Question Text, Question Value, Control Type, Compulsory, Option Text, Option Value, Sub-Options Please remind the respondent that the questionnaire is anonymous and that their names are not recorded. Their answers are confidential and will not be linked to them., , Instruction, No, , , Do you consent to participate in this survey?, consent, Radio Button, Yes, No, no, Enter Region, Constituency and Crushpen, location, Cluster Question, Yes, , , Village/Settlement/Town name, settlement_name, Textbox, No, , , Type of Settlement, settlement_type, Radio Button, Yes, Village/Rural, rural, Type of Settlement, settlement_type, Radio Button, Yes, Town/Urban, urban, Sex of the respondent, respondent_sex, Radio Button, Yes, Male, male, Sex of the respondent, respondent_sex, Radio Button, Yes, Female, female, Sex of the respondent, respondent_sex, Radio Button, Yes, Prefer not to say, no_response, Age of the respondent, respondent_age, Radio Button, Yes, 18-20 years, 18_20, Age of the respondent, respondent_age, Radio Button, Yes, 20-24 years, 20_24, Age of the respondent, respondent_age, Radio Button, Yes, 25-29 years, 25_29, Age of the respondent, respondent_age, Radio Button, Yes, 30-34 years, 30_34, Age of the respondent, respondent_age, Radio Button, Yes, 35-39 years, 35_39, Age of the respondent, respondent_age, Radio Button, Yes, 40-44 years, 40_44, Age of the respondent, respondent_age, Radio Button, Yes, 45-49 years, 45_49, Age of the respondent, respondent_age, Radio Button, Yes, 50-54 years, 50_54, Age of the respondent, respondent_age, Radio Button, Yes, 55-59 years, 55_59, Age of the respondent, respondent_age, Radio Button, Yes, Above 60 years, above_60, What is your level of education?, education_level, Radio Button, Yes, I did not attend any school, no_school, What is your level of education?, education_level, Radio Button, Yes, Primary level, primary_level, What is your level of education?, education_level, Radio Button, Yes, Secondary level, secondary_level, What is your level of education?, education_level, Radio Button, Yes, Graduate , graduate, What is your level of education?, education_level, Radio Button, Yes, Other (please specify), other, What is your profession?, profession, Radio Button, Yes, Farmer, farmer, What is your profession?, profession, Radio Button, Yes, Business Owner, business, What is your profession?, profession, Radio Button, Yes, Government Employee, government, What is your profession?, profession, Radio Button, Yes, Private Enterprise/Corporate Employee, employee, What is your profession?, profession, Radio Button, Yes, Student, student, What is your profession?, profession, Radio Button, Yes, No profession, none, What is your profession?, profession, Radio Button, Yes, Other , other, Number of adults living in the household (18 years and above)?, household_adults, Numeric, Yes, , , Number of children living in the household (under the age of 18 years), household_children, Numeric, Yes, , , Do you own any livestock (e.g. cattle)?, livestock_ownership, Radio Button, Yes, Yes (which?), yes, Do you own any livestock (e.g. cattle)?, livestock_ownership, Radio Button, Yes, No, no, Do you own any dogs?, dog_ownership, Radio Button, Yes, Yes, yes, Do you own any dogs?, dog_ownership, Radio Button, Yes, No, no, How many dogs do you own?, number_dogs, Numeric, Yes, , , How many adult dogs do you own?, adult_number, Multi Select, Yes, Male (How many?), male, How many adult dogs do you own?, adult_number, Multi Select, Yes, Female (How many?), female, How many young dogs/puppies (3 months and younger) do you own?, puppy_number, Multi Select, Yes, Male (How many?), male, How many young dogs/puppies (3 months and younger) do you own?, puppy_number, Multi Select, Yes, Female (How many?), female, Have you vaccinated your dogs during the last year?, vaccination_status, Radio Button, Yes, Yes, yes, Have you vaccinated your dogs during the last year?, vaccination_status, Radio Button, Yes, No, no, How many of your dogs were vaccinated?, dogs_vaccinated, Numeric, Yes, , , What were the reasons for not vaccinating?, reason_no_vaccination, Multi Select, Yes, Not aware of vaccination campaign, awareness, What were