimmune associated fibrosis,,>5 years,Female,Fluent in English,Yes,Yes,,My own home,,,,,,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Finger probe saturation monitor,Heart rate monitor,,Blood pressure monitor,I was given advice by my GP,,,,,,,,,,I measure my saturations when I am exerting myself (e.g. going up stairs or exercising),,,,,,My saturations are low but my symptoms are stable,,,,No,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Yes,Yes,Fitbit,You know if u have an issue,It makes you paranoid ,,,,,,,,,,,I use them ,No,,Recommended by a pharmacy,,,"Recommended by a medical professional, GP, specialist nurse or specialist doctor.",,,,,,Yes,No,No,It helped,,It makes me feel more in control of my illness,It helps me to quantify when I feel unwell,It helps me monitor the progression of my disease,I feel it picks up changes earlier that can be acted on,,It helps me know when to call for help,It helps me know when to use my home oxygen,,,Never,2-3 times a month,Almost constantly,Almost constantly,Almost constantly,Never,Never,,Less than twice a month,Never,Sitting or resting,Walking inside,,,,,,,,Somewhat helpful,Stable,,,,ILD specialist nurses,,GP,Specialist consultant,,,,Increased breathlessness,,,Concerns about medication side effects,,,,,,,,,High blood pressure,,,Arthritis or joint problems,Raynaud’s syndrome,Sleep apnoea,,,Short of breath when hurrying on a level or when walking up a slight hill,All are covered 51to60,Yes,Autoimmune associated fibrosis,,>5 years,Female,Fluent in English,Yes,"No, if not please specify how often you have contact with a member of an ILD specialist team.",6 monthly ,My own home,,,,,,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,,,Combined finger probe saturation and heart rate monitor,,,,,,,,I have not felt the need for any advice/education,,I regularly measure my oxygen saturations regardless of how I feel,,,,,,,,My saturations are low but my symptoms are stable,,,,No,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Yes,No,,Reassures me,,Devices are too expensive,,,,,,,,,,,No,,,Online reviews,,,,,,,,No,,,,,,,,I feel it picks up changes earlier that can be acted on,It gives me reassurance,,It helps me know when to use my home oxygen,,,Once a day,,Once a day,,,,,,,,,Walking inside,,,,,,,,Somewhat helpful,Variable,,,,ILD specialist nurses,,,Specialist consultant,,,,Increased breathlessness,Change in sputum,Increased cough,,Low saturations on a home monitor with worsening symptoms,Low saturations on a home monitor with no change to symptoms,,,,,,,,,,Arthritis or joint problems,,,,,"Walk slower than most people on a level, stop after a mile or so, or stop after 15 minutes walking at your own pace", 18 to 40,Yes,Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis (IPF),,>5 years,Female,Fluent in English,Yes,Yes,,My own home,,,,,,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Finger probe saturation monitor,,,Blood pressure monitor,,,,,,,I have not felt the need for any advice/education,,I regularly measure my oxygen saturations regardless of how I feel,,,,,,,When I am feeling more breathless or unwell my saturations are often low,,My saturations are low when I am exerting myself,,,Yes,,,Flow volume loop,,,Yes... If so please tell us about your experiences,Coughing,Somewhat confident,No,,,,,,To inform your clinical team of a change in symptoms (cough/breathlessness/fatigue/low mood),,,Somewhat confident,No,No,,It helps in improving lungs capacity,Lots of coughing,,,,,,,,,I don’t feel confident in using the home devices without teaching,,,No,,,,Advice from ILD forum/support groups,,,,,,,Yes,No,Doctor trust,It helps in monitoring vitals,,,,,,It gives me reassurance,,,,,More than once a day,2-3 times a month,More than once a day,Never,2-3 times a week,Once a week,Less than twice a month,Once a week,Less than twice a month,Never,Sitting or resting,Walking inside,Walking outside,,,,,,,Very helpful,Stable,Don't have any thing to share,,Family/friends,ILD specialist nurses,Support groups,,,,,,Increased breathlessness,,Increased cough,,Low saturations on a home monitor with worsening symptoms,,,,None of the above,,,,,,,,,,,,"Too breathless to leave the house, or breathless when dressing/undressing.",I have respirometer 18 to 40,Yes,Autoimmune associated fibrosis,,2-3 years,Female,Not fluent but enough to complete this survey,Yes,Yes,,My own home,,,,,,Yes,Yes,No,Yes,Finger probe saturation monitor,,,,,I was given advice by my local support group,,,,,,,,I measure my oxygen saturations if my symptoms are bad,,,,,,When I am feeling more breathless or unwell my saturations are often low,,,,,No,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,I'm unsure,No,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 51to60,Yes,Connective tissue ILD (including Rheumatoid arthritis ILD),,>5 years,Female,Fluent in English,No,Yes,,My own home,,,,,,Yes,No,No,No,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,No,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,No,No,,,,,,,,,,,I only want readings if I visit the doctors or hospital,,,,No,,,,Advice from ILD forum/support groups,,,,,,,No,,,,,,,It helps me monitor the progression of my disease,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,I never feel concerned about my readings,,,Increased breathlessness,,,,,,,,,,,,,Vision problems,,,Raynaud’s syndrome,,,,"Stop for breath after walking 100 yards, or after a few minutes on the level ground", 18 to 40,Yes,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 41-50,Yes,Connective tissue ILD (including Rheumatoid arthritis ILD),,>5 years,Female,Fluent in English,Yes,Yes,,My own home,,,,,,Yes,No,Yes,No,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,No,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,No,No,,Not using ,,,,,,,,,I only want readings if I visit the doctors or hospital,,,,No,,,,,,,,,Not applicable - the devices were given to me by my GP or specialist team,,No,,,,,,,,,,,,Not applicable - I do not use any apps or home monitoring devices,,Never,Never,Never,Never,Never,Never,Never,Never,Never,Never,,,,,,,,,Not applicable ,Very unhelpful,Unsure,,No one,,,,,,,,,Increased breathlessness,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Raynaud’s syndrome,,,,"Too breathless to leave the house, or breathless when dressing/undressing.", 61to70,Yes,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 51to60,Yes,Connective tissue ILD (including Rheumatoid arthritis ILD),,3-5 years,Male,Fluent in English,No,Yes,,My own home,,,,,,Yes,No,Yes,Yes,Finger probe saturation monitor,,,Blood pressure monitor,I was given advice by my GP,,,,,,,,,I measure my oxygen saturations if my symptoms are bad,,,,,,,,,When I feel breathless and/or unwell my saturations can be within normal range.,,No,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Some are but not all of them,No,,Regular monitoring reduces anxiety,,,,,,,,,,,,,No,,,,,"Recommended by a medical professional, GP, specialist nurse or specialist doctor.",,,,,,No,,,,,,,,,,,,Not applicable - I do not use any apps or home monitoring devices,,Less than twice a month,Less than twice a month,Less than twice a month,Never,Never,Never,Never,Never,Never,Never,Sitting or resting,,,,,,,,,Very helpful,Stable,,,,,,GP,,,,,Increased breathlessness,,,,Low saturations on a home monitor with worsening symptoms,,,,,,,,,,,,Raynaud’s syndrome,,,,Not troubled by breathlessness except on strenuous exercise, 18 to 40,Yes,Autoimmune associated fibrosis,,1-2 years,Female,Fluent in English,No,Yes,,My own home,,,,,,Yes,No,Yes,Yes,Finger probe saturation monitor,,,Blood pressure monitor,I was given advice by my GP,,,,,,,,I regularly