# CIF-file generated for Shelx res file from synchrotron powder
_audit_creation_date 'Saturday, 27 January 202'
_audit_creation_method 'PLATON
# Name of author for correspondence
# address of author for correspondence
_publ_contact_author_email ?
_publ_contact_author_fax ?
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_publ_requested_journal 'Acta Crystallographica C'
# Publication choise FI, CI or EI for Inorganic
# FM, CM or EM for Metal-organic
# FO, CO or EO for Organic
_publ_requested_category ?
_publ_requested_coeditor_name ?
_publ_contact_letter # Include date of submission
Date of submission ?
Please consider this CIF submission for publication as a
Regular Structural Paper in Acta Crystallographica C.
_journal_date_recd_electronic ?
_journal_date_to_coeditor ?
_journal_date_from_coeditor ?
_journal_date_accepted ?
_journal_date_printers_first ?
_journal_date_printers_final ?
_journal_date_proofs_out ?
_journal_date_proofs_in ?
_journal_coeditor_name ?
_journal_coeditor_code ?
_journal_techeditor_code ?
_journal_coden_ASTM ?
_journal_name_full ?
_journal_year ?
_journal_volume ?
_journal_issue ?
_journal_page_first ?
_journal_page_last ?
_journal_suppl_publ_number ?
_journal_suppl_publ_pages ?
# The loop structure below should contain the names and adresses of all
# authors, in the required order of publication. Repeat as necessary.
'?' # author name
; # author related footnote
; # Address of this author
# 4. TEXT
# Insert blank lines between paragraphs
# Insert blank lines between references
Allen, F.H. (2002).
Acta Cryst. B58, 380-388.
Altomare, A., Burla, M.C., Camalli, M., Cascarano, G.L., Giacovazzo, C.
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(1999) J. Appl. Cryst. 32, 115-119.
Beurskens, P.T., Beurskens, G., de Gelder, R., Garc\'ia-Granda, S.,
Gould, R.O., Israel, R. & Smits, J.M.M. (1999) The DIRDIF99 Program System,
Technical Report of the Crystallography Laboratory,
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Boer, J.L. de & Duisenberg, A.J.M. (1984). Acta Cryst. A40, C-410.
Boeyens, J.C.A. (1978). J.Cryst.Mol.Struct. 8, 317-320.
Cremer, D. & Pople, J.A. (1975). J. Am. Chem. Soc. 97, 1354-1358.
Duisenberg, A.J.M. (1992). J. Appl. Cryst. 25, 92-96.
Duisenberg, A.J.M., Kroon-Batenburg, L.M.J. & Schreurs, A.M.M. (2003).
J. Appl. Cryst. 36, 220-229.
Enraf-Nonius (1989). CAD-4 Software. Version 5. Enraf-Nonius, Delft,
The Netherlands.
Flack, H.D. (1983). Acta Cryst. A39, 876-881.
Hooft, R.W.W. (1998). Collect Software, Nonius B.V., Delft, The Netherlands.
LePage, Y. (1987). J. Appl. Cryst. 20, 264-269.
Mackay, A.L. (1984). Acta Cryst. A40, 165-166.
Meulenaer, J. de & Tompa, H. (1965). Acta Cryst. 19, 1014-1018.
North, A.C.T., Phillips, D.C. & Mathews, F.S. (1968).
Acta Cryst. A24, 351-359.
Otwinowski, Z. & Minor, W. (1997). Methods in Enzymology, Vol. 276,
Macromolecular Crystallography, Part A, edited by C.W. Carter &
R.M. Sweet, pp. 307-326. London: Academic Press.
Sheldrick, G.M. (1986). SHELXS86. University of G\"ottingen, Germany.
Sheldrick, G.M. (1993). SHELXL93. University of G\"ottingen, Germany.
Sheldrick, G.M. (1997). SHELXS97. University of G\"ottingen, Germany.
Sheldrick, G.M. (1997). SHELXL97. University of G\"ottingen, Germany.
Sluis, P. van der & Spek, A.L. (1990). Acta Cryst. A46, 194-201.
Spek, A.L. (1987). Acta Cryst. C43, 1233-1235.
Spek, A.L. (1988). J. Appl. Cryst. 21, 578-579.
Spek, A.L. (1994). Am. Crystallogr. Assoc.-Abstracts, 22, 66.
