#NEXUS Begin trees; [Treefile saved Wed Jan 9 16:47:50 2002] [! >Data file = /home/bjorn/bartonella/Glycolysis/Analysis15/Pmg/redaa2.nex >Bootstrap method with heuristic search: > Number of bootstrap replicates = 500 > Starting seed = 920907820 > Optimality criterion = maximum parsimony > Character-status summary: > Of 168 total characters: > All characters are of type 'unord' > All characters have equal weight > 47 characters are constant > 11 variable characters are parsimony-uninformative > Number of parsimony-informative characters = 110 > Gaps are treated as "missing" > Starting tree(s) obtained via stepwise addition > Addition sequence: random > Number of replicates = 10 > Starting seed = 223610477 > Number of trees held at each step during stepwise addition = 1 > Branch-swapping algorithm: tree-bisection-reconnection (TBR) > Steepest descent option not in effect > Initial 'MaxTrees' setting = 100 (will be auto-increased by 100) > Branches collapsed (creating polytomies) if maximum branch length is zero > 'MulTrees' option in effect > Topological constraints not enforced > Trees are unrooted > > 500 bootstrap replicates completed > Time used = 00:03:12 (CPU time = 00:03:10.7) ] Translate 1 Bartonella_hens, 2 Mesorhizobium_l, 3 1Schizosaccharo, 4 Zymomonas_mobil, 5 Caulobacter_cre, 6 Mycobacterium_l, 7 Mycobacterium_t, 8 1Streptomyces_c, 9 1Saccharomyces, 10 BNeisseria_meni, 11 ANeisseria_meni, 12 Haemophilus_inf, 13 Homo_sapiens, 14 Mus_musculus, 15 Escherichia_col, 16 Treponema_palli, 17 Borrelia_burgdo, 18 Chlamydia_trach, 19 Chlamydophila_p ; tree PAUP_1 = [&U] (1,2,3,((4,5,(((6,7)100,8)73,9)94,((10,11)99,12)100,(13,14)99,(15,17)58,16)51,(18,19)100)93)0; End;