measure my oxygen saturations regardless of how I feel,,I measure my saturations when I am exerting myself (e.g. going up stairs or exercising),,I measure my saturations when I am at rest,,,When I am feeling more breathless or unwell my saturations are often low,,,,,Yes,,,,,,,,,No,,,,,None of the above,,,,Very unconfident,No,No,,,,,,,,I didn’t know devices were available,,,,,,,No,,,,,,,,,,I don’t have one,No,,,,,,,,,,,,Not applicable - I do not use any apps or home monitoring devices,,Almost constantly,Less than twice a month,Less than twice a month,Never,Never,Never,Never,2-3 times a week,Never,Never,Sitting or resting,,,,,,,,,Somewhat helpful,Stable,,,Family/friends,,,,Specialist consultant,,,,Increased breathlessness,,Increased cough,,Low saturations on a home monitor with worsening symptoms,Low saturations on a home monitor with no change to symptoms,,,,,,,,,,Arthritis or joint problems,Raynaud’s syndrome,,,,"Walk slower than most people on a level, stop after a mile or so, or stop after 15 minutes walking at your own pace", 18 to 40,Yes,Autoimmune associated fibrosis,,1-2 years,Female,Fluent in English,No,Yes,,My own home,,,,,,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 51to60,Yes,Autoimmune associated fibrosis,,>5 years,Female,Fluent in English,Yes,Yes,,My own home,,,,,,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Finger probe saturation monitor,,,,,,,I read information online and/or watched an online video,,,,,I regularly measure my oxygen saturations regardless of how I feel,,,,,,,,,My saturations are low when I am exerting myself,,,Yes,,,Flow volume loop,,,No,,Somewhat confident,No,,,,,,To inform your clinical team of a change in symptoms (cough/breathlessness/fatigue/low mood),,,Somewhat unconfident,No,No,,I am able to monitor my situation,,,I don’t feel confident in interpreting the readings,,,,,,,,,,No,,,Online reviews,,,,,,,,No,,,,,It makes me feel more in control of my illness,,,,,,,,,More than once a day,Less than twice a month,Less than twice a month,Never,Never,Never,Never,Less than twice a month,Never,Never,Sitting or resting,,,,,,,,,Somewhat helpful,Stable,,,,,,,Specialist consultant,,,,,,,,Low saturations on a home monitor with worsening symptoms,,,,None of the above,,,,,,,,,,,,Short of breath when hurrying on a level or when walking up a slight hill, 41-50,Yes,Connective tissue ILD (including Rheumatoid arthritis ILD),,>5 years,Female,Fluent in English,Yes,Yes,,My own home,,,,,,Yes,No,Yes,Yes,,,Combined finger probe saturation and heart rate monitor,Blood pressure monitor,I was given advice by my GP,,,,,,,,I regularly measure my oxygen saturations regardless of how I feel,,,,,,,When I am feeling more breathless or unwell my saturations are often low,,My saturations are low when I am exerting myself,,,No,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Yes,No,,helps to keep track,,Devices are too expensive,,,,,,I think the results would not be accurate,,,It negatively effects the way I think about the illness,,No,,Recommended by a pharmacy,,,,,,,,,No,,,,,,,,,,,,Not applicable - I do not use any apps or home monitoring devices,,More than once a day,Less than twice a month,More than once a day,Never,Never,Never,Never,Never,Never,Never,Sitting or resting,,,,,,,,,Very helpful,Stable,,,Family/friends,,Support groups,,,,,,Increased breathlessness,,Increased cough,,Low saturations on a home monitor with worsening symptoms,,,,,,,Neuropathy,,,,Arthritis or joint problems,Raynaud’s syndrome,,,,"Too breathless to leave the house, or breathless when dressing/undressing.",NA 71 -80,Yes,Unsure,,>5 years,Female,Fluent in English,Yes,Yes,,My own home,,,,,,Yes,No,Yes,Yes,,,Combined finger probe saturation and heart rate monitor,,,,,I read information online and/or watched an online video,,,,,,,I measure my saturations when I am exerting myself (e.g. going up stairs or exercising),,,,,When I am feeling more breathless or unwell my saturations are often low,,,,,No,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,No,No,,,,Devices are too expensive,,,,,,,,,,,No,,,,,,,,,,,No,,,,My Doctor/Clinical Nurse Specialist/Other healthcare professional recommended it,It makes me feel more in control of my illness,,,,,,,,,More than once a day,Never,Never,Never,Never,Never,Never,Never,Never,Never,Sitting or resting,,,,,,Exercise / rowing machine,,,Somewhat helpful,Declining,,,Family/friends,,,,,,,,,,Increased cough,Concerns about medication side effects,Low saturations on a home monitor with worsening symptoms,,,,,Heart disease,,,,,,,,Sleep apnoea,,,"Stop for breath after walking 100 yards, or after a few minutes on the level ground", 41-50,Yes,Unsure,,3-5 years,Female,Fluent in English,Yes,Yes,,My own home,,,,,,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,,,Combined finger probe saturation and heart rate monitor,Blood pressure monitor,,,,,I was given advice by the ILD nurse specialist,,,I am an RN,I regularly measure my oxygen saturations regardless of how I feel,I measure my oxygen saturations if my symptoms are bad,I measure my saturations when I am exerting myself (e.g. going up stairs or exercising),I measure my readings after exertion whilst I am recovering,I measure my saturations when I am at rest,,,When I am feeling more breathless or unwell my saturations are often low,,My saturations are low when I am exerting myself,When I feel breathless and/or unwell my saturations can be within normal range.,,No,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,I'm unsure,No,,Reassurance,Worry!,,,,,,,,,,,None,No,,,,Advice from ILD forum/support groups,,It was the lowest price I could find,,,,,No,,,,,It makes me feel more in control of my illness,It helps me to quantify when I feel unwell,It helps me monitor the progression of my disease,I feel it picks up changes earlier that can be acted on,It gives me reassurance,,It helps me know when to use my home oxygen,,,2-3 times a week,2-3 times a week,2-3 times a week,Never,Never,Never,Never,Never,Once a day,Once a day,Sitting or resting,,,Cycling,,,,,,Somewhat helpful,Variable,,,,,,,Specialist consultant,,,,Increased breathlessness,,,,Low saturations on a home monitor with worsening symptoms,,,,None of the above,,,,,,,,,,,,Short of breath when hurrying on a level or when walking up a slight hill, 61to70,Yes,Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis (IPF),,2-3 years,Female,Fluent in English,No,Yes,,My own home,,,,,,Yes,Yes,No,Yes,,,Combined finger probe saturation and heart rate monitor,,,,,I read information online and/or watched an online video,,,,,,I measure my oxygen saturations if my symptoms are bad,I measure my saturations when I am exerting myself (e.g. going up stairs or exercising),,I measure my saturations when I am at rest,,,When I am feeling more breathless or unwell my saturations are often low,,My saturations are low when I am exerting myself,,,No,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,I'm unsure,No,,,,Devices are too expensive,,,,,,,,I don’t feel confident in using the home devices without teaching,,,No,,,,Advice from ILD forum/support groups,"Recommended by a medical professional, GP, specialist nurse or specialist doctor.",,,,,,No,,,,,,It helps me to quantify when I feel unwell,,,,,,,,2-3 times a week,Less than twice a month,,,,,,,,,Sitting or resting,Walking inside,,,,,,,,Somewhat helpful,Declining,,,,,Support groups,,,,,,Increased breathlessness,,Increased cough,,Low saturations on a home monitor with worsening symptoms,,,,,,,,High blood pressure,,,Arthritis or joint problems,,,Other long term lung conditions,,"Stop for breath after walking 100 yards, or after a few minutes on the level ground", 