Spek, A.L. (1997). HELENA, Program for Datareduction, Utrecht
University, The Netherlands.
Spek, A.L. (2003). J. Appl. Cryst. 36, 7-13.
Wilson, A.J.C. (1992). Ed. International Tables for Crystallography,
Volume C, Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht, The Netherlands.
; View of the title compound with the atom numbering scheme.
Displacement ellipsoids for non-H atoms are drawn at the 50% probability level.
_chemical_name_common ?
_chemical_melting_point ?
'C46 H27 N4, O'
# Ex: 'C12 H16 N2 O6, H2 O' and '(Cd 2+)3, (C6 N6 Cr 3-)2, 2(H2 O)'
_chemical_formula_structural ?
'46 H27 N4, O'
_chemical_formula_iupac ?
_chemical_formula_weight 651.72
_chemical_compound_source 'see text'
C C 0.0074 0.0035
'S.Brennan & P.L.Cowan (1992).Rev.Sci.Instr.,63,850-853'
H H 0.0000 0.0000
'S.Brennan & P.L.Cowan (1992).Rev.Sci.Instr.,63,850-853'
N N 0.0135 0.0071
'S.Brennan & P.L.Cowan (1992).Rev.Sci.Instr.,63,850-853'
O O 0.0225 0.0128
'S.Brennan & P.L.Cowan (1992).Rev.Sci.Instr.,63,850-853'
_symmetry_cell_setting monoclinic
_symmetry_space_group_name_Hall 'C -2y'
_symmetry_space_group_name_H-M 'C m'
_symmetry_Int_Tables_number 8
1 x,y,z
2 x,-y,z
3 1/2+x,1/2+y,z
4 1/2+x,1/2-y,z
_cell_length_a 4.0139(7)
_cell_length_b 63.583(5)
_cell_length_c 14.4147(10)
_cell_angle_alpha 90
_cell_angle_beta 94.02(2)
_cell_angle_gamma 90
_cell_volume 3669.809
_cell_formula_units_Z 2
_cell_measurement_temperature ?
_cell_measurement_reflns_used ?
_cell_measurement_theta_min ?
_cell_measurement_theta_max ?
_exptl_crystal_description ' ?'
_exptl_crystal_colour ' ?'
_exptl_crystal_size_max ?
_exptl_crystal_size_mid ?
_exptl_crystal_size_min ?
_exptl_crystal_size_rad ?
_exptl_crystal_density_meas ?
_exptl_crystal_density_diffrn 0.590
_exptl_crystal_density_method 'Not Measured'
_exptl_crystal_F_000 678
_exptl_absorpt_coefficient_mu 0.079
_exptl_crystal_density_meas_temp ?
# Permitted for _exptl_absorpt_correction_type :
# analytical 'analytical from crystal shape'
# Example: de Meulenaer&Tompa: ABST
# cylinder 'cylindrical'
# gaussian 'Gaussian from crystal shape'
# Example: PLATON/ABSG
# integration 'integration from crystal shape'
# multi-scan 'symmetry-related measurements'
# none 'no absorption corr. applied'
# numerical 'numerical from crystal shape'
# psi-scan 'psi-scan corrections'
# Example: PLATON/ABSP
# refdelf 'refined from delta-F'
# Example: SHELXA,
# sphere 'spherical'
# Example: PLATON/ABSS
_exptl_absorpt_correction_type ' ?'
# Example: '(North et al., 1968)'
_exptl_absorpt_process_details ?
_exptl_absorpt_correction_T_min ?
_exptl_absorpt_correction_T_max ?
_diffrn_ambient_temperature ?
_diffrn_radiation_wavelength 1.00000
_diffrn_radiation_probe 'x-ray'
_diffrn_radiation_type '?'
_diffrn_radiation_source ?
_diffrn_radiation_monochromator ?
_diffrn_measurement_device_type ?
_diffrn_measurement_method ?
_diffrn_detector_area_resol_mean ?
# number of measured reflections (redundant set)
_diffrn_reflns_number ?
_diffrn_reflns_av_R_equivalents ?
_diffrn_reflns_av_unetI/netI ?
_diffrn_reflns_limit_h_min ?
_diffrn_reflns_limit_h_max ?
_diffrn_reflns_limit_k_min ?
_diffrn_reflns_limit_k_max ?
