w1 FIRST: a joint project of the International Relations and Security Network (ISN) and the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute (SIPRI). Facts on International Relations and Security Trends (FIRST), 2002. (accessed 8 Dec 2002).
w2 Arms Transfers Project Team. The SIPRI arms transfers project. Stockholm International Peace Research Institute, 2002. (accessed 8 Dec 2002).
w3 Norwegian Initiative on Small Arms Transfers (NISAT). (accessed 8 Dec 2002).
w4 Project by the International Peace Research Institute Oslo (PRIO). (accessed 8 Dec 2002).
w5 Machel G. Impact of armed conflict on children. Report of Graça Machel expert of the secretary general, 1996. (accessed 8 Dec 2002).
w6 Seybolt Taylor B, Eriksson M. Major armed conflicts, appendix 1A. In: SIPRI yearbook 2002: armaments, disarmaments and international security. Oxford University Press, 2002.
w7 Wallensteen P, Sollenberg M. The Uppsala conflict data project. Department of Peace and Conflict Research, Uppsala University, Uppsala, Sweden, 2001. (accessed 8 Dec 2002).
w8 Global Witness. The role of companies and governments in the Angolan conflict.
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w9 Interview with Johan Peleman. Interviewed by Rick Young, Frontline/World. Sierra Leonegunrunners, May 2002. (accessed 8 Dec 2002).
w10 Amnesty International. Uganda: breaking Gods commands: the destruction of childhood by the Lords Resistance Army, 18 September 1997. Amnesty international index: AFR 59/01/97.
w11 Hartung WD. The Arms Trade Resource Center. The new business of war: small arms and the proliferation of conflict. (accessed 8 Dec 2002).
w12 UN Disarmament Commission. (accessed 8 Dec 2002).
w13 Klare M. Light weapons diffusion and global violence in the post cold war era. In: Singh J, ed. Light weapons and international security. Delhi: Pugwash Conference on Science and Security Affairs, 1996:1-40.
w14 Bureau of Intelligence and Research. Arms flows to central Africa/great lakes, 1999. (accessed 8 Dec 2002).
w15 George S. A fate worse than debt. London: Pelican Books, 1988.
w16 Grimmett RF. Conventional arms transfers to developing nations, 1993-2000. A report for Congress. Congressional Research Service, Library of Congress, 2001. (accessed 8 Dec 2002).
w17 Government of Pakistan, Ministry of Finance. Economic survey 2001-2002. (accessed 8 Dec 2002).
w18 Interview with Tom Ofcansky. Interviewed by Rick Young, Frontline/World. Sierra Leonegunrunners, May 2002. (accessed 8 Dec 2002).
w19 Gilson D. Ukraine: cashing in on illegal arms. Frontline/World. Sierra Leonegunrunners, May 2002.
w20 Louise C. Societal impact of light weapons: availability and proliferation. New York: United Nations Research Institute for Social Development, 1994. (accessed 11 Dec 2002).
w21 Conventional Arms Branch of the UN Department for Disarmament Affairs. Small arms and light weapons. (accessed 8 Dec 2002).
w22 Small arms survey 2002: counting the human cost. Geneva: Graduate Institute of International Studies, 2002. (accessed 11 Dec 2002).
w23 Amnesty International. In the firing line: war and childrens rights. London: Amnesty International, 1999.
w24 Annan K. Foreword. In: Small arms survey 2002: counting the human cost. Geneva: Graduate Institute of International Studies, 2002. (accessed 11 Dec 2002).
w25 Rana S. Small arms and IntraState conflicts. New York: United Nations Institute for Disarmament Research, 1995. (Paper 34.)
w26 Annan K. Small arms, big problems. UN conference on the illicit trade in small arms and light weapons in all its aspects. New York, July 2001. (accessed 8 Dec 2002).
w27 UN Security Council. Small arms. Report of the Secretary-General, 20 September 2002. Press release S/2002/1053.
w28 United States Mission to the European Union. US-EU statement of common principles on small arms and light weapons. Brussels, Belgium, 17 December 1999. (accessed 8 Dec 2002).
w29 International Action Network on Small Arms. Founding document. (accessed 8 Dec 2002).
w30 UN General Assembly. Illicit traffic in small arms. Report of the Secretary-General. New York: United Nations, 2002. (Paper A/55/323.)
w31 Oxfam. A safer future: reducing the human cost of war, 1997. (accessed 10 Dec 2002).
w32 Terror Trade Times. Arms flyers in Africa. Amnesty International 2001. (accessed 8 Dec 2002).
w33 Carnegie Corporation of New York. Preventing deadly conflict. Executive summary of the final report of the Carnegie commission on preventing deadly conflict. New York: Carnegie Corporation, 1997.
w34 Small arms, big problems. UN conference on the illicit trade in small arms and light weapons in all its aspects. New York, July 2001. (accessed 8 Dec 2002).
w35 Krug E. World report on violence and health. Geneva: WHO Department of Injuries and Violence Prevention, 1999. (WHO/HSC/PVI/99.11.)
