Urbanek et al. 10.1073/pnas.0500169102.

Supporting Information

Files in this Data Supplement:

Supporting Figure 7
Supporting Table 1
Supporting Figure 8
Supporting Table 2
Supporting Materials and Methods
Supporting Figure 9
Supporting Figure 10
Supporting Figure 11
Supporting Figure 12
Supporting Figure 13
Supporting Figure 14
Supporting Figure 15
Supporting Figure 16
Supporting Figure 17
Supporting Figure 18

Supporting Figure 7

Fig. 7. Infarct size and sampling procedures. See Materials and Methods for details.

Supporting Figure 8

Fig. 8.

Myocardial infarction and CSCs. (AC) Three clusters of c-kit-positive CSCs (green, arrows), located in proximity of acute infarcts, are shown. The infarcted myocardium (MI) is apparent in B. Myocytes are labeled by a-sarcomeric actin (red) and nuclei by DAPI (blue). (Scale bars: 10 mm.)

Supporting Figure 9

Fig. 9.

Sca-1-like protein. (A) The identification of Sca-1-like protein in the rat, dog, and human heart (H), human cardiac endothelial cells (EC), human peripheral blood cells (PB), human bone marrow (BM), and HUVEC is shown. Mouse heart (H), kidney (K), and spleen (S) were used as positive controls. (B) The detection of Sca-1-like positive cells (yellow; arrows) in the human bone marrow is illustrated. Nuclei are stained by propidium iodide (blue). (Scale bars: 10 mm.)

Supporting Figure 10

Fig. 10.

Optical density of biochemical parameters. (A) The optical density (OD) is shown for telomerase (TERT), TERT activity, Akt, phospho-Akt, and Akt-activity on human TERT substrate. (B) The OD of TRF-1, TRF-2, DNA-PKcs, Ku86, Ku70, and full-length and cleaved poly-ADP ribose polymerase (PARP) is shown. (C) The OD of p53, phospho-p53, p21Cip1, p27Kip1, p14ARF, p16INK4a, and Bmi-1 is shown. Results are indicated as mean ± SD. *, difference (P < 0.05) from controls (C).

Supporting Figure 11

Fig. 11.

CSC senescence. Calculated are the fraction of CSCs expressing p16INK4a. *, difference (P < 0.05) vs. controls (C); †, difference between acute MI and chronic MI.

Supporting Figure 12

Fig. 12.

CSCs and telomere length. Telomere length in CSCs is shifted to the left to shorter telomeres in chronic MI. The filled portion of the bars corresponds to p16INK4a and/or p53-positive CSCs; they increase in acute and chronic infarcts but more dramatically in chronic infarcts.

Supporting Figure 13

Fig. 13.

CSC death. Calculated are the fraction of CSCs undergoing apoptosis. *, difference (P < 0.05) vs. controls (C); **, difference between the border and remote myocardium in acute MI. †, difference between acute MI and chronic MI.

Supporting Figure 14

Fig. 14.

CSC in mitosis. (A) Example of a c-kit-positive CSC (green) in metaphase labeled by Ki67 (yellow) is shown at higher magnification in BG. Metaphase chromosomes are illustrated at two optical levels of sectioning (B and C). The corresponding localization of Ki67 (yellow) on the surface of the chromosomes is depicted in D and E. The merge of metaphase chromosomes, Ki67 and c-kit, is documented in F and G. Myocytes are labeled by a -sarcomeric actin (red) and nuclei by DAPI (blue). (Scale bars: 10 m m.)

Supporting Figure 15

Fig. 15.

Lineage commitment of CSCs. (A and B) A single SMC precursor positive for c-kit (green), GATA-6 in nuclei (white dots), and a -smooth muscle actin (red in B) is shown. (CF) An EC progenitor (C and D) and an EC precursor (E and F) are illustrated. Both cells express c-kit (green), Ets1 (yellow), and flk1 (magenta in F). AD, acute infarcts; E and F, chronic infarcts. (Scale bars: 10 m m.)

Supporting Figure 16

Fig. 16.

