Supporting information for Wiltshire et al. (2003) Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA, 10.1073/pnas.01300101100

Supporting Table 2

Table 2.

Single-nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) assays were tested against the BSB (B6 ´ Spretus) mapping panel. A genetic map was derived from the genotyping data by using MAPMANAGER QTX. For the BSB data set genotyping data have been deposited at The F2/recombinant inbred map (Table 1) lacks the resolution of the BSB map, because many markers are specific to one strain combination and only 132 markers link throughout the complete set. Only the order, and not genetic distance, as determined by the genetic map is given for these markers. All markers were also mapped against the Celera and Ensembl genomic sequence assembly. Discrepancies between the orders of the markers on the genetic and physical maps are indicated. Orange represents instances where one of the genomic assemblies disagrees with the other assembly and the genetic map, red is used when both of the assemblies show different positions than the genetic map, and blue indicates when marker sequences could not be found in the genomic assemblies. When a genomic assembly indicates a position on a different chromosome than the genetic map, the assembly chromosome is also indicated in the "Position" column. SNP ID is a Genomics Institute of the Novartis Research Foundation (GNF)-generated nomenclature. Accession numbers are a combination of internal numbers (e.g., 01.195.375), GenBank accession numbers, or Whitehead Institute accession numbers (e.g., 17.MMHAP66FLF2). Some sequence fragments were used to design more than one assay, so sometimes an accession number is represented more than once.