61to70,Yes,Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis (IPF),,2-3 years,Female,Fluent in English,Yes,Yes,,My own home,,,,,,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,,,Combined finger probe saturation and heart rate monitor,,,,,,,I have had no advice/education and would welcome some,,,I regularly measure my oxygen saturations regardless of how I feel,,,,,,,,,My saturations are low when I am exerting myself,,,No,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,I'm unsure,No,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 80to85,Yes,Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis (IPF),,3-5 years,Female,Fluent in English,Yes,Yes,,My own home,,,,,,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Finger probe saturation monitor,,,,,,The pharmacy explained to me,,,,,,,I measure my oxygen saturations if my symptoms are bad,,,,,,,My saturations are low but my symptoms are stable,,,,Yes,Forced vital capacity (FVC),,,,,No,,Very unconfident,Yes,Doctor/Clinical Nurse Specialist/other healthcare professional,,,,,,,,Very confident,Yes,Yes,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 71 -80,Yes,Other (please specify),NSIP ,2-3 years,Female,Fluent in English,Yes,Yes,,My own home,,,,,,Yes,Yes,No,Yes,Finger probe saturation monitor,,,,,,,,,,,Used in my previous career ,,I measure my oxygen saturations if my symptoms are bad,,,,,,When I am feeling more breathless or unwell my saturations are often low,,,When I feel breathless and/or unwell my saturations can be within normal range.,,No,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Yes,No,,Gives me reassurance ,None,,,,,,,,,,,None apply to me,No,,,Online reviews,,,,,,,,No,,,,,,,,,It gives me reassurance,,,,,More than once a day,,,,,,,,,,,Walking inside,,,,,,,,Very helpful,Variable,Stops me panicking and wasting GP time,,,ILD specialist nurses,,GP,,,,,,Change in sputum,Increased cough,,Low saturations on a home monitor with worsening symptoms,,,,,,,,High blood pressure,,,Arthritis or joint problems,,,,,"Stop for breath after walking 100 yards, or after a few minutes on the level ground", 41-50,Yes,Autoimmune associated fibrosis,,>5 years,Female,Fluent in English,Yes,Yes,,My own home,,,,,,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Finger probe saturation monitor,,,,,,,,,I have had no advice/education and would welcome some,,,,I measure my oxygen saturations if my symptoms are bad,,,,,,,,My saturations are low when I am exerting myself,,,No,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,I'm unsure,Yes,Apple ,,Can make you fixated about your breathing ,,,,,,,,,,It negatively effects the way I think about the illness,,No,,,,,,,I saw it advertised online,,,,Yes,No,Apple Watch fitness app ,I use it to record my weight and use the fitness app for steps exercise,,,,,,It gives me reassurance,,,,,Less than twice a month,Never,Never,Almost constantly,Almost constantly,Never,Almost constantly,Never,Never,Almost constantly,Sitting or resting,,,,,,,,,Somewhat helpful,Variable,I know myself when my breathing is not so good but it’s good to check ,No one,,,,,,,,,,,,,Low saturations on a home monitor with worsening symptoms,,,,,,,,,,,Arthritis or joint problems,Raynaud’s syndrome,,,,"Stop for breath after walking 100 yards, or after a few minutes on the level ground",None 51to60,Yes,Autoimmune associated fibrosis,,>5 years,Female,Fluent in English,No,Yes,,My own home,,,,,,Yes,Yes,No,Yes,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 71 -80,Yes,Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis (IPF),,1-2 years,Male,Fluent in English,No,Yes,,My own home,,,,,,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Finger probe saturation monitor,Heart rate monitor,Combined finger probe saturation and heart rate monitor,Blood pressure monitor,,,,,,,,My partner helped me work itout what,,,,I measure my readings after exertion whilst I am recovering,,,When I prompted.,,,,When I feel breathless and/or unwell my saturations can be within normal range.,,No,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Yes,No,,Reassuring to see oxygen levels return. Can offer info to nurse. ,Heart monitor doesn't work for me. ,Devices are too expensive,I don’t feel confident in interpreting the readings,,,,,,,,It negatively effects the way I think about the illness,,No,,,,,"Recommended by a medical professional, GP, specialist nurse or specialist doctor.",It was the lowest price I could find,,,,,No,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 71 -80,Yes,Other (please specify),Pulmonary fibrosis ,3-5 years,Female,Fluent in English,Yes,Yes,,My own home,,,,,,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Finger probe saturation monitor,,Combined finger probe saturation and heart rate monitor,,,,,,I was given advice by the ILD nurse specialist,,,,I regularly measure my oxygen saturations regardless of how I feel,,,,,,,When I am feeling more breathless or unwell my saturations are often low,,,,,No,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,I'm unsure,No,,Gives me peace of mind,,,,,,,,,,,,,No,,,Online reviews,,,,,,,,Yes,No,,,,It makes me feel more in control of my illness,,,,,,,,,Once a day,Never,Never,Never,Never,Never,Never,Never,Never,Never,Sitting or resting,Walking inside,Walking outside,,,,,,,Somewhat helpful,Variable,,,,ILD specialist nurses,,,,,,,Increased breathlessness,Change in sputum,Increased cough,,Low saturations on a home monitor with worsening symptoms,,,,,,,,,,Hearing problems,Arthritis or joint problems,,,,,"Walk slower than most people on a level, stop after a mile or so, or stop after 15 minutes walking at your own pace", 71 -80,Yes,Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis (IPF),,2-3 years,Female,Fluent in English,Yes,Yes,,My own home,,,,,,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,,,Combined finger probe saturation and heart rate monitor,,,,,,,,I have not felt the need for any advice/education,,,I measure my oxygen saturations if my symptoms are bad,,I measure my readings after exertion whilst I am recovering,,,,When I am feeling more breathless or unwell my saturations are often low,,My saturations are low when I am exerting myself,,,No,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Yes,No,,,,,,,,,,,,,It negatively effects the way I think about the illness,,No,,,Online reviews,,,,,,,,Yes,No,Tapping,I have only just started to use the app to help with anxiety,,,It helps me to quantify when I feel unwell,,,It gives me reassurance,,,,,More than once a day,,Once a day,,,,,,,,Sitting or resting,Walking inside,,,,,,,,Very helpful,Stable,,,Family/friends,,,,,,,,Increased breathlessness,,,Concerns about medication side effects,Low saturations on a home monitor with worsening symptoms,,,,,,,Neuropathy,,,,Arthritis or joint problems,,,,,Short of breath when hurrying on a level or when walking up a slight hill, 71 -80,Yes,Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis (IPF),,3-5 years,Male,Fluent in English,Yes,"No, if not please specify how often you have contact with a member of an ILD specialist team.",Once a year,My own home,,,,,,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Finger probe saturation monitor,,,Blood pressure monitor,,,,,I was given advice by the ILD nurse specialist,,,,I regularly measure my oxygen saturations regardless of how I feel,,,I measure my readings after exertion whilst I am recovering,,,,,,My saturations are low when I am exerting myself,When I feel breathless and/or unwell my saturations can be within normal range.,,No,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Yes,No,,,I am not sure,,,,,,,,,,,N/A,No,,Recommended by a