the reasons for not vaccinating?, reason_no_vaccination, Multi Select, Yes, Vaccination points too far away from my house, distance, What were the reasons for not vaccinating?, reason_no_vaccination, Multi Select, Yes, Dog was aggressive & could not be caught/handled, handling, What were the reasons for not vaccinating?, reason_no_vaccination, Multi Select, Yes, Dog already vaccinated at the veterinary clinic, already_vaccinated, What were the reasons for not vaccinating?, reason_no_vaccination, Multi Select, Yes, Dog too young (puppy), too_young, What were the reasons for not vaccinating?, reason_no_vaccination, Multi Select, Yes, Dog too old, too_old, What were the reasons for not vaccinating?, reason_no_vaccination, Multi Select, Yes, Dog pregnant, pregnant, What were the reasons for not vaccinating?, reason_no_vaccination, Multi Select, Yes, Dog lactating, lactating, What were the reasons for not vaccinating?, reason_no_vaccination, Multi Select, Yes, Dog was sick, sickness, What were the reasons for not vaccinating?, reason_no_vaccination, Multi Select, Yes, No time to take dog for vaccination, no_time, What were the reasons for not vaccinating?, reason_no_vaccination, Multi Select, Yes, Other reasons (please specify), other, What is the proof of vaccination?, vaccination_proof, Radio Button, Yes, Vaccination Certificate, certificate, What is the proof of vaccination?, vaccination_proof, Radio Button, Yes, Colour/Paint/Mark, paint, What is the proof of vaccination?, vaccination_proof, Radio Button, Yes, None, none, Where were your dogs vaccinated?, vaccination_provider, Multi Select, Yes, At vaccination point during targeted campaign, campaign, Where were your dogs vaccinated?, vaccination_provider, Multi Select, Yes, At cattle crush pen during cattle vaccination, crush_pen, Where were your dogs vaccinated?, vaccination_provider, Multi Select, Yes, At the veterinary clinic/extension centres, extension_centres, Where were your dogs vaccinated?, vaccination_provider, Multi Select, Yes, At a private veterinary clinic, private_vet, Where were your dogs vaccinated?, vaccination_provider, Multi Select, Yes, Other (Please specify), other, Where were your dogs vaccinated?, vaccination_provider, Multi Select, Yes, I don't remember, no_data, Who brought the dogs to vaccination?, attendant_clinic, Radio Button, Yes, Children, children, Who brought the dogs to vaccination?, attendant_clinic, Radio Button, Yes, Adult family member, adult, Who brought the dogs to vaccination?, attendant_clinic, Radio Button, Yes, Both, both, How far do you have to travel for the vaccination?, travel_distance, Radio Button, Yes, Less than 1km, under_1km, How far do you have to travel for the vaccination?, travel_distance, Radio Button, Yes, 1km, 1km, How far do you have to travel for the vaccination?, travel_distance, Radio Button, Yes, 2km, 2km, How far do you have to travel for the vaccination?, travel_distance, Radio Button, Yes, 3km, 3km, How far do you have to travel for the vaccination?, travel_distance, Radio Button, Yes, 4km, 4km, How far do you have to travel for the vaccination?, travel_distance, Radio Button, Yes, More than 4km, more_4km, How far do you have to travel for the vaccination?, travel_distance, Radio Button, Yes, I don't know, no_data, How long does it take you to bring your dog for vaccination, vaccinate and return home?, travel_time, Radio Button, Yes, Up to 1 hour, less_1hr, How long does it take you to bring your dog for vaccination, vaccinate and return home?, travel_time, Radio Button, Yes, 2 hours, 2hrs, How long does it take you to bring your dog for vaccination, vaccinate and return home?, travel_time, Radio Button, Yes, 3 hours, 3hrs, How long does it take you to bring your dog for vaccination, vaccinate and return home?, travel_time, Radio Button, Yes, More than 3 hours, more_3hrs, Where did you learn about rabies vaccinations?, sensitization, Multi Select, Yes, Through vets/extension staff, vet, Where did you learn about rabies vaccinations?, sensitization, Multi Select, Yes, Through traditional leaders, tradional_authority, Where did you learn about rabies vaccinations?, sensitization, Multi Select, Yes, Via