w36 Southall DP, Abbasi K. Protecting children from armed conflict. BMJ 1998;316:1549-50.
w37 Plunkett MCB, Southall DP. War and children. Arch Dis Childhood 1998;78:72-7.
w38 Southall DP, McMaster P, McMaster H, Plunkett M. Strategies to protect children from the effects of war. Int Child Health 1995;6:111-6.
w39 Food and Agricultural Organization of the United Nations. The nutritional impact of armed conflicts on children. New York: United Nations, 1996.
w40 Brett R, McCallin M, OShea R. Children: the invisible soldiers. A report on the participation of children in armed conflicts for the UN study on the impact of armed conflict on children. Quaker UN Office Geneva and ICCB, 1996 main/listhardcopy.php?pid=115 (accessed 10 Dec 2002).
w41 Coalition to Stop the Use of Child Soldiers. Stop using child soldiers. London: Rädda Barnan on behalf of the International Save The Children Alliance, 1998.
w42 United Nations High Commission for Refugees. The state of the worlds refugees: a humanitarian agenda. Oxford University Press, 1997.
w43 World disasters report. Geneva: International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies, 1997:23.
w44 Humanitarian impacts. In: Small arms survey 2002: counting the human cost. Geneva: Graduate Institute of International Studies, 2002:173.
w45 Green RH. The course of the four horsemen: the costs of war and its aftermath in sub-Saharan Africa. In: Macrae J, Zwi A, eds. War and hunger. London: Zed Books and Save the Children Fund, 1994.
w46 United Nations High Commission for Refugees. Asylum seekers, refugees and others of concern to UNHCR by country of asylum, end 2001. (accessed 8 Dec 2002).
w47 Unicef. The state of the worlds children 2000. New York: Unicef, 2000.
w48 Maternal mortality statistics by region and by country, 1995. Estimates by WHO, Unicef and UN Population Fund. (accessed 8 Dec 2002).
w49 Hartung WD, Moix B. Deadly legacy: U.S. arms to Africa and the Congo war. Arms Trade Resource Center, World Policy Institute, 2002. (accessed 8 Dec 2002).
w50 Arias O. Stopping Americas most lethal exports. New York Times 1999 June 23.
w51 Aandstad SA, Langvandslien M, Lumpe L. Small arms database: production, transfers, policy and legislation. Norwegian Initiative on Small Arms Transfers, 2002. (accessed 8 Dec 2002).
w52 Lumpe L, Donarski J. Ways and means. In: The arms trade revealed: a guide for investigators and activists. Arms Sales Monitoring Project, 1998. (accessed 8 Dec 2002).
w53 Excess defence articles. Defence Security Cooperation Agency, 2002. (accessed 8 Dec 2002).
w54 USA laws and policies relating to exports.
w55 August 2, 2002 United States Efforts to Undermine the International Criminal Court. (accessed 8 Dec 2002).
w56 Unicef. Convention on the Rights of the Child.
w57 Norton-Taylor R. Special report: the arms trade. Britain leads with cash to curb illegal weapons. Guardian 2001 July 12.,10674,520313,00.html (accessed 8 Dec 2002).
w58 Oxfam. UK controls: transparency. Accountability: what weapons, where and when? (accessed 8 Dec 2002).
w59 Peter Bachelor commenting on the small arms survey ( ), 12 October 2000. Reported in: Hartung WD. The Arms Trade Resource Center. The new business of war: small arms and the proliferation of conflict. (accessed 8 Dec 2002).
w60 Robin Cooks speech on the governments ethical foreign policy: the speech by Robin Cook that started it all. Guardian 1997 May 12.,2763,192031,00.html (accessed 8 Dec 2002).
w61 EU Code of Conduct for Arms Exports, 8 June 1998. (accessed 8 Dec 2002).
w62 Biggs D. UN contribution to the process. In: Small arms control: the need for coordination. Disarmament Forum 2. Geneva: United Nations Institute for Disarmament Research, 2000. (accessed 10 December 2002).
w63 The arms sales monitoring project of the Federation of American Scientists. Nobel Laureates International Code of Conduct and the Framework Convention on International Arms Transfers. (accessed 8 Dec 2002).
w64 The arms trade: an introductory briefing. Campaign Against Arms Trade, September 2001. (accessed 8 Dec 2002).
w65 Oxford Research Group and Saferworld. The subsidy trap. London: Saferworld, 3 July 2001. (accessed 11 Dec 2002).
w66 Studies to encourage economic regeneration in areas dependent on the arms industry in Bulgaria and Ukraine and to examine lines of financing for illicit weapons trafficking. Foreign and Commonwealth Office Small arms proliferation (accessed 10 Dec 2002).
w67 Mozambique News Agency. AIM reports: weapons destroyed, 1998. (accessed 8 Dec 2002).
w68 Coalition for the International Criminal Court.
w69 United Nations Convention Against Transnational Organized Crime, 2001. (accessed 8 Dec 2002).