pharmacy,,,,,,,,,Yes,,,,,,,,,,,,,,2-3 times a week,Never,2-3 times a week,2-3 times a month,Never,Never,Never,Never,Less than twice a month,,Sitting or resting,,,,,,,,,Somewhat helpful,Variable,,,Family/friends,,,,Specialist consultant,,,,,,,Concerns about medication side effects,,,,,,Heart disease,,,High blood pressure,,Hearing problems,,,,,,"Walk slower than most people on a level, stop after a mile or so, or stop after 15 minutes walking at your own pace",N/A 41-50,Yes,Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis (IPF),,<1 year,Male,Fluent in English,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 71 -80,Yes,Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis (IPF),,>5 years,Female,Fluent in English,Yes,Yes,,My own home,,,,,,No,Yes,No,Yes,Finger probe saturation monitor,,Combined finger probe saturation and heart rate monitor,Blood pressure monitor,,,,,,I have had no advice/education and would welcome some,,,,I measure my oxygen saturations if my symptoms are bad,,I measure my readings after exertion whilst I am recovering,,,,,,My saturations are low when I am exerting myself,,,No,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,I'm unsure,No,,Been asked to keep a record of blood pressure results. Saturation finger monitor confirms that exertion causes levels to drop.,"No-one us checking my blood pressure results, and yo be honest I don't have much of a clue what they mean. ",,I don’t feel confident in interpreting the readings,,I do not have access to a smart phone,,,,I only want readings if I visit the doctors or hospital,,It negatively effects the way I think about the illness,,No,,,,,,,I saw it advertised online,,,Was given blood pressure monitor.,No,,,,,,It helps me to quantify when I feel unwell,,,,,,,,Once a day,2-3 times a week,Once a day,Never,Never,Never,Less than twice a month,Never,Never,Never,Sitting or resting,,,,,,,,Usually after having symptoms ,Somewhat unhelpful,Variable,"Use saturation monitor usually after exertion, to confirm levels have dropped and how quickly they recover. But no idea, if this is the right thing to do. Use plodded pressure monitor, but have no real idea what my BP should be or what the figures actually meN. ",No one,,,,,,,,,Increased breathlessness,Change in sputum,,,,,,,,Heart disease,,,High blood pressure,Vision problems,Hearing problems,,,,Other long term lung conditions,,"Walk slower than most people on a level, stop after a mile or so, or stop after 15 minutes walking at your own pace", 51to60,Yes,Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis (IPF),,>5 years,Male,Fluent in English,Yes,Yes,,My own home,,,,,,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,,,Combined finger probe saturation and heart rate monitor,Blood pressure monitor,,,,I read information online and/or watched an online video,,,,I also tested a number of different devices over a period of time.,I regularly measure my oxygen saturations regardless of how I feel,I measure my oxygen saturations if my symptoms are bad,I measure my saturations when I am exerting myself (e.g. going up stairs or exercising),I measure my readings after exertion whilst I am recovering,,I wear a device throughout the day that is constantly measuring my saturations,I also use it at night time to assess sleep apnea ,When I am feeling more breathless or unwell my saturations are often low,,My saturations are low when I am exerting myself,,,Yes,Forced vital capacity (FVC),Forced expiratory volume in the first second (FEV1),Flow volume loop,FEV1 /FVC ratio,PEF,Yes... If so please tell us about your experiences,When I exhale I find it difficult not to cough which can effects the readings significantly and it is quite exhausting when repeating the process.,Somewhat confident,Yes,Doctor/Clinical Nurse Specialist/other healthcare professional,Online Webinar/Video presentation,Specific presentation at my support group by a healthcare professional,,,To inform your clinical team of a change in symptoms (cough/breathlessness/fatigue/low mood),"To inform your clinical team following 2-3 successive declines of >/= 10% in Spirometry (specifically FVC, FEV1)",,Very confident,Yes,No,,"I can bring my oximeter with me to my clinic appointment and calibrate it with the hospital equipment to see the error margin and it is usually within 1-2%, which is very good for an inexpensive device. This reinforces my use of the device, particularly when exercising and at night.",None I can think off!,,,,,,,,,,,,No,,,Online reviews,Advice from ILD forum/support groups,,,,,,Carried out my own tests on a number of devices.,Yes,No,"MIR Spirobank, WellOxy mobile, PatientMPower. ",As I have a scientific background I am very used to data collecting and analysis and the applications I use provide a rich data feed for me to monitor my condition and provide me with a means to identify trends which can alert me to any downward trends in my condition so that I can take action as soon as possible. ,,It makes me feel more in control of my illness,It helps me to quantify when I feel unwell,It helps me monitor the progression of my disease,I feel it picks up changes earlier that can be acted on,It gives me reassurance,It helps me know when to call for help,,,,,2-3 times a month,Almost constantly,2-3 times a week,,Almost constantly,Almost constantly,2-3 times a month,2-3 times a week,Never,,,Walking outside,Cycling,,,,,,Very helpful,Variable,,,Family/friends,ILD specialist nurses,Support groups,,Specialist consultant,,,,,Change in sputum,Increased cough,,Low saturations on a home monitor with worsening symptoms,,,,None of the above,,,,,,,,,,,,"Stop for breath after walking 100 yards, or after a few minutes on the level ground", 71 -80,Yes,Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis (IPF),,1-2 years,Female,Fluent in English,Yes,Yes,,My own home,,,,,,Yes,Yes,No,Yes,,,Combined finger probe saturation and heart rate monitor,Blood pressure monitor,,,,I read information online and/or watched an online video,,,,,,,I measure my saturations when I am exerting myself (e.g. going up stairs or exercising),I measure my readings after exertion whilst I am recovering,,,,,,My saturations are low when I am exerting myself,,,No,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,No,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,No,,,,,,It helps me to quantify when I feel unwell,,,,,It helps me know when to use my home oxygen,,,2-3 times a week,Less than twice a month,,,,,,,,,Sitting or resting,,,,,,,,,Somewhat helpful,Variable,,,,ILD specialist nurses,,,,,,,Increased breathlessness,,,,,,,,,,,,High blood pressure,,,,,,,,"Stop for breath after walking 100 yards, or after a few minutes on the level ground", 80to85,Yes,Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis (IPF),,2-3 years,Male,Fluent in English,No,Yes,,My own home,,,,,,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,,Heart rate monitor,Combined finger probe saturation and heart rate monitor,Blood pressure monitor,,,,I read information online and/or watched an online video,,,I have not felt the need for any advice/education,,I regularly measure my oxygen saturations regardless of how I feel,,,,,,,,,,,Levels are good,Yes,Forced vital capacity (FVC),,,,,No,,Very confident,No,,,,,None of the above,,,,Somewhat unconfident,Some are but not all of them,Yes,Fitbit Versa 2,Keeps me informed of my general health,Spirometer not accurate ,,,,,,,,,,,Happy to use them for guidance only,No,,,Online reviews,Advice from ILD forum/support groups,,,,,,,Yes,No,Fitbit. Ankovo oximetry. Omron BP,Find the devices informative monitoring my general health,,It makes me feel more in control