_diffrn_reflns_limit_l_min ?
_diffrn_reflns_limit_l_max ?
_diffrn_reflns_theta_min ?
_diffrn_reflns_theta_max ?
_diffrn_reflns_theta_full ?
_diffrn_measured_fraction_theta_max ?
_diffrn_measured_fraction_theta_full ?
# number of unique reflections
_reflns_number_total ?
# number of observed reflections (> n sig(I))
_reflns_number_gt ?
_reflns_threshold_expression ?
_computing_data_collection ?
_computing_cell_refinement ?
_computing_data_reduction ?
_computing_structure_solution ?
_computing_structure_refinement ?
_computing_molecular_graphics ?
_computing_publication_material 'PLATON (Spek, 2003)'
_refine_special_details ?
_refine_ls_structure_factor_coef ?
_refine_ls_matrix_type ?
_refine_ls_weighting_scheme ' ?'
_atom_sites_solution_primary ' ?'
_atom_sites_solution_secondary ' ?'
_atom_sites_solution_hydrogens ' ?'
# Permitted for _refine_ls_hydrogen_treatment :
# refall - refined all H-atom parameters
# refxyz - refined H-atom coordinates only
# refU - refined H-atom U only
# noref - no refinement of H-atom parameters
# constr - H-atom parameters constrained
# hetero - H-atom parameters constrained for H on C,
# all H-atom parameters refined for H on
# heteroatoms
# heteroxyz - H-atom parameters constrained for H on C,
# refined H-atom coordinates only for H
# on heteroatoms
# heteroU - H-atom parameters constrained for H on C,
# refined H-atom U's only for H on
# heteroatoms
# heteronoref - H-atom parameters constrained for H on C,
# no refinement of H-atom parameters for
# H on heteroatoms
# hetero-mixed - H-atom parameters constrained for H on C
# and some heteroatoms, all H-atom
# parameters refined for H on remaining
# heteroatoms.
# heteroxyz-mixed - H-atom parameters constrained for H on C
# and some heteroatoms, refined H-atom
# coordinates only for H on remaining
# heteroatoms.
# heteroU-mixed - H-atom parameters constrained for H on C
# and some heteroatoms, refined H-atom
# U's only for H on remaining heteroatoms
# heteronoref-mixed - H-atom parameters constrained for H on C
# and some heteroatoms, no refinement of
# H-atom parameters for H on remaining
# heteroatoms
# mixed - some constrained, some independent
# undef - H-atom parameters not defined
_refine_ls_hydrogen_treatment ' ?'
_refine_ls_extinction_method ' ?'
_refine_ls_extinction_coef ?
'Flack (1983)'
_refine_ls_abs_structure_Flack ?
# Permitted for _chemical_absolute_configuration:
# Absolute configuration details
# rm = Det. by chiral ref. mol. with known abs.conf
# ad = Det. by anomalous dispersion
# rmad = Det. by 'rm' and 'ad'
# syn = Det. with reference to synthesis
# unk = Unknown/Arbitrary
_chemical_absolute_configuration ?
_refine_ls_number_reflns ?
_refine_ls_number_parameters ?
_refine_ls_number_restraints 0
_refine_ls_number_constraints ?
_refine_ls_R_factor_all ?
_refine_ls_R_factor_gt ?
_refine_ls_wR_factor_ref ?
_refine_ls_wR_factor_gt ?
_refine_ls_goodness_of_fit_ref ?
_refine_ls_restrained_S_all ?
_refine_ls_shift/su_max ?
_refine_ls_shift/su_mean ?
_refine_diff_density_max ?
_refine_diff_density_min ?
_refine_diff_density_rms ?
N1 N Uiso 0.11335 0.09241 0.34934 0.500 0.0253 . . . .
N N Uiso -0.01378 0.00000 0.18915 0.500 0.0253 . . . .
N N Uiso -0.55113 0.00000 0.05371 0.500 0.0253 . . . .
N N Uiso 0.20170 0.11735 0.72135 0.500 0.0253 . . . .
N N Uiso 0.50887 0.17201 0.24919 0.500 0.0253 . . . .
O O Uiso 0.59878 0.01212 0.74940 0.500 0.0253 . . . .
C1 C Uiso -0.19340 0.07259 0.22856 0.500 0.0253 . . . .
