Fungi Endogonales Endogonaceae TedersooLehoMagurnoFrancoAlkahtaniSaadMikryukovVladimirPhylogenetic classification of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi: new species and higher-ranking taxa in Glomeromycota and Mucoromycota (class Endogonomycetes)MycoKeys0908202410727332510.3897/mycokeys.107.125549 794A3239-8DBB-56F1-832D-0144835F524F Endogonales 90720 Jacz. & P.A.Jacz., emend. TedersooType family.

Endogonaceae Paol.


Fruiting body hypogeous or on debris, globose, irregular, sometimes resupinate, 1–10 mm in diam., may be composed of aggregated zygosporangial clusters, with zygospores formed on apposed suspensors. Hyphae of fruiting body tissue coenocytic, aseptate, sometimes with secondary septa that form micropores. Reproductive structures as zygosporangia, rarely azygosporangia (co-existing with zygosporangia in Endogonepisiformis) or chlamydospores (in Vinositunica), distributed randomly or radially in fruiting bodies, 100–700 μm diam., with yellow granular contents. Zygosporangial wall comprises outer sporangiothecium with 1–4 openings and inner eusporium with no openings. Azygosporangia rare, with a single-layered wall and separated from the single suspensor by a gametangial septum. Chlamydospore wall continuous, multilayered, with dense subtending hyphae, lacking septa. Forms a monophyletic group in Endogonomycetes as the least inclusive clade covering accessions EUK1601498, EUK1100757, LC002628, LC431107, EUK1104693 and UDB025468.


Includes taxa with or without fruiting bodies and with ectomycorrhizal, arbuscular mycorrhizal and saprotrophic lifestyles. Endogonales harbours Endogonaceae, Jimgerdemanniaceae and Vinositunicaceae families, as well as seven potentially family-level taxa, collectively comprising >200 species based on ITS and LSU sequences. Order description is adapted from Morton and Benny (1990) and Yamamoto et al. (2020).

MortonJBBennyGL (1990) Revised classification of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (Zygomycetes): A new order, Glomales, two new suborders, Glomineae and Gigasporineae, and two new families, Acaulosporaceae and Gigasporaceae, with an emendation of Glomaceae. Mycotaxon 37: 471–491.YamamotoKDegawaYYamadaA (2020) Taxonomic study of Endogonaceae in the Japanese islands: New species of Endogone, Jimgerdemannia, and Vinositunica, gen. nov.Mycologia112(2): 309328.