w1 CDP (Collet Dickenson Pierce). Submission from CDP to the Health Committee House of CommonsC Gallaher briefs, 1996.
w2 Rothmans (Young adult smokers: smoking behaviour and lifestyles 1994-1997. UK Marketing Services, Oct, 1998.
w3 Musto Merriman Herring and Levy. Lambert and Butler characters discussion: Creative brief. 6 Jun, 1998.
w4 CDP (Collet Dickenson Pierce). Submission from CDP to the Health Committee House of CommonsC Gallaher memos, 1998.
w5 Miscellaneous/unreferenced documents.
w6 Rothmans (UK) Cigarette brand switching July 1996-June 1998: report. Consumer Research Department. Oct, 1998.
w7 Silk Cut 1998 planning day. Report, 1998.
w8 Market Trends. Silk Cut research, prepared for Gallaher. Nov, 1995.
w9 Calcraft Buck. Silk Cut Ultra: advertising research debrief. 8 May, 1997.
w10 Synergy Consulting. Analysis of values held by Silk Cut smokers. Presentation, 17 Jul, 1995.
w11 Rickards Karen. Motivations for competitor "lights": memo to Christine Barrass, Gallaher, 9 Jan, 1996.
w12 CDP (Collet Dickenson Pierce). Benson and Hedges: Creative brief, 8 Feb, 1995. Submission from CDP to Health Committee House of CommonsGallaher briefs, 1995.
w13 Roozeman Patrick. Silk Cut from a low price perspective: memo to Patrick Billson, Gallaher, 29 Jun, 1999.
w14 TBWA. Topline conclusions.
w15 CDP (Collet Dickenson Pierce). Submission from CDP to Health Committee House of CommonsGallaher letters, 1997.
w16 CDP (Collet Dickenson Pierce). Submission from the CDP to the Health Committee House of CommonsGallaher presentations, 1998. No 2.
w17 Rothmans (UK). Marlboro house press and posters: Creative brief, 12 Aug, 1996.
w18 Marketing Service. Tens Packs Report, Aug 1997.
w19 Colquhoun Associates. Brand equity check for Benson and Hedges in conjunction with exploration of the Gratis catalogue loyalty scheme: the qualitative research summary report prepared for Gallaher, Jun 1996.
w20 M&C Saatchi. Rugby League/Silk Cut: Creative brief, 26 Aug, 1997.
w21 M&C Saatchi. Whitbread Sponsorship/Silk Cut: Creative brief for Gallaher, 14 Oct, 1996.
w22 Marlboro proposal for ad and brand tracking. Prepared for Rothmans UK, Jun 1997.
w23 CDP (Collet Dickenson Pierce). Memo from Barry Jenner to Rupert Pyrah, 20 Jan, 1998. Submission from CDP to the Health Committee House of CommonsGallaher faxes, 1998.
w24 Market Trends. Renaissance Silk Grand Tour. Report prepared for Gallaher, Jul 1996.
w25 M&C Saatchi. Renaissance/Silk Cut: Creative brief, 7 May, 1996.
w26 SovereignResearch implications for advertising strategy: a discussion paper, 5 May, 1998.
w27 Gallaher New product Development. Potential areas for research: slides, 2 Oct, 1997.
w28 Lewis Mark. Internal memo to Ben Langdon.
w29 Silk Cut Challenge Cup Internet Site: Outline brief.
w30 The brief.
w31 CDP (Collet Dickenson Pierce). Benson and Hedges Special Filter: creative brief, 22 May, 1997. Submission from CDP to Health Committee House of CommonsGallaher briefs, 1997.
w32 CDP (Collet Dickenson Pierce). Advertising support for Gratis II catalogue agency recommendation. Submission from CDP to the Health Committee House of CommonsGallaher strategic analysis papers, 1995.
w33 M&C Saatchi. Final, 16 Aug, 1999.
w34 CDP (Collet Dickenson Pierce). Submission from CDP to Health Committee House of CommonsGallaher presentations, 1995. No 2.