C C Uiso -0.53017 0.05273 0.11527 0.500 0.0253 . . . .
C C Uiso -0.28334 0.05380 0.18556 0.500 0.0253 . . . .
C C Uiso -0.17365 0.01588 0.15964 0.500 0.0253 . . . .
C C Uiso 0.23192 0.05500 0.31829 0.500 0.0253 . . . .
C C Uiso -0.44984 0.01629 0.09625 0.500 0.0253 . . . .
C C Uiso -0.09625 0.03594 0.21576 0.500 0.0253 . . . .
C C Uiso -0.62180 0.03509 0.06906 0.500 0.0253 . . . .
C C Uiso 0.05816 0.07371 0.30264 0.500 0.0253 . . . .
C C Uiso 0.16959 0.03694 0.27786 0.500 0.0253 . . . .
C C Uiso 0.21141 0.11611 0.47163 0.500 0.0253 . . . .
C C Uiso -0.00362 0.08221 0.51892 0.500 0.0253 . . . .
C C Uiso 0.10771 0.09538 0.44621 0.500 0.0253 . . . .
C C Uiso 0.37097 0.14605 0.36112 0.500 0.0253 . . . .
C C Uiso 0.25138 0.12266 0.55597 0.500 0.0253 . . . .
C C Uiso 0.34463 0.13660 0.20097 0.500 0.0253 . . . .
C C Uiso 0.26667 0.11669 0.21629 0.500 0.0253 . . . .
C C Uiso 0.03593 0.09042 0.60538 0.500 0.0253 . . . .
C C Uiso 0.19274 0.11088 0.31280 0.500 0.0253 . . . .
C C Uiso 0.15918 0.11046 0.63448 0.500 0.0253 . . . .
C C Uiso 0.39882 0.15134 0.26922 0.500 0.0253 . . . .
C C Uiso 0.16884 0.10218 0.79176 0.500 0.0253 . . . .
C C Uiso 0.38819 0.10811 0.86658 0.500 0.0253 . . . .
C C Uiso -0.05044 0.08645 0.79746 0.500 0.0253 . . . .
C C Uiso 0.42358 0.09422 0.94466 0.500 0.0253 . . . .
C C Uiso 0.92532 0.15548 0.84841 0.500 0.0253 . . . .
C C Uiso 0.59863 0.12626 0.84847 0.500 0.0253 . . . .
C C Uiso 0.00896 0.07418 0.88063 0.500 0.0253 . . . .
C C Uiso 0.44979 0.13264 0.75135 0.500 0.0253 . . . .
C C Uiso 0.22810 0.07746 0.94801 0.500 0.0253 . . . .
C C Uiso 0.80882 0.16132 0.75284 0.500 0.0253 . . . .
C C Uiso 0.56778 0.15067 0.71145 0.500 0.0253 . . . .
C C Uiso 0.84777 0.13757 0.89172 0.500 0.0253 . . . .
C C Uiso 0.59884 0.20676 0.29090 0.500 0.0253 . . . .
C C Uiso 0.33174 0.22022 0.13245 0.500 0.0253 . . . .
C C Uiso 0.26731 0.17835 0.08967 0.500 0.0253 . . . .
C C Uiso 0.40873 0.18408 0.17140 0.500 0.0253 . . . .
C C Uiso 0.63952 0.18614 0.32060 0.500 0.0253 . . . .
C C Uiso 0.19832 0.21527 0.05148 0.500 0.0253 . . . .
C C Uiso 0.69790 0.22345 0.34270 0.500 0.0253 . . . .
C C Uiso 0.85322 0.21849 0.42405 0.500 0.0253 . . . .
C C Uiso 0.15288 0.19405 0.01446 0.500 0.0253 . . . .
C C Uiso 0.43133 0.20545 0.19282 0.500 0.0253 . . . .
C C Uiso 0.80032 0.18159 0.39652 0.500 0.0253 . . . .
C C Uiso 0.93199 0.19785 0.46013 0.500 0.0253 . . . .
C C Uiso 0.28549 0.12591 0.38563 0.500 0.0253 . . . .
H1 H Uiso 0.30264 0.02522 0.29162 0.500 0.0253 . . . .
H H Uiso -0.64196 0.06510 0.09825 0.500 0.0253 . . . .
H H Uiso 0.41334 0.05541 0.36226 0.500 0.0253 . . . .
