Animalia Hemiptera Miridae NamyatovaAnna A.DzhelaliPolina A.KonstantinovFedor V.Delimitation of the widely distributed Palearctic Stenodema species (Hemiptera, Heteroptera, Miridae): insights from molecular and morphological dataZookeys13082024120924529410.3897/zookeys.1209.124766 F03A6315-1EBE-5BD0-AD9F-2283DEBBE124 Stenodema virens (Linnaeus, 1767)Figs 1J, P, 2B, 5E–H, R, V, 7G–I, 10C, D, 11E–G Cimex virens Linnaeus, 1767: 730 (original description). Stenodema virens Reuter, 1904: 4 (comb. nov., key to species); Carvalho 1959: 307 (catalogue); Kerzhner and Jaczewski 1964: 958 (key to species); Wagner and Weber 1964: 94 (key to species); Wagner 1974: 112 (key to species); Muminov 1989: 127 (key to species); Vinokurov and Kanyukova 1995: 98 (key to species); Kerzhner and Josifov 1999: 196 (catalogue).7Diagnosis.

Body length in male 6.0–6.6, in female 6.1–7.1; frons protruding above clypeus base (as in Fig. 1C); labium reaching middle coxa, but not surpassing it (as in Fig. 1N); hind femur distinctly tapering towards apex, without spines (Fig. 2B), 6–8× as long as wide; hind tibia curved basally (as in Fig. 2I); swelling on propleura curved (as in Fig. 1H); antennal segment I length/head width ratio in male 1.0, in female 0.8–1.0; antennal segment I/pronotum length ratio 0.6–0.7 in male, 0.6–0.8 in female; antennal segment I not widened basally, its setae at base as dense as on other parts of this segment; setae in antennal segment I simple; antennal segment II length/head width ratio in male 2.4–2.6; groove on posterior part of mesopleuron absent (as in Fig. 1M); paired pits between calli absent (as in Fig. 1G); setae on posterior margin of hind femur denser than on other parts of femur, shorter than half of hind femur width (Fig. 2B); genital capsule only slightly longer than wide, acute apically, with outgrowth near left paramere socket (Fig. 5R); right paramere ~ 4× as long as wide, its apical part as wide as basal part, apical process bifurcate (Fig. 5E, G); right paramere with apical process acute in posterior view (Fig. 5Р), its sensory lobe swollen (Fig. 5F); vesica with four membranous lobes (Fig. 7G–I); membranous swelling on dorsal labiate plate not covering sclerotized rings (Fig. 10C); posterior wall with dorsal structure and sigmoid process between interramal lobes, dorsal structure rounded (Fig. 10D).


Digital images of habitus. S.pilosa. specimens previously identified as S.trispinosaA ♂ ZISP_ENT 00004882 B ♀ ZISP_ENT 00004886 C Lectotype of BrachytropispilosaD labels attached to the lectotype. S.calcarataE ♂ ZISP_ENT 00004876 F ♀ ZISP_ENT 00004864. S.laevigataG ♂ ZISP_ENT 00004921 H ♀ ZISP_ENT 00004923.

Female genitalia. S.turanica. ZISP_ENT 00002735 A dorsal labiate plate E posterior wall of bursa copulatrix. S.sibirica. ZISP_ENT 00003679 B posterior wall of bursa copulatrix F dorsal labiate plate. S.virens ZISP_ENT 00002732 C posterior wall of bursa copulatrix D dorsal labiate plate.

Stenodemavirens is widely distributed in Europe, the Near East, and the Caucasus, extending eastwards to Yakutia, Buryatia, Mongolia, and northern China (Kerzhner and Josifov 1999).


Digital images of habitus. S.turanicaA ♂ ZISP_ENT 00004938 B ♂ ZISP_ENT 00004937 C ♀. ZISP_ENT 00004935 D ♀. ZISP_ENT 00004953. S.virensE ♂ ZISP_ENT 00004898 F ♂ ZISP_ENT 00004897 G ♀. ZISP_ENT 00004894. S.holsataH ♂ ZISP_ENT 00004903 I ♀ ZISP_ENT 00004907.

Digital images of habitus. S.algoviensisA ♂ ZISP_ENT 00004951 B ♀ ZISP_ENT 00004950. S.rubrinervisC ♂ ZISP_ENT 00004941 D ♀ ZISP_ENT 00004960. S.sibiricaE ♂ ZISP_ENT 00004919 F ♀ ZISP_ENT 00004928 G ♀ ZISP_ENT 00004929.

Inflated vesica. S.sibirica vesica with long ridge ZISP_ENT 00003617 A dorsal view B left lateral view C ventral lateral view; vesica with short ridge ZISP_ENT 00003620 D dorsal view E left lateral view F ventral lateral view.

Phylogeny obtained using the Bayesian inference based on the COI dataset, part 1. The supports are provided above the branches. The numbers on the left correspond to PP, the numbers on the right correspond to BS obtained with RAxML. The color stripes correspond to the results of the species delimitation analyses in the following order: ABGD, GMYC, bPTP, PTP.

Phylogeny obtained using the Bayesian inference based on the COI dataset, part 2. The supports are provided above the branches. The numbers on the left correspond to PP, the numbers on the right correspond to BS obtained with RAxML. The color stripes correspond to the results of the species delimitation analyses in the following order: ABGD, GMYC, bPTP, PTP.