radio, radio, Where did you learn about rabies vaccinations?, sensitization, Multi Select, Yes, From my children, children, Where did you learn about rabies vaccinations?, sensitization, Multi Select, Yes, Other (please specify), other, Where did you learn about rabies vaccinations?, sensitization, Multi Select, Yes, Via TV, tv, What is best for you to get your dogs vaccinated?, best_method, Radio Button, Yes, At vaccination point during a targeted campaign, campaign, What is best for you to get your dogs vaccinated?, best_method, Radio Button, Yes, At a cattle crush pen along with cattle vaccinations, crush_pen, What is best for you to get your dogs vaccinated?, best_method, Radio Button, Yes, At veterinary clinic/extension centres, extension_centre, What is best for you to get your dogs vaccinated?, best_method, Radio Button, Yes, At a private veterinary clinic, private_vet, What is best for you to get your dogs vaccinated?, best_method, Radio Button, Yes, I don't know, no_preference, Why do you vaccinate your dog?, vaccination_reason, Multi Select, Yes, To protect the dogs against rabies, rabies_protection, Why do you vaccinate your dog?, vaccination_reason, Multi Select, Yes, To protect my family and the public from rabies, protecting_people, Why do you vaccinate your dog?, vaccination_reason, Multi Select, Yes, Required by law to vaccinate my dog, legal_requirement, Why do you vaccinate your dog?, vaccination_reason, Multi Select, Yes, I don't know the reason, no_knowledge, Why do you vaccinate your dog?, vaccination_reason, Multi Select, Yes, Other reason (please specify), other, How often do you think dogs should be vaccinated?, vaccination_interval, Radio Button, Yes, Every year, annually, How often do you think dogs should be vaccinated?, vaccination_interval, Radio Button, Yes, Every 2 years, 2years, How often do you think dogs should be vaccinated?, vaccination_interval, Radio Button, Yes, Every 3 years, 3years, How often do you think dogs should be vaccinated?, vaccination_interval, Radio Button, Yes, Once in a lifetime, once, How often do you think dogs should be vaccinated?, vaccination_interval, Radio Button, Yes, I don't know , no_knowledge, Do you think mass dog vaccination campaigns are useful?, campaign_useful, Radio Button, Yes, Yes, yes, Do you think mass dog vaccination campaigns are useful?, campaign_useful, Radio Button, Yes, No, no, Do you think mass dog vaccination campaigns are useful?, campaign_useful, Radio Button, Yes, I don't know, no_knowledge, Why do you think mass dog vaccination campaign are not useful?, not_useful, Textbox, No, , , "Were any of your dogs vaccinated before during previous campaigns?, previous_vaccination, Multi Select, Yes, ""Yes, in 2016"", in_2016, " "Were any of your dogs vaccinated before during previous campaigns?, previous_vaccination, Multi Select, Yes, ""Yes, in 2017"", in_2017, " "Were any of your dogs vaccinated before during previous campaigns?, previous_vaccination, Multi Select, Yes, ""Yes, in 2018"", in_2018, " "Were any of your dogs vaccinated before during previous campaigns?, previous_vaccination, Multi Select, Yes, ""Yes, in 2019"", in_2019, " Were any of your dogs vaccinated before during previous campaigns?, previous_vaccination, Multi Select, Yes, No, no, Why do you own dogs?, ownership_reason, Multi Select, Yes, Pet, pet, Why do you own dogs?, ownership_reason, Multi Select, Yes, Herding/protecting livestock, livestock, Why do you own dogs?, ownership_reason, Multi Select, Yes, Guard household and property, guarding, Why do you own dogs?, ownership_reason, Multi Select, Yes, Hunting wild animals, hunting, Why do you own dogs?, ownership_reason, Multi Select, Yes, For meat (dog meat), dog_meat, Why do you own dogs?, ownership_reason, Multi Select, Yes, For breeding and for sale, breeding, Why do you own dogs?, ownership_reason, Multi Select, Yes, Traditional/cultural practices to keep dogs, tradition, Why do you own dogs?, ownership_reason, Multi Select, Yes, Other reasons (please specify), other, Where did you get your dog from?, dog_origin, Multi Select, Yes, Bred and born from family own dog, bred, Where did you get your dog from?, dog_origin, Multi