#### ** compound information ====
compound_name <-"Perjeta"
full <- read.csv("../ptz.ppk.nmdata.new.csv") %>% filter(CC=="")
full <- full %>%
mutate(RATE = ifelse(is.na(RATE), 0, RATE),
CMT = 1)
nrow(full %>% filter (MDV==0)) #4387 #check the consistency with "TOT. NO. OF OBS RECS:" in .lst file
## [1] 4387
uniqueID<- full %>% distinct(ID, .keep_all = TRUE)
## load model
mod <- mread("../PKcase_Perjeta_valid.cpp")
## Building PKcase_Perjeta_valid_cpp ... done.
## Model file: PKcase_Perjeta_valid.cpp
## [PROB]
## Perjeta
## Author: Jenny Nguyen / Tong Lu
## Source: run20d.lst
## Time unit: day
## Volume units: L
## Validated: Yes (Tong Lu May 2020)
## [PKMODEL] // option to use analytical solution for 1- and 2- cpt models
## cmt = "CENT PERIPH", depot = FALSE
## [PARAM] @annotated // list model parameters and covariates
## TVCL : 0.235 : Clearance (L/day), theta 1
## TVV1 : 3.11 : Volume of central compartment (L), theta 2
## TVQ : 0.534 : Intercompartmental clearance (L/day), theta 3
## TVV2 : 2.46 : Volume of peripheral compartment (L), theta 4
## LBWCL : 0.516 : Effect of LBW on CL, theta 5
## LBWV1 : 0.747 : Effect of LBW on V1, theta 6
## ALBCL : -1.06 : Effect of ALBU on CL, theta 7
## LBWV2 : 0.83 : Effect of LBW on V2, theta 8
## LBW : 48 : Typical individual value of LBW
## ALBU : 3.9 : Typical individual value of ALBU
## [OMEGA] @annotated @block // describe between-subject variability
## ETA_CL : 0.116 : ETA on CL
## ETA_V1 : 0.0239 0.0342 : ETA on V1
## ETA_V2 : -0.0416 0.0179 0.211 : ETA on V2
## [SIGMA] @annotated // describe residual error
## ADD : 0.0328 : Additive Error (log scale)
## [MAIN] // NONMEM equivalent: $PK
## // effect of covariates on parameters
## double CLCOV = pow((LBW/48), LBWCL) * pow((ALBU/3.9), ALBCL);
## double V1COV = pow((LBW/48), LBWV1);
## double V2COV = pow((LBW/48), LBWV2);
## // PK parameters
## double CL = TVCL * CLCOV * exp(ETA_CL);
## double V1 = TVV1 * V1COV * exp(ETA_V1);
## double Q = TVQ;
## double V2 = TVV2 * V2COV * exp(ETA_V2);
## [TABLE] // NONMEM equivalent: $ERROR
## double val = CENT/V1;
## double IPRED = 0;
## if (val > 0) IPRED = log(val);
## double DV = IPRED + ADD;
## double DVnormal = exp(DV);
## double IPREDnormal = exp(IPRED);
## [CAPTURE] @annotated
## IPREDnormal : Concentration without residual variability (normal scale)
## DVnormal : Concentration with residual variability (normal scale)
## IPRED : Concentration without residual variability (log scale)
## DV : Concentration with residual variability (log scale)
## ** [2.2] PRED Comparisons ====
out <-
mod %>%
zero_re %>%
data_set(full) %>%
mrgsim(tad = FALSE) %>% #if = TRUE, it will show "There was a problem finding time of first dose". The reason is the tad determination fails due to dose not found (ID with observation but not dosing record)
out <- out %>% filter(MDV==0)
## ** [2.3] IPRED and DV Comparisons ====
### MRGSOLVE simulations
n_reps <- 1000
mrg_obsonly <- c()
start.time <- Sys.time()
for (i in 1:n_reps) {
suppressMessages(mrg_obsonly[[i]] <-
mod %>%
data_set(full) %>%
mrgsim() %>%
mutate(REP = i) %>%
if (i%%100 == 0) {
print(paste("Sim", i))
