Fungi Ruuales Ruuaceae TedersooLehoMagurnoFrancoAlkahtaniSaadMikryukovVladimirPhylogenetic classification of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi: new species and higher-ranking taxa in Glomeromycota and Mucoromycota (class Endogonomycetes)MycoKeys0908202410727332510.3897/mycokeys.107.125549 857DC242-41B5-5BCD-9ACA-B042FC3E784D Ruua coralieae 853619 Tedersoosp. nov.Diagnosis.

Separation from other species of Ruua based on the ITS region (positions 217–243 gaaaaaaaaagaaaggaaagaaaaggt; one mismatch allowed) and LSU (positions 470–489 tagtgcacttgctttcgcac; no mismatch allowed) as indicated in Fig. 15.


Diagnostic barcodes for Ruuacoralieae relative to closely-related taxa in ITS2 and LSU.

eDNA sample TUE101598 (holotype); eDNA sequence EUK1603424; GSMc plot G4464, Quercusrobur forest (soil sample TUE101598) in Ruu, Estonia, 59.45059°N, 25.22166°E.


Other sequences: EUK1602853 and EUK1600135 (type locality); EUK1604050 (GSMc plot G5002, Tilia-Quercus forest soil in Naissaar, Estonia, 59.57530°N, 24.53590°E); and EUK1604051 (GSMc plot S480, Populus-Picea forest soil in Käru, Estonia, 58.80407°N, 25.22249°E).


Ruu (Estonian) refers to type locality; and Coralie (French) refers to the first name of Coralie Damon, who collected the first materials belonging to this genus.


Found from three sites in Estonia, with ITS and LSU sequences displaying up to 0.3% differences.