of my illness,It helps me to quantify when I feel unwell,,I feel it picks up changes earlier that can be acted on,,,,,,Once a week,More than once a day,More than once a day,Almost constantly,Almost constantly,Once a day,Almost constantly,Once a week,Never,,Sitting or resting,,,,,,,,,Somewhat helpful,Stable,,,,ILD specialist nurses,Support groups,,,,,,Increased breathlessness,,,,Low saturations on a home monitor with worsening symptoms,Low saturations on a home monitor with no change to symptoms,,,,,,,High blood pressure,,,,,Sleep apnoea,,,Not troubled by breathlessness except on strenuous exercise,Would appreciate monthly contact with ILD just to discuss condition. This can be via Zoom or phone 51to60,Yes,Connective tissue ILD (including Rheumatoid arthritis ILD),,>5 years,Female,Fluent in English,No,Yes,,My own home,,,,,,Yes,Yes,No,Yes,Finger probe saturation monitor,,,,,,,,,I have had no advice/education and would welcome some,,,I regularly measure my oxygen saturations regardless of how I feel,,,,,,,,,,When I feel breathless and/or unwell my saturations can be within normal range.,,No,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,No,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,No,,,,,,It was the lowest price I could find,,,,,No,,,,,,,,,It gives me reassurance,,,,,Once a day,Never,Never,Never,Never,Never,Never,Never,Never,Never,Sitting or resting,,,,,,,,,Somewhat helpful,Stable,,No one,,,,,,,,,Increased breathlessness,,Increased cough,,Low saturations on a home monitor with worsening symptoms,Low saturations on a home monitor with no change to symptoms,,,,,,,,,Hearing problems,Arthritis or joint problems,Raynaud’s syndrome,,,,"Too breathless to leave the house, or breathless when dressing/undressing.", 51to60,Yes,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 61to70,Yes,Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis (IPF),,3-5 years,Female,Fluent in English,Yes,"No, if not please specify how often you have contact with a member of an ILD specialist team.",Annual review by Professor Gibbons and contact with ILD nurses as needed at RD&E hospital.,My own home,,,,,,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,,,Combined finger probe saturation and heart rate monitor,,,,,I read information online and/or watched an online video,,,,,,I measure my oxygen saturations if my symptoms are bad,,I measure my readings after exertion whilst I am recovering,I measure my saturations when I am at rest,,,When I am feeling more breathless or unwell my saturations are often low,,,,Anxiety can impact on symptoms but not necessarily affect saturations,Yes,Forced vital capacity (FVC),Forced expiratory volume in the first second (FEV1),Flow volume loop,FEV1 /FVC ratio,,No,,Very confident,No,,,,,,,,Results sent to RD&E hospital each week ,Somewhat confident,Yes,Yes,Fitbit zip,Pulse Oximeter can be reassuring to monitor saturation’s returning to normal after exercise/activity ,Can create anxiety if readings are particularly low,Devices are too expensive,,,,,,,,,,,Yes... If so please specify who supplied them,Spirometer was supplied by Equiva via ILD team RD&E hospital ,,Online reviews,,,,,,,,Yes,No,"ViHealth, Spirobank and Fitbit",It is useful to have a record of past results to compare with more resent data ,,It makes me feel more in control of my illness,,,I feel it picks up changes earlier that can be acted on,It gives me reassurance,,,,,More than once a day,Never,More than once a day,2-3 times a week,2-3 times a week,Never,Once a week,Once a week,Never,Never,Sitting or resting,,,,,,,,,Somewhat helpful,Stable,Generally reassuring but can be concerning if readings are particularly low,,,,,,,,No one generally but would contact respiratory nurse if readings were lower than usual and remained that way,,Increased breathlessness,Change in sputum,Increased cough,Concerns about medication side effects,Low saturations on a home monitor with worsening symptoms,Low saturations on a home monitor with no change to symptoms,Decline in home spirometry results,,,,,,,,,,,,Other long term lung conditions,,Short of breath when hurrying on a level or when walking up a slight hill,Positives of self monitoring far outweigh negatives 51to60,Yes,Autoimmune associated fibrosis,,3-5 years,Female,Fluent in English,Yes,Yes,,My own home,,,,,,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,,,Combined finger probe saturation and heart rate monitor,,,,,,,I have had no advice/education and would welcome some,,,,I measure my oxygen saturations if my symptoms are bad,,,,,,When I am feeling more breathless or unwell my saturations are often low,My saturations are low but my symptoms are stable,My saturations are low when I am exerting myself,,,No,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,I'm unsure,No,,I can keep an eye on my oxygen levels to reassyre myself or know when to get help,,,,,,,,,,,,I am okay with it,No,,,,,,,,,,I wanted to be able to monitor my oxygen levels,No,,,,,,,,,,,,Not applicable - I do not use any apps or home monitoring devices,,Less than twice a month,Less than twice a month,Less than twice a month,Never,Never,Never,Never,Never,Less than twice a month,Never,Sitting or resting,,,,,,,,,Somewhat helpful,Variable,"I hate how my oxygen levels are deteriorating, it makes me anxious",No one,,,,,,,,,Increased breathlessness,Change in sputum,Increased cough,,Low saturations on a home monitor with worsening symptoms,,,,,,,,,,,Arthritis or joint problems,,Sleep apnoea,,,"Stop for breath after walking 100 yards, or after a few minutes on the level ground","No, i feel very let down around the support nd information side of things. I feel thete is pkenty of information and support for COPD but very little support in my case for ILD" 61to70,Yes,Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis (IPF),,3-5 years,Female,Fluent in English,Yes,Yes,,My own home,,,,,,Yes,Yes,No,Yes,,,Combined finger probe saturation and heart rate monitor,,,,,I read information online and/or watched an online video,,,,,,I measure my oxygen saturations if my symptoms are bad,,I measure my readings after exertion whilst I am recovering,I measure my saturations when I am at rest,,,When I am feeling more breathless or unwell my saturations are often low,,My saturations are low when I am exerting myself,When I feel breathless and/or unwell my saturations can be within normal range.,Symptoms can be exacerbated by anxiety ,Yes,Forced vital capacity (FVC),Forced expiratory volume in the first second (FEV1),Flow volume loop,FEV1 /FVC ratio,Received from Equiva via respiratory nurse at RD&E,No,,Very confident,No,,,,,,To inform your clinical team of a change in symptoms (cough/breathlessness/fatigue/low mood),,Results sent to RD&E weekly,Somewhat confident,Yes,Yes,Apple Fitbit ,Can help to relieve anxiety in recovery from severe breathlessness,Readings can be low without increased breathlessness leading to raised anxiety ,Devices are too expensive,,,,,,,,,,,Yes... If so please specify who supplied them,Respiratory nurse RD&E,,Online reviews,,,,,,,,Yes,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 61to70,Yes,Connective tissue ILD (including Rheumatoid arthritis ILD),,>5 years,Male,Fluent in English,Yes,Yes,,My own home,,,,,,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Finger probe saturation monitor,Heart rate monitor,,Blood pressure monitor,,,,I read information online and/or watched an online video,,,,,,I measure my oxygen saturations if my symptoms are bad,I measure my saturations when I am exerting myself (e.g. going up stairs or exercising),,I measure my saturations when I am at rest,,,When I am feeling more breathless