Select, Yes, As a gift from family/friend, gift, Where did you get your dog from?, dog_origin, Multi Select, Yes, Adopted from the street/village, street_adoption, Where did you get your dog from?, dog_origin, Multi Select, Yes, Adopted from SPCA/shelter, shelter_adoption, Where did you get your dog from?, dog_origin, Multi Select, Yes, Purchased from other people, purchased, Where did you get your dog from?, dog_origin, Multi Select, Yes, Other (please specify), other, Where did you get your dog from?, dog_origin, Multi Select, Yes, I don't know, no_knowledge, How do you keep your dogs?, husbandry, Radio Button, Yes, Confined during day-time, confined_day, How do you keep your dogs?, husbandry, Radio Button, Yes, Confined during night-time, confined_night, How do you keep your dogs?, husbandry, Radio Button, Yes, Confined all day long (during the day and night), confined_all, How do you keep your dogs?, husbandry, Radio Button, Yes, Never confined and free roaming, free_roaming, "Do you regularly consult a vet regarding your dog's health?, veterinary_care, Radio Button, Yes, ""Yes, when sick"", yes, " Do you regularly consult a vet regarding your dog's health?, veterinary_care, Radio Button, Yes, Sometimes, sometimes, Do you regularly consult a vet regarding your dog's health?, veterinary_care, Radio Button, Yes, Never, never, Do you regularly consult a vet regarding your dog's health?, veterinary_care, Radio Button, Yes, I don't know, no_knowledge, Have any of your dogs died during the last year?, dogs_died, Radio Button, Yes, Yes - how many, yes, Have any of your dogs died during the last year?, dogs_died, Radio Button, Yes, No, no, What were the causes of deaths?, death_cause, Multi Select, Yes, Suspected rabies, rabies, What were the causes of deaths?, death_cause, Multi Select, Yes, Suspected other diseases, other_diseases, What were the causes of deaths?, death_cause, Multi Select, Yes, Killed in accident, accident, What were the causes of deaths?, death_cause, Multi Select, Yes, Killed by wildlife, wildlife, What were the causes of deaths?, death_cause, Multi Select, Yes, Other causes (please specify), other, What were the causes of deaths?, death_cause, Multi Select, Yes, Unknown, unknown, Are there any owned/pet dogs seen roaming freely in your community?, owned_roaming, Radio Button, Yes, Yes, yes, Are there any owned/pet dogs seen roaming freely in your community?, owned_roaming, Radio Button, Yes, No, no, Are there any owned/pet dogs seen roaming freely in your community?, owned_roaming, Radio Button, Yes, Sometimes, sometimes, Are there ownerless/stray dogs in your area?, stray_roaming, Radio Button, Yes, Yes, yes, Are there ownerless/stray dogs in your area?, stray_roaming, Radio Button, Yes, No, no, Are there ownerless/stray dogs in your area?, stray_roaming, Radio Button, Yes, I don't know, unknown, Are the ownerless/stray dogs a problem in your area/community?, stray_problem, Radio Button, Yes, Yes, yes, Are the ownerless/stray dogs a problem in your area/community?, stray_problem, Radio Button, Yes, No, no, Are the ownerless/stray dogs a problem in your area/community?, stray_problem, Radio Button, Yes, Sometimes, sometimes, Are the ownerless/stray dogs a problem in your area/community?, stray_problem, Radio Button, Yes, I don't know, unkown, How should the ownerless/stray dogs be controlled?, stray_control, Multi Select, Yes, Sterilization/neutering, neutering, How should the ownerless/stray dogs be controlled?, stray_control, Multi Select, Yes, Catch and take to SPCA/shelter, catching, How should the ownerless/stray dogs be controlled?, stray_control, Multi Select, Yes, Killing, killing, How should the ownerless/stray dogs be controlled?, stray_control, Multi Select, Yes, I don't know, unknown, Have you ever heard of rabies?, rabies_knowledge, Radio Button, Yes, Yes, yes, Have you ever heard of rabies?, rabies_knowledge, Radio Button, Yes, No, no, Where did you learn about rabies?, rabies_knowledge_source, Multi Select, Yes, Via radio broadcast, radio, Where did you learn about rabies?, rabies_knowledge_source, Multi Select, Yes, Via TV broadcast, tv, Where did you learn about rabies?, rabies_knowledge_source, Multi