1. All code is compiled by g++(GCC) 4.4.7, a standard c++ compiler. Header files (*.h) contain supplementary information for the following source files. gr.cpp is the source code fir calculating g(r) for a sample of children. Its input is Ubisense data in csv format: time, x,y,z. Its output is an ASCII formated file “gr.dat” of 2 columns, r and g(r). network.cpp is the source code generating the social tie network. Its input is Ubisense data in csv format: time, x,y,z. Its output is an ASCII format edge list ’net.dat” of 2 columns, which contains the ties between ID1 and ID2 (i.e., each child’s tie with every other child). transitivity.cpp is the source code measuring the transitivity of social tie network. Its input is net.dat. It outputs transitivity values for male, female, and hybrid on screen. Usage 1.Compile gr_output.cpp and xy_generator.cpp (e.g. generate step2.o and step1.o respectively); 2.Use xy_generator.cpp to get data from original datafile (e.g. "./step1.o MiamiLocation.2017-03-03_08-02-03-261.log" for Mac terminal); 3.Use gr_output.cpp to generate file for g(r) plot (e.g. "./step2.o”); 4.The file for g(r) plot will be named "gr_output.csv”.