H H Uiso -0.79094 0.03515 0.02148 0.500 0.0253 . . . .
H H Uiso -0.30145 0.08487 0.20836 0.500 0.0253 . . . .
H H Uiso 0.40926 0.15620 0.40712 0.500 0.0253 . . . .
H H Uiso 0.34419 0.13591 0.56696 0.500 0.0253 . . . .
H H Uiso 0.36437 0.14079 0.13972 0.500 0.0253 . . . .
H H Uiso 0.25832 0.10678 0.16866 0.500 0.0253 . . . .
H H Uiso -0.02627 0.08166 0.65288 0.500 0.0253 . . . .
H H Uiso -0.22297 0.08372 0.75247 0.500 0.0253 . . . .
H H Uiso -0.09588 0.06898 0.50725 0.500 0.0253 . . . .
H H Uiso 1.06426 0.16500 0.88157 0.500 0.0253 . . . .
H H Uiso -0.12705 0.06248 0.88623 0.500 0.0253 . . . .
H H Uiso 0.24919 0.06834 0.99844 0.500 0.0253 . . . .
H H Uiso 0.90720 0.17242 0.72261 0.500 0.0253 . . . .
H H Uiso 0.47241 0.15519 0.65420 0.500 0.0253 . . . .
H H Uiso 0.95731 0.13327 0.94767 0.500 0.0253 . . . .
H H Uiso 0.35701 0.23434 0.14870 0.500 0.0253 . . . .
H H Uiso 0.23585 0.16409 0.07765 0.500 0.0253 . . . .
H H Uiso 0.12515 0.22634 0.01284 0.500 0.0253 . . . .
H H Uiso 0.66224 0.23730 0.32322 0.500 0.0253 . . . .
H H Uiso 0.91961 0.22968 0.46256 0.500 0.0253 . . . .
H H Uiso 0.06808 0.19066 -0.04537 0.500 0.0253 . . . .
H H Uiso 0.83603 0.16748 0.41206 0.500 0.0253 . . . .
H H Uiso 1.05062 0.19525 0.51676 0.500 0.0253 . . . .
H H Uiso 0.58456 0.09687 0.99288 0.500 0.0253 . . . .
Bond distances, angles etc. have been calculated using the
rounded fractional coordinates. All su's are estimated
from the variances of the (full) variance-covariance matrix.
The cell esds are taken into account in the estimation of
distances, angles and torsion angles
N1 C 1.3348(2) . . yes
N1 C 1.3766(2) . . yes
N1 C 1.4108(2) . . yes
N C 1.2546(2) . . yes
N C 1.2567(2) . . yes
N C 1.3263(2) . . yes
N C 1.4130(2) . . yes
N C 1.4365(3) . . yes
N C 1.4226(2) . . yes
N C 1.3945(2) . . yes
N C 1.4374(3) . . yes
C1 C 1.3822(2) . . no
C1 C 1.4191(2) . . no
C C 1.3682(2) . . no
C C 1.4132(2) . . no
C C 1.3426(2) . . no
C C 1.3040(2) . . no
C C 1.3454(2) . . no
C C 1.3866(2) . . no
C C 1.5305(3) . . no
C C 1.3894(2) . . no
C C 1.4216(2) . . no
C C 1.4371(3) . . no
C C 1.3782(2) . . no
C C 1.4489(3) . . no
C C 1.4225(2) . . no
C C 1.2845(2) . . no
C C 1.4370(3) . . no
C C 1.3503(2) . . no
C C 1.3789(2) . . no
C C 1.4416(3) . . no
C C 1.3263(2) . . no
C C 1.3651(2) . . no
C C 1.4892(3) . . no
C C 1.4196(2) . . no
C C 1.3955(2) . . no
C C 1.3386(2) . . no
C C 1.4299(2) . . no
C C 1.4644(3) . . no
C C 1.4362(3) . . no
C C 1.3262(2) . . no
C C 1.4711(3) . . no
C C 1.3456(2) . . no
C C 1.5376(3) . . no
C C 1.3485(2) . . no
C C 1.2809(2) . . no
C C 1.3811(2) . . no
C C 1.2922(2) . . no
C C 1.3853(2) . . no
C C 1.3417(2) . . no
C C 1.5247(3) . . no
C C 1.2886(2) . . no
C C 1.3230(2) . . no
C C 1.3226(2) . . no
C C 1.5209(3) . . no
C C 1.3950(2) . . no
C C 1.2645(2) . . no
C C 1.4577(3) . . no