Newly formed coronary arterioles. (A) A small forming arteriole with SMCs (a -smooth muscle actin, red) that contains red blood cells (yellow) is shown. Dispersed individual SMCs (red, arrows) are also seen. GATA-6 (white dots) is present in SMC nuclei. (B) Several newly formed arterioles expressing a-smooth muscle actin (red) and von Willebrand factor (green) are illustrated. Dispersed individual ECs (green, arrows) are also seen. Nuclei are labeled by DAPI (blue). (Scale bars: 10 mm.)

Supporting Figure 17

Fig. 17.

Vascular progenitors and precursors. *, difference (P < 0.05) vs. controls (C); **, difference between the border and remote myocardium in acute MI. †, difference between acute and chronic MI.

Supporting Figure 18

Fig. 18.

Myocyte regeneration within the infarcted myocardium. (A and B) Small developing myocytes within the infarct are positive for telomerase (magenta in A), MCM5 (white in A) and MEF2C (yellow in B) in the nuclei, and connexin 43 (green, arrowheads in B) in the plasmamembrane. (Scale bars: 10 mm.)

Table 1. Patient population



No. of patients


Age, years

Sex (male/


Duration of the disease


size, %



60 ± 20


Acute myocardial infarction


62 ± 13


6 ± 3 days

34 ± 6

End-stage postinfarction

ischemic cardiomyopathy


56 ± 7


69 ± 45 months

23 ± 7

4, 6, and 6 control, acute, and chronic samples, respectively, used in previous studies were included (1, 2). Control hearts and hearts with acute infarcts were collected 10–20 hours after death. Samples from the heart of patients who underwent cardiac transplantation were processed immediately after cardiectomy. Specimens were fixed in formalin or frozen in liquid nitrogen.


1. Kajstura, J., Leri, A., Finato, N., Di Loreto, C., Beltrami, C. A. & Anversa, P. (1998) Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 95, 8801–8805.


2. Beltrami, A. P., Urbanek, K., Kajstura, J., Yan, S. M., Finato, N., Bussani, R., Nadal-Ginard, B., Silvestri, F., Leri, A., Beltrami, C. A., et al.. (2001) N. Engl. J. Med. 344, 1750–1757.

Table 2. Cell markers, function, and antibody labeling

Cell markers


Antibody labeling

1. CSC epitopes


Stem cell factor receptor

Conjugated primary Ab


ABC cassette transporter

Conjugated primary Ab


Adhesion molecule

Conjugated primary Ab

2. Transcription factors of cardiac cell lineages


Differentiation of cardiac cells

Conjugated primary Ab


Differentiation of cardiomyocytes

Conjugated primary Ab


Regulator of Nkx2.5

Conjugated primary Ab


Differentiation of VSMCs

Conjugated primary Ab


Differentiation of ECs

Conjugated primary Ab


Differentiation of ECs

Conjugated primary Ab

3. Structural proteins of cardiac cell lineages


Intermediate filament of immature cells

Primary/secondary Ab


Intermediate filament of muscle cells

Primary/secondary Ab


-sarcomeric actin

Contractile protein of cardiomyocytes

Primary/secondary Ab

Cardiac myosin

Contractile protein of cardiomyocytes

Primary/secondary Ab

Connexin 43

Electrical coupling

Primary/secondary Ab


Mechanical coupling

Primary/secondary Ab


-SM actin

Contractile protein of VSMCs

Primary/secondary Ab


&#946;1 receptor

VSMC receptor

Primary/secondary Ab


VEGF2 receptor in ECs

Primary/secondary Ab


Adhesion molecule of ECs

Primary/secondary Ab

Von Willebrand Factor

Factor VIII receptor in ECs

Primary/secondary Ab


Intermediate filament in ECs and Fs

Primary/secondary Ab

4. Hematopoietic markers


Differentiation of blood cells

Conjugated primary Ab


Differentiation of blood cells

Conjugated primary Ab


HSC/EC antigen

Conjugated primary Ab


Pan-myeloid marker

Conjugated primary Ab


T lymphocyte subset marker

Conjugated primary Ab


T lymphocyte subset marker

Conjugated primary Ab


B lymphocyte marker

Conjugated primary Ab

Glycophorin A

Erythroid marker

Conjugated primary Ab


CSC, cardiac stem cells; VSMCs, vascular smooth muscle cells; ECs, endothelial cells; Fs, fibroblasts; HSC, hematopoietic stem cells; Ab, antibody.