Animalia Araneae Oonopidae WangXiaohanTongYanfengLiShuqiangFour new species of the genus Camptoscaphiella Caporiacco, 1934 (Araneae, Oonopidae) from Xizang, ChinaZookeys260720241208819810.3897/zookeys.1208.127725 46B98DF7-F98D-58F5-8B0C-C9636C9B0323 Camptoscaphiella metok Tong & Lisp. nov.Figs 1, 2, 12Material examined.

Holotype China • ♂ (SYNU-1134); Xizang, Nyingchi, nr. Metok Co.; 29°19.382'N, 95°19.016'E, 980 m; 2.VIII.2013; Y. Lin leg.

Paratype: China • ♂ (SYNU-1135); same data as for holotype, Motuo Petrol Station; 22.IX.2013; Z. Gao leg.


This new species is similar to C.linyejiei Tong & Li, 2021, but can be distinguished by their normal-sized eyes (Fig. 1B, G) vs. reduced (Huang et al. 2021: fig. 4B, G); and the thread-like structure (tls) on the tip of the psemblous (Fig. 2G, H), vs. lacking; and having a plate-like process (Huang et al. 2021: fig. 5G, H).


Camptoscaphiellametok sp. nov., male holotype A, C, E habitus, dorsal, ventral and lateral views B, D, F, G prosoma, dorsal, ventral, lateral and anterior views, arrow shows the pointed anterolateral bumps. Scale bars: 0.4 mm (A–G).

Camptoscaphiellametok sp. nov., male left palp A, I prolateral view B, E bulb, prolateral and retrolateral views C, K dorsal view D, J retrolateral view F, G, H distal part of bulb, dorsal, prolateral and retrolateral views. Abbreviations: np = narrow process; rlf = retrolateral fold; tls = thread-like structure; vo = ventral outgrowth; wlo = wing-like outgrowth. Scale bars: 0.2 mm (A–E, I–K); 0.05 mm (F–H).

Male (holotype). Body: uniformly colored, yellow; habitus as in Fig. 1A, C, E; length 1.29. Carapace (Fig. 1B, F): 0.66 long, 0.54 wide; pars thoracica strongly elevated in lateral view, entire surface finely reticulated. Eyes (Fig. 1B, G): ALE: 0.05; PME: 0.04; PLE: 0.04; ALE circular, PME oval, PLE oval; posterior eye row procurved from both above and front; ALE separated by less than one radius. Clypeus (Fig. 1F, G): margin unmodified, straight in front view, sloping forward in lateral view. Mouthparts (Fig. 1D, G): chelicerae unmodified; anterior-median part of endites strongly sclerotized. Sternum (Fig. 1D): as long as wide, with pointed anterolateral bumps. Abdomen (Fig. 1A, C, E): 0.63 long, 0.34 wide; oval, scuta pale orange; dorsal scutum covering about 5/6 of abdomen length, about 3/4 of abdomen width, fused to epigastric scutum; postgastric scutum covering about 3/4 of abdominal venter. Palp (Fig. 2A–K): reddish brown; patella extremely long club-shaped, length/width = 3.04, about 5.6 times longer than femur, and 2.5 times longer than bulb; cymbium narrow (length/width = 1.68) in dorsal view; distal part of bulb with narrow process (np), broad ventral outgrowth (vo), a narrow wing-like outgrowth (wlo), a small retrolateral fold (rlf) and cluster of thread-like structure (tls).

Female. Unknown.


Seven species [C.glenniei (Fage, 1946) from India, C.martensi Baehr, 2010, C.panchthar Baehr, 2010, C.silens Brignoli, 1976, C.strepens Brignoli, 1976 and C.taplejung Baehr, 2010 from Nepal and C.gunsa Baehr, 2010 from India and Nepal] in adjacent areas are known only from females and this new species can be potentially conspecific with one of them.


The specific name refers to the type locality and is a noun in apposition.


Known only from the type locality.


Distribution records of four new species of the genus Camptoscaphiella from Xizang, China. 1. C.metok sp. nov. 2. C.shannan sp. nov. 3. C.trifoliata sp. nov. 4. C.zayu sp. nov.
HuangYBianDTongYLiS (2021) Two new species of the genus Camptoscaphiella from Yunnan, China (Araneae: Oonopidae).ZooKeys1052: 4353.