Supporting information for Haydar et al. (2003) Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA, 10.1073/pnas.0437969100
Movie 1.
A single optical section 125 mm deep within a SYTO 82-stained coronal organotypic slice was imaged for 11.5 h. This slice was stained immediately after sectioning and was placed directly on the microscope. There is a resulting lag in activity for the first hour due to the cold temperatures and the shock of sectioning. After this block in activity, numerous cell divisions occur at the bottom of the slice at the ventricular surface. In addition, many VZ cells can be seen undergoing interkinetic nuclear migration down to the ventricular surface before division. Interestingly, this downward migration occurs much more rapidly than the abventricular return of cells into the S-phase zone. This bimodal rate of nuclear migration suggests that the descent of cells to the ventricle during G2 phase is an active process whereas ascent of nuclei after division may be passive and due to displacement of subsequently dividing cells.