## [1] "Sim 100"
## [1] "Sim 200"
## [1] "Sim 300"
## [1] "Sim 400"
## [1] "Sim 500"
## [1] "Sim 600"
## [1] "Sim 700"
## [1] "Sim 800"
## [1] "Sim 900"
## [1] "Sim 1000"
end.time <- Sys.time()
time.taken <- end.time - start.time
mrg_sim <- rbindlist(mrg_obsonly) %>% filter(MDV==0)
# names(mrg_sim)
#### ** [3.1] Generating PREDs ====
## MRGSOLVE: run with zero_re() --> IPREDS == DVS == PREDS
## NONMEM: run simulation once, output PRED
# for NM sim, you must at least output ID, TIME, NTIM, REP, MDV and IPRED
#### ** [3.2] Plot ====
nm_pred <- read.table("../NONMEM/sim20d.tab")
colnames(nm_pred) <- c("ID", "STUD", "TIME", "NTIM", "AMT", "RATE", "EVID", "MDV", "LBW", "ALBU", "PRED", "IPRED", "DV")
nm_pred <- nm_pred %>% filter(MDV==0)
out <- out %>% filter(MDV==0)
labs(title="PRED Comparisons",x="NONMEM",y="MRGSOLVE")+
geom_abline(slope=1,intercept = 0,color="red")
#### **
nm_sim <- fread('../NONMEM/sim20d_1000rep.tab')
colnames(nm_sim) <- c("REP", "ID", "STUD", "TIME", "NTIM", "AMT", "RATE", "EVID", "MDV", "LBW", "ALBU", "PRED", "IPRED", "DV")
nm_sim <- nm_sim %>% filter(MDV==0)
mrg_sim <- mrg_sim %>% filter(MDV==0)
uniq_ids <- unique(mrg_sim$ID)
id_nums <- unique(mrg_sim$ID)[1:32]# choose the first 32 individuals to plot
nrow <- 4; ncol<- 4
pagecount<- ceiling(length(id_nums)/(nrow*ncol))
mrg_summary_ipred <- c()
nm_summary_ipred <- c()
for (i in id_nums) {
mrg_dat <- mrg_sim[mrg_sim$ID == i, ]
nm_dat <- nm_sim[nm_sim$ID == i, ]
mrg_sum <-
mrg_dat %>%
group_by(TIME) %>%
summarise(med = median(IPRED), lo = quantile(IPRED,0.05), hi = quantile(IPRED,0.95)) %>%
mutate(ID = i)
nm_sum <-
nm_dat %>%
group_by(TIME) %>%
summarise(med = median(IPRED), lo = quantile(IPRED,0.05), hi = quantile(IPRED,0.95)) %>%
mutate(ID = i)
mrg_summary_ipred <- rbind(mrg_summary_ipred, mrg_sum)
nm_summary_ipred <- rbind(nm_summary_ipred, nm_sum)
mrg_summary_ipred<-mrg_summary_ipred %>% as.data.table()
nm_summary_ipred<-nm_summary_ipred %>% as.data.table()
nm_ipred <- melt(nm_summary_ipred, id.vars = c("ID", "TIME"))
mrg_ipred <- melt(mrg_summary_ipred, id.vars = c("ID", "TIME"))
## plot
for(i in 1:pagecount){
ggplot() +
ggtitle("[IPRED] Lines: mrgsolve, Points: nonmem") +
geom_line(data = mrg_ipred, aes(TIME, value, col = variable, group = variable), lwd = 1) +
geom_point(data = nm_ipred, aes(TIME,value),col = "black", size = 1) +
scale_color_brewer(palette = "Set2", labels = c("50th", "5th", "95th")) +
facet_wrap_paginate (~ID, scales = "free", ncol = 4, nrow = 4, page = i)
mrg_summary_dv <- c()
nm_summary_dv <- c()
for (i in id_nums) {
mrg_dat <- mrg_sim[mrg_sim$ID == i, ]
nm_dat <- nm_sim[nm_sim$ID == i, ]
mrg_sum <-
mrg_dat %>%
group_by(TIME) %>%
summarise(med = median(DV), lo = quantile(DV,0.05), hi = quantile(DV,0.95)) %>%
mutate(ID = i)
nm_sum <-
nm_dat %>%
group_by(TIME) %>%
summarise(med = median(DV), lo = quantile(DV,0.05), hi = quantile(DV,0.95)) %>%
mutate(ID = i)
mrg_summary_dv <- rbind(mrg_summary_dv, mrg_sum)
nm_summary_dv <- rbind(nm_summary_dv, nm_sum)
mrg_summary_dv<-mrg_summary_dv %>% as.data.table()
nm_summary_dv<-nm_summary_dv %>% as.data.table()
nm_dv <- melt(nm_summary_dv, id.vars = c("ID", "TIME"))
