Identification of Splicing Silencers and Enhancers in Sense Alus: a Role for Pseudoacceptors in Splice Site Repression
Mol. Cell. Biol. Lei and Vorechovsky 25: 6912 HTML Page - index.htslp
Files in this Data Supplement:
- Supplemental file 1 - Supplemental Tables S1 (Structure of TNFd and TNFe in the human major histocompatibility complex), S2 (Prediction of exonic enhancers in LST1 segment A2-A4 using RESCUE-ESE), S3 (Prediction of exonic enhancers and silencers in segment A2-A4 using octamer ESS/ESE), and S4 (Prediction of exonic enhancers in LST1 segment A2-A4 using FAS-ESS)
MS Word document, 167K. - Supplemental file 2 - Supplemental Fig. S1 (Partial genomic sequence of LST1)
MS Word document, 32K.