Supporting information for Adams et al. (2002) Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA, 10.1073/pnas.042694899
Table 4. Mitochondrial genes transferred to the nucleus in six well-studies angiosperms
Plant | Genes transferred to the nucleus (source) |
Maize | rps10 (1), rps11 (2), rps14 (3), rps19 (4), rpl2 (5), rpl5 (6), sdh3 (7), sdh4 (7) |
Rice | rps10 (8), rps11 (9), rps14 (10), sdh3 (7), sdh4 (7) |
Arabidopsis | rps2 (11), rps10 (12), rps11 (13), rps14 (14), rps19 (15), 3 rpl2 (5), sdh3 (7), sdh4 (7) |
Cotton | rps1 (4), rps11 (16), rps19 (4), 3 rpl2 (5), sdh3 (7) |
Soybean | cox2 (17), rps2 (18), rps11 (19), rps19 (4), 5 rpl2 (5), 3 rpl2 (5), sdh3 (7), sdh4 (7) |
Tomato | rps1 (4), rps2 (20), rps11 (21), rps14 (22), 3 rpl2 (5) |
1. Adams, K. L., Daley, D. O., Qiu, Y.-L., Whelan, J. & Palmer, J. D. (2000) Nature (London) 408, 354-357.
2. Maize rps11 ESTs: BG840401, BG840804.
3. Figueroa, P., Gómez, I., Holuigue, L., Araya, A. & Jordana, X. (1999) Plant J. 18, 601-609.
4. This study.
5. Adams, K. L., Ong, H. C. & Palmer, J. D. (2001) Mol. Biol. Evol. 18, 2289-2297.
6. Rosenblueth, M., Adams, K. L., & Palmer, J. D., unpublished work.
7. Adams, K. L., Rosenblueth, M., Qiu, Y.-L. & Palmer, J. D. (2001) Genetics 158,1289-1300.
8. Kubo, N., Jordana, X., Ozawa, K., Zanlungo, S., Harada, K., Sasaki, T. & Kadowaki,
K. (2000) Mol. Gen. Genet. 263, 733-739.
9. Kadowaki, K., Kubo, N., Ozawa, K. & Hirai, A. (1996) EMBO J. 15, 6652-6661.
10. Kubo, N., Harada, K., Hirai, A. & Kadowaki, K.-I. (1999) Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 96, 9207-9211.
11. Perrotta, G., Grienenberger, J. M. & Gualberto, J. M. (1998) in Plant Mitochondria: From Gene to Function, eds. Moller, I. M., Gardestrom, P., Glimelius, K., & Glaser, E. (Backhuys, Leiden), pp. 37-41.
12. Wischmann, C. & Schuster, W. (1995) FEBS Lett. 375, 152-156.
13. Genomic contig: AC079041, ESTs: AV540493, H37240, T20755, Z17570.
14. Figueroa, P., Gomez, I., Carmona, R., Holuigue, L., Araya, A. & Jordana, X. (1999) Mol. Gen. Genet. 262, 139-144.
15. Sánchez, H., Fester, T., Kloska, S., Schroder, W. & Schuster, W. (1996) EMBO J. 15, 2138-2149.
16. Cotton rps11 ESTs: AW729002, AI729047, AW730596.
17. Covello, P. S. & Gray, M. W. (1992) EMBO J. 22, 3815-3820.
18. Soybean rps2 EST: BE608649.
19. Soybean rps11 ESTs: AW570324, AW705151, BE330059.
20. Tomato rps2 ESTs: AW615952, AW979425.
21. Tomato rps11 EST: AW094163.
22. Tomato rps14 ESTs: AI488632, AI489600, AI782072, AI898851, AI899394.