Plantae Lamiales Lamiaceae ZhaoYueZhaoFeiPatonAlan J.XiaoJin-FeiChenYa-PingXiangChun-LeiUsing scanning electron microscopy and molecular data to discover a new species from old herbarium collections: The case of Phlomoideshenryi (Lamiaceae, Lamioideae)PhytoKeys2002202423812714610.3897/phytokeys.238.117180 952A4EFD-8DF8-5080-AC6E-666D6472F87A Phlomoides henryi Y.Zhao & C.L.Xiangsp. nov.Fig. 5Type.

China, Yunnan Province, Honghe Hani and Yi Autonomous Prefecture, Jianshui County, on the forest edge, 23°57′52.54″N, 102°59′49.47″E, alt. 1279 m, 3 Sep 2022, F. Zhao, Y. Zhao & C.L. Xiang XCL2222 (holotype: KUN!; isotypes: KUN!, CSH!).


Within the subclade, Phlomoideshenryi is morphologically similar to P.rotata for having transparent to white trichomes inside the upper corolla lip rather than brown to black and is distinct from all other species by lacking branched hairs. P.bracteosa has similar transparent to white trichomes inside the upper corolla lip, but with branched trichomes on both sides of leaves and floral bracts. The differences between P.henryi, P.rotata and P.bracteosa are listed in Table 3.

Morphological comparisons amongst Phlomoideshenryi, P.rotata and P.bracteosa.

Characters P.henryi P.rotata P.bracteosa
Height 100–150 cm2.5–10 cm20–50 (–100) cm
Basal leaves absentrosette basal leavesabsent
Floral leaf shape narrowly lanceolatelanceolate, oblanceolate, or linearOvate to lanceolate
Floral leaf petiole length 5–35 mmLack obvious petioleUpper floral leaves sessile, lower floral leaves with petiole 5–20 mm long
Floral bracts shape SubulateNeedle-like to subulateLinear to lanceolate, often with enlarged bracts
Branched trichomes No branched trichomesWith branched trichomes on abaxial leavesWith branched trichomes on both sides of leaves and bracts
Perennial herbs.

Roots robust, linear-tuberous. Stems 1–1.5 m tall, subquadrangular, robust, simple pilose. Basal leaves absent; stem leaves with petioles 4–15 cm long, with simple trichomes, broadly ovate to ovate-oblong, papery, 10–18 × 15–24 cm, adaxially green with sparse simple trichomes, abaxially light green, with sparse simple trichomes, denser and longer on the main vein, base cordate, margin serrate or crenate, apex acute to acuminate. Verticillasters axillary, 8–20-flowered; floral leaves with petioles 5–35 mm long, lanceolate, base rounded to cuneate, 1–6 × 0.5–4 cm, gradually reduced upwards; bracts subulate, 6–10 mm long, with sparse long simple trichomes, ca. 2 mm long. Calyx tubular, 10–11 × 4–5 mm, pubescent outside with sparse long simple trichomes on veins, conspicuously 10-veined; teeth 5, truncate, ca. 1.5 mm long, apical spines 3–4 mm long, with sparse long simple trichomes. Corolla light purple to pink, ca. 2.1 cm long, 2-lipped; posterior lip ca. 7 mm long, galeate, densely stellate tomentose outside, margin denticulate, bearded inside; anterior lip 3-lobed, ca. 7 × 8 mm, middle lobe largest, oblong, ca. 5 × 3 mm, lateral lobes ovate; tube glabrous outside, ca. 1.5 cm, annulate pilose inside. Stamens 4, included, with cobwebby indumentum, posterior filaments with reflexed appendages at base. Style unequally 2-lobed. Nutlets oblong-globose, glabrous.


The new species is named after the collector Augustine Henry (1857–1930), who collected more than 15,000 dry specimens and seeds from China.


Flowering from July to September and fruiting from October to December.

Distribution, habitat and ecology.

Based on present collections, P.henryi is only known from its type locality, i.e. Muyang Mountain in Jianshui County, Yunnan Province, China. It is restricted to the edge of the forest at an elevation near 1280 m.

Chinese name.

jiàn shuǐ cǎo cāo sū (建水草糙苏).

Additional specimen examined.

Phlomoideshenryi: Paratypes. China, Yunnan Province, Honghe Hani and Yi Autonomous Prefecture, Jianshui County, 6 September 2019, Jianshui Exped. 2164 (KUN); Yunnan Province, Mengtze, 1898, A. Henry 10216 (K000928267, K without barcode, LE without barcode); Yunnan Province, “Lao Kouy [Chan], 11 August 1907, F. Ducloux 369 (E).

Phlomoidesbracteosa: India. Choor & Kidarlonta, 1832, J.F. Royle 633 (Type: K, K000894384); State of Punjab: Kangra, Lahul, Bhaga Valley, alt. 3000 m, 26 July 1933, T.R. Chand 74A (MICH, 1519061); State of Uttarakhand: Bhyundar Valley – Valley of flowers (N.E. road Josimath to Badrinath), alt. 3430 m, 16 August 1975, Anonymous 6583 (PE, 1290791).