mrg_dv <- melt(mrg_summary_dv, id.vars = c("ID", "TIME"))
## plot
for(i in 1:pagecount){
ggplot() +
ggtitle("[DV] Lines: mrgsolve, Points: nonmem") +
geom_line(data = mrg_dv, aes(TIME, value, col = variable, group = variable), lwd = 1) +
geom_point(data = nm_dv, aes(TIME,value),col = "black", size = 0.75) +
scale_color_brewer(palette = "Set2", labels = c("50th", "5th", "95th")) +
facet_wrap_paginate (~ID, scales = "free", ncol = 4, nrow = 4, page = i)
## calculate percentiles for each replication (pick a study to plot; use nominal time to plot)
mrg_ipred <- c()
nm_ipred <- c()
mrg_sim_band<- mrg_sim %>% filter(STUD ==2572)
nm_sim_band<- nm_sim %>% filter(STUD ==2572)
for (i in 1:1000) {
# mrg_sim <- mrg_reps[[i]]
mrg_sim_rep <- mrg_sim_band[mrg_sim_band$REP == i, ]
nm_sim_rep <- nm_sim_band[nm_sim_band$REP == i, ]
mrg_sum <-
mrg_sim_rep %>%
group_by(NTIM) %>%
summarise(med = median(IPRED), lo = quantile(IPRED,0.05), hi = quantile(IPRED,0.95)) %>%
mutate(rep = i)
nm_sum <-
nm_sim_rep %>%
group_by(NTIM) %>%
summarise(med = median(IPRED), lo = quantile(IPRED,0.05), hi = quantile(IPRED,0.95)) %>%
mutate(rep = i)
mrg_ipred <- rbind(mrg_ipred, mrg_sum)
nm_ipred <- rbind(nm_ipred, nm_sum)
if (i%%100 == 0) {
## [1] 100
## [1] 200
## [1] 300
## [1] 400
## [1] 500
## [1] 600
## [1] 700
## [1] 800
## [1] 900
## [1] 1000
Mrgsolve Code
dat_05 <-
mrg_ipred %>%
group_by(NTIM) %>%
summarise(medn = median(lo), low = quantile(lo,0.05), high = quantile(lo,0.95)) %>%
mutate(group = "lo")
dat_95 <-
mrg_ipred %>%
group_by(NTIM) %>%
summarise(medn = median(hi), low = quantile(hi,0.05), high = quantile(hi,0.95)) %>%
mutate(group = "hi")
dat_50 <-
mrg_ipred %>%
group_by(NTIM) %>%
summarise(medn = median(med), low = quantile(med,0.05), high = quantile(med,0.95)) %>%
mutate(group = "med")
dat2plot <- list(dat_05, dat_50, dat_95)
dat2plot2 <- rbindlist(dat2plot)
dat2plot2$group <- as.factor(dat2plot2$group)
mrg_plot <- dat2plot2
dat_05_2 <-
nm_ipred %>%
group_by(NTIM) %>%
summarise(medn = median(lo), low = quantile(lo,0.05), high = quantile(lo,0.95)) %>%
mutate(group = "lo")
dat_95_2 <-
nm_ipred %>%
group_by(NTIM) %>%
summarise(medn = median(hi), low = quantile(hi,0.05), high = quantile(hi,0.95)) %>%
mutate(group = "hi")
dat_50_2 <-
nm_ipred %>%
group_by(NTIM) %>%
summarise(medn = median(med), low = quantile(med,0.05), high = quantile(med,0.95)) %>%
mutate(group = "med")
dat2plot_2 <- list(dat_05_2, dat_50_2, dat_95_2)
dat2plot2_2 <- rbindlist(dat2plot_2)
dat2plot2_2$group <- as.factor(dat2plot2_2$group)
nm_plot <- melt(dat2plot2_2, id.vars=c("NTIM", "group"))
mycols <- c("#7fc97f", "#beaed4", "#fdc086")
ggplot() +
ggtitle("[IPRED, nrep=1000, STUD=2572] Lines and shade: mrgsolve, Points: nonmem") +
geom_line(data = mrg_plot,
aes(x = NTIM,
y = medn,
col = group),
size = 1.5) +
geom_ribbon(data = mrg_plot,
aes(x = NTIM,
fill = group),
alpha = 0.5) +
geom_point(data = nm_plot,
aes(x = NTIM,
y = value,
col = group),
size = 2) +
scale_color_manual(values = mycols, labels = c("5th", "50th", "95th"), name = "Percentile") +
scale_fill_manual(values = mycols, labels = c("5th", "50th", "95th"), name = "Percentile") +