or unwell my saturations are often low,,My saturations are low when I am exerting myself,,,Yes,Forced vital capacity (FVC),Forced expiratory volume in the first second (FEV1),Flow volume loop,FEV1 /FVC ratio,,No,,Very confident,No,,,,,None of the above,,,,Very confident,Yes,Yes,Huawei,Reassuring,Not sure what to do when SATS drop to low eighties,,,,,,,,,,,N/A,Yes... If so please specify who supplied them,RD&E ILD team,,Online reviews,,,It was the lowest price I could find,,,,,Yes,No,"Huawei Health, ViHealth, MIR Spiro","Easy to use, reassuring to be able to confirm symptoms, sometimes scary!",,It makes me feel more in control of my illness,It helps me to quantify when I feel unwell,It helps me monitor the progression of my disease,,It gives me reassurance,,,,,Once a week,Less than twice a month,,,More than once a day,,,Once a week,Never,Never,Sitting or resting,Walking inside,,,,,,,After walking up stairs,Somewhat helpful,Declining,N/A,,Family/friends,,,,Specialist consultant,,,,Increased breathlessness,,,,Low saturations on a home monitor with worsening symptoms,,Decline in home spirometry results,,,,,,,,,,Raynaud’s syndrome,Sleep apnoea,,,"Stop for breath after walking 100 yards, or after a few minutes on the level ground","It would be good if they were reviewed periodically by a specialist. I send my spirometry results off and hear nothing, as if they have disappeared into a black hole. Some feedback would be welcome." 61to70,Yes,Connective tissue ILD (including Rheumatoid arthritis ILD),,>5 years,Male,Fluent in English,Yes,Yes,,My own home,,,,,,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,,,Combined finger probe saturation and heart rate monitor,Blood pressure monitor,,,,,,,I have not felt the need for any advice/education,,I regularly measure my oxygen saturations regardless of how I feel,,,,,,,When I am feeling more breathless or unwell my saturations are often low,,My saturations are low when I am exerting myself,,,Yes,Forced vital capacity (FVC),Forced expiratory volume in the first second (FEV1),,FEV1 /FVC ratio,,No,,Very confident,No,,,,,,To inform your clinical team of a change in symptoms (cough/breathlessness/fatigue/low mood),"To inform your clinical team following 2-3 successive declines of >/= 10% in Spirometry (specifically FVC, FEV1)",,Somewhat unconfident,Yes,Yes,Fitbit Versa 3,Theoretically a positive is that I can detect changes in FVC and FEV1 early and seek help if worried. ,"Background anxiety about the results being worse than previously and what that might herald. Also, the device cannot measure all the important parameters such as DLCO so that could decline on its own and not be identified. ",,,,,,,,,,It negatively effects the way I think about the illness,"Although I worry about seeing results every week in case they are declining, I also appreciate that this device allows me to take more frequent tests than the hospital can do. It does not stop me worrying all the time whereas I might only worry every 6 months if I only had hospital tests. ",Yes... If so please specify who supplied them,ILD team at RD&E,,,,,,,,Not applicable - the devices were given to me by my GP or specialist team,,No,,,,,,,,,,,,Not applicable - I do not use any apps or home monitoring devices,,Once a week,Less than twice a month,Never,Never,Almost constantly,Never,Never,Once a week,Less than twice a month,Never,Sitting or resting,,Walking outside,,,,,,,Somewhat helpful,Variable,"A bit positive or negative depending on how the results are each time. However, there is an underlying anxiety I feel each time I am about to use the device. ",,Family/friends,ILD specialist nurses,,,Specialist consultant,,,,Increased breathlessness,,,Concerns about medication side effects,Low saturations on a home monitor with worsening symptoms,Low saturations on a home monitor with no change to symptoms,Decline in home spirometry results,,,,,,,,,Arthritis or joint problems,,,,,Short of breath when hurrying on a level or when walking up a slight hill,"I want to feel well supported with easy and quick access to specialist ILD professionals that I can speak to if my symptoms or home monitoring results change. Unless this is available, anxiety can occur more frequently than without home monitoring. " 80to85,Yes,Chronic Hypersensitivity Pneumonitis,,3-5 years,Female,Fluent in English,No,Yes,,My own home,,,,,,Yes,No,Yes,Yes,,,Combined finger probe saturation and heart rate monitor,,,,,,,,I have not felt the need for any advice/education,,,,,I measure my readings after exertion whilst I am recovering,,,,,,,When I feel breathless and/or unwell my saturations can be within normal range.,,No,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,I'm unsure,No,,Happy when results are reassuring,,,,,,,I would find it worrying to use devices at home,I think the results would not be accurate,,,It negatively effects the way I think about the illness,,No,,,Online reviews,,,,,,,,No,,,,,,,,,It gives me reassurance,,,,,2-3 times a month,,,,,,,,,,,,Walking outside,,,,,,,Somewhat helpful,Declining,,,,,,,,I never feel concerned about my readings,,,Increased breathlessness,Change in sputum,Increased cough,,Low saturations on a home monitor with worsening symptoms,,,,,,,,,Vision problems,,Arthritis or joint problems,,,,,Short of breath when hurrying on a level or when walking up a slight hill, 71 -80,Yes,Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis (IPF),,>5 years,Male,Fluent in English,Yes,Yes,,My own home,,,,,,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Finger probe saturation monitor,,Combined finger probe saturation and heart rate monitor,Blood pressure monitor,,,,,,,I have not felt the need for any advice/education,,I regularly measure my oxygen saturations regardless of how I feel,I measure my oxygen saturations if my symptoms are bad,,,I measure my saturations when I am at rest,,,When I am feeling more breathless or unwell my saturations are often low,,,When I feel breathless and/or unwell my saturations can be within normal range.,,Yes,Forced vital capacity (FVC),Forced expiratory volume in the first second (FEV1),,FEV1 /FVC ratio,,No,,Somewhat confident,No,,,,,,To inform your clinical team of a change in symptoms (cough/breathlessness/fatigue/low mood),"To inform your clinical team following 2-3 successive declines of >/= 10% in Spirometry (specifically FVC, FEV1)",,Somewhat confident,Yes,Yes,Apple ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Yes... If so please specify who supplied them,"Spirometer, specialist hospital",,,,,,,,,Self researched ,Yes,Yes,"IHealth , spirobank","Use them for monitoring, and as part of a trial",My Doctor/Clinical Nurse Specialist/Other healthcare professional recommended it,,,It helps me monitor the progression of my disease,,It gives me reassurance,It helps me know when to call for help,It helps me know when to use my home oxygen,,,2-3 times a week,2-3 times a month,More than once a day,2-3 times a week,Never,Never,2-3 times a week,Once a week,More than once a day,Never,Sitting or resting,,,,,,,,,Somewhat helpful,Stable,,,,ILD specialist nurses,,,Specialist consultant,,,,Increased breathlessness,Change in sputum,,,Low saturations on a home monitor with worsening symptoms,,Decline in home spirometry results,,,,,,High blood pressure,,,Arthritis or joint problems,,Sleep apnoea,,,Short of breath when hurrying on a level or when walking up a slight hill, 61to70,Yes,Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis (IPF),,1-2 years,Male,Fluent in English,Yes,Yes,,My own home,,,,,,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Finger probe saturation monitor,,Combined finger probe