Supplementary material for Ramagopal et al. (2001) Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 98 (3), 870–874. (10.1073/pnas.031442998)

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Fig. 10. A support figure for Fig. 3A. Only the atoms involved in weak interaction(s) (Table 1) are shown. Dotted lines (colored green and mauve) represent C-HLO hydrogen bonds between the two helices. N-H...p interaction is represented by a blue dotted line (Table 2). Thin lines (green) with the corresponding values (4.62 Å, 4.96 Å) are the distances between the Ca atoms of the two DPhe residues stacking one above the other and belong to two shape-complement helices. These distances highlight the extent of intercalation of the side chains belonging to two shape-complement helices.