C C 1.3269(2) . . no
C C 1.4386(3) . . no
C C 1.4564(3) . . no
C1 H 0.9300 . . no
C H 0.9300 . . no
C H1 0.9300 . . no
C H 0.9300 . . no
C H 0.9300 . . no
C H 0.9300 . . no
C H 0.9300 . . no
C H 0.9300 . . no
C H 0.9300 . . no
C H 0.9300 . . no
C H 0.9300 . . no
C H 0.9300 . . no
C H 0.9300 . . no
C H 0.9300 . . no
C H 0.9300 . . no
C H 0.9300 . . no
C H 0.9300 . . no
C H 0.9300 . . no
C H 0.9300 . . no
C H 0.9300 . . no
C H 0.9300 . . no
C H 0.9300 . . no
C H 0.9300 . . no
C H 0.9300 . . no
C H 0.9300 . . no
C H 0.9300 . . no
C H 0.9300 . . no
C N1 C 125.90(1) . . . yes
C N1 C 126.99(1) . . . yes
C N1 C 107.08(1) . . . yes
C N C 116.13(1) . . . yes
C N C 123.26(1) . . . yes
C N C 110.08(1) . . . yes
C N C 126.55(1) . . . yes
C N C 122.35(1) . . . yes
C N C 107.58(1) . . . yes
C C1 C 122.04(1) . . . no
C1 C C 116.10(1) . . . no
C C C 121.99(1) . . . no
C1 C C 121.86(1) . . . no
C C C 124.60(1) . . . no
C C C 117.22(1) . . . no
N C C 127.22(1) . . . yes
N C C 114.30(1) . . . yes
C C C 117.13(1) . . . no
C C C 127.09(1) . . . no
N C C 121.50(1) . . . yes
N C C 115.11(1) . . . yes
C C C 123.22(1) . . . no
C C C 123.13(1) . . . no
C C C 115.03(1) . . . no
C C C 120.88(1) . . . no
C C C 117.05(1) . . . no
N1 C C1 119.53(1) . . . yes
N1 C C 126.76(1) . . . yes
C1 C C 113.69(1) . . . no
C C C 133.97(1) . . . no
C C C 106.31(1) . . . no
C C C 118.89(1) . . . no
C C C 104.72(1) . . . no
C C C 131.01(1) . . . no
C C C 124.00(1) . . . no
C C C 115.18(1) . . . no
N1 C C 110.75(1) . . . yes
N1 C C 132.16(1) . . . yes
C C C 116.90(1) . . . no
C C C 120.75(1) . . . no
C C C 123.14(1) . . . no
C C C 124.25(1) . . . no
C C C 117.20(1) . . . no
C C C 129.47(1) . . . no
N1 C C 110.53(1) . . . yes
N1 C C 130.96(1) . . . yes
C C C 117.09(1) . . . no
N C C 122.71(1) . . . yes
N C C 126.48(1) . . . yes
C C C 110.75(1) . . . no
N C C 117.88(1) . . . yes
N C C 121.61(1) . . . yes
C C C 120.35(1) . . . no
N C C 106.56(1) . . . yes
N C C 130.47(1) . . . yes
C C C 122.44(1) . . . no
C C C 117.64(1) . . . no
C C C 114.57(1) . . . no
C C C 126.90(1) . . . no
C C C 112.69(1) . . . no
C C C 119.91(1) . . . no
C C C 125.41(1) . . . no
C C C 100.26(1) . . . no
C C C 139.13(1) . . . no
C C C 120.56(1) . . . no
C C C 127.55(1) . . . no
N C C 108.21(1) . . . yes
N C C 133.40(1) . . . yes
C C C 118.39(1) . . . no
C C C 118.67(1) . . . no
C C C 118.60(1) . . . no
C C C 120.68(1) . . . no
C C C 115.15(1) . . . no
C C C 123.55(1) . . . no
C C C 105.64(1) . . . no
C C C 130.81(1) . . . no
C C C 120.64(1) . . . no
C C C 122.92(1) . . . no
N C C 130.25(1) . . . yes
N C C 110.33(1) . . . yes
C C C 118.86(1) . . . no
N C C 109.94(1) . . . yes
N C C 127.97(1) . . . yes
C C C 121.73(1) . . . no
C C C 126.23(1) . . . no
C C C 113.98(1) . . . no
C C C 127.88(1) . . . no
C C C 108.83(1) . . . no