saturation and heart rate monitor,,,I was given advice by my local support group,,,,,,,,,I measure my saturations when I am exerting myself (e.g. going up stairs or exercising),,I measure my saturations when I am at rest,,,When I am feeling more breathless or unwell my saturations are often low,,My saturations are low when I am exerting myself,,,No,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,I'm unsure,Yes,,I can track my progress,I haven't really had the measurements eg of SPO2 explained,,I don’t feel confident in interpreting the readings,,,,,,,,,,No,,,,Advice from ILD forum/support groups,,,,,,,Yes,No,ViHealth,"I try to benchmark, eg performing the same exercises at the same time and comparing""scores"". Usually this is reassuring.",,It makes me feel more in control of my illness,It helps me to quantify when I feel unwell,It helps me monitor the progression of my disease,,It gives me reassurance,,,,,Once a day,Never,Never,Once a day,Never,Never,Once a day,Never,Never,Never,Sitting or resting,,Walking outside,,,,Exercise / rowing machine,,,Very helpful,Stable,,,,,Support groups,,,,,,Increased breathlessness,Change in sputum,,Concerns about medication side effects,Low saturations on a home monitor with worsening symptoms,,,,None of the above,,,,,,,,,,,,Short of breath when hurrying on a level or when walking up a slight hill, 61to70,Yes,Unsure,,<1 year,Male,Fluent in English,No,Yes,,My own home,,,,,,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Finger probe saturation monitor,,Combined finger probe saturation and heart rate monitor,Blood pressure monitor,,,,I read information online and/or watched an online video,,,I have not felt the need for any advice/education,,I regularly measure my oxygen saturations regardless of how I feel,I measure my oxygen saturations if my symptoms are bad,I measure my saturations when I am exerting myself (e.g. going up stairs or exercising),I measure my readings after exertion whilst I am recovering,I measure my saturations when I am at rest,,,When I am feeling more breathless or unwell my saturations are often low,,My saturations are low when I am exerting myself,,,No,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Yes,Yes,"Fitbit, Boots blood pressure monitor, oximeter + heart rate crucial medical systems ","Positive, helps me recognise why i feel ill",,,,,,,,,,,,It would be great if results could automatically record and sent to NHS ,No,,,Online reviews,,,,,,,,No,,,,,It makes me feel more in control of my illness,It helps me to quantify when I feel unwell,,I feel it picks up changes earlier that can be acted on,,,,,,More than once a day,2-3 times a week,More than once a day,Almost constantly,Almost constantly,Almost constantly,Never,Never,Never,Almost constantly,,Walking inside,Walking outside,,,,,Gardening,,Very helpful,Stable,,,,,,,,,In the past ‘medical staff’ question my results against there readings. So i stop reporting back to them.,,Increased breathlessness,Change in sputum,,Concerns about medication side effects,Low saturations on a home monitor with worsening symptoms,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Short of breath when hurrying on a level or when walking up a slight hill,Lack of knowledge of pulmonary fibrosis by receptionists and GPs 41-50,Yes,Unsure,,>5 years,Female,Fluent in English,No,Yes,,My own home,,,,,,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,,,Combined finger probe saturation and heart rate monitor,Blood pressure monitor,I was given advice by my GP,,The pharmacy explained to me,I read information online and/or watched an online video,I was given advice by the ILD nurse specialist,,,,I regularly measure my oxygen saturations regardless of how I feel,,I measure my saturations when I am exerting myself (e.g. going up stairs or exercising),I measure my readings after exertion whilst I am recovering,,,,When I am feeling more breathless or unwell my saturations are often low,,My saturations are low when I am exerting myself,,,Yes,Forced vital capacity (FVC),,Flow volume loop,,,No,,Somewhat unconfident,Yes,Doctor/Clinical Nurse Specialist/other healthcare professional,,,,,To inform your clinical team of a change in symptoms (cough/breathlessness/fatigue/low mood),,,Somewhat unconfident,Some are but not all of them,No,,"It is helpful to check my status, especially if I'm feeling bad. One ,to record for my doctor, two, I guess it helps psychologically to see it and helps me focus on breathing ",,,,,,,,,,,,Not applicable ,No,,,,,"Recommended by a medical professional, GP, specialist nurse or specialist doctor.",,,,,,No,,,,My Doctor/Clinical Nurse Specialist/Other healthcare professional recommended it,It makes me feel more in control of my illness,It helps me to quantify when I feel unwell,,,It gives me reassurance,It helps me know when to call for help,It helps me know when to use my home oxygen,,,More than once a day,Once a week,More than once a day,Never,Never,Never,Never,2-3 times a week,Never,Never,,,Walking outside,,,,Exercise / rowing machine,,,Very helpful,Variable,,,,ILD specialist nurses,,GP,,,,,Increased breathlessness,Change in sputum,,,Low saturations on a home monitor with worsening symptoms,Low saturations on a home monitor with no change to symptoms,,,,,,Neuropathy,,,,Arthritis or joint problems,,,,,"Stop for breath after walking 100 yards, or after a few minutes on the level ground", ,Yes,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,No,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 80to85,Yes,Unsure,,2-3 years,Female,Fluent in English,Yes,Yes,,My own home,,,,,,Yes,Yes,No,No,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,No,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,No,,,,,,,,,,,No,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 71 -80,Yes,Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis (IPF),,2-3 years,Male,Fluent in English,Yes,Yes,,My own home,,,,,,Yes,No,Yes,Yes,Finger probe saturation monitor,,,Blood pressure monitor,,,,,,,I have not felt the need for any advice/education,,,,I measure my saturations when I am exerting myself (e.g. going up stairs or exercising),,,,,,,My saturations are low when I am exerting myself,,,No,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,I'm unsure,Yes,NHS Imperial College,My Kardia is reassuring,,,,,,,,,,,,I find the technology tricky,Yes... If so please specify who supplied them,Imperial College,,Online reviews,,,,,,,,Yes,No,Kardia,I have occasional AFIB and I find the Kardia reassuring,,,It helps me to quantify when I feel unwell,,,It gives me reassurance,,,,,2-3 times a month,Less than twice a month,Never,Once a day,2-3 times a week,Never,2-3 times a month,Never,Never,Never,Sitting or resting,,,Cycling,,,,,,Somewhat helpful,Unsure,My Kardia app is usually reassuring when I think I have gone into Afib. Occasionally I have gone to A& E and taking the print out seems to help the staff. I don't find the oximeter much help as the reading hardly seems to vary,,,ILD specialist nurses,,,,,,,Increased breathlessness,,Increased cough,,,,,,,Heart disease,,,High blood pressure,Vision problems,,,,,,,Short of breath when hurrying on a level or when walking up a slight hill,None 18 to 40,Yes,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 71 -80,Yes,Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis (IPF),,2-3 years,Female,Fluent in English,No,Yes,,My own home,,,,,,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,,,Combined finger probe saturation and heart rate monitor,,,,,,I was given advice by the ILD nurse specialist,,,,I regularly measure my oxygen saturations regardless of how I feel,,,,,,,When I am