Supporting Text

Synthesis of l-[1,2,3-13C3]dopa.

l-[1,2,3-13C3]dopa was synthesized from [U-13C6]glucose based on published methods of Yamada et al. (1, 2) and Lee et al. (3). Pure l-[1,2,3-13C3]dopa hydrochloride was obtained in 30% yield.

Synthesis of (R,S)-[1,3-13C2,6-O-13CH3]Coclaurine.

The synthesis of (R,S)-[1,2-13C2,6-O-13CH3]coclaurine was achieved according to published methods (5–9) with slight modifications, yielding pure (R,S)-[1,3-13C2,6-O-13CH3]coclaurine) (88%). Mass spectra (25 eV) m/z 289 [M + H]+, 272 [M + H – NH3]+, 178 [a fragment ion of isoquinoline moiety]; isotopic distribution of 13C-labeled coclaurine: 0.1% [13C0], 0.6% [13C1], 0.3% [13C2], and 99.0% [13C3].

Synthesis of (R)- and (S)-[1,3,4-D3]Norlaudanosoline.

(R)- and (S)-[1,3,4-D3]norlaudanosoline were synthesized from papaverine hydrochloride (500 mg; 1.4 mmol) according to the methods of Rice and Brossi (10), Schönenberger and Brossi (11), and Clezy et al. (12), yielding optically pure (S)-[1,3,4-D3]norlaudanosoline (49%) and (R)-[1,3,4-D3]norlaudanosoline (43%). Mass spectra (25 eV) m/z 391 [M + H]+, 274 [M + H – NH3]+, 167 [a fragment ion of isoquinoline moiety]; isotopic distribution of 2H-labeled (S)-norlaudanosoline, 2.0% [2H0], 0.3% [2H1], 8.3% [2H2], 85.7% [2H3], and 3.6% [2H4]; and of 2H-labeled (R)-norlaudanosoline, 4.6% [2H0], 0.8% [2H1], 12.5% [2H2], 81.1% [2H3], and 0.9% [2H4].

Synthesis of (R)- and (S)-[N-C2H3]Reticuline.

(R)- and (S)-[N-C2H3]reticuline were enzymatically synthesized from unlabeled (R)- and (S)-norreticuline, respectively, by action of S-adenosylmethionine synthetase (from Escherichia coli DM 25 pkA8) and N-methyltransferase (from His-tagged recombinant E. coli) (13). Optically pure (R)-[N-C2H3]reticuline and (S)-[N-C2H3]reticuline were obtained in 93% and 97% yield, respectively. Mass spectra (25 eV) m/z 333 [M + H]+, 299 [M + H – C2H3NH2]+; isotopic distribution of 2H-labeled (R)-reticuline, 0.1% [2H0], 0.2% [2H1], 0.5% [2H2], 99.0% [2H3], and 0.3% [2H4]; and of 2H-labeled (S)-reticuline, 0.4% [2H0], 0.5% [2H1], 0.5% [2H2], 98.0% [2H3], and 0.6% [2H4].

Synthesis of [N-C2H3]1,2-Dehydroreticulinium Ion.

[N-C2H3]1,2-dehydroreticuline was synthesized according to the method of Borkowski et al. (9) starting from 3-benzyloxy-N-[b -(4-benzyloxy-3-methoxyphenyl)ethyl]-4-methoxyphenylacetamide. Pure [N-C2H3]1,2-dehydroreticulinium ion was obtained in 42% yield. Mass spectra (40 eV) m/z 331 [M + H]+, 312 [M + H – C2H3]+, 284 [M + H – C2H3NH2]+; and isotopic distribution of 2H-labeled 1,2-dehydroreticulinium ion, 1.0% [2H0], 0.6% [2H1], 2.0% [2H2], 96.0% [2H3], and 0.4% [2H4].

Synthesis of [7-2H]Salutaridinol and [7-2H]Episalutaridinol.

[7-2H]Salutaridinol and 7-[7-2H]episalutaridinol were synthesized from salutaridine (1 g; 3 mmol) according to the published method of Lotter et al. (14). The diastereomeric products (a mixture of salutaridinol and episalutaridinol) were obtained in 96%. The [7-2H]salutaridinol was further separated from its isomer by column chromatography [silica gel G60; 15 ´ 3 cm inside diameter, solvent system chloroform/acetone/diethylamine, 5/4/1 (vol/vol/vol)]. The [7-2H]salutaridinol was eluted first, followed by [7-2H]episalutaridinol. The crystalline [7-2H]salutaridinol was obtained in 40% yield, whereas the oily [7-2H]episalutaridinol was obtained in 38%. Mass spectra (30 eV) m/z 331 [M + H]+, 242 [M + H –CH2CHN(H)CH3-CH3OH]+; and isotopic distribution of 2H-labeled [7-2H]salutaridinol, 2.5% [2H0], 94% [2H1], and 3.5% [2H2]; and of [7-2H]episalutaridinol, 1.5% [2H0], 95% [2H1], and 3.5% [2H2].

Synthesis of [7-2H,N-C2H3]Oripavine.

[7-2H,N-C2H3]Oripavine was synthesized from [7-2H]northebaine. [7-2H]Northebaine (200 mg; 0.67 mmol) was N-methylated by using the published standard method (15). [7-2H,N-C2H3]Thebaine was further converted to [7-2H,N-C2H3]oripavine by action of an NADPH-dependent enzyme from pig liver microsomes (16, 17). Pure [7-2H,N-C2H3]oripavine was obtained in 16% yield. Mass spectra m/z 302 [M + H]+, 268 [M + H – C2H3NH2]+, and 61 [CH3CHN(H)C2H3]+; and isotopic distribution of 2H-labeled oripavine, 0.1% [2H0], 0.2% [2H1], 0.3% [2H2], 30.3% [2H3], 69% [2H4], and 0.1% [2H5].

Synthesis of [6-2H]Codeine.

[6-2H]Codeine was synthesized by the reduction of unlabeled codeinone with NaB2H4 by using the standard method as described above (synthesis of [7-2H]salutaridinol). Pure [6-2H]codeine was obtained in 80% yield: Mass spectra m/z 301 [M + H]+, 58 [CH3CHN(H)C2H3]+; isotopic distribution of 2H-labeled codeine, 0.1% [2H0], 99.0% [2H1], and 0.9% [2H2].

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