e-cienciaDatos: "readme" form ------------------- GENERAL INFORMATION ------------------- 1. Title of dataset: Comoros Nutrients Composition Table (Comoros_NCT) 2. Contact Principal Investigator Contact Information Name: Estefanía Custodio Institution: National Centre for Tropical Diseases (CNMT), Carlos III Health Institute (ISCIII), Madrid, 28029 CIBER Infectious diseases, Carlos III Health Institute (ISCIII); Madrid, 28029 Email:ecustodio@isciii.es ORCID:http://orcid.org/0000-0002-5514-3151 3. Description of the project: In order to estimate the nutrients consumption from the food consumption module of the EHCVM (Section 7B), each of the food items reported in that module is matched with a food item in the Food Composition Table (FCT) or Food Database (FDB) of choice, and nutrients composition are then compiled in what is called the nutrients composition table (NCT). 4. Description of the dataset: it includes the nutrient composition of each food item reported by the household survey of Comoros. 5. Notes 6. Deposit date: September 3rd 2024 7. Date: Junes 2022 8. Language: English -------------------------- AUTHOR INFORMATION -------------------------- 1. Author Name: Estefanía Last name: Custodio Institution:National Centre for Tropical Diseases (CNMT), Carlos III Health Institute (ISCIII), Madrid, 28029 CIBER Infectious diseases, Carlos III Health Institute (ISCIII); Madrid, 28029 Email:ecustodio@isciii.es ORCID:http://orcid.org/0000-0002-5514-3151 Name: Sofía Last name: Jiménez Institution: School of Business and Economics, University of Zaragoza, Spain Email: sjimenez@unizar.es ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0001-8215-3227 Name: María Priscila Last name: Ramos Institution: Departamento de Economía, Facultad de Ciencias Económicas, Universidad de Buenos Aires, e Instituto Interdisciplinario de Economía Política de Buenos Aires, CONICET–Universidad de Buenos Aires, Buenos Aires, Argentina. Email: mpramos@economicas.uba.ar ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-0552-9486 -------------------------- METHODOLOGY -------------------------- 1. Methodology: To build the Nutrients Composition table of Comoros we followed three steps, which are described below: Step 1. Revise and identify all food items reported in Section 7B of EHCVM As some of the food items were reported in local language or were not easily found in the main FCTs used for the matching, additional resources were needed. 1.1 Consultation with key informants We contacted key informants in Comoros to obtain food items translation terms to French or English, and the scientific names (when available) of edible plants local species. Key informants consulted:  Hamidou Said Ounais, statician at the INSEED: Institute Nationale de la Statistie et des Etudes Economiques -Comores  Mme Nadjahou Abdoulatuf , Biodiversity Service (CNDRS: Centre National de Documentation et de Recherche Scientifiques) Based on the food list found in the database, 148 food items were considered. 1.2 Consultation of specialized literature In order to identify the best suitable item in the FCTS used for the matching we consulted bibliographic resources specialized in Comoros fauna and flora, as well as gastronomy and culinary practices. Step 2. Select the food composition tables/databases (FCT/FDB) to be used for the matching Only internationally validated FCT/FDBs were considered for the matching, and we prioritized the FCT/FDB to be searched based on geographical location as well as language and cultural linkages. The FCT/FDBs used by number of food items and percentage from the total are describe below:  Composition Table for Western Africa 2018 (103 items, 72% of the total).  Kenya Food Composition Tables 2018 (20 items, 14% of the total) There were some food items that were not found in those two FCTS and alternative composition tables were searched.  USDA Food Database (10 food items, 7% of the total)  ASEAN food Composition Database 2014 (5 food items, 3% of the total)  Brazilian Food Composition Table 2018 (1 food item, 0.7% of the total) Step 3. Identify the most appropriate food matching method for each food item In order to apply the food matching correctly we identified the most appropriate matching method based on: 3.1 The definition of the food item and the identification of a suitable food item in any of the FCTs consulted. If the food item is well defined and concrete in the survey it is possible to find a corresponding match in the FCT of choice and make a direct matching. However, if the food items refer to a group of foods (ex: autres patisseries) it is necessary to do the matching with several food items in the FCT and do the average of the nutrients content. 3.2 The cooking method used for the food item before consumption The cooking method applied to a food item before being consumed has an impact in the micronutrient content (see Moltedo A, et al 2020), and thus it is important to apply the corresponding conversion factors such a Yield or Retention factors to obtain more accurate information on the micronutrients consumption. Individual food consumption surveys usually collect the cooking method of the foods being consumed. However, in household consumption surveys the cooking method is usually omitted, thus it is important to consult resources on culinary practices and local gastronomy, as reported in Step 1. When there was no information on the main cooking method used for a particular food item we calculated the average of the food item cooked by different methods. 3.3 The information available for mixed dishes The 2018/2019 EHCVM included three mixed dishes (ancharis or rougails) as individual food items that couldn’t be found in any of the consulted FCT/FDBs. For those food items we used the local recipe and calculated the nutrients content by ingredient. 2. Software: Excel. -------------------------- KEYWORDS -------------------------- 1. Keywords: Nutrient Content Table, Comoros, nutrient consumption, food security -------------------------- SPONSORSHIP INFORMATION AND GRANT IDs -------------------------- 1. Grant Information: Caloric impact of nutrition interventions among poor in Comoros, World Bank, February-May 2022. -------------------------- RELATED PUBLICATIONS -------------------------- 1. Related publication: Food security and nutritional vulnerability in Comoros: the impact of Ukraine-Russia-Ukraine conflict, PLOS ONE. 2. Related dataset: Comoros National Household survey, which is available upon request from the Nataional Statistics Institute of Comoros (INSEED), at INSEED's website https://www.inseed-comores.org/category/enquetes/ehcvm-2020/ -------------------------- GEOGRAPHIC INFORMATION -------------------------- 1. Spatial coverage: Comoros. -------------------------- TEMPORAL INFORMATION -------------------------- 1. Time period coverage: 2020. -------------------------- FILES -------------------------- 1. Files: one excel file containing the Comoros Nutrient Content Table. -------------------------- LICENSES AND PRIVACITY -------------------------- 1. Licenses: Creative Commons. 2. Privacity: Open Access, only for research purposes. -------------------------- OTHERS -------------------------- 1. Data dictionary