Select, Yes, Via Newspaper, newspaper, Where did you learn about rabies?, rabies_knowledge_source, Multi Select, Yes, Via poster/leaflet/brochure, poster_leaflet, Where did you learn about rabies?, rabies_knowledge_source, Multi Select, Yes, Via social media, social_media, Where did you learn about rabies?, rabies_knowledge_source, Multi Select, Yes, Through health workers, health_workers, Where did you learn about rabies?, rabies_knowledge_source, Multi Select, Yes, Through vets, vets, Where did you learn about rabies?, rabies_knowledge_source, Multi Select, Yes, Through friends/relatives/neighbours, friends_relatives, Where did you learn about rabies?, rabies_knowledge_source, Multi Select, Yes, Through school, school, Where did you learn about rabies?, rabies_knowledge_source, Multi Select, Yes, Via rabies awareness/dog vaccination campaigns, rabies_campaigns, Where did you learn about rabies?, rabies_knowledge_source, Multi Select, Yes, Other (please specify), other, What animals can get rabies?, rabies_species, Multi Select, Yes, Dog, dog, What animals can get rabies?, rabies_species, Multi Select, Yes, Cat, cat, What animals can get rabies?, rabies_species, Multi Select, Yes, Livestock, livestock, What animals can get rabies?, rabies_species, Multi Select, Yes, Wild animals, wild_animals, What animals can get rabies?, rabies_species, Multi Select, Yes, Birds, birds, What animals can get rabies?, rabies_species, Multi Select, Yes, Insects, insects, Which animal is the main source of rabies?, rabies_source, Radio Button, Yes, Dog, dog, Which animal is the main source of rabies?, rabies_source, Radio Button, Yes, Cat, cat, Which animal is the main source of rabies?, rabies_source, Radio Button, Yes, Livestock, livestock, Which animal is the main source of rabies?, rabies_source, Radio Button, Yes, Wild animals, wild_animal, Which animal is the main source of rabies?, rabies_source, Radio Button, Yes, Birds, birds, Which animal is the main source of rabies?, rabies_source, Radio Button, Yes, Insects, insects, How is rabies transmitted?, rabies_transmission, Multi Select, Yes, by bite, bite, How is rabies transmitted?, rabies_transmission, Multi Select, Yes, by scratch, scratch, How is rabies transmitted?, rabies_transmission, Multi Select, Yes, by licks, lick, How is rabies transmitted?, rabies_transmission, Multi Select, Yes, by touching animals, touch, How is rabies transmitted?, rabies_transmission, Multi Select, Yes, Other (please specify), other, How is rabies transmitted?, rabies_transmission, Multi Select, Yes, I don't know, unknown, Do you know the clinical signs of rabies?, rabies_symptoms_dogs, Multi Select, Yes, agressiveness, agressiveness, Do you know the clinical signs of rabies?, rabies_symptoms_dogs, Multi Select, Yes, excessive salivation, salivation, Do you know the clinical signs of rabies?, rabies_symptoms_dogs, Multi Select, Yes, change in the sound of bark, bark, Do you know the clinical signs of rabies?, rabies_symptoms_dogs, Multi Select, Yes, paralysis, paralysis, Do you know the clinical signs of rabies?, rabies_symptoms_dogs, Multi Select, Yes, behavioural changes, behaviour_change, Do you know the clinical signs of rabies?, rabies_symptoms_dogs, Multi Select, Yes, Other (please specify), other, Do you know the clinical signs of rabies?, rabies_symptoms_dogs, Multi Select, Yes, I don't know, unknown, Can rabies be cured once clinical signs appear?, rabies_cure, Radio Button, Yes, Yes, yes, Can rabies be cured once clinical signs appear?, rabies_cure, Radio Button, Yes, No, no, Can rabies be cured once clinical signs appear?, rabies_cure, Radio Button, Yes, I don't know, unknown, How can rabies be prevented?, rabies_prevention, Multi Select, Yes, By vaccinating dogs against rabies, dog_vaccination, How can rabies be prevented?, rabies_prevention, Multi Select, Yes, By vaccinating people before exposure, prep, How can rabies be prevented?, rabies_prevention, Multi Select, Yes, By vaccinating people after exposure, pep, How can rabies be prevented?, rabies_prevention, Multi Select, Yes, Educate people about rabies , education, How can rabies be prevented?, rabies_prevention, Multi