Fungi Hoforsales Hoforsaceae TedersooLehoMagurnoFrancoAlkahtaniSaadMikryukovVladimirPhylogenetic classification of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi: new species and higher-ranking taxa in Glomeromycota and Mucoromycota (class Endogonomycetes)MycoKeys0908202410727332510.3897/mycokeys.107.125549 2025C719-6EB2-5F88-82D3-678705158197 Hoforsa rebekkae 853571 Tedersoosp. nov.Diagnosis.

Separation from other species of Hoforsa based on the ITS region (ITS2 positions 108–127 ggratcycccgaggtgtgaaac; one mismatch allowed) and LSU (positions 546–565 ctcctggtgctctcacccgt; no mismatch allowed) as indicated in Fig. 4.


Diagnostic barcodes for Hoforsarebekkae relative to closely-related taxa in ITS2 and LSU.

Soil eDNA sample: TUE128830 (holotype); eDNA sequence EUK1100001 (lectotype); Pinussylvestris forest near Hofors, Sweden (60.49°N, 16.30°E).


Other sequences: EUK1104560 (type locality); OU004104 (San Francisco, Ecuador, root sample); and KP889387 and KP889486 (both coniferous forest soil in British Columbia, Canada).


Hofors (Swedish) refers to type locality; and Rebekka (Scotch) refers to the first name Rebekka Artz who was the first to collect materials from this genus.


Found from three sites across three continents, with ITS sequences differing up to 3.5% and LSU sequences up to 0.5%.