Fungi Diversisporales Gigasporaceae TedersooLehoMagurnoFrancoAlkahtaniSaadMikryukovVladimirPhylogenetic classification of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi: new species and higher-ranking taxa in Glomeromycota and Mucoromycota (class Endogonomycetes)MycoKeys0908202410727332510.3897/mycokeys.107.125549 C73638C5-35FF-5D57-8DD7-7EAC3C32C667 Fuscutata cerradensis 853547 (Spain & J. Miranda) Tedersoo & Magurnocomb. nov. Scutellospora cerradensis Spain & J. Miranda, Mycotaxon 60: 130 (1996). Basionym. Dentiscutata cerradensis Sieverd., F.A.Souza & Oehl, Mycotaxon 106: 342 (2009). Synonym.Description.

See Spain and Miranda (1996).


Fuscutatacerradensis differs from other species of the Fuscutata by spore wall ornamentation, three-walled spores and dark-pigmented multilobed germinal shield produced in the inner wall. Phylogenetically forms a monophyletic clade with F.heterogama - the type species of genus - based on the SSU-ITS-LSU phylogram (Fig. 1, Suppl. material 1).


The new combination invites an amendment of genus Fuscutata to accommodate species with dark, multilobed germinal shields. However, we decided not to prepare an amendment for Fuscutata because the genus Dentiscutata, their close relative, requires additional information to confirm their status, supported only in the LSU sequence of D.nigra.


Phylogenetic position of genera and genus-level groups of Glomeromycota based on Maximum Likelihood analysis of SSU-ITS-LSU sequences. The clades are collapsed, with the number of sequences included in parentheses. Question marks above branches indicate low ultra-rapid bootstrap support (< 95). Orders are highlighted in different colours. For the genus Entrophospora, the so-called S-type reads (VanKuren et al. 2013) were included for comparison. The uncollapsed phylogram is given in Suppl. material 1.

Maximum Likelihood phylogram indicating phylogenetic relationships amongst Glomeromycota based on SSU-ITS-LSU sequences

pdf dataset is made available under the Open Database License ( The Open Database License (ODbL) is a license agreement intended to allow users to freely share, modify, and use this Dataset while maintaining this same freedom for others, provided that the original source and author(s) are credited.Leho Tedersoo, Franco Magurno, Saad Alkahtani, Vladimir Mikryukov
SpainJLMirandaJD (1996) Glomusbrasilianum: An ornamented species in the Glomaceae. Mycotaxon 60: 137–142.VanKurenNWden BakkerHCMortonJBPawlowskaTE (2013) Ribosomal RNA gene diversity, effective population size, and evolutionary longevity in asexual Glomeromycota.Evolution67(1): 207224.