C C C 131.64(1) . . . no
C C C 106.03(1) . . . no
C C C 122.27(1) . . . no
C C C 121.55(1) . . . no
C C C 111.05(1) . . . no
C C1 H 119.00 . . . no
C C1 H 119.00 . . . no
C C H 118.00 . . . no
C C H 118.00 . . . no
C C H1 121.00 . . . no
C C H1 121.00 . . . no
C C H 116.00 . . . no
C C H 116.00 . . . no
C C H 122.00 . . . no
C C H 121.00 . . . no
C C H 122.00 . . . no
C C H 122.00 . . . no
C C H 120.00 . . . no
C C H 120.00 . . . no
C C H 118.00 . . . no
C C H 118.00 . . . no
C C H 118.00 . . . no
C C H 118.00 . . . no
C C H 121.00 . . . no
C C H 121.00 . . . no
C C H 115.00 . . . no
C C H 115.00 . . . no
C C H 124.00 . . . no
C C H 123.00 . . . no
C C H 120.00 . . . no
C C H 120.00 . . . no
C C H 117.00 . . . no
C C H 117.00 . . . no
C C H 116.00 . . . no
C C H 116.00 . . . no
C C H 121.00 . . . no
C C H 121.00 . . . no
C C H 121.00 . . . no
C C H 121.00 . . . no
C C H 120.00 . . . no
C C H 120.00 . . . no
C C H 123.00 . . . no
C C H 122.00 . . . no
C C H 120.00 . . . no
C C H 120.00 . . . no
C C H 119.00 . . . no
C C H 118.00 . . . no
C C H 117.00 . . . no
C C H 117.00 . . . no
C C H 123.00 . . . no
C C H 123.00 . . . no
C C H 116.00 . . . no
C C H 116.00 . . . no
C C H 126.00 . . . no
C C H 126.00 . . . no
C C H 119.00 . . . no
C C H 119.00 . . . no
C C H 124.00 . . . no
C C H 125.00 . . . no
C N1 C C 120.66(2) . . . . no
C N1 C C -170.32(2) . . . . no
C N1 C C 7.62(2) . . . . no
C N1 C C -4.61(2) . . . . no
C N1 C C 173.34(2) . . . . no
C N1 C C -11.72(2) . . . . no
C N1 C C 170.31(2) . . . . no
C N1 C C -56.91(2) . . . . no
C N1 C C1 124.83(2) . . . . no
C N1 C C1 -57.60(2) . . . . no
C N1 C C -4.42(2) . . . . no
C N1 C C 173.55(2) . . . . no
C N C C 4.49(2) . . . . no
C N C C -178.31(2) . . . . no
C N C C -155.57(2) . . . . no
C N C C 31.27(2) . . . . no
C N C C -168.68(2) . . . . no
C N C C -19.33(2) . . . . no
C N C C -40.90(2) . . . . no
C N C C 173.03(2) . . . . no
C N C C -166.72(2) . . . . no
C N C C -25.55(2) . . . . no
C N C C 1.44(2) . . . . no
C N C C 9.92(2) . . . . no
C N C C 10.22(2) . . . . no
C N C C -140.99(2) . . . . no
C N C C 38.41(2) . . . . no
C N C C -165.47(2) . . . . no
C N C C 147.51(2) . . . . no
C N C C -177.59(2) . . . . no
C N C C 151.88(2) . . . . no
C N C C -7.10(2) . . . . no
C N C C 39.23(2) . . . . no
C N C C -146.20(2) . . . . no
C N C C 2.19(2) . . . . no
C N C C 151.39(2) . . . . no
C C1 C N1 -173.21(2) . . . . no
C C1 C C 178.81(2) . . . . no
C C1 C C 8.32(2) . . . . no
C C1 C C -3.74(2) . . . . no
C C C C 12.07(2) . . . . no
C C C C -12.05(2) . . . . no
N C C C 177.49(2) . . . . no
C C C C1 -5.69(2) . . . . no
C C C C 173.92(2) . . . . no
C C C N1 -179.04(2) . . . . no
C C C C -7.35(2) . . . . no
C C C C -6.54(2) . . . . no
C C C C 2.75(2) . . . . no
C C C N1 178.99(2) . . . . no
C C C N1 175.97(2) . . . . no