Select, Yes, Avoid dog bite, avoid_bite, How can rabies be prevented?, rabies_prevention, Multi Select, Yes, By killing dogs in the area, culling_dogs, How can rabies be prevented?, rabies_prevention, Multi Select, Yes, Other (please specify), other, How can rabies be prevented?, rabies_prevention, Multi Select, Yes, I don't know, unknown, What would you do if you encounter a suspect rabid dog?, rabies_encounter, Multi Select, Yes, Notify veterinary officers, notify_vet, What would you do if you encounter a suspect rabid dog?, rabies_encounter, Multi Select, Yes, Alert people in the area, alert_people, What would you do if you encounter a suspect rabid dog?, rabies_encounter, Multi Select, Yes, Kill the animal and dump the carcass, kill_discard, What would you do if you encounter a suspect rabid dog?, rabies_encounter, Multi Select, Yes, Kill and eat the meat, kill_eat, What would you do if you encounter a suspect rabid dog?, rabies_encounter, Multi Select, Yes, Kill and submit to veterinary clinic, kill_submit, What would you do if you encounter a suspect rabid dog?, rabies_encounter, Multi Select, Yes, Chase it away, chase_away, What would you do if you encounter a suspect rabid dog?, rabies_encounter, Multi Select, Yes, Do nothing, nothing, What would you do if you encounter a suspect rabid dog?, rabies_encounter, Multi Select, Yes, Other (please specify), other, What would you do if you encounter a suspect rabid dog?, rabies_encounter, Multi Select, Yes, I don't know, unknown, What would you do if you are bitten by a dog?, dog_bite_action, Multi Select, Yes, Wash the bite wound with soap and water for 15 mins, wound_washing, What would you do if you are bitten by a dog?, dog_bite_action, Multi Select, Yes, Visit a hospital/clinic, hospital, What would you do if you are bitten by a dog?, dog_bite_action, Multi Select, Yes, Visit a traditional healer, traditional_healer, What would you do if you are bitten by a dog?, dog_bite_action, Multi Select, Yes, Bandage the wound, bandage, What would you do if you are bitten by a dog?, dog_bite_action, Multi Select, Yes, Report the dog bite to the veterinary official, report_bite_vet, What would you do if you are bitten by a dog?, dog_bite_action, Multi Select, Yes, Kill the dog and bury, kill_bury, What would you do if you are bitten by a dog?, dog_bite_action, Multi Select, Yes, Kill the dog and eat the meat, kill_eat, What would you do if you are bitten by a dog?, dog_bite_action, Multi Select, Yes, Tie up the dog and observe for 10 days, quarantine, What would you do if you are bitten by a dog?, dog_bite_action, Multi Select, Yes, Do nothing, nothing, What would you do if you are bitten by a dog?, dog_bite_action, Multi Select, Yes, Other (please specify), other, What would you do if you are bitten by a dog?, dog_bite_action, Multi Select, Yes, I don't know, unknown, Are you aware of any rabies cases in dogs n your area in the last 6 months?, rabies_presence, Radio Button, Yes, Yes - Where?, yes, Are you aware of any rabies cases in dogs n your area in the last 6 months?, rabies_presence, Radio Button, Yes, No, no, Are you aware of any rabies cases in dogs n your area in the last 6 months?, rabies_presence, Radio Button, Yes, I don't know, unknown, "Do you think the awareness campaign on rabies conducted by the government is effective in your area?, campaign_effectiveness, Radio Button, Yes, ""Yes, the programme is sufficient"", yes, " Do you think the awareness campaign on rabies conducted by the government is effective in your area?, campaign_effectiveness, Radio Button, Yes, No - Why?, no, Do you think the awareness campaign on rabies conducted by the government is effective in your area?, campaign_effectiveness, Radio Button, Yes, I have not heard of a campaign, not_heard, Have you OR any of your household members been bitten by a dog in the last 2 years?, bite_experience, Radio Button, Yes, Yes, yes, Pet/owned dog | Ownerless/stray dog | I don't know Have you OR any of your household members been bitten by a dog in the last 2 years?, bite_experience, Radio Button, Yes, No, no, Was it a provoked bite?, bite_provocation, Radio Button, Yes, Yes, yes, Was it a provoked bite?, bite_provocation, Radio