Supporting information for Geiss et al. (2002) Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA, 10.1073/pnas.112338099

Supporting Figure 14

Fig. 14.

Hierarchical clustering results for genes known to be associated with apoptotic pathway. A set of genes known to be associated with apoptosis was created in RESOLVER gene expression data analysis software. Genes were clustered with agglomerative algorithm, complete link heuristic criteria, and correlation without mean subtraction metric. Experiments were not clustered. No statistical filters were applied. The fold change in mRNA levels in influenza virus-infected cells relative to mock-infected cells is represented by red (increased in influenza virus-infected cells) or green (decreased in influenza virus-infected cells) squares. Each square is the result of four measurements per gene per experiment. The color scale indicates the magnitude of increase or decrease in log10 scale. Each vertical column represents an independent infection. From left to right, A549 cells infected with delNS1 virus, cells infected with NS1(1-126 virus), cells infected with wt A/RP/8/34 virus, cells infected with wt A/WSN/33 virus, and cells infected with 1918 NS recombinant virus. Characterized genes are indicated by their HUGO names, and more information and aliases for these genes can be found at GeneCards database (