Supporting information for Pollack et al. (2002) Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA, 10.1073/pnas.162471999.

Supporting Text for Fig. 2

The Region 1 interval (8q21.13–q21.2; Fig. 2) recurrently amplified in the tumors we examined contains the gene TPD52 (tumor protein D52), previously reported overexpressed in breast (1) and lung carcinomas (2), and whose quail homologue was identified as an insertional target leading to increased expression in tumors induced by the avian retrovirus RAV-1 (1). TPD52 lies within the quantitative peak of this amplicon, and parallel microarray measurement of mRNA levels demonstrates that it is also highly expressed when amplified. In the Region 2 interval (8q21.3), NBS1 and CBFAT1 are candidate oncogenes. The Region 3 interval (8q23–24) contains several genes that are highly expressed when amplified, including MYC, ZHX1 (zinc fingers homeoboxes 1), and SQLE (squalene epoxidase). While portions of Region 3 are found to be highly amplified in many breast cancer cell lines and tumors, notably, the smallest common region of amplification contains only the previously identified oncogene MYC, providing strong support for its prime role in mediating the oncogenic consequences of this amplicon.

1. Byrne, J. A., Tomasetto, C., Garnier, J. M., Rouyer, N., Mattei, M. G., Bellocq, J. P., Rio, M. C. & Basset, P. (1995) Cancer Res. 55, 2896–2903.

2. Chen, S. L., Maroulakou, I. G., Green, J. E., Romano-Spica, V., Modi, W., Lautenberger, J. & Bhat, N. K. (1996) Oncogene 12, 741–751.