Button, Yes, No, no, Was it a provoked bite?, bite_provocation, Radio Button, Yes, I don't remember, no_memory, Was the biting dog vaccinated against rabies?, bite_dog_vaccinated, Radio Button, Yes, Yes (only when verified by certificate), yes, Was the biting dog vaccinated against rabies?, bite_dog_vaccinated, Radio Button, Yes, No, no, Was the biting dog vaccinated against rabies?, bite_dog_vaccinated, Radio Button, Yes, I don't know, unknown, What happened to the biting dog?, bite_dog_outcome, Radio Button, Yes, Dog quarantined and alive after 10 days, quarantine_survival, What happened to the biting dog?, bite_dog_outcome, Radio Button, Yes, Dog quarantined and died within 10 days, quarantine_death, What happened to the biting dog?, bite_dog_outcome, Radio Button, Yes, Dog was killed, killed, What happened to the biting dog?, bite_dog_outcome, Radio Button, Yes, Dog was not quarantined and died within 10 days after bite, died, What happened to the biting dog?, bite_dog_outcome, Radio Button, Yes, Dog was chased away, chased_away, What happened to the biting dog?, bite_dog_outcome, Radio Button, Yes, Dog disappeared, disappeared, What happened to the biting dog?, bite_dog_outcome, Radio Button, Yes, Dog slaughtered for meat, slaughtered, What happened to the biting dog?, bite_dog_outcome, Radio Button, Yes, I don't know, unknown, In case the dog died, was a diagnostic test performed?, diagnostics, Radio Button, No, Yes - it was positive, yes_positive, In case the dog died, was a diagnostic test performed?, diagnostics, Radio Button, No, Yes - it was negative, yes_negative, In case the dog died, was a diagnostic test performed?, diagnostics, Radio Button, No, Not tested, not_tested, In case the dog died, was a diagnostic test performed?, diagnostics, Radio Button, No, I don't know, unknown, What did you or your household member do after being bitten?, bite_treatment, Multi Select, Yes, Wash the bite wound with soap and water for 15 mins, wound_washing, What did you or your household member do after being bitten?, bite_treatment, Multi Select, Yes, Visit a hospital/clinic, hospital, What did you or your household member do after being bitten?, bite_treatment, Multi Select, Yes, Visit a traditional healer, traditional_healer, What did you or your household member do after being bitten?, bite_treatment, Multi Select, Yes, Bandage the wound, bandage, What did you or your household member do after being bitten?, bite_treatment, Multi Select, Yes, Do nothing, nothing, What did you or your household member do after being bitten?, bite_treatment, Multi Select, Yes, Other (please specify), other, What did you or your household member do after being bitten?, bite_treatment, Multi Select, Yes, Applied local herbs to the wound, herbs, What did you or your household member do after being bitten?, bite_treatment, Multi Select, Yes, Applied antiseptics/medicine to the wound, antiseptic, What did you or your household member do after being bitten?, bite_treatment, Multi Select, Yes, Report the dog bite to the veterinary official, report_bite_vet, What did you or your household member do after being bitten?, bite_treatment, Multi Select, Yes, Kill the dog and bury, kill_bury, What did you or your household member do after being bitten?, bite_treatment, Multi Select, Yes, Kill the dog and eat the meat, kill_eat, What did you or your household member do after being bitten?, bite_treatment, Multi Select, Yes, Tie up the dog and observe for 10 days, quarantine, What did you or your household member do after being bitten?, bite_treatment, Multi Select, Yes, I don't know, unknown, When did you/the bite victim visit a hospital and/or consult a doctor?, hospital_visit, Radio Button, Yes, Never, never, When did you/the bite victim visit a hospital and/or consult a doctor?, hospital_visit, Radio Button, Yes, On the same day, same_day, When did you/the bite victim visit a hospital and/or consult a doctor?, hospital_visit, Radio Button, Yes, On the next day, next_day, When did you/the bite victim visit a hospital and/or consult a doctor?, hospital_visit, Radio Button, Yes, Within a week, within_week, When did you/the bite victim visit a