#NEXUS Begin trees; [Treefile saved Wed Jul 11 17:38:14 2001] [! >Data file = /home/bjorn/bartonella/Glycolysis/Analysis14/E_edd/rednt.nex >Bootstrap method with fast-heuristic search: > Number of bootstrap replicates = 100 > Starting seed = 1070116741 > Optimality criterion = maximum likelihood > 523 characters are excluded > Likelihood settings: > User-specified substitution rate matrix = > - 1 1.803 1 > 1 - 1 1.471 > 1.803 1 - 1 > 1 1.471 1 - > Assumed nucleotide frequencies (set by user): > A=0.27670 C=0.26200 G=0.27290 T=0.18840 > Among-site rate variation: > Assumed proportion of invariable sites = none > Distribution of rates at variable sites = gamma (discrete > approximation) > Shape parameter (alpha) = 0.4876 > Number of rate categories = 4 > Representation of average rate for each category = mean > These settings correspond to the GTR+G model > Number of distinct data patterns under this model = 485 > Molecular clock not enforced > Starting branch lengths obtained using Rogers-Swofford approximation > method > Trees with approximate likelihoods 5% or further from the target score > are rejected without additional iteration > Branch-length optimization = one-dimensional Newton-Raphson with pass > limit=20, delta=1e-06 > -ln L (unconstrained) = unavailable due to missing-data and/or > ambiguities > Starting tree(s) obtained via stepwise addition with random addition sequence > Branch-swapping algorithm: none > Branches collapsed (creating polytomies) if branch length is less than or > equal to 1e-08 > Topological constraints not enforced > Trees are unrooted > > 100 bootstrap replicates completed > Time used = 01:09:16 (CPU time = 00:23:31.0) ] Translate 1 Escherichia_col, 2 Pseudomonas_aer, 3 Zymomonas_mobil, 4 Caulobacter_cre, 5 Rhizobium_melil, 6 Mesorhizobium_l, 7 Bartonella_hens, 8 Agrobacterium_r, 9 1Helicobacter_p, 10 2Helicobacter_p ; tree PAUP_1 = [&U] (7,(1,2,3,4,8,(9,10)100)66,(5,6)80)0; End;