C C C C -175.96(2) . . . . no
C C C C -7.30(2) . . . . no
C C C N -176.01(2) . . . . no
C C C C -0.55(2) . . . . no
C C C N 179.93(2) . . . . no
N C C C -177.74(2) . . . . no
C C C N1 -8.04(2) . . . . no
C C C C -10.07(2) . . . . no
C C C C -179.16(2) . . . . no
C C C N1 -178.84(2) . . . . no
C C C C -13.88(2) . . . . no
C C C N -177.72(2) . . . . no
C C C C 4.90(2) . . . . no
C C C C 178.93(2) . . . . no
N C C C 13.17(2) . . . . no
C C C C -6.08(2) . . . . no
C1 C C C -4.50(2) . . . . no
C1 C C C -173.31(2) . . . . no
C C C C 172.95(2) . . . . no
C C C C 13.05(2) . . . . no
C C C C 2.57(2) . . . . no
C C C C 7.94(2) . . . . no
C C C N 174.68(2) . . . . no
C C C C 179.67(2) . . . . no
C C C C 7.27(2) . . . . no
C C C C 175.45(2) . . . . no
N C C N -7.21(2) . . . . no
N C C C 177.93(2) . . . . no
C C C N -173.06(2) . . . . no
N C C C -174.81(2) . . . . no
N C C C -4.89(2) . . . . no
C C C C 12.76(2) . . . . no
C C C C -177.32(2) . . . . no
N C C C 178.44(2) . . . . no
C C C C -11.12(2) . . . . no
C C C C -6.42(2) . . . . no
C C C C -174.93(2) . . . . no
C C C C 5.88(2) . . . . no
C C C C -0.61(2) . . . . no
C C C C 174.69(2) . . . . no
C C C C -8.12(2) . . . . no
C C C C 3.95(2) . . . . no
C C C C -0.37(2) . . . . no
C C C C 13.19(2) . . . . no
C C C C -12.12(2) . . . . no
C C C C -174.03(2) . . . . no
C C C C 0.64(2) . . . . no
C C C N 177.52(2) . . . . no
C C C C -2.66(2) . . . . no
C C C C -170.03(2) . . . . no
C C C C 6.76(2) . . . . no
C C C C 1.71(2) . . . . no
C C C N1 -0.55(2) . . . . no
C C C C -176.94(2) . . . . no
C C C C -1.82(2) . . . . no
C C C C 9.26(2) . . . . no
N C C C -176.87(2) . . . . no
C C C C 3.37(2) . . . . no
C C C C -7.89(2) . . . . no
C C C N -179.82(2) . . . . no
C C C C -6.15(2) . . . . no
C C C N -0.38(2) . . . . no
C C C C 173.29(2) . . . . no
C C C C 2.87(2) . . . . no
C C C C -176.42(2) . . . . no
C C C C 179.15(2) . . . . no
C C C C -3.83(2) . . . . no
C C C C -1.47(2) . . . . no
C C C C 175.56(2) . . . . no
C C C C -2.82(2) . . . . no
C C C C 178.90(2) . . . . no
C C C C 2.28(2) . . . . no
C C C N 175.72(2) . . . . no
C C C C 5.13(2) . . . . no
C C C C -5.05(2) . . . . no
C C C C -0.48(2) . . . . no
C C C N -4.62(2) . . . . no
C C C C 175.20(2) . . . . no
C1 C C C 177.94(2) . . . . no
N C C C 6.75(2) . . . . no
N C C C -175.88(2) . . . . no
C C C C 179.10(2) . . . . no
C C C C -3.54(2) . . . . no
C C C C 4.14(2) . . . . no
C C C C -176.16(2) . . . . no
C C C N1 -175.12(2) . . . . no
C C C C 0.48(2) . . . . no
N C C C 176.79(2) . . . . no
C C C C 4.35(2) . . . . no
C C C C 3.87(2) . . . . no
C C C C 1.84(2) . . . . no
C C C C -3.24(2) . . . . no
C C C C -0.07(2) . . . . no
# Loop Mechanism for Extra Tables(s)
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# ? ? ?
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