theme(legend.text = element_text(size=20),
legend.title = element_text(size=20),
axis.text = element_text(size=20),
axis.title = element_text(size=20, face = "bold"),
plot.title = element_text(size=25, face = "bold")) +
xlab("Time (day)") +
# xlim(0, 25)#+ show certain time range
# scale_y_log10()
## calculate percentiles for each replication (pick a study to plot; use nominal time to plot)
mrg_dv <- c()
nm_dv <- c()
for (i in 1:1000) {
# mrg_sim <- mrg_reps[[i]]
mrg_sim_rep <- mrg_sim_band[mrg_sim_band$REP == i, ]
nm_sim_rep <- nm_sim_band[nm_sim_band$REP == i, ]
mrg_sum <-
mrg_sim_rep %>%
group_by(NTIM) %>%
summarise(med = median(DV), lo = quantile(DV,0.05), hi = quantile(DV,0.95)) %>%
mutate(rep = i)
nm_sum <-
nm_sim_rep %>%
group_by(NTIM) %>%
summarise(med = median(DV), lo = quantile(DV,0.05), hi = quantile(DV,0.95)) %>%
mutate(rep = i)
mrg_dv <- rbind(mrg_dv, mrg_sum)
nm_dv <- rbind(nm_dv, nm_sum)
if (i%%100 == 0) {
## [1] 100
## [1] 200
## [1] 300
## [1] 400
## [1] 500
## [1] 600
## [1] 700
## [1] 800
## [1] 900
## [1] 1000
Mrgsolve code
## ** mrgsolve ====
dat_05 <-
mrg_dv %>%
group_by(NTIM) %>%
summarise(medn = median(lo), low = quantile(lo,0.05), high = quantile(lo,0.95)) %>%
mutate(group = "lo")
dat_95 <-
mrg_dv %>%
group_by(NTIM) %>%
summarise(medn = median(hi), low = quantile(hi,0.05), high = quantile(hi,0.95)) %>%
mutate(group = "hi")
dat_50 <-
mrg_dv %>%
group_by(NTIM) %>%
summarise(medn = median(med), low = quantile(med,0.05), high = quantile(med,0.95)) %>%
mutate(group = "med")
dat2plot <- list(dat_05, dat_50, dat_95)
dat2plot2 <- rbindlist(dat2plot)
dat2plot2$group <- as.factor(dat2plot2$group)
mrg_plot <- dat2plot2
dat_05_2 <-
nm_dv %>%
group_by(NTIM) %>%
summarise(medn = median(lo), low = quantile(lo,0.05), high = quantile(lo,0.95)) %>%
mutate(group = "lo")
dat_95_2 <-
nm_dv %>%
group_by(NTIM) %>%
summarise(medn = median(hi), low = quantile(hi,0.05), high = quantile(hi,0.95)) %>%
mutate(group = "hi")
dat_50_2 <-
nm_dv %>%
group_by(NTIM) %>%
summarise(medn = median(med), low = quantile(med,0.05), high = quantile(med,0.95)) %>%
mutate(group = "med")
dat2plot_2 <- list(dat_05_2, dat_50_2, dat_95_2)
dat2plot2_2 <- rbindlist(dat2plot_2)
dat2plot2_2$group <- as.factor(dat2plot2_2$group)
nm_plot <- melt(dat2plot2_2, id.vars=c("NTIM", "group"))
mycols <- c("#7fc97f", "#beaed4", "#fdc086")
ggplot() +
ggtitle("[DV, nrep=1000, STUD=2572] Lines and shade: mrgsolve, Points: nonmem") +
geom_line(data = mrg_plot,
aes(x = NTIM,
y = medn,
col = group),
size = 1.5) +
geom_ribbon(data = mrg_plot,
aes(x = NTIM,
fill = group),
alpha = 0.5) +
geom_point(data = nm_plot,
aes(x = NTIM,
y = value,
col = group),
size = 2) +
scale_color_manual(values = mycols, labels = c("5th", "50th", "95th"), name = "Percentile") +
scale_fill_manual(values = mycols, labels = c("5th", "50th", "95th"), name = "Percentile") +
theme(legend.text = element_text(size=20),
legend.title = element_text(size=20),
axis.text = element_text(size=20),
axis.title = element_text(size=20, face = "bold"),
plot.title = element_text(size=25, face = "bold")) +
xlab("Time (day)") +
# xlim(0, 25)#+ show certain time range
# scale_y_log10()