feeling more breathless or unwell my saturations are often low,,,,,No,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,I'm unsure,No,,Low sats level got me seen in hospital in 2 days ,,,,,,I didn’t know devices were available,,,,,,,Yes... If so please specify who supplied them,Ild nurse ,,,,,,,,Not applicable - the devices were given to me by my GP or specialist team,,No,,,,My Doctor/Clinical Nurse Specialist/Other healthcare professional recommended it,,,,I feel it picks up changes earlier that can be acted on,,,,,,Once a day,,Once a day,,,,,,,,Sitting or resting,,,,,,,,,Somewhat helpful,Declining,,,,ILD specialist nurses,,,,,,,Increased breathlessness,,Increased cough,,Low saturations on a home monitor with worsening symptoms,,,,,,,Neuropathy,,,,Arthritis or joint problems,,,,,"Too breathless to leave the house, or breathless when dressing/undressing.", 61to70,Yes,Connective tissue ILD (including Rheumatoid arthritis ILD),,3-5 years,Female,Fluent in English,No,Yes,,My own home,,,,,,Yes,Yes,Yes,No,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,No,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,I'm unsure,No,,Not applicable,Not applicable,,,,,I didn’t know devices were available,,,,,,,No,,,,,,,,,,Don’t have device,No,,,,,,,,,It gives me reassurance,,,Not applicable - I do not use any apps or home monitoring devices,,Never,Never,Never,Never,Never,Never,Never,,,,,,,,,,,,Not applicable,Somewhat helpful,Variable,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 80to85,Yes,Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis (IPF),,3-5 years,Male,Fluent in English,Yes,Yes,,My own home,,,,,,No,Yes,No,Yes,Finger probe saturation monitor,,,,,,,,,,,I used this equipment when I was working for the London ambulance service ,I regularly measure my oxygen saturations regardless of how I feel,,I measure my saturations when I am exerting myself (e.g. going up stairs or exercising),,I measure my saturations when I am at rest,,,When I am feeling more breathless or unwell my saturations are often low,,My saturations are low when I am exerting myself,,,No,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Yes,No,,Can my eye on my sats,,,,,,,,,,,,None of the above ,No,,,,,"Recommended by a medical professional, GP, specialist nurse or specialist doctor.",,,,,,No,,,,,,,,,,,It helps me know when to use my home oxygen,,,More than once a day,,,,,,,,,,Sitting or resting,Walking inside,,,,,,,,Somewhat helpful,Prefer not to say,,,Family/friends,,Support groups,GP,Specialist consultant,,,,Increased breathlessness,,,Concerns about medication side effects,,,,,,,,,High blood pressure,,Hearing problems,Arthritis or joint problems,,,,,Short of breath when hurrying on a level or when walking up a slight hill, 71 -80,Yes,Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis (IPF),,>5 years,Male,Fluent in English,Yes,Yes,,My own home,,,,,,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,,,Combined finger probe saturation and heart rate monitor,Blood pressure monitor,,,,,,,I have not felt the need for any advice/education,,,,,,,,Every so often,,,My saturations are low when I am exerting myself,When I feel breathless and/or unwell my saturations can be within normal range.,,Yes,Forced vital capacity (FVC),Forced expiratory volume in the first second (FEV1),,,,Yes... If so please tell us about your experiences,It’s hard work and difficult to do it the same each time,Very unconfident,No,,,,,,,"To inform your clinical team following 2-3 successive declines of >/= 10% in Spirometry (specifically FVC, FEV1)",,Very confident,Yes,Yes,FitBit,Good to have an ‘objective’ check on my health ,Spirometry is hard work and am not confident I do it well well. ,,I don’t feel confident in interpreting the readings,,,,,,,I don’t feel confident in using the home devices without teaching,,,No,,,Online reviews,,,,,,,,Yes,No,Fitbit,Good to keep an eye on how active I am. Encourages me to go the extra few hundred yards,My Doctor/Clinical Nurse Specialist/Other healthcare professional recommended it,It makes me feel more in control of my illness,It helps me to quantify when I feel unwell,It helps me monitor the progression of my disease,,,It helps me know when to call for help,It helps me know when to use my home oxygen,,,More than once a day,Once a week,Once a day,More than once a day,More than once a day,Never,Never,Once a week,Once a day,Never,Sitting or resting,,Walking outside,Cycling,,,,,,Somewhat helpful,Variable,I ticked excercise bike but actually I ride an e-bike outside ,,Family/friends,ILD specialist nurses,,GP,,,,,Increased breathlessness,Change in sputum,Increased cough,Concerns about medication side effects,Low saturations on a home monitor with worsening symptoms,,,,,,,,High blood pressure,,,,,,,,"Walk slower than most people on a level, stop after a mile or so, or stop after 15 minutes walking at your own pace", 80to85,Yes,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 71-80,Yes,Unsure,,3-5 years,Prefer not to say,"Not fluent and I need help to complete this survey, if so and you would like to continue please contact us for assistance.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 51to60,Yes,Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis (IPF),,>5 years,Male,Fluent in English,Yes,Yes,,My own home,,,,,,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Finger probe saturation monitor,Heart rate monitor,Combined finger probe saturation and heart rate monitor,Blood pressure monitor,,,,,,I have had no advice/education and would welcome some,,,I regularly measure my oxygen saturations regardless of how I feel,,I measure my saturations when I am exerting myself (e.g. going up stairs or exercising),,,I wear a device throughout the day that is constantly measuring my saturations,,,,My saturations are low when I am exerting myself,When I feel breathless and/or unwell my saturations can be within normal range.,,Yes,Forced vital capacity (FVC),Forced expiratory volume in the first second (FEV1),,,,No,,Very unconfident,No,,,,,None of the above,,,,Very confident,Yes,Yes,I phone,I record all detail such as FVC FEV 1 blood pressure heart rate weight and I can normally detect an exacerbation before it happens. ,None ,,,,,,,,,,,None pc the above. ,No,,,Online reviews,,,,,,,,Yes,No,"Well you mobile, I phone for heart rate, Renpho ",It gives me a history of my diseases for eg I can tell you my weight FVC and other important readings over a few years. It helps me monitor my readings and I can alert my HCP if if any changes are noted. ,,It makes me feel more in control of my illness,It helps me to quantify when I feel unwell,It helps me monitor the progression of my disease,I feel it picks up changes earlier that can be acted on,It gives me reassurance,It helps me know when to call for help,,,,Once a week,Once a week,Once a week,Almost constantly,Almost constantly,Once a day,More than once a day,Once a week,Once a week,Once a week,,,Walking outside,Cycling,,,Exercise / rowing machine,,,Very helpful,Stable,The apps I use also empowerment to talk about my disease with HCP and changes I have noted. ,,,ILD specialist nurses,,,,,,,Increased breathlessness,Change in sputum,,Concerns about medication side effects,,Low saturations on a home monitor with no change to symptoms,Decline in home spirometry results,,,,,,High blood pressure,,,,,Sleep apnoea,,,Short of breath when hurrying on a level or when walking up a slight hill,I would recommend home monitoring to everyone I have held several discussions with my consultant on my readings and they have used them on my medical records. It also enable me to exercise safely within safe limits