Table A Studies excluded from systematic review
Table B Prevalence of Helicobacter pylori in patients with gastro-oesphageal reflux disease and those in the comparator group
Details of searches for studies of Helicobacter pylori prevalence in gastro-oesophageal reflux disease
Medline, Embase, Cinahl, and Cochrane (controlled trials register and database of systematic reviews) were searched using broad search strategies to identify all studies and trials determining the prevalence of Helicobacter pylori in gastro-oesophageal reflux disease. Searches were run from 1983 for Medline and Cinahl and from 1988 for Embase until May 2000. A final search of Medline and Embase was undertaken in November 2001.
ASR handsearched Gut, Gastroenterology, British Medical Journal, Lancet, New England Journal of Medicine and Alimentary Pharmacology and Therapeutics from 1998. In addition, APSH and AR routinely reviewed the content of major gastroenterological and general medical journals for the year up until the end of October 2001. AR also contacted members of the Cochrane Upper Digestive and Pancreatic Group, editors of Alimentary Pharmacology and Therapeutics and Gut as well as experts in the specialty of H pylori and gastro-oesophageal reflux disease.
We also reviewed the bibliographies of retrieved papers for relevant studies not identified by the database and handsearching. Astra Zeneca, Wyeth, and Abbott were also contacted for any data on studies that had been published or were unpublished and in their archives.
Terms for prevalence of H pylori in gastro-oesophageal reflux disease
MeSH search terms
Gastro-oesophageal reflux disease and H pylori related
helicobacter pylori
gastroesophageal reflux
esophageal stenosis
barrett esophagus
esophageal neoplasms
Embase subject headings
campylobacter pyloridis
barrett esophagus
esophagus cancer
esophagus carcinoma
esophagus metastasis
esophagus tumor
reflux esophagitis
gastroesophageal reflux
esophagus stricture
Textword search terms
helicobacter pylori
Campylobacter pyloridis
Campylobacter pylori
gastro AND oesophageal
gastro AND esophageal
gastro-oesophageal reflux disease
esophagitis OR oesophagitis
esophageal OR oesophageal
esophagus OR oesophagus
neoplasm OR neoplasms
cancer OR cancers
Selection criteria
Any relation or association between H pylori and oesophageal diseasethat is, Barretts oesophagus, oesophageal cancer, reflux oesophagitis, gastro-oesophageal reflux disease. Such a relation could be mediated through a "third party,"for example, proton pump inhibitor treatment.
Study type
Systematic review
Randomised controlled trial
Any other type of clinical trial
Case controlled study
Cohort study (retrospective or prospective)
Cost analysis study based on the above types of study
Biomedical or biological study (human, animal, biochemical, genetic, etc.)
Qualitative research study
We discarded the following study types or publication types:
Case report
Personal literature review
Expert opinion
Consensus report (unless based on selected types of study)
Selection has been an iterative process. Database records were reviewed independently by both ASR and SC. Disagreements were discussed and a consensus reached. Complete articles were obtained for items that passed the selection criteria or for items where there was not enough information in the database record to make a decision. RG then reviewed the full articles against the selection criteria for a second time.
Experts contacted for systematic review
Dr H H Tsai (United Kingdom), Professor P Malfertheiner (Germany), Dr A G Fraser (New Zealand) Professor J Labenz (Germany), Dr N Murai (Japan), Dr N Vakil (United States), Professor K Haruma (Japan), Professor B Tepes (Slovenia).
Table A Studies excluded from systematic review
References | Type of study | Participants | Outcomes and results | Reasons for exclusion |
Schenk et al 19997 | Cohort, prospective | Cases: >grade 1 oesophagits, Barretts oesophagus, and hiatus hernia | H pylori prevalence in cases 39/88 (44%). No separate prevalence data on different categories | No control group |
Cheng et al 19899 | Descriptive | Cases: patients undergoing paired biopsies of distal oesophagus and gastric antrum during endoscopy | H pylori prevalence in cases 11/27 (41%) | No control or comparator group |
McCallum et al 199213 [abstract] | Case-control | Cases: reflux disease (all positive on Bernsteins test). Controls: asymptomatic, healthy, volunteers | H pylori prevalence in cases 13/21 (60%) and in controls 1/20 (5%) | Control group did not meet eligibility and quality criteria. Wide difference in mean age between cases and controls (50:30). Numbers too small in each group |
Abbas et al 199521 | Case-control, retrospective | Cases: uncomplicated oesophagitis. Controls: Barretts oesphagus | H pylori prevalence in cases 18/29 (62%) and in comparator 14/29 (48%) | Comparator group inappropriate for this systematic review |
Oberg et al 199922 | Descriptive and retrospective | Cases: oesophagitis, Barretts oesophagus, and negative reflux disease on endoscopy | H pylori prevalence in cases 27/189 (14%). No separate prevalence data on different categories | No control group |
