Animalia Araneae Oonopidae WangXiaohanTongYanfengLiShuqiangFour new species of the genus Camptoscaphiella Caporiacco, 1934 (Araneae, Oonopidae) from Xizang, ChinaZookeys260720241208819810.3897/zookeys.1208.127725 2ED1307A-BD55-5620-BA97-EE67EFFA5F76 Camptoscaphiella Caporiacco, 1934Type species.

Camptoscaphiellafulva Caporiacco, 1934, by monotypy.


Males of this genus are similar to those of Opopaea Simon, 1892 in the extremely large, club-shaped palpal patella, but can be distinguished by the spination of the legs I–II (tibia I and II with four pairs of long spines, and metatarsus I and II with two pairs of long spines) vs. without spination; the cymbium not fused with the bulb vs. fused; and the reduced abdominal scuta vs. complete scuta. Females of this genus are similar to those of Ischnothyreus Simon, 1893, but can be separated by lacking the distinct, darkly sclerotized, strongly winding duct of endogyne and the uniquely shaped atrium.


China (Xizang, Yunnan), South Asia (Bhutan, India, Nepal, Pakistan, Sri Lanka), Southeast Asia (Thailand) and New Caledonia.