Supporting information for Adams et al. (2002) Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA, 10.1073/pnas.042694899


Table 4. Mitochondrial genes transferred to the nucleus in six well-studies angiosperms


Genes transferred to the nucleus (source)



(1), rps11 (2), rps14 (3), rps19 (4), rpl2 (5), rpl5 (6), sdh3 (7), sdh4 (7)



(8), rps11 (9), rps14 (10), sdh3 (7), sdh4 (7)



(11), rps10 (12), rps11 (13), rps14 (14), rps19 (15), 3’ rpl2 (5), sdh3 (7), sdh4 (7)



(4), rps11 (16), rps19 (4), 3’ rpl2 (5), sdh3 (7)



(17), rps2 (18), rps11 (19), rps19 (4), 5’ rpl2 (5), 3’ rpl2 (5), sdh3 (7), sdh4 (7)



(4), rps2 (20), rps11 (21), rps14 (22), 3’ rpl2 (5)

1. Adams, K. L., Daley, D. O., Qiu, Y.-L., Whelan, J. & Palmer, J. D. (2000) Nature (London) 408, 354-357.

2. Maize rps11 ESTs: BG840401, BG840804.

3. Figueroa, P., Gómez, I., Holuigue, L., Araya, A. & Jordana, X. (1999) Plant J. 18, 601-609.

4. This study.

5. Adams, K. L., Ong, H. C. & Palmer, J. D. (2001) Mol. Biol. Evol. 18, 2289-2297.

6. Rosenblueth, M., Adams, K. L., & Palmer, J. D., unpublished work.

7. Adams, K. L., Rosenblueth, M., Qiu, Y.-L. & Palmer, J. D. (2001) Genetics 158,1289-1300.

8. Kubo, N., Jordana, X., Ozawa, K., Zanlungo, S., Harada, K., Sasaki, T. & Kadowaki,

K. (2000) Mol. Gen. Genet. 263, 733-739.

9. Kadowaki, K., Kubo, N., Ozawa, K. & Hirai, A. (1996) EMBO J. 15, 6652-6661.

10. Kubo, N., Harada, K., Hirai, A. & Kadowaki, K.-I. (1999) Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 96, 9207-9211.

11. Perrotta, G., Grienenberger, J. M. & Gualberto, J. M. (1998) in Plant Mitochondria: From Gene to Function, eds. Moller, I. M., Gardestrom, P., Glimelius, K., & Glaser, E. (Backhuys, Leiden), pp. 37-41.

12. Wischmann, C. & Schuster, W. (1995) FEBS Lett. 375, 152-156.

13. Genomic contig: AC079041, ESTs: AV540493, H37240, T20755, Z17570.

14. Figueroa, P., Gomez, I., Carmona, R., Holuigue, L., Araya, A. & Jordana, X. (1999) Mol. Gen. Genet. 262, 139-144.

15. Sánchez, H., Fester, T., Kloska, S., Schroder, W. & Schuster, W. (1996) EMBO J. 15, 2138-2149.

16. Cotton rps11 ESTs: AW729002, AI729047, AW730596.

17. Covello, P. S. & Gray, M. W. (1992) EMBO J. 22, 3815-3820.

18. Soybean rps2 EST: BE608649.

19. Soybean rps11 ESTs: AW570324, AW705151, BE330059.

20. Tomato rps2 ESTs: AW615952, AW979425.

21. Tomato rps11 EST: AW094163.

22. Tomato rps14 ESTs: AI488632, AI489600, AI782072, AI898851, AI899394.