Animalia Amphipoda Lysianassidae WhiteKristine N.Caribbean Amphipoda (Crustacea) of Panama. Part III: parvorder LysianassidiraZookeys24102024121614917110.3897/zookeys.1216.135258 27430BDD-E897-5EF0-8041-A84237D7079E Lysianopsis ozona Lowry & Stoddart, 1997Figs 5, 10E Lysianopsis ozona Lowry & Stoddart, 1997: 87–91, figs 40–42.Material examined.

Panama • 3.2–8.5 mm • 2 ♀; Bocas del Toro, Bastamientos; depth 0–1 m, mangrove scrapings; 1 Aug 2005; T.A. Haney leg.; GCRL 6656. • 2 ♂; Bocas del Toro, Hospital Bight; 9.3045°N, 82.3160°W; depth 1.5 m, among coral rubble; 7 Aug 2005; T.A. Haney leg.; GCRL 6657 • 1 ♀; Bocas del Toro, Marina Bocas; depth 0–1 m, associated with Phallusianigra ascidian; 5 June 2009; R. Rocha leg.; GCRL 6658 • 1 ♂; Bocas del Toro, Isla Solarte; 9.2901°N, 82.1897°W; depth 1–5 m, associated with solitary ascidian; 8 Aug 2021; K.N. White leg.; USNM 1739778.


Epistome concave, subequal to upper lip. Gnathopod 1 propodus posterodistal margin straight; not sexually dimorphic. Uropod 3 peduncle length approximately 1.5 × width; outer ramus 2-articulate. Telson apical margin slightly truncate, apical margin with four short setae medially.


USA: Eastern Gulf of Mexico (Lowry and Stoddart 1997); Panama: Bocas del Toro (present study).

Ecology and remarks.

These amphipods are associated with sand, coral rubble, and various invertebrates at depths of 0–29 m. Panamanian specimens agree closely with the description provided by Lowry and Stoddart (1997). This species is easily recognizable by the concave epistome and the short uropod 3 peduncle and 2-articulate outer ramus. Panamanian specimens have an orange-brown coloration with white stripes along the pereonite edges when alive.


Lysianopsisozona, male, 3.2 mm, head, upper lip, and epistome, uropod 2, uropod 3, gnathopod 1 lateral; male, 6.5 mm, maxilla 2, telson. Scale bars: 0.5 mm.

Photographs of live specimens unless noted AArugaholmesi (ethanol preserved specimen) BBonassabonairensisCConcarnesconcavusDLysianopsishummelinckiELysianopsisozona. Scale bars: 1.0 mm.
LowryJKStoddartHE (1997) AmphipodaCrustacea IV. Families Aristiidae, Cyphocarididae, Endevouridae, Lysianassidae, Scopelocheiridae, Uristidae.Memoirs of the Hourglass Cruises10: 1148.