hospital and/or consult a doctor?, hospital_visit, Radio Button, Yes, After 1 week, one_week, When did you/the bite victim visit a hospital and/or consult a doctor?, hospital_visit, Radio Button, Yes, After 2 weeks, two_weeks, When did you/the bite victim visit a hospital and/or consult a doctor?, hospital_visit, Radio Button, Yes, I don't remember, no_memory, Did you/the bite victim receive the anti-rabies vaccine?, pep_given, Radio Button, Yes, Yes, yes, Did you/the bite victim receive the anti-rabies vaccine?, pep_given, Radio Button, Yes, No, no, Did you/the bite victim receive the anti-rabies vaccine?, pep_given, Radio Button, Yes, I don't remember, no_memory, Did you receive 5 shots of anti-rabies vaccine?, pep_regimen, Radio Button, Yes, Yes, yes, Did you receive 5 shots of anti-rabies vaccine?, pep_regimen, Radio Button, Yes, No - how many?, no, Did you receive 5 shots of anti-rabies vaccine?, pep_regimen, Radio Button, Yes, I don't remember, no_memory, What were the reasons for not completing the course?, incomplete_pep, Multi Select, Yes, Lack of time to visit hospital/doctor, lack_time, What were the reasons for not completing the course?, incomplete_pep, Multi Select, Yes, Lack of funds, lack_funds, What were the reasons for not completing the course?, incomplete_pep, Multi Select, Yes, Forgot the schedule of vaccination, forgot, What were the reasons for not completing the course?, incomplete_pep, Multi Select, Yes, Did not care, no_care, What were the reasons for not completing the course?, incomplete_pep, Multi Select, Yes, Did not understand the seriousness of rabies, lack_understanding, What were the reasons for not completing the course?, incomplete_pep, Multi Select, Yes, Lack of means for transportation to visit hospital/doctor, lack_transport, What were the reasons for not completing the course?, incomplete_pep, Multi Select, Yes, Dog was alive after 10 days of observation, quarantine_pass, What were the reasons for not completing the course?, incomplete_pep, Multi Select, Yes, I am still undergoing anti rabies vaccinations, ongoing, What were the reasons for not completing the course?, incomplete_pep, Multi Select, Yes, Other (please specify), other, Why did you not receive the anti-rabies vaccine?, pep_not_given, Multi Select, Yes, Not aware of the need to get anti-rabies vaccine, lack_awareness, Why did you not receive the anti-rabies vaccine?, pep_not_given, Multi Select, Yes, Rabies vaccine not available at the hospital, lack_availability, Why did you not receive the anti-rabies vaccine?, pep_not_given, Multi Select, Yes, Bitten by vaccinated dog, dog_vaccinated, Why did you not receive the anti-rabies vaccine?, pep_not_given, Multi Select, Yes, Hospital too far away, hospital_distance, Why did you not receive the anti-rabies vaccine?, pep_not_given, Multi Select, Yes, No means of transport to get to hospital, lack_transport, Why did you not receive the anti-rabies vaccine?, pep_not_given, Multi Select, Yes, Sought local/traditional method of treatment, traditional_treatment, Why did you not receive the anti-rabies vaccine?, pep_not_given, Multi Select, Yes, Dog was alive after 10 days of observation, quarantine_pass, Why did you not receive the anti-rabies vaccine?, pep_not_given, Multi Select, Yes, Exposure/bite considered to be minor and risk negligible, no_risk, "Is the bite victim still alive?, victim_status, Radio Button, Yes, ""Yes, still alive"", yes, " "Is the bite victim still alive?, victim_status, Radio Button, Yes, ""No, the victim is dead"", no, " Did the victim die from rabies?, victim_death_cause, Radio Button, Yes, Rabies suspect, rabies, Did the victim die from rabies?, victim_death_cause, Radio Button, Yes, Other disease, other, Did the victim die from rabies?, victim_death_cause, Radio Button, Yes, I don't know, unknown, Is there any traditional way of treating rabies in your area?, traditional_treatment, Radio Button, Yes, Yes - which?, yes, Is there any traditional way of treating rabies in your area?, traditional_treatment, Radio Button, Yes, No, no, Is there any traditional way of treating rabies in your area?, traditional_treatment, Radio Button, Yes, I don't know, unknown,