Note: Report input files

This report has been generated using the below files, if you are missing any samples please add the summary statistics CSV into the ./analysis/ directory and re-run this script.
## [1] "analysis/CONCOCT_mag_qual_statistics.csv"  
## [2] "analysis/DAS_tool_mag_qual_statistics.csv" 
## [3] "analysis/BinSanity_mag_qual_statistics.csv"
## [4] "analysis/MetaWRAP_mag_qual_statistics.csv" 
## [5] "analysis/MetaBAT2_mag_qual_statistics.csv"

Overall bin quality

Table 1: Overall MAG quality of CONCOCT, DAS_tool, BinSanity, MetaWRAP, MetaBAT2 and total number of MAGs generated by each method.

Binning comparison

Figure 1: Total number of bases and contigs binned for CONCOCT, DAS_tool, BinSanity, MetaWRAP, MetaBAT2

Figure 2: Distribution of the completeness and contamination of CONCOCT, DAS_tool, BinSanity, MetaWRAP, MetaBAT2.

Additional plots

N50 length

Figure 3: Distribution of the the N50 lengths (bp) of the bins generated by CONCOCT, DAS_tool, BinSanity, MetaWRAP, MetaBAT2.

Total length

Figure 4: Distribution of the the length (bp) of the bins generated by CONCOCT, DAS_tool, BinSanity, MetaWRAP, MetaBAT2.

Number of tRNAs encoded

Figure 5: Distribution of the the number of unique tRNA sequences (/20) extracted in the bins generated by CONCOCT, DAS_tool, BinSanity, MetaWRAP, MetaBAT2.

Metadata tables