Phylogeny obtained using the Bayesian inference based on the full dataset dataset, part 1. The supports are provided above the branches. The numbers on the left correspond to PP, the numbers on the right correspond to BS obtained with RAxML. The color stripes correspond to the results of the species delimitation analyses in the following order: BPP, GMYC, bPTP, PTP.

Phylogeny obtained using the Bayesian inference based on the full dataset, part 2. The supports are provided above the branches. The numbers on the left correspond to PP, the numbers on the right correspond to BS obtained with RAxML. The color stripes correspond to the results of the species delimitation analyses in the following order: BPP, GMYC, bPTP, PTP.

Phylogeny obtained using the Bayesian inference based on the reduced dataset. The supports are provided above the branches. The numbers on the left correspond to PP, the numbers on the right correspond to BS obtained with RAxML. The color stripes correspond to the results of the species delimitation analyses in the following order: BPP, GMYC, bPTP, PTP.

Phylogeny obtained using the Bayesian inference based on the 16S rRNA dataset. The supports are provided above the branches. The numbers on the left correspond to PP, the number on the right correspond to BS obtained with RAxML. The color stripes correspond to the results of the species delimitation analyses in the following order: ABGD, GMYC, bPTP, PTP.

SEM images. S.pilosaA head, anterior view. ZISP_ENT 00009372 G head and pronotum, dorsal view, ZISP_ENT 00009372 Q hind tarsus, ZISP_ENT 00009386. S.turanicaB head, anterior view, ZISP_ENT 00004934 C head, lateral view, ZISP_ENT 00004934. S.holsataD pretarsus, dorsal view, ZISP_ENT 00013676 F head and pronotum, dorsal view, ZISP_ENT 00007905. S.calcarataE head and pronotum, dorsal view, ZISP_ENT 00007331 I head and pronotum, lateral view, ZISP_ENT 00013671 L thoracic pleura, ZISP_ENT 00007386 N labium, ZISP_ENT 00007382. S.laevigataH head and pronotum, lateral view, ZISP_ENT 00005650 K thoracic pleura, ZISP_ENT 00007921 O labium, ZISP_ENT 00013673. S.virensJ scutellum, clavus. and corium, ZISP_ENT 00003645 P cuneus and membrane, ZISP_ENT 00003645. S.sibiricaM thoracic pleura, ZISP_ENT 00004930.

SEM images. S.calcarataA hind femur, ZISP_ENT 00007331 G pretarsus ventrally, ZISP_ENT 00013668 J hind tibia, ZISP_ENT 00007331. S.virensB hind femur, ZISP_ENT 00003645. S.turanicaC hind femur, ZISP_ENT 00004938 I hind tibia, ZISP_ENT 00004938. S.pilosaD hind femur, ZISP_ENT 00009371. S.laevigataE hind femur, ZISP_ENT 00006444. S.sibiricaF hind femur, ZISP_ENT 00003705. S.holsataH hind femur, ZISP_ENT 00013674.

Male genitalia. S.laevigata. ZISP_ENT 00002699 A right paramere, dorsal view B left paramere, dorsal view C right paramere, posterior view D left paramere. posterior view Q genital capsule, dorsal view. S.virens. ZISP_ENT 00003616 E right paramere, dorsal view F left paramere, dorsal view G right paramere, posterior view H left paramere, posterior view R genital capsule V theca. S.calcarata. ZISP_ENT 00002712 I right paramere, dorsal view J left paramere, dorsal view K right paramere, posterior view L left paramere, posterior view T genital capsule. S.holsata. ZISP_ENT 00003625 I right paramere, dorsal view J left paramere, dorsal view K right paramere, posterior view L left paramere, posterior view S theca; ZISP_ENT 00002803 T genital capsule.

Inflated vesica, S.laevigata, ZISP_ENT 00002699 A dorsal view B left lateral view C ventral lateral view. S.turanica, ZISP_ENT 00003618 D dorsal view E left lateral view F ventral lateral view. S.virens, ZISP_ENT 00003616 G dorsal view H ventral view I left lateral view.

For more references and a list of synonyms see Carvalho (1959), Schuh (1995), and Kerzhner and Josifov (1999).

CarvalhoJCM (1959) A catalogue of the Miridae of the world. Part IV.Arquivos do Museu Nacional, Rio de Janeiro48: 1384.KerzhnerIMJaczewskiTL (1964) Family Isometopidae. Family Miridae (Capsidae). In: Bei-Bienko GY (Ed.) Keys to the Insects of the European part of the USSR 1, Nauka, Moskova and Leningrad, 700–765 [In Russian].WagnerEWeberHH (1964) Héteroptères Miridae.“MDUL” In “MDNM”: Faune de France67: 1592.WagnerE (1974) Die Miridae Hahn, 1831, des Mitelmeerraumes und der Makaronesischen Inseln (Hemiptera, Heteroptera). Teil. 1. Entomologische Abhandlungen 37 (Supplement): 1–484. (1989) Species of the genus Stenodema (Heteroptera: Miridae) from the USSR and Mongolia.Insects of Mongolia10: 126135. [in Russian]VinokurovNNKanyukovaEV (1995) Heteroptera of Siberia.Nauka, Novosibirsk, 238 pp. [in Russian]KerzhnerIMJosifovM (1999) Cimicomorpha II. In: Aukema B, Rieger C (Eds) Catalogue of the Heteroptera of the Palearctic Region, Vol.3, Amsterdam, Netherlands Entomological Society, 577 pp.