Sekiguchi et al 199623 | Descriptive | Cases: oesophagitis, grades 1-4 | H pylori prevalence in cases 6/21 (29%). In grades 1 and 2 prevalence was 6/12 (50%) and in grades 3 and 4 it was 0/9 (0%) | No control group. Presence of reflux disease negative on endoscopy in controls could not be excluded |
Macchiarelli et al 199824 | Descriptive, retrospective, prevalence | Retrospective preselection of cases presenting with typical symptoms of gastro-oesophageal reflux disease who had undergone both endoscopy and 24 hour pH studies | H pylori prevalence in patients divided into reflux (12/20, 60%) and non-reflux (6/23, 26%) groups based on abnormal and normal ph-metry results | Number of cases and comparator too small. Peptic ulcer exclusion not stated |
Velanovich 199525 | Prospective, cohort | Cases: oesophagitis and oesophageal ulcers. Controls: normal endoscopy, some had heartburn as symptoms | H pylori prevalence in cases 37% and in controls 17%. No data on number of cases and controls | Control group did not meet eligibility and quality criteria. Presence of reflux disease negative on endoscopy in controls could not be excluded. No numerical data on actual number of cases and controls with gastro-oesophageal reflux disease |
Yerra et al 199926 | Case-control | Cases: all grades of oesophagitis. Controls: non-ulcer dyspepsia | H pylori prevalence in cases 20/30 (66%) and controls 19/30 (63%) | Control group did not meet eligibility and quality criteria |
OConnor and Cunnane 199427 | Cohort, prospective | Cases: oesophagitis, Barretts oesophagus, and hiatus hernia | Overall H pylori prevalence (50/93, 54%). Age-cohort effect, with maximum prevalence in sixth decade, then tapering off. H pylori prevalence in patients with oesophagitis grade 1, 22/42 (52%), grade 2, 13/25 (52%), grade 3, 6/11 (54%), and grade 4, 8/15 (53%) | No control group |
Kuipers et al 199328 | Longitudinal, cohort | Cases: severe oesophagitis | H pylori prevalence in cases 26/51 (51%) | No control group |
Ho and Kang 199929 | Prospective, cohort | Cases: erosive oesophagitis and negative reflux disease on endoscopy. Controls: reflux symptoms, normal endoscopy | H pylori prevalence in cases 9/22 (43%) and controls 17/30, (53%). No separate prevalence data for categories | Control group did not meet eligibility and quality criteria. Presence of reflux disease negative on endoscopy in controls could not be excluded |
Bate et al 199830 | Cohort, prospective (eradication study) | Case: all grades (0-4) of oesophagitis. Negative reflux disease on endoscopy based on symptoms and normal endoscopy | H pylori prevalence in cases 62/153 (34%). No individual prevalence data for patients with reflux disease negative on endoscopy and oesophagitis provided | No control group |
Berstad et al 199731 | Longitudinal, prospective cohort | Cases: preselected grades 1 and 2 oesophagitis | H pylori prevalence in cases 44/90 (49%) | No control group |
Cooper and Gearty 199132 | Case-control, retrospective | Cases: Barretts oesophagus, Controls: oesophagitis | H pylori prevalence in patients with Barretts oesophagus 14/26 (54%) and oesophagitis 11/30 (37%) | Control group inappropriate for this systematic review |
Warburton-Timms et al 200133 | Descriptive, retrospective, prevalence | Unselected cohort of patients attending for routine endoscopy in 1986 | Overall H pylori prevalence 663/1485 (45%). H pylori prevalence in patients with oesophagitis 120/312 (38%) and without oesophagitis 543/1172 (46%) | No control or preselected comparator group. No data on symptoms. Gastro-oesophageal reflux disease cannot be excluded with certainty in patients without oesophagitis from available information |
Koike et al 200134 | Case-control, prospective | Patients were self referred and referred by doctor. Cases: patients with reflux oesophagitis. Controls: age-sex matched, randomly selected, who visited the hospital, were asymptomatic, and had normal endoscopy result | H pylori prevalence in cases 36/105 (34%) and controls 80/105 (72%) | Large overlap of patients between this study and study published in 1999. |
Table B Prevalence of Helicobacter pylori in patients with gastro-oesphageal reflux disease and those in the comparator group
First author (country, year) reference | |||
Csendes (Chile, 1997)36 | |||
Newton (United Kingdom, 1997)46 | |||
Pieramico (Italy, 2000)47 | |||
Gisbert (Spain, 2001)39 | |||
Hackelsberger (Germany, 1998)41 | |||
Manes (Italy, 1999)44 | |||
Vaezi (United States, 2000)50 | |||
El-Serag (United States, 1999)37 | |||
Goldblum (United States, 1998)40 | |||
Varanasi (United States, 1998)51 | |||
Liston (United Kingdom, 1996)43 | |||
Vicari (United States, 1998)52 | |||
Schubert (United States, 1999)48 | |||
Fallone (Canada, 2000)38 | |||
Werdmuller (Holland, 1997)10 | |||
Shirota (Japan, 1999)49 | |||
Wu (Hong Kong, 1999)53 | |||
Mihara (Japan, 1996)45 | |||
Haruma (Japan, 2000)42 | |||
Koike (Japan, 1999)35 |