Phlomoidesbreviflora: China. Xizang Province: Yadong County, on the way from Yadong to Dingga, alt. 2850 m, 11 June 1975, Qinghai-Tibet Exped. 750283 (Holotype: KUN, 1218974!; Isotype: PE, 00835569!, 00835570!); Nielamu County, Qu Town, alt. 3240 m, 12 September 2019, Y.P. Chen, Y. Zhao & B.Y. Zhang EM1139 (KUN). India. Sikkim: Nayathang-Phalut, alt. 3500 m, 2 June 1960, H. Hara et al. 5551 (TI); West Bengal: Darjeeling, Phalut, alt. 3500 m, 5 June 1960, H. Hara et al. 5555 (TI); Darjeeling, Garibans-Tanglu, alt. 2700 m, 7 June 1969, H. Hara et al. 5557 (TI). Nepal. Bagmati Province: Rasuwa District, Gossain than (Gosainkund), Benth in Wall. Cat. Herb. Ind. n. 2066 (Type: K, K001115039!).

Phlomoidesmacrophylla: Nepal. Gandaki Province: Mustang, Annapurna Conservation area, Trekking route Jomosom-Nayapul, Near Ghorepani village (way to Tikhedhunga). China. Xizang Province: Yadong County, Shang Yadong Village, alt. 3448 m, 30 August 2023, Y. Zhao et al. XCL2703 (KUN); Yadong County, on the way from Yadong County to the Pass of Naiduila Mountain, 9 September 2019, Y.P. Chen, Y. Zhao & B.Y. Zhang EM1145 (KUN).

Phlomoidesnyalamensis: China. Xizang Province: Nyalam County, Zhangmu Town, on the way from Lixin to Xuebugang, open spaces in forests, alt. 2700–2800 m, 29 June 1975, Qinghai-Xizang Comp. Exped. 6622 (Holotype, KUN 1218985! Isotype, KUN 1218984!); Nyalam County, Zhangmu Town, Lixin Village, damp hillside, alt. 2800 m, 24 August 1972, Tibetan herbal medicine Exped. 1461 (PE, 00835826); Nyalam County, Zhangmu Town, on the way from Lixin to Xuebugang, edge of forests, alt. 2896 m, 13 September 2019, Y.P. Chen, Y. Zhao & B.Y. Zhang EM1145 (KUN).

Phlomoidestibetica: China. Xizang Province: in open alpine pastures of turf in well drained situations, alt. 4200–4500 m, 6 July 1924, F. K. Ward 5901 (Holotype: K, K000894378!; isotype: BM, BM000950520, E, E00301982!); Linzhi City, Bomi County, Northern Galongla Mountain, 3800–3900 m, 16 August 1982, S.Z. Cheng & B.S. Li 00160 (PE, 00923472); Linzhi City, on the way from Lulang Town to the Pass of Sejila Mountain, 4108 m, 15 September 2016, C.L. Xiang et al. 1456 (KUN). Bhutan. Trashigang District, Shingbe Town, 3800 m, 27 May 1949, F. Ludlow, G. Sherriff & J.H. Hicks 20673 (BM).

Phlomoidesmilingensis: China. Xizang Province: Mainling County, Zedanggang, alt. 4400 m, 26 July 1972, Tibetan herbal medicine Exped. 3883 (holotype: PE, 00835583; isotype: PE, 00923457); Mainling County, Nanyi Mountain, alt. 3400–3500 m, 28 July 1972, Tibetan herbal medicine Exped. 4228 (PE, 00835584; PE, 00923459); Gongbo’gyamda County, Xueka, 10 August 1974, Anonymous 2129 (PE, 00832244).

Phlomoidesrotata: China: Xizang, Shannan City, Cona County, near radar station, alt. 4280 m, 17 July 1975, C.Y. Wu et al. 75-893 (KUN, 0216402); Naqu City, Lhari County, meteorological station, alt. 4500 m, 8 June 1976, Qinghai-Xizang Comp. Exped. 10491 (KUN, 0216409); Nyingchi City, Gongbo’gyamda County, Mira pass, alt. 4920 m, 30 August 1974, Qinghai-Xizang Comp. Exped. 74-2027 (KUN, 0216384); Sichuan, Liangshan Yi Autonomous Prefecture, Muli County, on the way from Mogalaji to Nonsa pasture, alt. 4312 m, 30 August 2015, C.L. Xiang 1219 (KUN, 1264607); Yunnan, Diqing Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture, Deqin County, Baimaxueshan, alt. 4300 m, 4 June 2000, Z.K. Zhou et al. 159 (KUN, 0699320); Qinghai, Yushu Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture, Yushu County, Hongtu Mountain, alt. 4900 m, 3 September 2013, J.W. Zhang et al. Zh678 (KUN, 1260768).


Phlomoideshenryi Y.Zhao & C.L.Xiang A habitat B plant with linear-tuberous roots C inflorescence D verticillaster E flowers F dissected flower G appendages at base of posterior filaments H fruiting calyces I dissected calyces J bracts K floral leaves L stem leaves. Photographs by Yue Zhao, except C by Li Chen.